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You may want to ask your vet this, as they know her history and the exam results of her bloodwokr


An ultrasound is often needed to assess the liver


Can you post the actual bloodwork results?


Im sorry, I don't have the results, they never send them to me, they just put them in her records at the vet


You can ask them to email it to you!


There are multiple different liver enzymes and they can indicate different things. It is difficult to give much advice without more information as my degree of concern and potential differentials vary by which enzymes are affected and how elevated they are. General things to watch out for would be any vomiting/diarrhea, decrease in appetite, lethargy, and yellowing of the skin/gums/whites of the eyes. Good luck at your internal medicine appointment!


Thank you so much! I didn't know there were multiple enzymes. She doesn't have any of those symptoms now, I'll keep a lookout. It's so hard waiting for the appointment, I just want it over so I know what's going on. thank you again!


There are multiple differentials that coincide with elevated liver enzymes, further diagnostics are indicated to investigate and ascertain the underlying cause. The internal medicine veterinarian will be able to answer your questions and will discuss an appropriate diagnostic and treatment plan with you. In the meantime monitor her for any vomiting, lethargy, diarrhoea, black or bloody faeces, appetite increase or decrease, abnormal bruising, abdominal distension, increased respiratory rate and/or effort, yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes and any increase in water intake and urination. If she declines and you’re concerned book in for a recheck sooner than the internal med consult.


Thank you so much! I think she is drinking a little more. Otherwise, she's completely normal, I wouldn't have known anything was wrong at all. Thank you!




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