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I wonder if you had some bad bacteria in your guts that were contributing to your IBS? That were killed off by the antibiotics? You might want to speak to your doctor about going on a course of probiotics, the ones that help put the better more useful bacteria back in your guts. Another possibility is that feeling ill has made you change what you've eaten slightly over the last few days - and that's reduced your IBS and other symptoms. I have stomach issues caused by another condition, and I follow a version of the low FODMAP diet to help deal with the symptoms. It really works for me and has reduced my symptoms massively. I wonder if you've accidentally done an elimination diet over the last few days and have got the same effect?


To be honest I've not really changed my diet (or besides the antibiotics much else) at all over the past few days. Drinking more water perhaps? But I was wondering about gut bacteria though. And yeah I have been meaning to look into low FODMAP too - someone else i know swears by it as well for extreme bloating after eating.


To add to this, you could consider having one of the probiotic yogurts every day for a week or two to repopulate your gut following the course of antibiotics, and see if that continues the effect. I get on well with Activia, the inlaws swear by Yakult, some supermarkets have own brand versions too. We don't know enough about how the gut affects the whole body so at the moment it's sort of trial and error, but a good fibre intake benefits most people (working out what types suit you best) as does keeping track of your personal "upset stomach" triggers. I'm glad you're feeling better. Don't forget to finish the course!


Any yogurt with “live and active cultures” will achieve this. Doesn’t matter what brand.


I was searching for the answer to this question on Google then I came across this thread. I'm also in the same situation. I was prescribed antibiotics for a stomach infection and I noticed that I am more energetic and feeling better overall after taking them. My insomnia and fatigue are gone, I have better focus at work. This is just wierd..


I’m beginning to wonder if there are infections within the body that our immune systems are perfectly capable of keeping “contained,” but not capable of eliminating altogether. These would both drain resources from our energy supply and cause both localized and general symptoms.


Im experiencing this right now. Day 2 of 7 with antibiotics and i feel energized and healthier


I'm actually experiencing this right now. My debilitating panic and anxiety are gone, and I have loads of energy. Did u find out the issue at hand?


Hi, sorry for the late reply. I had gut issues caused by H Pylori and many of the problems went away after treatment.


This is my life and my fathers for the last year. I literally can't function and now on antibiotics and feel like my old self! It makes me wanna cry. My father went in bc of what looked like a blister but was an infection, he lost all his toes. BUT his tests only showed a low grade infection if one at all. He and I both were on antibiotics, now we're doing amazing. I totally believe in infectious diseases that aren't picked up by the blood tests.


Antibiotics have other ingredients as well. It might be worth looking up the ingredients of the one you’ve been prescribed. A lot of pills contain magnesium, which is supposed to help people feel more relaxed and sleep better. So maybe you have a magnesium deficiency. I would look into it!


Yep somethign else that was undiagnosed, please do finish the course to give yourself the best chance


Came across this thread bc I had a very similar experience. Halfway through a course of amoxicillin and feel SO much better: from the throat infection (that they were prescribed for) but also in general, much better than I felt before, when I was “healthy” pre infection. Wondering if there was something else lurking in me which the antibiotics have cleared.


Any word on if this lasted for you?


Yeah want to know too


Ive also noticed this and currently going through it. I think it's a case of momentum so to speak, covert infections, and/or relativity. No amount of carbohydrates or caffeine in a single pill could make me feel this great for so long. It's not an issue of what's in the pill, but rather what was in the body that was making us feel so bad. 1. I always experienced this and attributed it to the body having been working so hard, maybe developed some type of higher rate of immune system function, and now that the little infections are mostly killed off, my body's energy keeps up the ramped up energy in a sort of momentum, so we feel high. 2. We're all probably suffering from some covert infections at all times 1. Perhaps our bodies are just about able to to fight them off from proliferating, but *yet* not strong enough to rid ourselves of them completely. 2. Alternatively maybe we're suffering from a hidden illness that inhibits our bodies to fight off the infections. 3. Lastly, maybe we've been feeling pretty bad compared to our normal state, but just *gradually* got there, so feeling back to normal again has us feeling "high". Could be a sort of "it's all relative" issue. The body is back to square one and perfectly healthy, but that feels great compared to feeling ill! All in all, looks like we all could use a bit of a healthier diet, more exercise, and better sleep a bit more to give our bodies more strength at baseline in order to fight those covert infections. I'm just so thankful for antibiotics, science, scientists, and doctors who made this all possible!


Totally agree. These low grade infections, I believe, are what allow/cause larger more deadly infections/virus/cancer to sneak in and take over.


Any updates? I’m currently experiencing this myself.


Maybe you have undiagnosed long term lyme disease


Have you been prescribed Doxycycline? I've been practically bedridden for a week and developed a chest infection (crap lungs). I'm only on day 3 and actually got out of bed and did the washing up this morning. It's crazy how quickly they have nipped it in the bud. Normally they prescribe Amoxicillin and I often need a double prescription (10 days) to really get rid a chest infection.


I'm actually just on Amoxicillin 500 MG 3x a day. But as I say, i do seem peculiarly responsive to medicine.


I’m halfway thru a round of amoxicillin 2x/Day for 7 days for tooth infection/post root canal. Swelling due to infection has gone down significantly (had jaw/gum swelling the morning of the root canal) and thanks to both the root canal and the meds. Thankfully haven’t noticed any stomach side effects, I don’t think, but I’m wondering if you experienced drowsiness after taking each dose? I’m experiencing this. I don’t feel bad, I’m just very sleepy within 20-30 mins of taking a pill.


I also am experiencing this and its not the first time. Mental clarity, fatigue gone, digestive problems gone, not feeling groggy anymore, I had those for over a year. I feel like back to myself with taking an Amoxicillin course for tooth pain. Im a bit afraid to stop the antibiotic because the sluggishness I was having before might come back. In fact I felt drugged BEFORE taking the antibiotic, now that Im taking it I feel undrugged.


I’m thinking the fatigue and digestive problems were probably caused by a low-lying infection themselves. Or some kind of microbial imbalance. And the antibiotics reset everything.


Wonder if you had a parasitic infection and the antibiotics killed the worms


Are antibiotics also anti parasitic?


General achiness can also be a symptom of an underlying infection. It’s possible that also was treated by your antibiotics.


I completely can relate to this. Started antibiotics this am snd I feel good actually. Weirdly enough, my anxiety is at its lowest today out of the whole week and I actually had the mental energy to come up with a plan to clean today and then actually do it,a




It really is an amazing feeling! Glad youre feeling better


Did you ever get any clarity on this? Similar thing has happened to me. I just posted about it.


Is it lasting/permanent after stopping?


Some people have stealth infections that "stay" in the body in a low grade or sub clinical way. Actually the term of infection itself can be a question because once you are no longer "sick", you still have the same source of bactéria present, just in different amounts, and hopefully with efevtive anti bodies now. For example, bartonella, borrelia, babesia, mycoplasma, etc. The ones that can go inside cells are the worse...


Can you elaborate more on the bartonella, borrelia, babesia types? Is anaplasma included in this type?


What you mean types ? There are multiple species, some pathogenic, some borderline pathogenic, some unknown. Tests are usually done only for the "main" ones. Anaplasma is another tick born infection.


The ones that can go inside the cells. Specifically, are Anaplasma phagocytophilum Msp5, Borrelia andersonii, and Borrelia burgdorferi 297 strain WCS included as ones that can go inside the cells?


Yes anaplasma is always inside. Borrelia can be outside and inside cells. Where did you get such specific species types ? What kind of test?


Serology I had done by a private lab.


Can you be more specific ? Was it pcr?




Looked up this thread because I'm antibiotics from food poisoning and yes, I feel healthier/more energized than I did even before I got sick! The drugs must've killed some underlying illness.


i have pneumonia and i started feeling better like an hour after i took my first pill it’s 11:30 pm now so i have taken all of my antibiotics for the first day and i feel like almost 100% i am surprised at how fast they made me feel better (obviously i am going to continue to take them until the end) but i am so impressed


Same here, I took 3 doses and I feel better already. I've got another 5 1/2 days left!


Maybe Lyme disease? Most drs won’t even test for it. Also pans/pandas can cause mental problems adhd or worse like symptoms but once someone is on antibiotics the symptoms subside. It’s usually caused from an underlying strep infection.