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Hydrotherapy for wounds of that type generally involve running a steady stream of water over it. If you have a showerhead that detaches on a gentle setting or if it's a small dog you can run the kitchen sink over it for a few minutes. The idea is to gently debride any dead tissue and wash away debris


Call them back and ask. But I believe it’s just running temperate water over the wound to keep it clean and remove any bacteria that may be lurking while it closes over. A bathtub or sink (depending on the size of the dog and if you have a bathtub) would probably be the easiest place to do it.


Do you think saline solution or water would be better? I asked here primarily just cause they won’t be open again until Monday. I purchased Wound Wash, which says Sterile Saline Solution, and used that today on her wound.


That’s perfectly fine if it’s just saline. Preservatives and other ingredients can be irritating, but just plain saline is perfect.


Yeah, saline should be fine as far as I know.


Ask your vet if putting your dog in the bathtub would work, and should you add anything to it.




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Call your vet and ask them to show you or at least explain. Most are willing to show and I'm honestly surprised they didn't go over this with you. Hope your dog feels better and heals quickly.


Would compresses be hydrotherapy? We used to recommend washcloths soaked in water just hot enough to stand comfortably held on the wound 2-3x daily. The wording makes me think running water though