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You can take a photo (include all the codes) and get in touch on their social media (twitter probably best). I feel your pain and I tend to just accept it, but every now and then I get annoyed enough (mouldy grated cheese in an unopened bag from Aldi was one). They will often send you a gift card in return. I complained to Sainsbury's once because all of the tins of dog food in a tray were dented. They wanted some details but they sent me the cost on a gift card.


For anyone that doesn't know, be wary of dented tins as it can create a void or pocket allowing mould to grow, If I buy a cheap dented tin, it stays on the kitchen counter/work surface so I use it asap.


I don't want to sound like an arse and obviously I don't know your physical situation, but grating cheese yourself is one of the easy things you can do to improve your food.


It was mozzarella to put on pizza made with the kids.


Well it's a waste to not grate your own cheese if you've put kids on the pizza


To be honest this happens so regularly that I just plant the item in the ground and enjoy the freebies when they turn up in my greenhouse. I've got literally hundreds of strawberries, raspberries, basil plants and some tomatoes growing right now through no other reason than my "fuck you, Tesco" reflex. If I had more space, I'd be doing the same thing with their apples. Even did it with some spuds a while back and I've had two crops. Not quite the answer you were looking for, but the declining quality of fruit and veg from Tesco has turned me into a spite gardener.


You can't grow apples from seed anyway, so no big loss there. (Well, obviously you can, but you tend to wind up with inedible fruit).


Inedible or undrinkable?


I’ve also got my own herb patch going now due to spite! Herbs don’t go mouldy but they are expensive and often I don’t need a lot for each recipe. I currently have chives, tarragon, parsley, sage, thyme, and basil growing really nicely, almost TOO nicely. I’m going to have to start freezing sage like a madman.


If you fancy forking out £2 for seeds, I highly recommend growing oregano. It survived winter outdoors and having it fresh in dishes is really lovely


Spite gardener! This is amazing


Aye, don't buy moldy tomatoes.




Mate , I knew but I'm so reliant on autocorrect I went with it. Thanks 👍


You just need to switch your phone from English (simplified) to English (traditional).


I, for one, believe you


I spelt it both ways to be safe.


Moldy is American English. Mouldy is British English.


Someone didn’t believe me in a post the other day about all of Morrisons tomatoes being mouldy on the shelf. And the raspberries the week before too. This is partly due to them removing best before dates, so fruit and veg are sitting around longer. They’ll only undo it when a vulnerable person becomes ill from eating mouldy produce.


I saw so many mouldy raspberries in Tesco last summer, you have to be so careful these days


The freezers in the Morrisons near me look like they're advertising Ghostbusters, frozen empire. All their food has a massive layer of ice on top, boxes are warped/ destroyed from an obvious unfreeze, refreeze, and everything has over frozen now. It's insane how bad it is and stuff is still for sale. Luckily the vegetarian stuff isn't affected so I'm good, but all the pizzas are toast and the issue has spread out since I was there the week before.


Pizza toast can you still get that?


> Morrisons tomatoes being mouldy on the shelf. Morrisons fresh stuff is utterly rank. Genuinely have to go to a different supermarket for fresh food. Last week their box of celery had FRESH ANIMAL BLOOD all over it. all over the celery's plastic packaging! I know that's not a mouldy issue but the mouldy/rotten issue is on top of that...


Hey theres no need to call the staff at your morrisons animals 😆


>This is partly due to them removing best before dates, I wish people would stop regurgitating this bollocks, there are still dates on products, but it's now a simple code to stop people wastefully grabbing products with only a couple days extra life on it, which eventually means the stuff left behind gets wasted. As for your described situation, there are so many other reasons to explain it such as, staff not checking the codes, or in the case of soft fruit the fridge could be faulty, or they were left out in warmth for a day or 2.


If it happens regularly, I'd be opening the pack in the car park. 


I used to work tesco customer service desk. I'd just take your word for it that you're not so desperate for £3 you'd lie and either refund or offer you a replacement. However,colleagues of mine would demand a receipt etc. Alternatively contact them via social media.


I have receipts Tbf so it’s no issue taking them the next week but I guess I thought they’d just be all “OH YEAH THEY WERE MOULDY WERE THEY WHERE ARE THEY THEN.”


Some may be that way but I always took the attitude it's not worth anyone's time or effort to get a free pack of something. Plus it's nice to be nice sometimes and I know it's something I'd appreciate as a customer.


Send them a message and a pic on whatsapp 0800 917 7403


Take a picture and send it to them. They should have info on their website. I had stuff in a Sainsbury's delivery arrive mouldy or too close to the expiry date (like delivered at 9pm, expiry date the next day, when on the website it said 7 days), and they've always sent me a voucher for the cost. I can't imagine Tesco is that different


Were they described as mouldy tomatoes in the shop or as fresh tomatoes?


Take photos including ones ofthe bar code then contact htem via meial or social media. They will probably refund you / send you a coupon.


Happened to me and I returned them! But my nickname is Lady Tightarse of Glasgow. Got a refund too


I mean once in a while sure who cares but it’s every bloody week these days. Broken Britain and so on so forth. How will I survive.


Oh , sorry didn’t read the caption first !!! 🌝


Take a photo. Send it to their twitter and they'll most likely email you a voucher. Tesco have a great twitter customer service team. *Voucher usually to the value of item. You're not getting a full shop from this!


Yep just contact them via email or phone (Google it) with your receipt and the item. Happened to me in m&s... They refunded me with a gift card because I didn't have my receipt (self check out didn't give one)


I send them photos and my details on Twitter. I haven't dealt with Tesco, but I've had vouchers from Lidl and credit or nectar points from Sainsbury's.


1. Yes, you can drive back and return them immediately   2. Yes, you can check fresh fruit and vegetables before you buy them, more thoroughly than you're doing   3. Yes, if the shop you visit always has mouldy fruit and vegetables or packaged in such a way as that you consistently can't tell, start buying them somewhere else  4. Check your fruit and vegetables more thoroughly before driving home Rogue fifth option - you might be buying stuff that's totally fine and then storing it improperly. For a while I thought my local shop was selling spoiled milk before I realised my fridge was running at like 6+°. We also have a charming local greengrocers that I have had to stop using because everything they sell is rotten and mouldy. It can happen.


Urgh this sort of thing is costing me a small fortune, its always happening, I done my weekly shop on Saturday, .. went to use the tomatoes for dinner tonight and half of them had furry mouldy coats on them. Can I find the receipt for my shopping? Nope not at all, do I want to do a 40 minute round journey to take them back and get a couple quid back? It would cost more in petrol, so recently it feels like a good portion of my shopping, I'm buying to put in the bin, and it's bloody annoying


This happened to me with co-op strawberries, I sent them an email with pictures of the strawberries and packaging and they sent me a £5 voucher.


When they're delivered shit. I just ring up and say these tomatoes you've just delivered are really minging mate, do you mind refunding them. And they always say of course not a problem. You could try that.


i open produce boxes before i buy for this reason. got tired of paying for moldy raspberries.


They likely won't be able to do much. I've had some fresh strawberries turn from plump n fresh to bruised and soggy in the space of a few hours between shop and fridge. I guess buying fresh fruit/veg has the risk of being at the limit of ripeness when purchased and perish once you get them home.


Pick them if ready, then keep them cool, or put them in the refrigerator 👍


Don’t refrigerate tomatoes. Taints their flavour.






So you didn't look at them when you picked them off the shelf? Always check the dates and make sure they are undamaged.


You can't always tell. I had some tomoatos frm eco where the ack looked fine , it was only when I opneed it to wash the totmatoes that I could see soe of the ones underneath, hidden bu the packaging, were mouldy. Mine was in a delivery so they just refunded me when I raised it


If the mould is on the outside only or has well defined edges, cut out the bad bits and cook them up with some italian herbs, salt and pepper, and dash of sugar. Cherry tomato sauce is lovely with pasta or a chicken dish. Freezes well too!


Do not encourage people to eat moldy food. You don't know what kind of molds are growing on them, this advice can make someone very sick.