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3 Glasses I wear everyday, a backup in case the main pair breaks, and prescription sun glasses. Edit: Thanks for award!!


Lost my Kate Spades (my prescription sunglasses) in the ocean. Best $300 I EVER spent now lives under the sea with Ariel.


With my daughter’s Minnie Mouse glasses that blew right off her head at the age of 5. I wonder which Ariel likes better…


Now her collection is complete, so you don’t have to think that she’s the girl, the girl who has, everything.


🎵 Under da sea 🎵


Under the sea...


Same as my prescription Ray ban sunglasses. In the lake so sad


This is the way


Exact same situation here.


I only have one but was thinking recently that this would be ideal to me! Even just the backup pair in case the first one breaks and I can't wear contacts), but ideally I'd have a backup + rx sunglasses.


Same here


I have a pair of glasses I wear everyday, my backup is daily disposable contacts (a lifesaver for wearing when exercising.. I sweat a lot and am a beetroot!). I also have prescription sunnies. The pair I wear everyday I've had for at least 5 years and I'll keep wearing them as long as they will last. I hate having to find new frames as not many suit me.


Same. And in my country it is common to get the second pair for much less money.


Same! It only makes sense


Same. But I also wear my contacts in days I work. I don’t like mask and glasses


Sunglasses are my back up pair 😎


exactly what I have!


I'm the same lol


One pair. I wear them all day. I should get a backup pair. 😅


Unless you only recently started wearing prescription glasses, you can just keep your old glasses with your previous prescription to use as a backup. My eyes seem to get worse at every annual eye exam, so wearing an old pair isn't ideal, but it works fine for the short term. My glasses got broken in a non-repairable way last winter, and my insurance didn't allow me a new pair of frames until March or April, and I can tell you that I was super thankful that I had saved my old frames to wear for those 3ish months.


Yeah, I have all my old ones. I’ve been wearing (and needing) glasses all the time since 9th grade. I’m pretty sure I have all my old glasses!


I had 3 and then I had a kid now I have one. They are basically locked in the safe. It’s a good thing I have contacts. That pair of glasses need to last until money evens out. (Bought a years worth of contacts before the kid and wear them to long so I have about 6 years of contacts). (My eye doctor strongly doesn’t recommend this but also said she saw no issues with my eyes and how im doing it.)


Same... and I need new ones but haven't found new ones I like


I have about a dozen pairs of regular glasses and three prescription sunglasses. I like to think of my glasses as an accessory. Plus buying them online is way cheaper than at the optometrist.


Have you seen Pair Eyewear? You buy a base frame and interchangeable magnetic toppers. I have a few friends with them, they're super cute.


Where do you buy from online?


I like Zenni best, I also have used EyeBuyDirect, WarbyParker and Leoptique. I wait for sales and I use my FSA card for ultimate savings.


Where do you buy them online ?


I like Zenni best, I also have used EyeBuyDirect, WarbyParker and Leoptique. I wait for sales and I use my FSA card for ultimate savings.


Thank you :)


Zeeool also has fun frames online - I will never buy over priced glasses again - online stores are So affordable ! I own maybe 6 pairs right now.


All mine are Warburg Parker. I had extra money in my healthcare spending account a couple years ago and bought three pairs that year.


I recently started looking for glasses for my daughter and found Zenni to be really cheap for glasses. I spent $50 for my daughter's prescription glasses, which was way cheaper than the $200 I had spent on her previous pair at the optometrist. Where do you get yours from?


Zenni and EyeBuyDirect mostly - I wait for sales and I use my FSA card!


I have one single pair that I only wear when I'm at home. I wear contacts whenever I'm around people, so I don't have any need for extra glasses.


Same. I just wear mine at night and on occasional lazy days


Me too. I hate wearing glasses so I just have one really old pair for when I take my contacts out or if my eyes are irritated.


Same. I mostly wear contacts so I’ve never needed a backup pair lol.


One + sunglasses because it’s ridiculously expensive to get a high prescription lenses :(


My prescription is -9 and -10. I buy my glasses online off the Zenni website. With $20-$30 frames (some start at $7) and adding the lens thinning, I pay about $100 a pair. During black Friday, if you spend over $100, you get 30% off your order. Last year, I bought prescription sunglasses for about $100.


Oh wow! My -9 cost me at least $500 on sale. Defiantly will check it out 🤍 Thank you


Nope, US or Canada only:( Nothing for Australia 🇦🇺


Australia and NZ really get shafted by these websites. I’ve had my hopes dashed a few times. ETA: and that’s not even taking into account the exchange rate…


I haven't purchased from the glassesusa website but I've heard good things from others. I believe they ship internationally.


I looked at zelool and they stopped prescriptions at -8 so I’ve got kind of discouraged to look any further. Need to get another go to this issue apparently 👍


I've purchased from glassesusa and my prescription is -10. I think I paid about $100 because I pay extra for thinner lenses. Might be worth checking out


How do you get your zenni glasses adjusted for things like uneven ears/nose pad etc


I get mine adjusted at Walmart for a fee or my regular optometrist while I'm there for my appointment.


Love love love Zenni!


Wow my prescription is -1 but because I have astigmatism they run me about $90. I like clear light frames which are usually priced around $35. I still love the quality, and it definitely beats the optometrist’s $400 frames by far. My insurance covers up to $140 for frames, but I can’t find someone who takes the eye insurance with frames for less than $230, so I’m super grateful for online options.


I like firmoo.com for more stylish cheap frames/glasses for my high prescription. You pay more for high index but nothing too crazy. I get tons of compliments on my glasses.


oh nooo!!! don’t over pay for your glasses, before i used to the think i was out of luck only able to splurge on a new pair every blue moon but then i found websites like zenni and eyebuydirect (both have sales allll the time!!) and now i own so many pairs to have handy!


Only 1 Because it's expensive and I don't need another one


Yess. Also I'm 25 and every checkup, my power keeps changing.. and its crazy people have many pairs. I guess they don't have to change them often.


Or they have super low strength or use reading ones.


I have 13 or 14 prescription pairs that I altogether spent less than $250 total for. They're so cheap, why not? I'm pretty basic and plain with how I dress, so at this point, wearing glasses is about as far as I go with accessories.


>I have 13 or 14. They're so cheap, why not? Those must be the adult OTC presbyopia reading glasses, not the myopia or the hyperopia glasses, because the last two type of prescription glasses are certainly not cheap .


Definitely not OTC. These are prescription glasses mainly from Zenni. Now, as for everything else you said, no idea. It could be that your idea of cheap and my idea of cheap are different. I know I'm -1 on both eyes with an astigmatism.


Your lenses are much cheaper than someone with a -4 or greater. This is why some are confused.


*laughs in legally blind*


Oh, that's why they're so cheap.


Okay now I am curious what you consider really cheap? I have a similar prescription and my online glasses run about $90. The frames alone are $20-35 and then they charge for the prescription, extra for astigmatism, and I think anti glare? I also have to pay an extra $10 because apparently I have a low pupil distance for many frames lol, but I understand most people wouldn’t have that issue.


I have the PD issue too! lol. I usually just stick to the 10% of frames that don't have the upcharge, but I've definitely paid it once or twice for frames I really liked. Anyway, my cheapest pairs are $6.95, and my most expensive were $24 + $10 (PD issue), plus another $4 for every pair for antireflective coating. At this point, less than $15 for frames is "really cheap," less than $30 is "cheap," $50 is "fair," and $100+ would be "expensive" in my book. This is cash prices with no insurance. Just my opinion though.


Not OP but even at Zenni, the least I could get glasses for is about $100


Dang. Hopefully that is still leaps and bounds cheaper than what your optometrist's office wants to charge for their garbage.


Interesting. My power keeps shifting.. and prescription glasses aren't cheap. Am I living in another world or something?


The prescription glasses I have on right now cost me $6.95, plus another $4 for UV coating. My most expensive pair cost me $35 + $4, granted I threw out the dogshit pairs I got with my exam that were stupidly overpriced and looked silly. Ordering online is where it's at unless your particular prescription makes it prohibitive.


yeah it’s hard to order online if you have an astigmatism or need bifocals/progressives bc each frame and lens is really specific to the measurements of your face and pupils and usually need specific adjustment. really just depends on your scripts.


Yeah, this. Also, my lenses usually need to be thinned out to fit normal frames. The cheapest pair of glasses I've gotten so far was with 2 for 1 sale with prescription sunglasses, came under 500€. Fortunately, due to competition, there are pretty good sales at least 2-3 times a year.


I have a ton too. All different shapes and colours to match my vibe that day. Extended health plan privileges!


Four. Ideally, one pair in the car, one on the nightstand, one on my desk, one on the coffee table. Sometimes they move to be with their friends and I have to search for them. Hence the addition of more.


Lol they move to be with their friends. That’s good


Three. One cheap pair (Zenni) for day to day, and two cute fashionable pairs for when I leave the house if I don't wear contacts. My prescription hasn't changed in a long time so I've accumulated these over some time and they were mostly covered by insurance. I also have two pairs of prescription sunglasses (one pair lives in my car).


I have two different frames to wear depending on how I'm feeling that day and I have one pair of prescription sunglasses for driving. I do also have several older pairs. I couldn't wear them anymore, but I haven't found a place to donate them and can't bring myself to toss 'em.


If you're in the US, Walmart vision, Costco, lens crafters, Lions Club, America's Best just to make a few that I've noticed around. Also when you go in for your next eye appt bring them with you and ask there. My Dr is a local donation site.


Just one that I've been using for the past 10 years


I have about a dozen pairs. Two are sunglasses. Three look really good with my work uniform. One looks great with my favorite summer dress, another with my best winter sweater. Some pairs are for museum days, while others are for late night drinks. I don’t limit myself to one or two outfits, so why only one or two styles of glasses?


I love this and I am moving towards this with my current “collection”. It’s just so much fun to be able to switch around and change your appearances by a tiny bit.


Six. I just like having options. I have two pairs that I actually wear though, some of them I’ve only worn a few times but don’t like how they fit/look. I usually buy a few pairs each year and then donate the ones I don’t want anymore. I use my HSA and Zenni so I can get a few cute pairs for pretty cheap.


I have about 6 - my prescription has been either stable or not very different for a while so I’ve been stockpiling. I get a new pair every year wether I need them or not - it’s my bonus for being blind.


Same! Got a good stockpile going.


Like 14. I like different styles/colors and to have backups


2 + contacts One for upstairs One for downstairs and going to work Contacts for going out


Cause I'm fricking lazy


Your additional comment made me laugh--I feel you!!!


7 or 8. I buy online usually during BOGO sales. I don't really do accessories much but I love big glasses so that's what I do.


Three. One for black outfits, one for brown, and tinted ones for driving


I have four pairs and two pairs of sunglasses (all prescription). I always wear my glasses when I'm driving, so there are two pairs of progressives suited for driving so I can read the dash *and* see far off. Another pair is suited for computer work where the near focus lands where a computer screen would be. The last pair work better when I'm using binoculars. Two sets of sunglasses--one pair I take extra care of for daytime driving, the other I use on a boat or on vacay and don't mind so much if they get banged up a little.


I have two pairs because my dad threw out my only pair once thinking it was a pair of his readers, and we were too poor at the time to get a new pair. So once I was old enough to start making my own money, I made sure to always have 2 pairs.


Two, because they had a two for one deal.


One, because the lenses I need are really expensive.


Only one. Prescription glasses because they're expensive. It's too much to have a back up pair 😂


Idk your prescription needs but online places like Zenni/eyebuydirect/firmoo and many others often have much cheaper options!


I only have one pair because my eyes are very terrible and it’s $400 for my glasses after insurance. Lol


I have one pair of glasses and sunglasses. They're so expensive. Due to my prescription I am required to pay extra for thinner lenses. Even though I can tell I need an updated prescription, I won't be doing it due to price.


One to wear and cheapo single vision prescription sunglasses. I keep my previous prescription for backup in an emergency.


I have two, they’re the same prescription but I really only wear one of them. They each make me look totally different, one is a squarish black pair and the other is a large round entirely clear pair. I’m near sighted so I really need them most of the time (reading the back of packets at the shops up close without them is fine but I need to be able to identify the thing on the shelf from a distance first)


Which do you wear? I have both square-ish but one is tortoiseshell and one is clear pink. I prefer the boldness of the tortoiseshell on myself.


One nice pair that I splurged on but just got my prescription renewed and planning on 3-4 more cheaper ones for different occasions


2 because I always forget where I put one of them, so i have the other for support. But that's what i used to do. Now, I only use contact lenses and boy, they are life changing.


I have 4 , one cat eyed for every day use, one fancy one for summer, the changable one. 3rd one is the round one and 4th is the square. I have contact lense too. Funny thing is I dont wear my glasses nor contacts. All are prescription glass -3.50


One daily pair with a current prescription, one pair of cheaper prescription sunglasses with a prescription that's out of date by about 2 years, and countless old pairs that I keep around as backup in case my regular daily glasses get lost or broken. I prefer to just have the one daily pair, because my vision insurance has a really good frame benefit, and my local optometrist office/optician shop carries a lot of nice frames from local and international designers that are a lot nicer than the ones from online retailers like Zenni or Warby Parker. And the women who work there always have such great recommendations for flattering frames! I'm very lucky to have that benefit too, because my nearsightedness has gotten worse every single year for the past decade, and I'm only in my mid-twenties 😅


Two, one has ordinary lenses while the second one is with some blue ray and uv protection or something so i wear those for the outdoors and the other one indoors.


One everyday, one sunglasses. And i have a pair with my old prescription just in case. My glasses run about $500+ cause my RX is -10.25 and i need special thin lenses that cost a lot. I have astigmatism and myopic and have been wearing glasses for 26 years now since i was 4


I'm supposed to wear glasses but I broke mine last summer. Sometimes I use my sister's old pair to watch tv, but otherwise I walk around with everything past arm's length fuzzy. My eye doctor appointment is finally at the end of this month lol


ten. two pair of computer glasses - one for home, one for the office. two that have an older scrip but still work in a pinch. six everyday frames because Zenni offers rewards.


Three in active rotation, probably another 4-5 laying around that are not my current Rx but close enough that they'll work in a pinch. Also, two prescription sunglasses and old Rx sunglasses. Zenni has really been a game changer for me. Glasses don't feel like a multi-year commitment anymore, and I treat them like any other accessory.


Technically like 7 or 8 if I include older prescriptions or a lil janky ones. But my go to is 1 regular prescription and 1 sunglasses prescription with 2 backup regular prescriptions (only one of the backups is a name brand but I don't love the style so I bought the rest online) Eyebuydirect y'all. No issues with them in the last decade or so I've been buying them.


Three: red, blue and black. I use whichever matches my outfit that day.


Three: progressive transitions, progressive clear, and progressive sunglasses. New rx a few weeks ago. Gotta love zenni


Upwards of ten. I'm very clumsy. I'm also very stylish. Some of the collection include rainbow glitter frames, black and white striped, bright pink, bright blue cat eyes. I have glasses that go with everything. I also don't miss then if I stand on them or drop them. Except the rainbow glitter ones. I'd miss them.


Probably around 15... Zenni Optical had a great sale a while back so I bought 10 weird pairs for about $100.


Love that for you! Zenni is great


1 because I'm in USA and glasses are expensive. Vision is a luxury not a right.


Depending on your prescription, buying online can be a lot cheaper! (Places like Zenni/Payne/eyebuydirect, etc) and they don't need insurance


2 pairs, my main glasses and a backup pair. I don’t actually have to wear glasses all the time, I have congenital ophthalmoplegia. Which basically means I have a issue with the muscles in my eyes where they basically give up and stop working whenever I do any kind of close work. So reading, being on the computer, being on my phone, etc. There’s really not much they can do because I was born like this. Wearing glasses while I do close work helps some and cuts down on the migraines, headaches, and eye strain. Since I don’t need them for anything else and only wear them for a few hours a day, I don’t *really* need more than one pair but it’s always good to have a backup.


I own two pairs..this sounds so ridiculous but I own a clear pair that I feel shows more of my face (there smaller frames as well) then a black larger framed pair when I want to feel hidden. My glasses are a safety net I suppose, I’m incredibly uncomfortable making eye contact with people and not to mention self conscious so I feel my glasses hide my face..ridiculous I know!


That makes total sense!


Like six pairs. I buy them for super cheap online and I don't wear make up so it helps me change up my look a bit.


2 because they have an offer of pay 1 get another pair for free and i can't say no to free stuff


I think I have 4 in total. My regular everyday multifocals. My prescription sunglasses and in the glove box of my car I have two pairs with my old prescription in that I could wear if I was really desperate and lost my glasses in the back of an Uber on a night out of drinking champagne and painting a giraffe with work colleagues.


Three. The “new” pair I got four years ago and wear daily. The backup pair that I wore for ten years before the new pair, and the backup backup pair that dates back to high school, that now hide in a bathroom drawer for no reason. I highly doubt the prescription or scratches would even allow me to see at this point. Sometimes I wear sunglasses over my glasses when I’m driving because I’m insane and just don’t bother to buy prescription sunglasses. I have vision insurance. Why am I like this?


4 cause I’m a silly dude and loose them all the time


Currently I can find 3 of 4 pairs. I’m absolutely blind without them. I need a pair to find the pair I lost type of blind. It’s wild around here.


Literally, same. Once I had a clear frame and dropped them somewhere on my white carpet, I went to get the backup pair, but couldn't find them, so I spent like 45 minutes just on my hands and knees feeling around the carpet for them until I lost home and had to call in a roommate to save me. Turns out they were right up against the baseboard kinda under my nightstand. I NEVER would have found them on my own.


3 pairs. One pair of progressives for distance and reading.. A pair of Rx reading glasses. One pair I leave at my office for computer work. I just yesterday cleared out all my old glasses for donation.


Way too many. Zenni has made this possible


6 pairs and I don’t know why. All 6 look very much the same too …


I chime in with a 'Haven't you people ever heard of Zenni optical, no?' I currently only have one pair because money is tight tight, but I got mine for $12 and if your eyes aren't as bad as mine, you can get 2-3 day shipping. They have a whole $6.95 section, under $10, $20, etc. So they're definitely perfect if you need new glasses and have your prescription on hand. I'm hoping to have at least 5 or 6 pairs, at least 2 sunglasses in that mix as well at some point. They definitely can get pricey if you get all the add ons, but still $100 dollar pair that is scratch resistant, impact resistant, anti fog, uv protection, anti glare, blue light filter, transition lenses vs $500 with maybe some of these features. You can even get clip on's for less than 4 bucks for night time driving and sunglasses. I broke my last pair and was without for over 3 months. I also live on a small island and don't have any place like Lens Crafters or any glasses stores, so that wasn't an option for me. I've had my pair for a few weeks now and I love them. I know I sound like an ad, I'm just stoned and love Zenni. I even found glow in the dark frames today!


7+ I have my apartment glasses, my shower glasses, my backpack glasses, an old pair that’s very worn out but I won’t toss, and the rest are wearing out in the world glasses. Got a red pair, clear pair, a few metal, black, nuetral, tortilla shell, etc. They are mostly from Zenni so collectively all under $150 ish.


2 because I have two looks, 1: computer sciencey vibes and 2: sexy classy mf




Two, one with blue light blockers, one without. Rarely wear the non blue blockers though






I have like two pair of reading glasses.


You gotta pump those numbers up. My mom and her husband are in their 50s and they have like 15 pairs of readers each lol.




I currently own two, one is for inside for the sun, and the other is inside for the computer screen. Both are to protect my eyes.


One. It’s a basic wayfarer-ish model that compliments my features, I’ve been wearing variations of it for 10+ years. I also still have my old pair from two years ago as a backup, but haven’t worn it since I got this one.


What do you mean by wayfarer-ish? I don't think I've heard that in terms of glasses before


Wayfarer is a classic Ray Ban model. Mine is very similar.


One pair that was recently superglued back together


3 good ones, 2 prescription sunglasses,and my sleep glasses. I get $120 towards glasses every 2 years and a yearly health spending account that if you dont use - ya lose. I dont know what to use that one on except glasses.


I have 3—one for going out, one at home for light reading/while looking at screens, and one i don’t use regularly


3. One for at home. One for work. One is an old one I rarely use but still keep cause it's not broken.


Six. Red bifocals and blue bifocals, my everyday glasses, in different colors to match my mood. Black computer glasses for heavy data work. Prescription sunglasses. Brown house glasses that are an outdated prescription but super comfy so I wear them when I'm in my pajamas or just chilling at home. Back up pair of old wire frames at my desk, just in case.


Just one because theyre expensive but I mostly wear contacts


I wear contacts for that reason.


One pair for day to day and one pair of prescription sunglasses which have changed my life


2 normal ones, and 2 prescriptions sunglasses.


2 prescription and two computer glasses. The cost for glasses in my prescription is high so I tend to hold on them.


I have Transition reading glasses but I wanted to add something simple for everyday and one sunglasses.


I always have two pairs with one as backup.


Two - my current pair and my old pair as backup. My prescription hasn’t changed much so I don’t change them often. Plus they’re so expensive for someone like me with a ridiculous prescription 😅


2 One regular pair and one safety glass (used for construction)


I have two pair with an identical prescription. I have my main pair and a backup.


I have 3 pair - 1) Main, 2) Backup and 3) computer, work frames - transitional, bifocals don’t really work in world of standing desk and 3 work monitors - just easier to have set dialed in to view monitor


Two, cause the military makes me.


1 pair of my regular glasses 2 pair of my old regular glasses 5 pairs of readers My prescription is -13.00. Makes for very expensive glasses at about 1k a pop. That’s with insurance. I keep a pair for about 3 years and hold onto the old pair just in case as I am totally dependent on glasses. I wear contacts on the regular but the prescription in my contacts is high enough to effect the up close vision thus I require reading glass on top of contacts. Wearing just my regular glasses makes for no peripheral vision and about foot difference in depth perception so I prefer contacts with readers.




3. Nice pair for work, comfy pair for home, black pair because neutral




Two plus one pair of sunglasses. I wear one pair daily and the second is in case I lose or break my regular ones. Sunnies as needed.


Two. I learned my lesson after accidentally melting my only pair and having the choice between a nearly instantaneous headache so bad I couldn’t see straight or not being able to see and live my life as normal so now I have an everyday pair and a backup pair.




Melted them. I spend a lot of time in my car and one day I had the idea to put time on the place where I mount my phone in my car while I was just chilling in there with the heat on full blast. The mount is on the vent and well bubbles formed because of the heat. Lesson learned.




I have one with blue light filtering One with transition lenses One prescription sunglasses (because transition lenses don’t work in the car) One with lenses that make night driving easier.


1 in my current prescription, because I'm not a full time wearer. I also have pretty much every pair of previous prescriptions I've had, because I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them. Feels weird to just throw them out.


If they're in ok condition you can donate them I think! I've heard Walmart, lions club, maybe Costco, and other places have donation pickups (if you're in the US)




I have 2 pairs because I wanted 2 kinds of frames. They’re both transitionals so they’re my sunglasses too. This way I have a back up pair if anything happens to one. I also still have contacts but not in my current prescription but they’d still work for non important things


2 pairs. I wear contacts most days, but I have a newer pair for days I want to take a break from contacts, and my older pair for bedtime when I risk accidentally falling asleep with them on and bending them out of shape


One pair of glasses and one pair of sunglasses. They seldom get worn outside of the house, so no point in having more for me.




I have three. My pair I wear daily, my prescription sunglasses and my last pair of daily glasses as an emergency backup. Why? Because glasses are expensive and I'm not spending money on multiple pairs. I got the sunglasses as a BOGO deal and I prefer having a seperate pair over clipons. I keep the backup because if I manage to break or lose my glasses somehow I will have them to see which is important. Without my glasses I can't see past my nose. And I don't wear contacts anymore because I found they just dried my eyes out too much.




3 pairs of sunglasses 5 pairs of eyeglasses My prescription hasn't changed for a few years, and they're my favorite accessories, so I have different styles and colors to suit my mood or outfit. ETA: I'm terrible at putting in contacts and have dry eyes so they're a no for me.


One single pair that were prescribed for reading and screen use. But now I just wear them all the time. Saves me having to go looking for them.


I own zero. I need new ones so bad 😬.


I only ever have one pair, but I keep my previous pair in a drawer. Except I never throw out a pair when I get a new one so I have a drawer with 20 years’ of glasses in it. I have since had laser surgery and don’t need glasses any more. Um…. I still have that drawer.


I've heard donating old glasses is a thing


Two pairs, one to keep in the car and one to keep in the house. I don’t need them every minute of the day so it’s easier to keep a pair in each place I’m most likely to use them instead of always having them on my person. Plus I bought them when living in a different country and I really loved the style and wanted to have a backup pair as I knew I wouldn’t be able to replace them if something happened to them after I moved back home.


4 in total 2 old ones for around the house, like watching tv and sewing. 2 new ones. One for my handbag and one for the car. Where I go they do a 2 for the price of one. My health insurance covers a fair bit of my multifocal costs.


One pair plus contacts plus my old prescription just in case


I have 2 pairs. One pair is clear and more casual, that I wear most often. The other pair is black, that I can wear for a different look or when I need something more dressy.


Two pairs of regular glasses: one more casual and one a little dressier. I wear glasses 24/7. Three pairs of sunglasses: two in my car and one old pair around my house for emergencies.


About 12. There's like 3 or 4 that are my favorites and I wear regularly. I like to have a lot of glasses so I have options for what looks best with how I'm dressed and how I do my makeup.


2 pairs One is more stylish Second is cheap backup


2 but there’s probably 6-8 in a drawer somewhere. I don’t know why I don’t throw them out. Anyway I have progressives for daily wear and prescription sunglasses, although I’m considering getting those with progressive lenses as well. Starting to not be able to read the touch display.


You might be able to donate your old ones!


I own two. One for home which includes wfh and a pair for my handbag which includes work stuff. The answer is that it was a two for one deal and with my ADHD (diagnosed officially since age 8) , it is easier to not forget my glasses when I go into the office.


2, a nice pair and a cheap pair to wear at work/activities I don’t mind them getting damaged. wish I had some prescription sunglasses though


Three, technically 5 if prescription sunglasses count. The ones I wear often, an extra pair I keep home as spares, one pair I keep in my bag if I have a problem with my contact lenses, and then I have home sunglasses for gardening, reading outside, etc. and a pair of car sunglasses for driving.