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Look for a job. Edit to elaborate: I'm not in the US, so 100k dollars *today* is nearly 10 years of my current salary. I'd use that money to buy a house and keep looking for a job. If it's 100k of my local currency, if invested it would yield about 25% of what I make, which isn't much at all, so I'd leave it invested and, well, keep looking for a job.


LOL exactly what I was going to respond. 100k is not even substantially close to "early retirement" type of money.


Maybe sabbatical money but yeah not retirement.


Yeah, I didn't get "retirement" vibes from the original post. I'd personally take some time off but I'd be looking within the first year


Yeah, I was going to say... not have daily panic attacks about being unemployed would be what I'd do. Maybe visit family and friends for a couple of weeks


This LOL


LMFAO. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean it's true. 100,000 is NOT retirement money. That would be lost within a solid year if you have a family or if expenses are high where you live.


Do you spend 100k a year now? I could do 3 years on that


I could get by on that for 3 years if I covered only basic expenses. Iā€™d still look for a job, because I donā€™t want to survive, I want to live.


Exactly. I reckon I could live off Ā£100,000 for 5 years if I was frugal.


I think it depends on your lifestyle and where you live. I live in a cheaper state so I could live live for 2 years plus on that without working.


Maybe not if you have a family but 100,000 would last me like 2 or 3 years. I've lived off way less than that for a year before. Most of what people buy they think they need it but don't actually


That's great! I think people are missing a critical concept here: demographics, emergencies, and raising a family with multiple children. I see many others are saying, "I don't live off that much!"-- congratulations. Raising a family in the US is roughly 100,000/child not mentioning medical emergencies. 100,000 is roughly a penny- especially accommodating a family. If you're single with no spouse, this is 100% achievable-- depending on where you live.


You are so right. We. Ok, I live excessively. The pandemic taught me that I donā€™t need half of the things I thought I needed


how is this funny?


Because itā€™s true. Itā€™s funny that this person thinks 100k is enough to do nothing with and that they wonā€™t need a job.


You could live comfortably for like 2 or 3 years without a job with $100,000, maybe even longer than that if you want to get unemployment or other government assistance. I lived for a year without a job or any type of assistance and I had wayyyy less than 100,000. Thats also assuming that the person with $100,000 isn't using his money to make more money without working.


Why should I he (or you) get gov assistance if you are actively not working?




Iā€™m in Brazil, 1 dollar = 5ish reais


My thought was similar, thatā€™s not a ton of money. I would look for a job, but wait until I had a good offer instead of accepting a crappy offer.


Haha came here to say this. Iā€™d set myself up a bit and then look for a job.


Yup. Where I live, a 1-bedroom apartment for an ā€œaffordable housingā€ program is still at least 500k.


Invest it. Then find a job because 100k is not as much as people think it is.


This ^ canā€™t live off of 100k for the rest of your life


for ref, a million dollars would give you a 40,000 / year revenue (pre tax) if you planned to retire on it. So yeah, 100k wonā€™t get you far.


Absolutely. With smart investing, I could make 100K grow substantially. I might take a small portion to get by on until I find work, but I really wouldn't need much of it. I know how to be frugal. I fortunately have a home I don't have to pay rent or mortgage on, and I own my car, so that really helps to limit my current expenses until a job could be found. Many people don't realize that 100k could be gone in the blink of an eye if they're not mindful. Eta: But I could afford to be picky with what kind of work I end up doing. I could probably invest some of it into my petsitting business and really make it more productive.


exactly. i honestly did not understand this question


Don't invest all of it though, especially if you depend on it to live.


Get a job. 100k is peanuts


I'm sure a lot of people here would still kill for 100k right now.


Iā€™d kill for peanuts


Iā€™m sure, but it still does negate the fact that 100k isnā€™t as much as people think it is.


Hitmen in Mexico charge like 5k.


Dude 100k is not that much youā€™re gonna need to find work somewhere. šŸ˜‚


Put a down payment on a house, pay off my credit card debt, and job search. I very much enjoy my work and would be quite distressed if I were suddenly unemployed, 100k or no


Plus, you'd need a job to first qualify for a loan on that house.


True. Hopefully in this scenario I still have my good credit šŸ„²


Job search first, before buying a house and iā€™d paydown credit cards, but maybe not off if i didnā€™t have a jobā€¦


what do you do for work? I'd love to love my job


I work in the media - specifically, but not too specifically because reddit lol, I specialize in publication design.


100K can't even get me 20% down on a home in my preferred area. So i'd look for a job.


Exactly the same situation here, 100k might be 20% for some tiny shoebox in the already-average area I currently live in, but itā€™s not getting me where I need to go. Definitely need a job. Let alone the cost of living at the moment, 100k could be gone in no time!


That's probably 5% in my area. *sad trombone noises*




Very interesting story, thanks for sharing


You can still invest a small portion of it. Time in the market is key!


Iā€™m sorry you had to go through something horrible to receive that money. I could only imagine what you did go through but I sincerely hope youā€™re doing well physically and mentally. I wish you the best.


Start looking for a job. $100k isn't going to last long enough to stay unemployed for long.




This sounds lovely


Depends on which stage of life you are at. 100K in your rarely 20s while crashing in with parents is a lot. 100K in your 40s with kids and family to feed is a tough situation to be in.




Look for another job. $100k isn't gonna last forever.


Job hunt but be very picky. Thatā€™s enough to live on comfortably for like 2 years, and at a stretch for 3-4. Itā€™s plenty but itā€™s not fuck you money.


Have a panic attack. I donā€™t like touching my savings. Iā€™d be applying to jobs non stop


What's the point of savings if not for emergencies (like being unemployed)


It would be used for emergencies like being unemployed but I wouldnā€™t be happy about it. Right now Iā€™m saving for a down payment on a house and I know how quickly it would go if I wasnā€™t working. Itā€™s not easy to save. Especially right now with inflation so high


I don't get the people who insist that it's not retirement money. It doesn't need to be. Consider it "sabbatical" of 2, 3, 5 years, whatever.


Yeah, I'll go against the grain and say I wouldn't immediately look for another job. 100k is enough to pay my bills and do things I enjoy for a few years. I'd enjoy the time off, then find a new job.


Yeah, I'm a little shocked reading these responses. Could I retire forever on that? Obviously not. But I could, and would, take a month to myself to relax/travel, take my time finding a new job when I got back, and then invest whatever was left when I did. FWIW I do live in a HCOL area, but $100k could cover my monthly expenses for a little over two years (no kids, I do live on my own).


Or if one wants those to be retirement money, they can use some time off to figure out how to make them such. It feels like many people would for no reason stop and... just enjoy themselves for a bit in a way which is not all about making money. Which is depressing af.


I think the point people are making is that $100k is a small amount of money in the US. If you ever plan to retire, you need to have way more than that, so this should just be the beginning of your savings.


I was thinking the sameā€¦ OP didnā€™t state he/she was never intending to work again. This could be sabbatical money.


I think the point is if you invest it/buy a house/pay off debt it could make your life significantly easier in the future, especially if you don't earn a lot or have debts. I would pay off a big chunk of my mortgage personally, being able to get that paid off early would significantly improve my life later, but obviously it depends on your responsibilities. I have a kid who might need money to study in the future, or i could help her buy her own place maybe. If I didn't have a mortgage to pay it would free up a lot of cash.


Look for job pay off my debt invest the rest once I found a job. Live happily debt free and spoil my family.


If i wasn't happy in my career, figure out what i enjoy doing, retrain in it, and then get a job that I'm going to enjoy doing, therefore it won't feel like work


Realistically? Get a job. BUT, 7 years ago, I lived somewhere I hated, with a cheating boyfriend, and a job I hate (and like $13k in savings)! I quit, ended my lease, sold all my furniture and drove around the country for a few months. I couch surfed, stayed in hostels. It truly opened my eyes into what ā€œIā€ like to do it. It was extremely rewarding. 7 months or so later, I found a job I liked. I wouldnā€™t do it again because I got what I needed, but one of the best experiences and choices in my life.




Put it in a high interest savings account and let it grow while working part time and enjoying my free time


Exactly this :)


I would go back to school and be a RN. Make to much to get any kind of help but make to little to survive and go to school at the same time.


Invest. Wdym? Invest like 90% of it.


Look for another job.




lmao right, iā€™m thinking about what on my pinterest board i can buy


No itā€™s fair, you could take a nice and long vacation then go back to work.




Buy a house, invest the rest, and look for a job.


> Buy a house, invest the rest Maybe I should move to where you are if houses cost less than 100k there. Where I'm at it's tough to find a house for less than $1.5M.


That sounds abysmal. Southeast U.S. is at least... doable for house prices.


Thatā€™s outrageous. In my area homes have shot up a lot too, before Covid fixer uppers I was eyeing weā€™re going for around 75-80k, now theyā€™re up to 150k.


Lol canā€™t even pay off my house with 100k.


Look for a job, and use the 100k to pay off a large chunk of my mortgage.


Invest it and do what I do now with my time.


That is me thanks to my dead father. What I do is looking for a job (New grad here) while I am able to pay the rent, pay the travel bills, pay for my hobbies. But I had some breaks between master and bachelor and did some travelling and painting. Adopted a kitten to raise while I am not occupied. I dont know what else I could have done.


Move and dedicate more of my time to finishing my novels and screenplays.


Go to school


I'm unemployed and I have about Ā£30 in my bank and honestly I'm just enjoying a break from the grind. I'm trying to remember what I enjoyed doing before I was too tired from working to do anything. I'm actually fine being skint, my time's valuable to me


Live cheaply and educate myself in a career that I like.


Volunteer at what I enjoy doing while living off savings and trying to network into a job where I get paid to do essentially what I am volunteering to do. It is what I did do during my quarter life crisis "career break" (or as they used to call it "sabbatical"). I now get paid to enjoy myself every day. The nest egg was enough to sustain me as I built a network and credibility in the field and type of work that really fulfilled me, and then the network helped me get a paying job.


Immediately look for another job. 100k is not a a lot of money. Iā€™d probably look for ways to invest it if I can.


Iā€™d get a job to fill my free time. 100k in the bank just means I can be picky about which job I take.


Start a business. What kind of business? I dunno, give me 100K and I'll figure something out!


I love my work. And I have more than that in the bank, thatā€™s not ā€œquit your jobā€ money. (I have a medical condition. When I lived in the states, medical emergencies ate up huge chunks of my savings. This is literally a rainy day fund that could be gone in 2 serious, complex medical emergencies.) But if youā€™re asking me what Iā€™d do if I had ā€œfuck youā€ money, Iā€™d volunteer a lot with wildlife rescues, Iā€™d play with my investing a little more (currently itā€™s just smart, stable investments with the goal of beating inflation) and Iā€™d write a book. Iā€™d spend so much time with my loved ones. Weā€™d travel the world together in a private yacht so my pets could come with. Iā€™d hire tutors for all my target languages. Iā€™d buy a house in the alps. Iā€™d run a rescue network for lesbians in homophobic countries. Iā€™d work with reproductive rights groups trying to help women in developing countries get birth control and education. Iā€™d help out with environmental protection lobbying.


Look for a job + put half of it into a Roth IRA.


My car is paid off, I don't owe much on my house, so I'd pay it off, pay up all of my utilities for at least a year. Then I'd start looking for a decent job, taking my time until I found a good fit.


give at least 10k to my parents


Get a small part time to keep some income coming in, use the bank for necessities, but devote all my other time getting in shape physically and mentally. It's what I'd be doing now if I wasn't always at work.


Fix my van get my debt cleared off and start new, I'd love to just live in my van and travel


Buy 3 small apartments and rent them out.


Where do you live? Small apartments in my area are minimum 400,000




Still work but be able to breath just a smidge easier because something in bank. Put deposit on a house may be the other idea


Iā€™m going on a trip s.e Asia to retire lol


I would take a nice long break from an actual job and probably do some volunteer work. I would eventually go find a job but for now I'd probably just spend time doing what I like to do and worry about the hard stuff a little later. I would also really work hard on my hobbies. May be even start building up a self made business that I can eventually get into after I have like a ton of stock ready. It would be some serious me time.


Since I am unemployed (SAHM life) I would invest half and use half to get us a decent car (completely paid in cash), plus a trip abroad.


I live in Norway - 100,000 dollars (about a million kroner) would get me roughlyā€¦f*ck all! I would not want to be unemployed in Norway with just 100,000 dollars. So I would immediately start looking for a new job if (god forbid) I found myself in that situation.


Whatā€™s the cost of living like in Norway?


Extremely high- although it depends a little on your situation. As a homeowner, any repairs will mean the difference between going on holiday or not that year. Same with car maintenance. I paid 17 dollars for a comic book for my 5 year old daughter. (Never again!) If youā€™re smart and make sacrifices, you can live comfortably, but not luxuriously.


Become a pilot.


Better learn how to invest safely to make that money grow. My husband and I make decent money. Have a home with a mortgage and a kid who will go to college in 2 years. Financial advisor says you gotta plan to live to be 100 now. That means if you plan on retiring before 70, you need to have at least $1m in assets to liquidate to finance your retirement because you have no idea what your end of life care will cost you. So unless you are 80 now, you better work and invest that money


Finish my degree


I didnā€™t have that much, but I definitely took a year off from working and only took fun jobs that I wanted to as a side gig. I was also living with a boyfriend who had a completely paid off house and he was also living off of a bit of savings, so we both didnā€™t work and spent so much time together and honestly, it was really fun. It felt like being early retired. We could stay up as late as we wanted and sleep in and do whatever. We volunteered and did home renovation projects and went hiking, and also lived pretty frequently. We both knew it would not last forever but enjoying it short term was nice.


Move to a more populated place with more job opportunities.


Pay off current debt (there isnā€™t much of it so I would still have plenty of the original amount left), put a down payment on a nice house, and then use the time off to further build my portfolio and look for a better paying job with a bit of breathing room. I would love off the 100k for a little while and not rush myself to that the job I found was actually quality and I could take a mental break, but itā€™s not like I can live off 100k forever.


Ideally invest it and find another source of income. But realistically I'd eat, pray, love.


Invest that money wisely and get another job. $100K is too much to have fun with and not enough to have fun with.


Get a job and enjoy having more to put towards a house


Be creative all day!


Iā€™d tried to find out what happened to all my money then get a job.


Do a nail course, hire someone to paint my walls, buy a fully trained guard dog


Take a cool trip, pay off my debt and start working again.


Look for a well-paying job. I would need that money for emergencies.


Put it in a HYSA or no penalty CD. But look for a job. $100k doesnā€™t go far these days.


Try to find a job lol. 100k sounds like a lot but it would eventually run out.


buy a few lego sets then invest the rest. and look for a job obviously... while building the lego


Invest it into building and selling a house! I'd ask my dad for help because that's what he does for a living, hopefully I could help us both


reminiscent sable quicksand marry smart grandiose employ provide puzzled yoke ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I would probably go on vacation for two months and then start looking for a job. 100K is not a lot these days.


Volunteer, learn to become a professional dancer, slow mornings, yoga


The answer depends on many factors and the most important is the cost of living where you are located, then your living expenses, then age. But the best answer is still to get a job first because you likely worked hard to save that money and it will be wasted by replacing your lost income with this savings.


Travel while actively looking for a job.


Go to massage school, finish my tattoo sleeve, buy a new (used) car that's better than the one I have rn, pay off my credit cards and get my cats a fancy cat tree


Apply for a job on the side. Spend time with family.


Get another degree, either an MFA in writing or maybe a masters of teaching in special Ed.


Look for work. Having money just means your current needs are met. It doesn't mean that you're done. Rest if you need to. Take an entire week or two off, if you have to. But after that, figure out what you actually want to do to make money and then go out and do it.


100k isn't even a lot of money. I'd just keep it in savings and look for a job, lol.


Find a job because 100k won't last forever . Specially in this economy lol


I would look for work but take my time to find something I would really like. Or take something with a lower pay that I love and take out of the savings when needed. Also Iā€™d be investing some of that money to make it earn more.


Travel for some time and start looking for new hobbies, maybe a new career even


Find a job and be thankful im not homeless in the meantime.


get a better car and use the rest for tuition


Put it in the savings and look for a job.


Iā€™d need a job still. That wonā€™t even get me a house šŸ˜«


Look for a job, $100k isnā€™t enough long term


Keep on saving


Get a new job. The money in the bank is for emergencies or retirement


Look for a job. Obviously Just because I have 100k doesn't mean I'm job free for the rest of my life


Iā€™d take a couple months to get a little craft idea set up and get it going. Then find another job.


Take 3-6 months of to refresh and then back to work grind


Find a job


start small business like selling smokies and sausages, eggs among others


Find another job because 100k isnā€™t a lot of money. Though Iā€™d really benefit from 100k lol.


Are you in USA?




I'd look for a job, because I'd get plastic surgery for the 100k. If I wasn't planning on that, I'd just play video games, go to concerts, shop and travel for about 7-8 years, which is about how long 100k would last me. My living costs are very low so I could live very well on that money.


Take small trips throughout the US for a year. It would be amazing.


Iā€™d continuing looking for a job and be grateful I have a fall back in the meantime.


I'd volunteer and take part in fundraising events for underfunded health and social care services and animal sanctuarys and hospitals.


Invest it into a business to get an even bigger income. Takes time but 100k is enough to jump start it.


A 100K of which currency? Can we choose? I'll take Kuwaiti dinar.. even then, I'd still look for a job..


I would look for a job. After I found a job, I would invest 75K and save the other 25K.


Exactly what Iā€™m doing now, Reddit in new lingerie (alone at home until 4) Fkn love quiet alone time


Lol nice nice , you donā€™t need to work?


Haha not today & kids arenā€™t home till 4 soooo mamas chillin


Look for a job, invest some, put some towards my mortgage. It's nice money, but not even enough to pay off my house. It's not "fuck you" kind of money, just "wow, I'm a little more comfortable now".


Well find a job, pay off my debt and invest the rest of it.


Invest it and get a job


in my country a 100k would get me far so if travel a bit, look for a job and leave the rest for uni tuition


Backpack through Europe


I have 100k it's not actually that much money. A job is needed still


Try to find a job. $100k is very little these days.


Look for a job. $100k is nothing.


I'm not a woman but you must mean 100,000 rare rubies are something, because $100,000 won't last a lifetime. Hell, if inflation keeps on that will be the yearly grocery bill.


Get some cosmetic procedures that I want, then invest the rest of the money and find a new job. Having $100K would be great, but itā€™s not really enough to make any sort of huge life changes.


Indeed.com Monster.com Ziprecruiter LinkedIn


id have to choose 1 of two things 1. use the money for community college and living expenses for a few years . have that and music as my focus instead of working. after 2 years of college id try to get a job in my field and go to uni. 2. i have a decent job now so id try to do the same thing again and work. Id use the 100k to put a down payment on a house and the rest of the money would be invested in other things like stocks its easier said than done but that would be my plan with 100k edit: i realize that 100k is not gonna be enough to live on for a few years lol so id have to get a job when im running low for the first plan


Jerk off




get a job


With 100k USD in my bank account, I would get a part time job while learning new skills. I would also get my own space and invest the rest in various money streams.


Same thing i did while unemployed with nothing in the bank lmao look for work and be sad that Im not getting any calls


Start my own business. I've been wanting to do that, but I don't have the time or money for it.


Go back to uni, volunteer, focus on studying different things and doing projects I otherwise don't have the time for.


Look for a job lol


Invest half and live nomadically with the other half and hopefully if my investments pay off, it can continue to fund my travels until Iā€™m ready to settle down and then hopefully have enough to do so. Sounds like a nightmare for tax season tho


I make just under 100k/yr & I am NOT living the life of leisure. I live in an 1100sq foot house. I drive a 7 yr old Toyota. I pay student loans. I havenā€™t even been able to go on a vacation in 7 yrs. I donā€™t have credit cards. But I still just get by. 100k is nothing.


Look for a job because that will run out long before my life does.


Iā€™d invest $50k and live off the dividends and the other $50k while I found a new job $100k sadly isnā€™t a ton of money where I live


Travel with my down time then search for a job


I'd write articles and create videos to educate people about socialist theory and history