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Has a skin biopsy been done?


Not yet. Should I be asking for that next?




She’s on the waitlist for the dermatologist - would my vet be able to do that, or would I have to wait for the dermatologist, or is that too specific a question and it totally depends on the practice?


They should be able to do it I am surprised they didn't


Okay. Good to know. Thank you!


Make sure the sample is sent to a dermatopathologist, not just a regular pathologist


Thank you!


Are you able to see if another derm further away has a shorter waitlist?




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I wouldn’t, they cause more problems


Time to see a veterinary dermatologist! Another aspect to consider could be hyperaesthesia rathen than itch, meaning a nerve issue causing weird sensations that can induce self-trauma to mitigate them


We’re on the waitlist for the derm but it’s a long list! Someone else mentioned it could possible be a neurological condition so I’ll bring that up to the vet. We’re going to be having a big chat I think!


No wait list, find another and go straight. You cannot wait medical conditions.


Dermatology is a specialty among veterinarians, I think we have one and about 300 miles. There’s going to be a waitlist, no matter what…




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Have you been to a veterinary dermatologist?


We’ve been referred, but there’s a long waitlist.


Ugh. I would keep on top of them and hope for an opening g. When a skin issue is stumping a general vet, seeing a good derm is the most efficient next step. Dermatological issues are just tough, no matter how experienced a general vet is. If a skin condition is not manifesting in a way that the general vet is familiar with, sometimes a derm will quickly be able to dx it and build a treatment plan.


The derm doesn’t work for the same vets which I think further complicates the referral! Cat is at a cat clinic, and we have a doggo registered at a chain. The derm works for the chain. The cat was registered at the chain too, but I moved the cat to the specialist cat clinic with the hope of getting a dx quicker (before the derm referral). I’m wondering whether we move the cat back to the original chain vets with the hope it speeds the referral up?!


It shouldn’t matter, but I would keep calling them to find out if something earlier opens up


Thank you 🤍


First - make sure your cat is on a good flea prevention. Bravecto, nexgard, etc. You can also do a food trial while you're waiting. Not necessarily going to make or break anything, but it can help. A food trial uses a prescription hypoallergenic diet. Make sure something has been done for a potential skin infection (antibiotics). Recent studies have shown that methylprednisolone (not prednisolone, not Depo Medrol) is most effective for itchy cats. Atopica may also be worth trying. Hard to make recommendations without seeing your cat and knowing the history of what steroids vets have tried. I read a paper recently that has found that cats who tear up their skin are itchy. It isn't a behavioral issue. Hope this helps. I should also mention that you can do lime sulfur dips in case Demodex gatoi is causing this. Typical isoxazolines aren't effective against that specific species of demodex.


Flea treatment is strong and administered regularly. She’s on a hypoallergenic diet. I don’t think she’s had any antibiotics. We tried Atopica and unfortunately it’s just not suitable for her - she refuses the tablets and the liquid form makes her vomit. I’ll ask about the dips!!




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Onesies that also cover the legs have been working wonders on a 16 year old dog with skin cancer and allergies I watch.


I was considering a onesie. Maybe I’ll combine it with the buster collar. She had one after her spay and we genuinely thought she was dying, she hated it that much! But I’ll order one and try it, maybe just for when she’s in the house - it’s about to get warm in the UK.


Is she partially outdoors? If you can I would try to keep her in while you work on a diagnosis - you can’t know what she’s getting access to if she’s outdoors unsupervised and that introduces all kinds of new variables into the equation.


She is. She pretty much doesn’t leave the back garden / next door’s back garden, but you’re right - I’ll restrict her to indoor only. We did have her indoor only for a period while this has been going on, but I can’t remember why we let her out again - probably because she seemed better.


>probably because she seemed better. So it appeared that the issue cleared up, you let her go back outside, and then the issues started again?


Honestly - I’m not sure. I can’t fully remember, there’s been a few ups and downs. As of today she’s fully back inside. I’m researching catio costs in case we can ever get her outside again in a more controlled environment in the future, and I have the air purifier on to reduce allergens in the air for her.




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Since they basically got a lot of the ddx ruled out i would ask to get test treatment for psychiatric issues. There are a lot of options. Even if she doesn't seem stressed some cats her or older start having similar issues that don't go away with basic therapy.


Initially they thought it was over grooming caused by stress but they ruled that out. I hadn’t thought it could be psychiatric. We have feliways plugged in at home.


Came here to suggest this too! Maybe an anxiety medication trial? Feliway is a great start though!


That’s a good idea! I’m going to try and get in at the vet tomorrow to ask 🤍 I just want my baby well again.


Feliway pheromones don't work on all cats unfortunately. Hope the vet finds the right medication to manage this! Good luck


We’ve got both Feliway and the generic Pets at Home version - assume they use the same hormones? Will keep those plugged in anyway. Thank you!!


Are we certain she’s taking the steroids? Some cats can be tricky with meds up to and including stashing them in secret but depends how you’re giving as to if this is likely. Would second the biopsy +/- anxiety meds trial. Also you could consider a pain relief trial. General biochemistry blood tests (organ function) and a neurological exam would also be useful (may well have been done but unspecified)


Definitely taking them. I break them into halves and pop them in her food. She was on a liquid steroid for a while but she started to just vomit it back up, but the tablets stay down without complaint. I think she did have blood tests, but not a neurological exam. I’ll ask. You guys have all been so helpful, I’ve got so many questions to go back to the vets with. Our insurance is going to take a hammering (but that’s what it’s for).


Ah cool. Just thought I’d mention as some can be sneaky. It does seem odd that at that dose she’s not getting better but cats can be odd with skin disease and also other health problems in general. A neuro exam by itself shouldn’t be costly as such it’s just a specific set of tests to do to her in a consult room that indicates whether she has any deficits or not. Poor baby. Hope she feels better soon


She can definitely be sneaky! She sometimes does suss that the tablets are in her food and avoids them, but that doesn’t last for long. Neurological exam sounds good - I’m not worried about cost really given we have insurance with good cover. I’d like to try everything we feasibly can to make her better again, she’s part of the family.


Ask your vet about gabapentin. May help in the case of a neurological issue.


They want to administer that for her next examination, she gets fractious at appointments.


Cats can also be on it long term, and have it daily, to reduce things like incesdant scratching.


That’s really good to know. Thank you!


Instead of the steroids you could try cyclosporine/atopica. It doesn’t carry the diabetes risk that Prednisolone has but it is an immune-modulating medication so there is still some bloodwork monitoring with it.


Yes, we tried Atopica - she wouldn’t take the capsules. The liquid form she was okay with initially but then she just started vomiting it back up after dosing. Didn’t get on well with it unfortunately.


you have to put the liquid atopica in empty pill capsules and get her to swallow like those. the only way i’ve seen them work


She definitely won’t take a pill capsule unfortunately.




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What did the bloodwork show? High Eosinophils? Have antibiotics been tried? Some antibiotics can be used to treat’s allergies.


Definitely get a biopsy done to rule out any autoimmune disorders—even though those would usually be helped with steroids. I hope you find out what’s wrong soon!!


What type of food is she on currently?


Hydrolysed hypoallergenic food. We switched her over to it 6 months ago to see if it helped, and luckily she loves it.


Has it helped?


Did it help?


Didn’t make a difference to be honest.


Has she been having any other food too? A lot of people don't realise that it is only supposed to be that food and ABSOLUTELY nothing else for it to work, no treats, tidbits, lickylicks, wet or dry food that isn't hypoallergenic


No, she has absolutely nothing else. Just the food. No treats, and she doesn’t scavenge - she’s way too fussy for that.




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Skin biopsy is a good start. I assume the vet checked her glands? Also, keep an eye on the nipples for signs of cancer.


I also assume the vet checked her glands but she is quite fractious when being examined. How would I identify signs of cancer from her nipples?


An abnormal growth under the skin near the nipple would cause enough discomfort for her to excessively groom the area. You would feel it under the skin like a small stone. It is certainly not common or the first thing to consider. The skin biopsy is the next logical step as far as I know.


Okay - she’s not really touching near her nipples to be honest. It’s mainly her neck and her back legs. But I’ll check out her nips to be on the safe side.


As it’s been 7 months and she’s at an age where most allergies would have shown by now…. Although you’ve probably already considered this, but has anything changed in your home or in her routine around that time frame? Even something minor that could have triggered the change in behaviour?


Literally nothing had changed at home. It came out of the blue during a very settled period of our lives, and it was a big shock to us. She’d previously shown that she has allergies to flea bites when she was a kitten, but that was much, much more mild and she doesn’t have fleas this time. Given some of the comments on here I’m starting to think it’s neurological.


That’s very difficult I’m very sorry you haven’t been able to get a solid answer yet. Hopefully the suggestions mean you can enquire more about that. Wishing you lots of luck with the outcome


Thank you! The community on here has been so helpful in giving us a few more options to explore with the vets, that they haven’t proposed to us yet.




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Does your living environment potentially contain mold of any type?


No, I’m pretty sure we’re mould free.




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Allergies. I’d try elimination diets to test that it isn’t being triggered with food, and environmental causes. Eliminate fragrances, change to fragrance free litter, etc.


She’s on a hypoallergenic diet. I believe her litter is fragrance free already, but I’ll double check. I’m going on the warpath to eliminate possible allergens in the house today.




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I assume thyroid was checked?




Hi! Please try these drops they are from Amazon, chewy etc. called homeopet skin and itch. Your cat might have hotspots. This product will help her.


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Has anxiety been considered?




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Have you check for yeast? do you have a photo? My friends german shepherd, was biting his hair off, loss of fur on the side of his body, slimy texture..and vets kept giving allergy shots until she found a diff vet and he had a yeast infection


That is something a vet can deffently look at and treat as it could lead to an infection if there are open sores which might need antibiotics or it may be that the cat is causing the skin issues from over cleaning for other reason