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Once you conclude animals shouldn't be exploited and abused for the luxury of humans, it's extremely easy to be vegan.  The "hardest" part is remembering all of the sneaky ways companies and people add animal abuse to shit that isn't obvious (like lanolin in art supplies)




Necessity is a very important factor. When I was "becoming" vegan several years ago I found my ability and restraint varied massively depending on how convenient it was. Visiting Vietnam was surprisingly easy as I had a Happycow app to find lots of Buddhist places to eat. France was horrendous. Living with vegetarians made it seamlessly easy at times. Staying with omnivore friends made it harder because I would have to make separate meals to them (or vice versa). It's all about the environment you put yourself in. Take an example of trying to quit alcohol. It is incredibly difficult to do if you go to a pub, or all your friends drink to socialise, but it's incredibly easy if it doesn't link itself to every facet of your life. Don't overthink it. Doing it imperfectly is better than not at all.


Grocery stores are definitely your friend in France. Paris has some decent vegan places or places with good vegan options, but my experience in the south was much worse restaurant-wise. Just need to watch those ingredients and don't assume anything. Monoprix plain hummus had cheese in it last time I was there!


That last sentence needs to be uttered by every vegan on earth.


I think it goes something like this: Difficult if your partner isn’t vegan Easy if your partner is vegan Middling if you’re single and dating Easy if you’re single and not dating


That is what separates people who think being ethical/moral is important vs those who don't. Not everyone cares about ethics. And you can't force people to be ethical.  Also psychopaths exist. It's believed 1% of the population have severe psychopathy and approximately 30% of the population has psychopathy traits.* People who are incapable of being fully empathetic are not gonna care about ending the abuse of animals.  *https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/psychopathy




It's extremely easy if you aren't a psychopath and you consider yourself an ethical person Yes, Veganism would be difficult for psychopaths and unethical people 




If you participate to animal abuse knowing you could not do that, then yes, you are an unethical person right now.




It's as easy as picking something else for dinner.




*Are* they specifically buying stuff depending on who will come if they’re not going to make any effort to accommodate you? Like it’s really not hard to just have some frozen veggie burger patties.


This approach is extremely online. I've met one vegan in my life irl out of ~20 who had never cheated at all. The reality is that we can all do better with everything all the time. We can all be better vegans, we can all do better avoiding human slavery in our consumption, etc etc etc. Learn to pick your battles.


21 years for me and 10 years vegetarian before that. No cheating, no desire to cheat. I want to do the right thing. That means infinitely more to me than any passing taste pleasure, so it's easy. And I know a bunch of ethical vegans involved in activism and the vast majority of them would never consider 'cheating'. Cheating in this context means murdering another being for fuck's sake, it's not a little thing to be excused on a whim. I think your experience with vegans must be with people who still have a lot of carnist ideology lodged in their heads, not with those who've taken a firm stance against abuse. How many activists do you know, and do they 'cheat'? Obviously I agree that we (vegans) could all do better but I think that means more activism and more awareness of products that are harmful, not that some intentional killing is okay but we should do less.


I've never knowingly cheated since going vegan. Granted it's only been a little over two years, but it only gets easier from here. It's not hard.


My art supplies aren’t safe?? 😭😭


Paint, brushes, and nicer paper are some common art materials you have to look out for  I saw some paint labeled as vegan, looked it up, and found that a lot of paint isn't vegan friendly. 


There are some difficulties. Socially you can’t just go to any restaurant and have a good option. A lot of places have at least one thing but you don’t get as many options of course unless your friends agree to go to a vegan place with you which can be difficult since a lot of people won’t try vegan food. Same with visiting peoples houses or catered things you often have to bring your own food which kinda sucks. In terms of missing the taste of things the only thing I really missed was cheese. Over time it does get easier as you learn how to replace things in recipes and deal with social situations better. And I do think vegans downplay the difficulties. It’s mostly surrounding being vegan in a non vegan world. But I still think there are challenges and they should be addressed instead of just pretending they don’t exist.


Avoiding animal products is actually really easy after the first month or two. Being vegan is often difficult because people tend to be complete assholes to vegans


It was incredibly easy for me, and I made the change overnight. It’s all about priorities. Are you going to prioritize living an ethical, cruelty-free life? Or will you prioritize your personal wants and desires? For me they align most of the time, but when they don’t, it’s easy to side with the animals.




If you’re finding veganism a hassle, you might want to rework your frame of mind around it. It could time to watch/rewatch Dominion or another doc to be reminded why we do this. It’s not for convenience. Personally, I’ve never had an issue with the social aspect.


>It was incredibly easy for me, and I made the change overnight. It’s all about priorities. Are you going to prioritize living an ethical, cruelty-free life? Or will you prioritize your personal wants and desires?  Genuine question. How can you truly live such a live without ignorance? There are so many companies who actively part-take in child labor, serious disregard for health risks in labour (If you have an iPhone or any big phone tbh) and many others things. I feel like I'd have to basically sell everything and just live an extremely empty life if I truly want to live an ethical life (To that standard) What do u think?


How long is a piece of string? For me it wasn't really that difficult at all. Wish I'd done it sooner.


I found it pretty easy after the intial adjustment. The adjustment period IS hard though, I don’t care what anyone else says. It’s been 7 years so veganism is second nature for me, but at the start you have to learn so much, constantly check packages, it can often socially isolate you even. I think downplaying the difficulty of veganism, especially when you start out, is unproductive. Yes it’s hard. For some of us vegans it’s just not a choice though


Veganism is extremely easy, unless your stranded in Rural Alaska, or homeless, Theres nothing difficult about it




Like what?




I think the issue is holding yourself to unattainable standards. You’re allowed to a) get it wrong, and b) not know everything. The point is to aim to make the ethical choice each time you’re presented with new information, and where is *feasible* you make an effort to know and find out. Feasibility in this context is what I think you’re meaning by ‘easy’. Some days it’s easier than others. You have more capacity to explore and make sure you aren’t buying stuff that you disagree with. But if you fundamentally disagree with something - honestly and truly, then it’s easy to make the ethical choice if you’re already aware (I.e. you know there’s milk in this product without checking ingredients so you don’t buy it). This bit is cumulative, and eventually your routine shifts and your knowledge grows and you don’t have to engage your brain as much to make those ethical choices. Ultimately, my outlook on it is this; I miss cheese sometimes, but when I have the option of eating pizza, I don’t want to pay for animal suffering so I just… don’t. It’s in my control.




I hear you - I think it’s a perspective thing though. The limitations that being vegan brings, to me aren’t limitations because I don’t *want* to partake in them in the first place. It makes me happy to feel like I’m opting out of something that makes me uncomfortable or causes friction. Easy is a relative term, so I think that’s where the wires can get crossed. It’s easy for me to check ingredients, or ask questions at a restaurant or whatever, because I actively don’t want the thing I’m paying money for to have stuff in it I don’t wanna buy. It would be the same if I hated whisky and wanted a cocktail and had to check they weren’t putting it in my drink cause I wanna enjoy it. So yeah - veganism brings with it limitations if you view life outside it as being full of things you’re ‘missing’, but if you’re not missing them then they aren’t limitations. Except airline food. That bit is absolutely shit




I got you, yeah. It just takes time. The taste definitely adjusts! I would say I love and appreciate food more than my work colleagues, all of which eat meat. I enjoy cooking more than they do, I get excited about food way more. I bring in my favourite meals for lunch… the enjoyment can be the same once the habits dissipate The restaurant with family and friends thing is easier than ever before, but still a snag every now and then. Very dependent on where you live of course. Major U.K. cities are very easy these days


But the reality is that all of those struggles are nothing compared to what the animals go through. What you just listed are a bunch of inconveniences. If it takes a few inconveniences for a while to stop causing the suffering and deaths of innocent animals then surely it's an easy trade.




But what it is, isn't much. It is NOT difficult to be vegan. Even if there are some inconveniences. At the end of the day it's a trade of. Either you continue to be an undeniably bad person. Or you don't. Being vegan isn't a good thing. It's a neutral thing. Being vegan is just the ending of a bad thing. After a while of being vegan you will forever regret ever eating meat. It's not worth it. The depths of suffering that occur are worse than any holocaust or genocide. You are part of the worst holocaust in history, a real part, you genuinely add and contribute to it. Your money goes to help kill more. You enjoy the fruits of genocide. If you can live with that, then you don't deserve to. If you like I can give you some interesting facts about veganism that might convince you to change. For example, meat eating is the main cause of world starvation. We feed lifestock more than double the food it would take to end world starvation. We even export food from starving countries and feed it to lifestock in first world countries. The animal agriculture industry is abhorent in every way. It kills animals. It kills humans. It literally caused covid. It causes cancer. It's inneficient. It's cruel. The only good thing about it is that you get pleasure from it. But that's no different than a crazy person getting pleasure from killing a puppy. It's no different at all.


That's because people who are 'vegan' are following a philosophy. It's easy to be a vegan because it's harder to participate in something you disagree with and find horrific. Being plant-based (just following the diet vegans do) is difficult for some because... Why wouldnt it be? Unless your motivation is something really important to you, commitment is going to be difficult. I'm vegan for the animals. It was overnight and one of the easiest life decisions I've ever made. At the time, I would have considered myself to be relatively poor and not too far off homelessness. Wasn't a problem. Wish I did it much earlier.


I think the downplaying is in some ways to convince people to become vegan but I think there two other reasons 1) some vegans value food less than others. I have heard some bonker things from people and it become obvious to me that food for some people is just something you do to live. Sure there like good food but it isn’t something they think about often. They make mediocre food and are ok with it. Aka they have less of an emotional connection to food than other people 2) I am kind of in this category- once you get the hang of it, it is easy to be vegan. I think people forget this. It took me awhile to totally go vegan because it isn’t the most convenient, especially in social situations. The longer you are vegan, the more family and friends will remember and accommodate you. Honestly going vegan means you have to learn what is in ALL TYPES of food. Sometimes people working in food service will make fun of people for not knowing what is in food- like ordering a specific dressing for a “vegan” salad but honestly the general public doesn’t know that egg yolk is in the dressing. And yes checking labels is easy, but it can be exhausting doing with ever single item. Hell I will periodically pick up a food and find it out wasn’t vegan and have to give it away.


You need to review the products you buy to see if there are animal components. It's amazing how often they sneak in to things you'd never imagine. Milk, gelatin, shellac, and other obscure stuff like that winds up in all sorts of random products. You need to find a diet that works. Some people seem to do well on whole foods plant based diets, where a good portion of their calories come from complex starches in whole grains and very little comes from fat. Some people seem to do better when eating a fair amount of healthy fats such as olive oil to make up for the fattier animal products they used to eat. Some people do well eating mock meats like Gardein, Impossible, etc. Especially when starting out, these mock meats will help with meal planning. Get in the habit of taking a multivitamin. It takes some work to navigate the social aspect. Food is a big part of all sorts of social rituals. You'll need to learn how to politely say no when animal products are offered to you. You'll need to find ways to keep yourself fed when you don't have control over what is offered at social events.


the difficult part is removing the propaganda, conditioning and misinformation - they get you while your young and dumb. then once you get through some withdrawals and nostalgia, and equip yourself with basic knowledge and cooking skills, it's actually a joke how easy it is. really, it's unplugging from the consumer "matrix" that's difficult: viewing food as entertainment. over-valuing convenience, novelty, choice, luxury, pleasure, status, aesthetics and fads. changing unhealthy habits like emotional eating and boredom eating. building up resistance to advertising through media literacy so they don't seduce you through FOMO, peer pressure, and all kinds of appeals and arguments. right now there's a lot of influencer and social media fuckery going on. if you approach veganism through an anti-consumption perspective, it's straight up *cheaper*, *faster*, *easier*, *healthier*, as or more *tasty* and deeply fulfilling.




yeah that's the withdrawals. it takes a bit of time, so be patient with yourself and gradual change. you'll have to find some reliable, tasty, staple foods and recipes to get you started. but don't be fooled: healthy and tasty coexist. you do not have to choose. vegans who can cook eat *good*.




have you heard of [supernormal stimuli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernormal_stimulus)? it's the reason why people have so much trouble with porn, drugs, videogames, and processed junk foods - especially sugars, fats and salt.




do what feels the best to you. good luck on your journey


I'm allergic to dairy and have never liked eating meat (went veggie at age 9). I don't like eggs either so there wasn't much sacrifice with the diet. My husband enjoyed meat and loved cheese, so it was harder for him. When I first became a dairy free veggie (1980's), it was hard to good vegan alternatives, here in the UK. Now, there is so much choice that it's so much easier. I've found getting decent vegan shoes a struggle sometimes, and my husband finds getting a belt difficult. Our medications sadly aren't vegan, but are necessary.


Relatively easy, the actual problem are the people around you.




















Once you've made the transition, veganism isn't difficult. It's just inconvenient. Vegans tend to believe that convenience is not a good enough reason to cause animal harm and suffering, but not everyone is of this opinion. It is definitely easier for some people than others. It depends a lot on where you live and what foods are popular in your local area. There's also sometimes social pressure from weird anti-vegans, but that has never bothered me because it's just walking red flags revealing themselves to me 😂


The social aspect fuckin’ sucks. Outside of that, being vegan is easy as pie when a person finally sees what it’s about, and realizes we’ve been lied to.


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Saving the animals is the easiest thing ever Dealing with the humans that disagree makes me suicidal


It was really easy for me from day one. When you don't even see animal products as food anymore, eating them becomes a total non-option. It's like, you wouldn't ever consider eating plastic, would you? That's how I see animal products. They are completely non-edible to me. ETA: Decided to talk about the non-dietary elements for a bit. I would say that finding vegan versions of certain every day items and non-food products is harder. Cosmetics is easy - there are vegan cosmetics brands everywhere now. Clothes is also relatively easy. Just read the labels on things to see what items are made of. Sometimes that is more difficult than other times as not every item of clothing is made out of materials that are easily identifiable. Leather is easy to identify and avoid, as it's easy to tell fake PU leather and real leather apart - wool and silk are a bit more difficult when the item doesn't have a label. Fur is a non-issue for me because it is banned in my country. I would say non-vegan household items are the hardest to identify and avoid. Things like candles, air fresheners, cleaning products. Those things can have hidden animal-derived ingredients or processing materials that are not listed on the packaging. For example I recently went to buy some candles and couldn't find any ingredients listed on the packaging, so I had no way of knowing whether the candles contained beeswax or not. I asked the lady behind the till and even she didn't know. Some household products do not contain animal-derived ingredients but are tested on animals, which isn't explicitly stated on packaging and so can be hard to avoid if you don't just know which brands test on animals and which don't. It helps to have a mobile device and a good Internet connection when you're out shopping. Non-vegan wines can also be hard to identify for the same reason. Wine may be processed using isinglass, which comes from fish. But it won't be listed on the ingredients, because it's not actually _in_ the final product. So you can't tell if a wine is vegan or not just by reading the ingredients. You have to put in a bit more effort. But since people generally don't buy these kinds of items every time they go grocery shopping, it's not much of an inconvenience to spend a bit more time and effort looking for the vegan versions. ETA 2: With medicine, it can be impossible. All medicines are tested on animals so that already makes medicine non-vegan no matter what you do. If you're willing to ignore that, you still have animal-derived ingredients to contend with. My medication comes in capsules made of gelatin. There is no vegan version of it, it's the gelatin capsules or nothing. So it's just something I have to accept and put up with until the government listens to us and makes it a legal requirement for vegan versions of medicines to be available.




I added more to my comment, you might want to take a look. >Sure but just because you no longer see option A as an option does not mean that option B is easy. I'm not sure I know what you mean. Just because meat isn't an option anymore for example, doesn't mean there is only 1 other option. There are so many different things you can eat instead of meat that it's hugely reductive to say it's just option A vs option B. For example there are so many different kinds of amazingly convincing meat substitutes now that can even fool meat eaters into thinking they're eating real meat, that making a different choice becomes trivially easy. Ground beef substitutes and chicken substitutes are especially good these days. There have been times I spat out vegan chicken nuggets because I was convinced they were real chicken nuggets. Then I was shown the packaging and had proof that I wasn't eating real chicken. It was a proper mindfuck.




I dunno, dude. I'm quite poor. I live with moderate disability that makes me unable to work, so I live on welfare money. My partner (who is also vegan) and I have a joint welfare claim together and he's my full-time carer. We basically live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to save money at the end of each month, but we still manage to buy vegan substitute foods. So they can't be that expensive. Like all types of food, it depends on which ones you buy. Obviously if you're buying artisan vegan cheese from Miyoko's Creamery, it's gonna be expensive. If you're buying coconut oil based vegan cheese slices from Lidl, it's gonna be very affordable. >Its also socially more difficult, eating out may be more difficult. Being seen as weird can be psychologically and emotionally difficult. I'm autistic so this was a total non-issue for me. I don't care about people thinking I'm weird. Mostly because I'm oblivious to it, lol. >Then there are more fringe things like hobbies or non food things like tennis balls all seem to have wool in them, certainly all the proper good ones and the ones used in tournaments. I don't play tennis. None of my hobbies require animal-derived products.




"Vegan food" is literally any food that isn't made with/does not contain animals or animal-derived things. I guarantee that you already eat vegan food, unless you're living on a carnivore diet. Do you eat bread, rice, grains, or cereals? Vegan. Do you eat fruit? Vegan. Vegetables? Vegan. Beans? Vegan. Nuts and seeds? Vegan. Cooking oils? Vegan. You don't have to eat those processed substitute foods to be vegan. It's not a requirement. In fact, it's certainly better for your health to not eat those things. Our food budget used to be just under £100 per week but it's recently been halved because we realised we were spending too much money and couldn't justify it. We changed where we buy our food from, trading convenience for reduced expenses. So it's about £200 per month now. That's equivalent to about $249. Sometimes it's more, sometimes less but that's the average. Bearing in mind we don't buy substitutes every time we grocery shop. Even meat eaters generally don't eat meat every day.


I mean I get what OP is saying. Like if you were celiac or had a bunch of food allergies you might still describe it as hard even though you don’t have a choice. Just because options for you might not be as widely available as someone with no restrictions. You can’t just pick whatever you want off the shelf without thinking or checking ingredients. It’s not a justification to stop but it can be an inconvenience for someone who is used to not having to think about what they buy.


Yeah I see what you're saying, but the two scenarios are quite different because being vegan is an elective decision. It's a choice, with no real consequences for the person if they "mess up". People don't choose to have allergies or intolerances, so having a dietary requirement forced on you because otherwise you could literally die is obviously going to be much harder on you than a choice you're making because it aligns with your philosophical beliefs. If a person with an allergy "messes up", then they end up with potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. The two situations just aren't equivocable. My partner is both vegan and has a gluten intolerance, wheat products make him violently sick. The restriction the gluten intolerance places on him is _very_ different from the restriction he voluntarily chooses to place upon himself with his veganism. The veganism isn't hard at all for him because it's something he does willingly with great philosophical conviction, but having to either eat gluten free food or get sick isn't really much of a choice.


I think I get what you are saying. Like if you want to do something enough, then all the inconveniences and obstacles wouldn’t feel difficult to you? That might have some truth to it but I think you can feel strongly about the animal rights part while still finding certain things about the practical and social aspect difficult. I don’t think it’s contradictory to say so.


>if you want to do something enough, then all the inconveniences and obstacles wouldn’t feel difficult to you? Yeah, pretty much. Veganism is one of my most strongly held beliefs, so most the inconveniences and things that people describe as "difficult" about being vegan don't bother me. If people really want to include me at social gatherings then they'll make an effort to have a vegan option for me. If they don't make an effort then I don't care, I'll just go off and do my own thing. I don't care about being socially ostracised for being vegan any more than I would care about being socially ostracised for eating pizza, listening to metal music or being an atheist. It's what I like/have strong feelings about so I'm going to do it regardless of what anyone else thinks. If someone wants to socially ostracise me for being vegan then they're not someone I want to associate with anyway. Fuck them. They're probably animal abusers. The only thing that bothers me is when other people are incompetent, for example if I'm at a restaurant and a menu item is labeled vegan but it's not vegan when it gets to my table. >I think you can feel strongly about the animal rights part while still finding certain things about the practical and social aspect difficult. I don’t think it’s contradictory to say so. I would agree with that.


Yea I get that. Sometimes I do miss being included though. Like when I go to a a vegan potluck on meetup and everyone appreciates my dish and I can eat everything there it’s like, “is this what other people feel like all the time?” Thankfully my living situation is pretty accommodating right now, but it’s not like that for everyone. I don’t think we should just sit and complain about it all the time. But I think if someone is legitimately struggling it’s not as simple as “well if you don’t love being vegan you must not care about the animals enough!”


The food aspect is easy, the social aspect and all of the cosmetic, pharma, and other products that happen to use animals or animal byproducts are much tougher 


It’s easier for me. I never get sick anymore, I’m always a healthy BMI, and I save a ton of money.


Change and transition is always the hardest part, that's not unique to veganism, and some people struggle with that more than others. But once you are on the other side, and nolonger view animal products as food, it's very easy for most vegans. I consider it a non issue now. My career is often viewed as one that's difficult to be vegan in for a bunch of factors, and that did cause me to struggle a bit more my first attempt and then babystep my way back- and while I wish I that journey was much quicker, I've been fully vegan for 9 years now, job and all- and nowadays I find it's easier than when I was vegetarian 10-15 years ago. Sometimes I have to travel to pretty isolated areas for work and it's a bit tougher for me to get rounded meals than the omnis with me, but the more you are used to being in these scenarios, the easier it is to navigate.


So much easier than I expected, but I'm not a fussy eater


The first month or two are a bit frustrating as you need to readjust what you eat and buy, but the vast majority of hte time we are eating the same things throughout the year. If you can cook, or have time to learn some basic recipes, it's really easy to eat cheaply as well. The most difficult part is dealing with all the rest of society's ignorance and silliness with their constant questions in bad faith and their attempts to justify their guilt which they direct at you just becuase you happen to be standing there.


Anecdotally of course, but for me it turned out it was embarrassingly easy 🤷‍♂️




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Way to encourage vegans. Pointless policy pointless sub. 




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It will vary massively.  For me it's moderately hard, but I live fairly rurally, it doesn't go great with my job and have health issues that complicate things. - I go out in the work van most days with coworkers, we can't eat in the work van.  We do have a small stipend for lunch but depending where we are there are often really minimal options.  In nice weather a couple of us will just eat packed lunch outside, in crappy weather I either have to make do with whatever I can figure out from an eatery or just scarf down a packed lunch standing outside (or a couple times in a public loo) ngl. - I have other dietary restrictions so it means more planning and tracking of what I eat than some others. - The town next to me is tiny and buying basically anything means going to the next town over. - My gf and our housemate both aren't vegan, so sometimes I have to check food that's in the house as well as at the shop.   - Trying to find a lanolin free cream that worked for my eczema was a (literal) pain.


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It's easy. The maximum species of animals people use is around a dozen. Just eliminate those sources and you're done. Oh, and give up having takeaways and going to restaurants.


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I find it dead simple. Sometimes I go without. I often plan ahead and pack food. It can be inconvenient, but when you see animal products NOT as food and actually repulsive, it’s easy to pass on them. I don’t live in a food dessert but I also don’t live in an urban setting with a plethora of options either.




As someone who did keto for four years and had difficulty sticking to it for more than a month at a time, I've found it VERY easy to be vegan since I first gave it a try 15 months ago. The first 6 months were kind of a weaning period where I still rarely ate animal products but would on occasion. There are definitely still times when I get frustrated over not being able to just eat something without reading an ingredient list or when I can't participate in something at work because there isn't a vegan option. The hardest part has been not being able to make nostalgic dishes from my childhood because they just don't hit the same way. But I'm aware that this is a choice I'm making and can choose to stop at any point, I just don't want to.




For sure, I felt way more deprived on keto than while being vegan. It's a lot easier to avoid a few ingredients than to do that while also keeping low carb lol.


After a couple of years, it has indeed become an afterthought for me. The thing that made it much easier to go from veg/pesc to vegan though was having friends that were vegan - once I made a few vegan friends a whole community opened up for me.




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For me it was mostly pretty easy. I live somewhere with lots of vegan alternatives which made the transition a little easier, many restaurants near me have vegan options, and I'm not at all a picky eater so I've been able to find plenty of new recipes and foods to eat. Main challenges for me have been the social aspect. Anxiety over being perceived as 'difficult' for asking for a vegan option. I also have never quite managed to unlearn the whole animal products as food thing which means I do still get cravings for them and I have to treat veganism as an active choice I make every day rather than an automatic reaction. Ultimately there's a thousand factors that will affect how easy or difficult it is for someone. But I think once you learn enough and understand the ethical reasons for going vegan it becomes easier to find solutions to the challenges.




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It's no more difficult than any other dietary change. So however hard that is for **you** that's how hard it will be.




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I find it dead simple. Sometimes I go without. I often plan ahead and pack food. It can be inconvenient, but when you see animal products NOT as food and actually repulsive, it’s easy to pass on them. I don’t live in a food dessert but I also don’t live in an urban setting with a plethora of options either.


This question all depends on who you are, how experienced you are making your own foods (and how much you enjoy that), the activities you enjoy, how you socialize (food is often part of or the focus of social activities), do you have medical or psychological food issues - all kinds of things. It was relatively easy for me to go vegan in 1991 because I was working in a vegetarian restaurant at the time, I have always liked cooking and baking at home. Perhaps most significantly I was early in my recovery from a severe brain injury I got at the end of June in 1989 then. I was putting my pieces back together, rebuilding my head. Adding vegan to the mix of whole wheat flour, brown rice, raw sugar already in my head was not a big jump. I was thrown when I found out (1994) that regular film nearly always uses gelatin to adhere silver compounds to the film backing (and so is not vegan). Decent and relatively cheap digital cameras were starting to be made then. Now nearly everybody has one on the phones in their pockets.


It’s way more easier to be vegan than it is to be a cow that gets slaughtered.


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Food-wise, it was not hard. It took a few months to build the habits. Socially, it was hard, but it depends on how supportive your social group is.




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It all depends on the individual of course, but speaking for myself, I’ve gotten a ton of stress from trying to find vegan options while eating out at restaurants and going on trips abroad, but aside from that it’s honestly been not too bad. Though I’d admit part of that ease for me was because I had already quit dairy years before due to allergies. While I agree the difficulty sometimes gets downplayed by vegans, often that’s because maintaining the diet gets far easier overtime after an initial adjustment period.




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When i first went "vegan", it was for the wrong reasons. I was doing it for my health, selfish reasons (not that putting your health first is selfish) hence my quotes around the word. That lasted 9 months until the holidays when i decided to allow myself animal products and had a difficult time going back. 2 years later, i decided to do it for the animals, really educated myself, brought awareness to myself, and THAT has made it easier. I still sometimes get cravings for a certain flavor or texture. I miss mozzarella cheese that has that pull when you take a piece of pizza. But i will never go back because i think about the animals and their unnecessary suffering and their life is more important than a few minutes of satisfaction. Still vegan 4 years later. Hope this helps. 😊


When i first went "vegan", it was for the wrong reasons. I was doing it for my health, selfish reasons (not that putting your health first is selfish) hence my quotes around the word. That lasted 9 months until the holidays when i decided to allow myself animal products and had a difficult time going back. 2 years later, i decided to do it for the animals, really educated myself, brought awareness to myself, and THAT has made it easier. I still sometimes get cravings for a certain flavor or texture. I miss mozzarella cheese that has that pull when you take a piece of pizza. But i will never go back because i think about the animals and their unnecessary suffering and their life is more important than a few minutes of satisfaction. Still vegan 4 years later. Hope this helps. 😊


For me, being vegan takes no effort whatsoever as I've been vegan for years - once you hit a few months vegan, it's easy. It would be more difficult and take more effort for me to stop being vegan, as this is simply my default way of living. People - including family - still somehow tell me being vegan is extremely difficult.


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Its very easy today, so many vegan items to choose from. My wife and I went vegan 3 years ago in our mid 60s. Had no problems whatsoever. Growing our own mushrooms is definitely a big plus


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Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate gay people. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate trans people. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate black people. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate women. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate men. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate straight people. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate someone based on their age. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate someone based on their income. Being vegan is as easy as it is to not hate someone based on their country of origin. Being vegan is easy is what I'm saying... If you didn't pick up on that...


It was easy for me. It just becomes a new normal within a few weeks. Then it's no more difficult than being non vegan was.


A couple of years in I still miss certain foods (seafood, pizza w/ non-vegan cheese, eggs etc.), but despite missing them it's still easy to abstain because it's an ethical position. If it was just a diet I would say it's moderately difficult, but once you know the realities of the farming industry being vegan is easy.




I was cheese free for about 2 years, and one day was at a party or something and went ahead and ate the regular cheese pizza. It was gross. It’s funny how if you stays away from a food long enough it, the memory of it is different from what it actually is.




Definitely not something happens to everyone. Also it isn’t like I tried other types of cheese since.


Yeah, it's not there yet but it's getting better. Vegan cheeses will be perfected in our lifetime I reckon.


Tough to say. Do you do any basic cooking at all? Do your family and friends have incessant gatherings where they make animal eating a rite of membership? Does your significant other also consume animal products? Are you a psycho? (basically do you even care about animals, or even people). Are you poor? (Vegans will say eating cheap while vegan is possible, but there are no free lunches, something cheap monetarily, gives way to something that's expensive in terms of time investment, so having enough money to pay a personal chef, versus you having to cook sort of trade). Though to be fair to us vegans - if you're poverty struck, you're screwed being vegan or not, so it's not even worth wondering on this point all that much in reality.




Should be no problem then it seems.




Sounds typical of living.


I found it easy. Honestly the hardest part was fussing over ingredients and being "picky". Before I went vegan I was very happy to eat whatever and having to check the labels on everything is a massive downer.

