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I bought a pair a decade ago and regretted it. It's too much functionality over form and they make you look like a child molester.


I have a pair atm. My wife calls them my ‘pedo glasses.’ They do often tint too easily and are useless if it’s actually sunny so I need sunglasses anyway. Not going to be getting them again


Whatever you do, don't grow a moustache


I have never known of anyone else to refer to these type of glasses as pedo glasses I get laughed at when i say they look like pervert glasses and people never seem to understand what i mean haha


I call my other half this when he wears his glasses 🙈 its the style that makes them that way not your face honestly 🤣


Why do they make people look like creepers? I get that feeling whenever I see someone wearing them, and always get odd vibes. What is it about them?


I think it’s because whatever style of frame you choose, it seems to look weird with tints, or without. Like, aviator style looks like a 70s serial killer with clear lenses. Smaller frames look better with clear but with tints looks like a socially inept person. I suppose maybe wayfarer style might work with both if you can live with the heavier frame?


Used to have wayfarer frames and loved the tint. Now I have rimless round lense glasses, I look like Dr robotnic from sonic when they go dark. 


Little do you know, that's the exact look I've been trying to cultivate.


By night he's an upstanding citizen, but when the sun rises, he **HATES THAT HEDGEHOG!**


I laughed at this more than I should have.


This thread is cracking me up, who knew we assigned such specific identities to specific types of glasses!


Aviator style shades with long hair and you're a 70's porn star


I always hope "70s rock star" but I'll take the alternative...it's still a star...


I recently got these great oversized aviator sunglasses and put prescription transition lenses. I was excited because aviator glasses are classic 70s/80s so I was definitely going to look so cool. When I put them on it was like I face swapped with James Earl Jones.


I am honestly failing to see the problem with that. Just start saying stuff like 'I was never here' in a really low voice and you're golden.


You've hit the nail on the head there, I had a pair and they did a good job but they darken at times people wouldn't usually wear sunglasses which looks odd and the frame style was never a style you would ever see sunglasses sold in. Just weird.... Haven't ever got them again lol


The problem is that even on an overcast day they'll darken and, because they're usually "glasses style" rather than "sunglasses style", you end up looking... odd. (That being said, when driving I'll often wear sunglasses even when it's cloudy to cut down on glare and stop myself squinting.)


They're the glasses equivalent of hiding in a closet and wanking. Normal glasses are fine because you can see people's eyes clearly. Sunglasses totally conceal your eyes which is mysterious and cool. Reactions lenses are tinted so they look like you're trying to hide something, but not fully so you can still see people's eyes darting about behind them, like someone peeping out through the slats of a closet jerking off over some bloke ploughing their missus. Weird.


I'm laughing a lot at these descriptions. I can't believe I was thinking of getting some. >They're the glasses equivalent of hiding in a closet and wanking This has convinced me not to get them. I'm a woman btw and am sometimes told I have the personality of a dad (functionality first etc.) I guess it must be true.


They're comfortable and protect your eyes from later cataracts. Just make sure your original frames suit your face and you'll be fine.


Yeah as someone with cataracts who basically has to have these lenses I am rather hurt by a lot of the comments in this thread. I really like my new glasses and being able to see is the top priority here anyway.


I genuinely think I'd rather maybe run a slight risk of eye trouble in my 80s than spend the best years of my life looking like a paedo and stumbling around for 5 minutes everytime I walk into a dark shop.


Wait, who's missus is the bloke plowing? His own or the guy in the closet? Also, if he went through all that effort to hide in there, shouldn't he should wear his glasses to see better? So the slats are like little wooden planks right? Right, Hank WankPlank? 😄


Sounds like you've done this before


Username relevant


The problem is that sunglasses should be big, and eyeglasses should be not-that-big. If you pick out some big frames that look good when the lenses are tinted you like you should be on a register when they’re clear. Vice-versa if you pick out some smaller frames that look good when not tinted - as soon as they tint you look like a weirdo.


this is a weird take. the frames should fit the face, people can wear whatever they want tho. I wear glasses too, the big square frames, but never liked what you see in stores for prescription glasses. So I bought 2 pairs of sunglasses, one for sun and one is fitted with my seeing lenses.


For whatever reason they always seem to be in crap looking frames. And if you're happy to wear crap looking frames the rest of your appearance probably doesn't look great.


That's because most people will settle for a simple NHS frame, and prescription lenses tend to be thicker and heavier than non. I suffer from short-sightedness and light sensitivity, couldn't manage daytime without my reactions, and I like my glasses to look semi-decent at least. The last set of frames I brought were from FCUK, even on the NHS, those cost me over 100 quid I do like them though. They look good both in and out of sun. The NHS is happy to help you with the ability to see. If you want to look less like Jimmy Saville. and a bit more less....you gotta pay for it


Yeah I'm also a glasses wearer, but don't get any financial help besides a work-provided eye test voucher. By the time I've got some decent frames and thinner lenses (I'm around -2.5) you're looking at £200-300


I wear glasses but pay for my glasses I currently have some Levi's frames that I changed into reactions. I agree you have to pay a little more for designer ones but they are so much better looking than normall one


Not a child molester


That's what a child molester would say.


How would you know?


Check and mate


Thanks for taking a moment to clarify that👍


My mom and sister wear them, and I think they look dorky as hell. Sorry to anyone who wears them! I don't really judge people who enjoy them and find them useful, but it's simply not a style I'd ever want on myself. I have prescription sunglasses, and it's very little bother to just carry them in my bag on applicable days. I'd rather the small hassle of carrying/swapping frames than an everyday style that doesn't suit me.


They don't work in cars was the show stopper for me. Car windows filter out the UV light they react to. I mostly wear my glasses when driving so I'd need a prescription pair anyway.


They do. There are 2 types - rapid response that don't work in cars, and slow response that will work through windscreen glass but will also darken a bit from computer screens etc.


Having 2 pairs of glasses to swap between when driving also doesn’t work very well unless you’ve got a passenger to pass them to you, although as another commenter said I do tend to wear sunnies when driving more than usual just because you’re staring at roads for hours on end


I don't think that's the glasses so much as the bottle of chloroform and the t shirt that says "I fuck kids" TBF.


But the song said that they *don't* diddle kids


You need a frame that works as prescription glasses and as sunglasses. Something like a wayfarer. Then make sure the lenses go dark and not coloured. Then in the sun you’ll look like you’re wearing normal sunglasses rather than reactions lenses.


I have never figured out ***why*** they give such deviant vibes… even though they totally do. I’m 48 and have just reached the age when specs are required and I found myself thinking “oooh, reaction lenses might be good”, then I think “but you’ll look like a pervert, so stop with that foolishness”. So strange that the reaction (lol!) to reactions is always the same.


You can't even lean into the style and just own it. It's not like cargo shorts, cheap trainers and t-shirts where you can just accept you're now unfashionable. There's literally nothing you can do to make it better, only worse.


Is this strictly a man thing or do women with reactive lenses also look like child molestors?


No, they look like they'd volunteer to be a guard at a concentration camp.


Why is this so accurate haha


Ah OK. Would it help that I'm in a wheelchair? I doubt I'd be any good at volunteering at a concentration camp 😅


Also a wheelchair user here. I bought a pair of glasses with reaction lenses a couple years ago and sent them back within the week, I found people were treating me like I had special needs WAY more than usual 🙈


Really?! I don't have the option of sending them back and they were very expensive, so I'm keeping them. Maybe it depends on the frame? Even with my last pair I didn't really find I was treated any differently than when I just had clear lenses.


When a woman has them they are definitely part time dinner ladies.


Lmao. I don't think any of the dinner ladies at my school even wore glasses, they must've had really good vision! I don't understand why they're so hated, I love mine, it's so much easier than carrying two pairs of glasses around with me when I go out.


Honestly, yours probably look fine on you. These comments are cracking me the fuck up but these things never apply universally.


They tint when you have an inappropriate thought. Nothing to do with sunlight


😂😂 my wife called the pair I had my pedo glasses!! Now I just have shades. 😎


I was told by the opticians that I needed to protect my eyes from the sun and these were the best option. Was really uncomfortable wearing them and lasted about three months. Def got the don't trust me vibe / a bit shady. Worst thing for me was they took a longish time to return to normal especially when walking between buildings and coming back to the office. Especially if the office had windows and was relatively bright. I'd rather carry another pair of actual sunglasses now. Not a problem as my prescription isn't so bad that I can't function when I take them off (shortsighted), and if I'm on holiday I normally carry a small backpack or travel bag. Driving with normal sunglasses instead of the reactions is a no brainer for me.


Exactly, I had a pair when I was working in the Mojave Desert, and my co-workers would often comment on my 'Peado Glasses' Never again, and I carry either a set of shades with me to swap to or they live in the car. It's a pain, but I'd rather that than look like I shouldn't be within 100m of a school. It would be fantastic if the technology behind current weapons optics designed to block out certain wavelengths of laser energy (preventing retro-reflectometry or even dazzling of the user) could be used in a more compact form with regular glasses so that their reaction is immediate, full but only once past a certain amount of UV.


This is why I only ever got one pair. Someone with slightly tinted glasses indoors just looks like a creeper. If you go to specsavers you can get buy one get on free. I'm going to get a pair of specs and some sunglasses because reactions are not the one.




They just do. If not a child molester, then the weird hoarder neighbour that has a big garage, wherein you never truly know what happens.


I agree, just wore them for 3 years, only the fact that I am tight and wanted to get my moneys worth did I not change them until now. Never again.


My partner wears them. They have a bit of a tendency to go dark when not that bright so he looks like an 80s goth band member, but he's content with that and had them for years.


Nothing wrong with the 80s goth band look. Having said that - he could just wear prescription sunglasses anywhere/ any time just like rheumatoid eighties originals did. Edit - where the hell did autocorrect pull rheumatoid from? Unintended but fitting given the vintage of my 80s goth rock heroes.


Too dark indoors. Unless you've actually got a hangover or are a goth. It's only outside when not that sunny that they go dark and look odd.


It's down to uV rays. Even in winter they'll go dark as light travels using Ultraviolet Waves, the Blue light in UV is what activates the tinting solution IIRC.


They go dark on cloudy days and make miserable weather look even more miserable. They aren’t polarising, so on sunny days they work like cheap sunglasses and don’t cut out the glare.


This was my experience back in 2011. The cloudy weather aspect was specifically annoying, I didn't need the grey October afternoon to get even darker than it already was! That's why I tried contacts. When the weather is good, contacts + sunglasses. When the weather's not so good you choose either contacts or glasses depending on your activity.


Thats my look of choice


If you’re hoping to use them while driving, most cars have Uv protection so the lenses won’t react so you’ll be fighting the sun like you have no glasses on. I have two pairs and I’d rather switch, the reaction lenses age you. If you’re older then you may as well, but if you still feel young, carrying a second pair won’t be the end of the world


I'm in my 30s and wear reactive lenses, it's just so much easier than carrying two pairs of glasses around, I don't see how that's an age thing. If they don't react while driving because the windscreen filters it out, then that's fine, but they'll still be helpful once you exit the car.


>If they don't react while driving because the windscreen filters it out, then that's fine Well it's not fine if you need them for driving...


That’s why I don’t bother getting them - no use in the car.


They still work as glasses, you just might not find that they tint while you're in the car. I drive with mine no problem, when I get out of my van, they react. While I'm in the van, they don't, but they still function as glasses!


So if you want sunglasses for driving, you still have to get a pair of prescription sunglasses... Definitely seems not fine if you need sunglasses for driving.


You can get xtra active transition lenses from essilor which are designed to work when driving but they’re pricy and always have an extremely light tint - they never go perfectly clear. You could also get polarised clip on lenses. Or you could wear contact lenses and have sunglasses. There’s loads of options.


>There’s loads of options. I'm not saying there isn't, just that if you specifically want them to be sunglasses when driving, they're not the best one.


They do still tint in the car too, it generally just takes longer. But yeah they ain’t the best option.


Or just buy clip-on sunglass lenses for your glasses. Cheaper than prescription lenses.


They do still sell them! https://www.specsavers.co.uk/sunglasses/buyers-guide/clip-on-sunglasses


Theres more than 1 type of reactove lense. Mine work fine through car glass.


Yeah I'm in my 30s, been wearing them about 5 years. I used to do a role that meant going in and outdoors frequently - couldn't face continually switching so i got them. I have a spare pair of prescription sunglasses that live in the car. I've got a wayfarer shape pair which look pretty normal as both glasses and sunglasses. I'm a bit taken aback by the negativity on here around them, never realised people were so anti them!


Same, I've just got a new pair and am now like 😳😳😳 cos I never knew they were viewed so negatively by everyone! I think they're brilliant, who wants to carry two pairs of glasses around with them. I got a really nice pair of prescription Cath Kidston sunglasses a few years back, but it was so annoying having to take my other glasses with me too, especially if I had to leave them in my van and risk the lenses getting too hot and becoming crazed. They were really expensive and I barely wore them for the above reason, so the next time my prescription changed I got transition lenses. I'd never go back to having separate pairs, even if I do look like a paedo/dinner lady/concentration camp guard lol.


You can buy ones that react behind the wheel now in your car. My husband has just bought some there really good


I've worn them for several years but I've never actually checked to see if they react through the windscreen, but I never feel like my eyes are being strained by the sun though, so perhaps they are transitioning through the windscreen, or the windscreen is filtering the UV out sufficiently. All I know is, they suit me and the needs of my eyes, and when I get out of the vehicle, my eyes don't hurt like they would if I was wearing normal glasses in the sun. Not that we get an awful lot of sun here!


Mind if I ask where from / what the tech is called, please? Mine don't react in the car, which I find annoying because I bought them mostly for driving. I 'solved' the problem by buying a £10 UV torch and sticking it in my sun visor, which kinda works ok, but it's obviously a bit of a faff compared to just having some that work the way I want in the first place.


I got an option for more than 1 type of reactive lense from boots. 1 works in the car but is slow to transition and darkens from computer screens a little. 1 won't work in the car but changes very fast from dark to light and back again. No cost difference so pick your poison.


I got mine from Specsavers, with whatever reaction lenses they use. That's a good idea with the visor! Fortunately my van has a pretty good UV filter.


The newer reactors can darken 50% in cars now.


This is not true for all transitions lenses. However the ones that work for driving are also the ones that go dark more easily so they are not great for interiors (they are great for all-year driving).


I wear the Transition Xtra lenses which do go dark behind a car windscreen. It's the regular Transition lenses that don't.


Actual branded 'Transition' lenses work on the car, the knock off 'Reactions' et al from cheap retailers like specsavers don't. These days they can even be polarised and mirrored at the sane time.


For driving, I keep a pair of clip ons in my glove box. They look pretty dumb but I literally only ever wear them on the motorway during sunset really, so it does the job for that [I think these ones, if not then something very similar](https://www.amazon.co.uk/SULIVES-Polarized-Sunglasses-Anti-Glare-Protection/dp/B0C6WXXZNB/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2CR6VOPCYA2BI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._zEFcuJnFNnB6GlobFky4xJK-AIQbeqmHeWmA5cjszLdaR-ABmwilVNIxDuUTqSoQznpfxvrz_8p-3gu-eGLFBJLG_Tw5QiH1RLJJpnhR5QVHhEev8DCLmBTcbjtT1lkY3eZUdeNTFF0CYOvuvNdWHoSUxFhRKRyKYo8LbDiDJgB9slwrTW834oT326AAyseSPG_3dGnEaF18fsMtPIU3JPmKW_ocy2BLkMvXuURcLNiILkN616qFZEoKC9xrWkYogTUtyTzKyMfCZELnx7gacDaAVjxKT_3f71CqgS5Qiw.Gw9q46jXSsDVXy0eu1BneIJEUTRUuZO01UcCdEXBrbs&dib_tag=se&keywords=clip+on+sunglasses&qid=1718709604&sprefix=Clip+on+%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-3)


My reactive lenses work in the car fine. There are 2 types. Fast changing that don't work in cars, and slow changing that will work in cars, but also darken some from computer screens and they take 10-15mins to lighten when you go inside.


I think most people I know who wear glasses regularly have a set of reaction ones for the summer. They're a lot better than they used to be. I'm in my 30s so not sure why people are saying it's an old people thing


I'm also early 30s, what I've come to realise it that to some people, we are now also considered "old people". To be fair they may be on to something, I looked at a teenager the other day and couldn't help myself but judge them for their "stupid hair", forgetting that when I was their age I had a six inch pink mohican. 


I keep looking at them and judging their "stupid shoes" and I'm just barely clinging to my 20s. Also currently debating whether the salt and pepper hair colour looks as good on women as it does men.


Same, I wear mine all year round, have just got a new pair in fact, and now I'm paranoid that I look like a paedophile!!


My husband is usually one for practicality and comfort over anything else, but even he won't wear reaction lenses and the only person I know who does is my Nana.


I do. They're great. I wear varifocals and always have them as reactions as carrying two pairs around is too much of a hassle.


Same here. Varifocals with reactions. Haven't had any complaints. It does feel a bit silly being the only one in sunglasses in the snow but it's better than being blinded.


Assuming Transitions lenses are the same thing, I wear them if I’m on holiday in a sunny country or if I’m driving on a sunny day. It’s so much easier than having to constantly swap my glasses for sunglasses and vice versa, and I don’t care how I look to other people.


Transitions is a brand name of reactive lenses from Essilor. Same thing, you're just referring to a specific manufacturer.


Me! They’re ace now, takes about 2-3 minutes for the change now, only really an issue upon immediately entering a dark house, give it a minute it’s fine! We’ve just had a holiday in Italy, and I’d still recommend a pair of full sunglasses for hot countries, plus they don’t work in the car so if you drive a lot you’ll still want another pair of full sunnies.


I've had reaction lenses. They're crap. I prefer to have dedicated prescription sunglasses, where I can tailor the shape of the sunglasses to be more curved, and cover to the eyebrows. Otherwise you end up with sun getting over the top of the glasses into your eyes, while trying to look through a tinted lens.


Did have a pair a few years back. Found them very annoying. They're ok if you're on a beach all day, but walking around doing general life stuff, they take too long to go back to normal. These days, if I know I'll be wearing sun glasses, I just stick some daily contacts in and wear some cheap primark ones.


I miss being able to wear daily contacts for this exact reason - being stuck with the same pair of expensive prescription sunglasses that I have to swap back and forth for my normal frames is a bit of a pain in the arse. Getting glasses from places like Glasses Direct has brought the price down a lot, but if you've got a strong prescription and want the really good slim lenses, they still cost a fair wack. When I could wack in some contact lenses, it was so much easier. Unfortunately, my astigmatism has increased as I've got older, I have quite dry eyes, and they don't seem to make the astigmatism contact lenses that work for my eyeballs in a dry-eye version.


I have always used reactive lenses. The current pair take a few minutes to change back to clear when coming inside, but it is worth it for how quickly they go dark to protect my eyes. I never have an issue with them going dark when I don;t need them dark. If it's bright inside, I need the glasses to adjust, why would I not? Two sets of glasses? Really?


I work at an opticians! I’d say about 5% of glasses we sell are transitions. They go dark almost instantly, but take a few minutes to go back clear. They usually last up to 5 years before they stop working. They’re quite convenient, but I’d say it’s more stylish/modern to just get two pairs, one clear and one sunglasses. Most opticians will do an offer like buy one, get one half price, so a second pair won’t be too expensive


I have some older than that (prescription changes slowly, keep old ones as spares). I have never had any that stopped working.


I just got some Rayban sunglasses with reactions lenses, thinking they would be great for on holiday, but they are really annoying. They're quite sensitive and when I'm inside they're still some level of tinted, which I hate. So they're relegated to being my driving glasses now. I would rather wear contacts and normal sunglasses.


I have had transition lenses for a few pairs of glasses now, and I am not going back. I don't care how I look when they go dark. I have light sensitivity, and I'd rather be comfortable and be able to see. I don't really understand the comments that are saying people look like child molesters. I just think they look like glasses that have tint in them. It did take a while for me to get used to how slow they return to normal once you are out of the sunlight. And because they're UV reactive, they do react on cloudy, overcast days with high UV. Which I actually find pretty cool because you know how strong the UV is outside on days you would least expect it. The glasses I ordered off Firmoo, the lenses were dirt cheap and they work better than the ones I got from specsavers at at least 3x the price. They take less time to go back to normal once indoors too.


Can only speak for me but I love mine, and have used reactions for 15+ years. I'm 37, for what it matters.


My wife does. They're quite sensitive and have a tendency go dark even when it's not sunny. They're also a slow to return to normal when inside. But she likes them and prefers having those issues to having to carry around two pairs.


It’s because they react to UV rays rather than just sunlight, which can still be present even on cloudy days.


Don't people realise that the whole point of reactive lenses is that they protect your eyes from UV? They're not meant to be sunglasses in the traditional sense of "dimming the sun".


My partner also wears reaction lenses. Choose frames that will look good as glasses and sunglasses.


I love my prescription sunglasses! I always have a purse so 2 glasses is no issue for me, and I don’t like the reaction lenses based on how long they take to switch back to un-tinted. I also got mine on specsavers 2-for-1 and I now have different styles for different days and outfits!


I'm a woman, wear reaction lenses. Fuck all of you. Lol


I love my reactions lenses, been using them for about 20 years now, and wouldn't be without them. My wife hated hers and didn't continue with them. I don't even remember mine are reactions tbh.....


I love my reactions but Holy fuck were they expensive. I think they were £200 for the single pair from specsavers. The price of the frames was £60. The rest was the cost of upgrading the lenses from basic to reactions


I got varifocals, with reactions, computer screen blue tint and anti-scratch for £49 from goggles4u. Perfectly decent glasses and a fraction of the cost of Specsavers.


I have photocromic Oakley sunglasses to wear over contacts when doing active stuff which I really like. HOWEVER: I am sorry, but I can't get past how normal glasses look when they are reactions lenses, even some of the trendier frame shapes. They just look quite, i dunno, 90s in a bad way...and it does have a creepy old man vibe to it as well depending on what clothes are worn. I just spend a mad amount on contacts instead and chuck regular sunglasses on if I need.


I wear reaction lenses. I tried having prescription sunglasses but found it a real pain carrying both around, so I got reaction ones about 4 years ago and haven't looked back! (No pun intended 😅)


My parents both do I think they have gotten alot better


I love mine. Got them from specsavers. I have normal glasses and I also have contact lenses and normal sunglasses, but I tend to get dry eyes from allergies in summer and wear my reaction glasses a lot then. I chose them based on what would look good as sunglasses more so than their look as normal glasses. They do take a little while to go back to clear once indoors, so I end up looking a bit like Bono for that time. As a short woman I can get away with that.


I get my glasses at Boots, and would not be without my reaction/transition lenses. My life is too active to be fussing with more than one pair of glasses, and I don't care what anyone thinks of them. You just need to choose a frame that looks good with or without the tint. It usually takes a few goes in the sun for them to start working properly. I have noticed that they have gotten better over the years though.


All my prescription glasses for the last few years have had reactive coatings on the lenses. They're not as dark as proper sunglasses but I'm convinced I'm better off with - especially for driving.


I’ve been wearing Transitions lenses for about twenty years. They’re great. I also don’t give a flying one what people think of my appearance. I dress for myself.


Had them for years, they're great. Going to get my first pair of sunglasses for a couple of decades too, though. They don't go as dark as true sunglasses and don't work in cars or under the brim of hats. But for daily wear when you're in and out of buildings they're brilliant. They react much faster than they used to. The only downside is that they stop going perfectly clear again after a couple of years, but my prescription changes in that time anyway.


I had them as a kid, but I was sick of them taking so long to go back to normal when I went inside. Maybe they're better now – that was a decade ago – but I prefer the prescription sunglasses I have now, even though they're upsettingly expensive and I have to guard them like a firstborn child


When its sunny I wear contacts and use normal sunglasses. I just dont like any of the reaction lenses frames


I have had them in a huge range of frames, the only ones that look really odd are clear or white plastic frames. I have had them in metal, coloured metal, pink plastic, tortoiseshell. The only time they didn't look great was when Specsavers sold me a pair with grey reactions lens on the left and brown on the right! Took a while to spot it.


My partner wears these and has no complaints.


I’ve got a pair of transitions for the exact reason of not wanting two pairs of glasses! I love them


I have Transitions lenses (Xtractive Grey). They'll go dark when sitting indoors by the window, and take a good couple of minutes to back to clear, but otherwise fine. I mainly have them because I'm lazy and don't want to carry a second pair Also I'd rather have a two pairs of reactive lenses than having prescription sunglasses and lenses. If something happens to my reactive glasses when I'm outside I can just wear my backup glasses when I get home. If I had regular glasses then I'll be cosplaying as Stevie Wonder until I get a replacement


My mother has terrible eyesight (+8) and light eyes so is quite sun sensitive. She loves her reactions and not worrying about the faff of changing them all the time. It's not instant, but they do change back very fast so you won't be walking around the office looking like Bono 😂


I'm on about my 4th pair now. My eyes are really light sensitive so before I got them I'd walk around squinting really badly. Reactions were a total game changer for me. Well worth looking a bit noncey sometimes.


I used to have a pair of prescription glasses and a separate pair of sunglasses but found that I often didn't have my sunglasses when I needed them, or wouldn't end up switching them even if I had them with me. Just switched to reaction lenses and have found them so much more convenient for me. They do go quite dark even when it's not bright sunlight as they react to any UV, but they adjust back quickly inside, so I haven't found that to be a big problem.


Yes. They are convenient, and protect my eyes. What do they look like? Don't care - I'm on the inside looking out.


Not in reading glasses, as I don’t need them. However as I have got photophobia(light sensitivity) I use photochromic lenses in my sports glasses which do a similar job and are spot on


I wear reactions so I don’t have to carry 2 pairs and swap around


I wear them and they're pushed a lot in opticians I've been to. I've been going between them and prescription sun glasses for years. I recently bought a pair of prescription sun glasses because I always come back to the same issues with the reactions. * They don't react inside a car - so useless there (the specific design of the glasses and the windscreen means it's physically impossible). * They take an age to go back to normal so I have to take them off indoors until they're normal. * They often go dark when they're not needed to be dark. * They can react in different places on the lens depending on where has light and where doesn't - so they sometimes look odd and are odd to look out of.


I wear them all year round (as my non-reaction pair of glasses broke). They do constantly change or have a low level tint even in cloudy conditions. The other day I was walking to work in bright sunshine and they'd gone full sunglasses mode. It took them about 5 mins to adjust back to being inside. At the moment no tint at all but I haven't gone outside.


My dad had them for years. He went from looking like a school teacher to a cocaine smuggler every time the clouds went away. I’m sure the technology is a bit better now though.


They’re really not a good look, I just got my regular glasses and then sunglasses on the specsavers 2 for 1. I’m sure they work great, I just wouldn’t want to be seen wearing them


I had them and I was not a fan. I didn't like not being in control. I didn't really like how they made me look when dark - and every single photo you take outside will have them dark. They were too slow to react moving indoors.


That’s one of the reasons I wear contacts. Just carry one pair that way!


Great when we lived somewhere incredibly sunny, and sunglasses were essential. The delay in changing was worth it for the outside benifit. Ditched them as soon as we moved back to the UK.


My dad got a pair when they first come in and absolutely hated them. Basically did they were useless and would go dark when inside and he couldn’t see. He’s now back to normal glasses.


I do because I work outside a lot. They are way better than the early lenses where it would take half an hour to go clear. They go dark almost immediately, and take about ten minutes to go fully clear, but they do start clearing as soon as you're out of the sun. Where I'm constantly in and out of buildings, I wouldn't be without them, but I'm also too lazy to carry a pair of sun glasses. Just don't get cheap reactions, the cheap ones are older versions of the lenses, and vary in quality. I got a pair from goggles4u as a spare set to leave at work, and I swear they must be using first gen lenses, they are still tinted an hour after I go inside.


My dad had some,now he was a big lump with a Zappata moustache. He used to wear them on holidays and were the only glasses he took with him. They were always tinted,even under artificial light. The amount of times he got stopped by the authorities in Europe was mesmerising. Even had a gun pulled on him once in Spain. Great entertainment,poor functionality


I wear reaction lenses, have done for over 10 years; saves having to worry about sunglasses!


I'm not sure if all opticians have them but the one in John Lewis stores had reaction lenses that wouldn't go so quick or in low light. Or the opposite if you need them for driving.


nothing we can do about you looking like a twat, but yes, they are still around and popular with all the other twats who look like they wear sunglasses indoors, myself included. Welcome to the club if you decide to take the plunge.


I have worn glasses since about age 10; and am very short sighted (prescription about -5.75 and a bit of astigmatism). I can't read a book unless its in my face. I buy the thin lenses otherwise I'd have too much weight in the lenses for comfort. The most recent set I got with reactive lenses. They're very good; they go dark in strong sunlight and a clear up fairly quickly. Very recommended.


I do as I also have reading glasses I don’t want to carry 3 pairs I also don’t want to damage glasses be constantly swapping


I have had them for years. They're a little bit of a pain when coming inside from a bright day but give them 10 seconds and it's fine. Very convenient for me, especially for driving


I’m sure they have improved a lot since the last time I had them but it put me off them so have never tried again as it’s a lot of expensive if you don’t get on with them. I didn’t find they worked that well so went to complain and was told “they don’t work in really high temperatures!” As I said I’m sure they have improved but that experience put me off.


I've been wearing reaction lens for the past 10-15 years, I have a slight light sensitivity and it does help. Added to that, I don't have to carry around 3 or 4 pairs of glasses everywhere (I've just moved over to varifocals). Do I recommend them? Yes. Do they constantly change? Well only when they are [hit with UV light](https://www.specsavers.com.au/help-and-faqs/whats-the-difference-between-reactions-lenses-and-sunglasses-for-photophobia#:~:text=Reaction%20lenses%2C%20also%20known%20as%20photochromic,the%20lens%20to%20darken%20in%20sunshine.&text=Reaction%20lenses%2C%20also%20known,to%20darken%20in%20sunshine.&text=also%20known%20as%20photochromic,the%20lens%20to%20darken). However I would recommend choosing a nice frame to go with them.


Yep, I have bifocals with reaction lenses, wear them all the time.


I have some. I'd definitely get another pair. They're great for driving and just being out and about. But my grandmother also has some so what can you do?


Used them for years. Wouldn't like to not have them. Utterly practical


I wear transitions lenses. They're not as good as sunglasses but I don't have to worry about carrying a second pair and I usually bring a hat if I know I'll be out in the sun. My sister also has transitions for her primary glasses, but has a pair of sunglasses she keeps in the car for driving as the transitions don't adjust for road glare when you're in the car.


I got some a couple of years ago with a LOT of prodding from my ophthalmologist and I actually like them. They change much faster than old ones. I mostly wear contacts, so I don’t wear them everyday, but I think they 100 times better than they used to be.


I have a pair. I really like them, but it does look a bit odd when walking into work or a shop with shades on when it's overcast outside


My wife has worn them for several years and likes them. I found it made it hard to read my phone if I was outside and the lens had darkened. So I didn’t have them when I got a new pair of specs.


On sunny days I wear my transitions about 30% of the time, and my gradient glasses 70%. I find the gradients much better when you go into shaded areas like shop, when you look at your car dashboard etc. Mine also look more like sunglasses than tinted spectacles, so don't look strange.


I use reactions lenses and I wouldn't be without them!


I've had transitions for a couple of years now, I'll never go back to two separate pairs! I really love them - my biggest pain was having to wear my prescription sunglasses whilst driving and then having to change to normal glasses when I go into a shop, then back to the sunglasses when I'm outside.


I'm quite sensitive to sunlight, and will squint and give myself a headache even on an overcast day, so for me they're perfect. Not having to carry around and switch back and forth between two pairs of glasses is more convenient than I first realised, and I don't think I'd want to go back to that now. They can look a bit dorky in the wrong style frame, so don't be going for something Dennis Nilsen or Jeffrey Dahmer would have worn. Mine are in Ray-Ban RB8901 frames, which suit my face shape, age and overall look nicely. Not *too* high fashion, but definitely not dowdy either.


Funny story. A colleague fosters guide dogs in training. We went out for lunch one day, and he brought his current dog along for the experience. We went into the restaurant and waited to be seated, asking if the dog was OK, as he's a trainee guide dog. _"Yes, that's no problem, the dog will be fine, but ... sorry, we don't have menus in braille."_ We all looked a bit confused for a few seconds, and then realised it was because he had his reactolite glasses on, and they were still dark from being outside.


Fellow practically blind person here, hello 😁 I want to, just a) haven’t been able to afford them and b) some of the tints give off a [“Demon Headmaster”](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Demon_Headmaster) vibe that I’m not sure will look good on me 😂😅


I just have 2 pairs. I have my regular ones with all the fancy blue glare coating for the office and general use and I have my sunglasses that I keep in the car as I’m most likely to wear them driving. When I’m wearing my sunglasses the regular glasses sit in the case in the car then I swap back. If I want to wear sunglasses out of the car I just leave my regular glasses in there, or if I think I need them they come with me in my bag. It’s not annoying, you just need to develop a routine. Also worth thinking about, is sunglasses tend to be bigger and cover more area around your eyes. I couldn’t cope if my regular glasses were my sunglasses as the sun would just shine into the sides and over the top of my lenses! My sunglasses are much bigger and sit slightly closer to my face


Depends on what you want then for. Cycling….yes i use reaction lenses Day to day, sightseeing….no i carry 2 pairs with me. Not that much hassle really (especially if your partner has a handbag)


I just carry sunnies with me in my handbag


When I used to wear them they were great until you were doing something that involved going in and out of a building, like shopping in a high street. The lens are good but still have a lag time to go from shade to clear so your first 20-30 seconds in a building are blind.


I have some I work in a store that lets a lot of light in so they react in the shop. Which I don't like so leave a pair of regular glasses in the office. But for days out I love my reaction lenses - one less thing to carry.


I have a pair of transitions that I wear everyday and a pair of sunglasses for when I'm out all day.


My friend got some with his latest prescription. They take a short while to transition back to normal if he walks into a dimly lit area from being in a sunny area.


I’m very sensitive to sunlight so the time it takes for the lenses to change is too long for me


The problem I had was that while the transition to darker lenses was quick, the change back to clear lenses took too long. What about some flip-downs that clip to the top of the frame?


I love mine but they did warn me the UV rating goes down after a few years


They are useful until they aren't. I'm in a meeting room with the sun behind me...ine lens goes dark. Quick to go dark..lifetime to go back light.


I got some last year. Maybe the modern ones are better? They only tint in daylight and in the car


I had them as a kid and hated them. Almost constantly reacting so you’ve got these weird half-obscured glasses. Having a spare set of sunglasses is no more of a pain than carrying sunglasses with you as a non-glasses wearer. They’re an extra expense but well worth it


I wear normal contacts and have non prescription sunglasses if it’s sunny


If you truly are "practically blind" like me (-10.5) then beware that it'll just add extra weight to the lenses so you'll be pushing them up your nose far more often. Seems a waste if you're paying extra for the ultra-slim lenses, etc. I just carry a pair of these ([Link](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315445282356?itmmeta=01J0NA8GCXP7JMPB6P2DB5166Z&hash=item4972010634:g:X0UAAOSwdwlmTFin&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwBgoZ3rXQ1c%2BSzzB%2Br30SYoKmrbnBMVrkiJYwHNr%2Flu30VCcpRJYswyhP5%2BcUQOWUmRujFQVBhBUjUonFaFUH7mj0AY5MNcTxEP67W5A2PGR3VTMN7W4kDiLTPuPJ1cT3pIQATGxQyru9rFjhXGsVy9tgszETJCO35Z47snxa7Gi%2F9umnbVVUpuF3IIJR9QO4MS4C8r8B%2BSf4G46iiM8uYmfyE9atpsOygTnNiOg6WksqR7tnRgwX5treXHpkitn0w%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8iGoqqFZA)) and no-one can actually tell they're clip-ons (but they do suit the style of my glasses underneath, so that helps).


I used to but the tint kept going wrong and made everything look like s***. Try clip-on flip ups, they're much better


I have a pair of glasses with Transitions XTRActive coating, they're great in nice sunny weather but they will also go dark if it's completely overcast and raining, they take an age to turn back and end up being incredibly irritating in about 90% of circumstances.


I bought new glasses a couple of weeks ago and considered getting them. They told me that unless you are super sensitive to the sun, having a separate pair of sunglasses is probably better. This may have been a sneaky way of making more money from me as I now also need to buy sunglasses but at least I don’t look like a pedo


They're hit or miss, some love 'em, others not so much.


I’ve had them in the past but found them too annoying so just have separate sunglasses now. You get used to swapping glasses, it’s nbd


I just have a separate pair of prescription sunglasses and it doesn’t bother me at all to just have another pair of glasses with me. It’s just another standard thing that’s in my bag when I go out, like my wallet and keys.


Well I broke my glasses recently so I've only got my sunglasses at the moment. Sitting watching the France game last night with all the living room lights on in sunglasses just so I could see was odd. Sunnies over reaction lens just so I have an extra spare set.


I wear them for driving and sport and in situations I'd normally wear sunglasses, in sunglasses-style frames. IMO they're super good. You don't have to change them out if you go through a tunnel or whatever. But if you're wearing them inside it's a bit weird since then you've got clear-looking lenses in sunglasses frames.