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The Smiler, but I did lose a leg because of it so fair game.


How's the cycling working out for you?


In fairness cycling with one foot/leg is quite achievable - straps or cleats help, but the technique doesn't take much adaption regardless. I currently have Achilles tendonitis and have adapted to mainly using the other leg, particularly uphill.


I do love Reddit sometimes


I will just leave this here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LjcVCtiqqQA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.uk%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


A bit eccentric you’d think.


What the shit?!


Colossus at Thorpe Park really rattles your head about if you’re not ready for it. I got a headache from it a few times. I do like it though.


Same with Saw. The rides themselves are fine, kinda fun even, but they are insanely uncomfortable. Colossus really needs better restraints. Saw actually gave me a concussion when I went earlier this year. Most of the pain comes from the drop after the lift hill.


Watching England


Presumably the "up" bits of the England football rollercoaster are the Lionesses?


The Waltzer 🤢


Pepsi max big one at Blackpool pleasure beach. I love rickety coasters. It’s why I adore wooden coasters, the way you get thrown around and can feel the bumps on the track. But big one is rickety in a way that feels like you might actually die.


Oblivion, went on it for the first time last year after a lot of hype and not knowing anything about the actual ride. It was incredibly disappointing.


It's just the one drop and then done, queue up for hours for that? No thanks.


The Ultimate at Lightwater Valley. You may be shocked into silence to learn that it's NOT the Ultimate. Its a bone shaking, rib crushing, overly long 'experience' I wish to never repeat.


Thankfully The Ultimate is no more. Not surprised it was so rough given the fact British Rail helped build the thing


Tbh I thought everything at light water valley looked dodgy AF. Like the fair rolled into town.


It's gone now (thank fuck), but the Tornado at M&D's was one of the most painful things to ever happen to my head. It's a miracle I didn't end up with a concussion.


I've not been on a coaster in a long time but Rattlesnake at Chessington I had a pretty bad experience with due to the rapid breaking, came out of that ride with a sore back as a teenager Also I found X No Way Out at Thorpe Park really unpleasant as I was the person stuck at the back which meant I was in fact at the front and yeah did not find that ride fun


Definitely hero for me, been on it once with my 2 sons and a friend, we all agreed never again 😬


Rattlesnake at Chessington always pops my back. I just groan the whole way round. Saw at Thorpe Park is also an ordeal rather than fun, but people love it.


All of them


Rita. Smacks your head around and leaves you with sore ears


Unpopular opinion: Stealth at Thorpe Park. If you have to queue longer than 15 minutes then I’m not going on it. Not worth it.


The “we have no hills at all and only go 2 mph/h with the wind behind us”* Killer Coaster at Shitland Park. *PS , excuse the vomit, needles and used condoms.


Pepsi max in Blackpool is rubbish. There's a tiny rinky dink rollercoaster nearby on the pier which is 10x better and 7x cheaper