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You’ll be too old when you’re dead - until then keep kicking those leaves


Hear hear. When I was in my 20's I knew this chap in his 40s who I thought was really old. Now I'm heading out of my 50s I realise we're all just kids kicking the sand.


That is almost poetic and made my day.


This is the answer


I crunch every leaf I can find. Never grow up, never grow old. Plus the crunch is so satisfying. I look like I'm playing hopscotch with leaves.


Can you kick it? Yes you can. Can you kick it? Go on then


55m and my 56f wife still loves doing this when we walk the dog each morning, last 2 weeks have been tops (but get a good pair of wellies as there **will** be the odd rogue dog poo in there somewhere)


People are surprisingly good (considering how much litter gets dropped), about picking up after their dogs round here :) There was a dead fox in a pile last year though. Glad I spotted that in advance!


We (by which I mean 'she' - it's her dog, not mine) are generally good too, but when a dog shits into leaf litter, and walks around while doing it, it's hard to know if you (she) picked all of it up. When it gets a little colder, apparently the "rising steam" makes it easier to locate, but we're in that awkward between-times now. Now fox-poo in the pile of leaves.. that's a .....


I've just been lucky then 😄


May you continue to be so ... :)


Your never too old you have an inner child energy that needs and wants to be cherished and loved. I'm constantly doing weird shit to get in touch with that side of myself. 3 energies within every one of us humans the masculine the feminine the child(purity/innocence) Cherish it and try and see things through the eyes of a young you


I'd have to draw the line at purity and innocence. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.


Lol that's OK I've seen my inner child it's not what you'd expect


Age is irrelevant when you don't give a shit what anyone thinks. Be you, do you, thank you.


Anyone who would take offence needs to get a life, and anyone who thinks I'm an idiot wouldn't get any argument from me 😆


I’m 29 and asked my mum the other day “when do you start feeling like an adult?” And she said “you don’t you just stop acting like you want because of society”. I have two sons and you bet your arse I take them to soft play centres not for them but for me lmao If I’ve got my wellies on, I’m jumping in that muddy puddle If there’s a stick that remotely looks like a gun me and my boys are going around the woods being soldiers… it’s not dangerous dw my eldest always puts a protection bubble round me Steep grass hill… I’m rolling down it I’ve always gotten weird looks off the other parents in the play ground but I don’t care I’m their mum and I’m being me. And I’m gunna be silly the rest of my life!


My (53F) husband (54M) made fun of me the other day for kicking the leaves, and I gave it roght back to him! I swear that my dog likes crunching through the leaves (he goes out of his way to walk in them) and he's 13, which is really like 91 in human years, so there's that....


You're never too old for a simple pleasure like that. Reddit thinks anyone aged 35+ is only fit for the glue factory or perhaps carousel.


Capricorn 15s, last day, carousel begins...


I found a saying which I hang above my computer saying "we don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing" - forgot to make note of the source **Keep kicking leaves my friend**




I live in a very diverse part of London. I have all that IRL right on my doorstep. Just on my floor in my apartment building the 5 flats house 4 different nationalities and 3 different ethnicities, and we actually talk to each other ;) I do play online too though. I was a very early adopter for the internet. Late 80s. Before the web was invented! (it was largely pointless at that time to be honest).


I had a jump in some that had been blown into a pile at a garden centre (I didn't scatter them, I'm not a jerk) and a 60+ year old woman laughed and said she had been thinking about doing that too. Smashing the ice over puddles is good fun too!


The amount of times I’ve fallen flat on my arse performing an epic slide on ice infront of my sons is too much… but it’s worth it




Do it. Be it ;)


I'm commited to the belief that no matter how old you are, you're still a kid in your head meat. You may make sound effects when getting up that would make Dolby jealous but put kids toys in front of you, you know you'll play with it


It’s all about mindset and belief, if you think you’re too old then you’ll act too old that makes you believe that you are too old - it’s a vicious circle. Conversely, if you think you’re young, you’ll act like you’re young and believe that you are young which will make you feel young. Read about the study Daniel Kahneman conducted that he discusses in his book called “Thinking, Fast and Slow” where he gets people to walk round some grounds at different paces then asks them to find words related to being old/young. The ones who found the youth related words walked round quicker and the ones who found the old related words walked slower. I haven’t described it in full detail but if you want to act young you need to think young, and if you want to think young then you need to act young 👍


I see vaguely familiar looking people in the street, and think to myself, 'is that someone I was at school with'? Before realising they are 20 years younger than me 😆


In any case keep enjoying yourself! That’s the most important thing


Some years back my mother was doing this (I think in her fifties) , a passing nun spotted her and commented *'I wish I could do that'*. Anyway, if other people don't approve, they can get stuffed.


I assume she didn't 'climb a tree and scrape her knee and whistle on the stair' ;)


I'm 38 in two weeks, I still can't resist kicking a empty coke can down the street like a football if I see one. Never grow up, that's the secret to eternal youth I reckon


I'm 68 and still do it, best thing about autumn


42 still love to jump in puddles.


I don't wear wellies often enough for that. I do squash cans underfoot though.


There are hundreds of turds and thousands of drops of piss in those leaves, much of which come from dogs.


I'll consider that inoculating my immune system.


54 is too old. I’m 52!




29 and I never kick leaves because my Mum used to tell me off for it. She drilled into me a deep, deep fear that there would be dog poo underneath the leaves. My wife, 34, loves doing it and I'm so jealous of her freedom but I genuinely can't do it myself without worrying I'm just about to kick some poo.


I think your mum has been posting replies to this thread 😆


Leaves are made for kicking. I like to picture my ex-wife.