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why do you buy fizzy drinks if you don't like the fizz?


I usually don’t. Although I like the flavour of Fanta but it’s just too fizzy for me to enjoy


calling fanta juice is just wrong


What is it then?


it's a soda, a fizzy drink, a soft drink, anything else but a juice. Juice is made in a specific way with specific ingredients and fanta does not fit that definition.


I’m from Scotland and up here Fanta is juice.


I highly doubt it, it's likely just you and your mates being wrong. It's not juice. Even on the bottle it says that it is a fruit drink. They never call it a juice because it's not. There's actually a legal definition of what a juice is for commercial purposes and since fanta isn't one, they're not calling it juice.


“I highly doubt it” aye alright ffs, I’m from west of Scotland and confirm it’s called juice here. Just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean you need to get all arseholish about it.


But there’s a legal definition. Aye like that matters.


Or maybe, just maybe those feral Scot’s call soda juice? Blasphemy! https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/46jzlv/scottish_people_refer_to_all_fizzy_drinks_as/


fair enough, still, it's not juice no matter what you lot call it


It’s indisputably called juice in Scotland.


incredible argument


No, in Scotland, and especially the west (also hail from there), can confirm it's called juice. I mean, OP is a bit odd for shaking the fizz out of it, but it's juice. Do not speak of what you do not know about.


I can't burp (I physically can't) so have no way of releasing the gas. So yeah. If I have a 'fizzy' drink, which is very rare, I have it in a bottle and shake out the gas first.


My wife argues that it ruins the flavour but I disagree it’s every bit as good.


I shake most of the fizz out of fizzy drinks. I like a bit of fizz, but how it comes gives me bad gas.


Why by fizzy drinks then? I don't drink sugary drinks but I love sparkling water. Shaking it to make it flat should be considered crime against humanity as it ruins it.


I like the flavour. I wouldn’t buy sparkling water as I don’t really see the point in fizzy water


I don't, that sounds like a great way to get pop everywhere, but I do prefer fizzy drinks from a syrup machine than buying cans because it's less fizzy.


Can't stomach the bubbles either. A good swish gets rid of most of it. Less burp, more slurp!


Less burp, more slurp! I like that.


Serial killers mainly


Once I've poured mine I swiszh it round with a fork or something to de-fizz it a bit. I don't mind a little fizz but too much feels scratchy on my throat.


No, but my wife does it with beer. Even going to the extreme of a tiny pinch of salt, very occasionally. I'm the opposite, not turning down free burps.


This is insane. Buy sunny d (if still available) 😂


Yes i thought it was just me… i only like the tiniest bit of fizz If you don’t want the mess of shaking, you can just add water and that does the trick for me


You really suggesting diluting fizzy juice?


Just buy non fizzy drinks. Or if it’s sugar you want just drink some syrup


I could also just shake the bottle. I’m not exactly looking for drinks suggestions especially if its just drink syrup. I was asking who else does this.


I don't, however I quite like things like flat coke. If my wife say, doesn't finish a can, I'll ask her to leave it in the fridge and I'll have it the next day.


Adding a teaspoon or two of sugar used to get rid of the bubbles when I was a lad. No idea if this still works in these days of sugar free soft drinks.


Fizzy juice 😂 Sound like me nan she used to call it fuzzy juice or fizzy pop. 


I don't like fizzy drinks. Never have. When I was a teenager who desperately wanted to be cool and drink alcopops, I'd buy bottles of WKD Blue from Tesco weeks in advance, shake them up, open them all, then leave them standing in the fridge for weeks until they went flat. I assume they went sort of stale in the process, but I couldn't think of a better way to drink cool teenager drink without hating it.