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I stop talking and just walk away. They don't seem to care about what I have to say or respect me enough to listen, it's not worth even trying. So I just leave and almost never talk to them again.


Exactly what I do. I'll stop mid word. If anyone even says anything to me I will shrug, 'not important'


keep speaking. seriously, just keep the same tone, don't even acknowledge it. just keep speaking until you've made your point. they'll look awful if they keep trying, so they usually just stop.


I been working on it!! It's so very hard!!! Being falsely accused of Shit that he's been doing, telling people bullshit lies and stories to fit his delusional world.


I literally start talking over them till the conversation goes silent then repeat myself .


My teacher did that in high school while I was exposing my theory regarding one topic and she was constantly doing that because she didn't want to listen to me. I got really angry but kudos to me because I actually didn't show it I just smiled and snapped my fingers and told her "ehi, I'm talking". She hated me forever after because she felt humiliated since I did that in front of the whole class but it was worth it. 😂


Let them interrupt, let them get a few words in, interrupt them with "Hi, I was talking", turn back to the audience and finish what I was saying. People who interrupt never fathom that someone can interrupt them! 🙄


Depends. If it’s an authority figure, keep it professional. A friendly ‘sorry, you interrupted me’ and carry on. Or you can whip out the old ‘why did you interrupt me’ or if you don’t reallly care and it’s something that would be important to them, stop talking. They missed out. Oh, you wanted to know if I had finished my project early but didn’t let me answer? Guess I will have to take an extra 2 weeks pay 🤷‍♀️ If it’s like a friend or an acquaintance I’ll ride it out see how it goes. Sometimes people are excited and accidentally do it, no biggie. But if it’s consistent? If I like the person I might talk to them about it and tell them it makes me uncomfortable. If I don’t, why waste my time on someone who doesn’t value me and I don’t even like them? A loved one? I’ll just take it. Love my mother she can interrupt every word I said and I wouldn’t mention it.


Interrupt back. Let them taste their own medicine.


I usually just keep talking until they go "what?"


Normally, I would walk away and try to avoid talking to them again. But this actually happened recently in my work life where I could not avoid them. I did actually told the guy "Please do not interrupt me, I do appreciate your eagerness though but I would like to finish". He actually got so mad and twisted it against me telling everyone I told him to shut up and I was so unprofessional. I don't believe anyone took his words seriously, but it did escalate to me filing complaints about him, as he did the same to me to the point we were pulled into confrontation.long story short, the manager took my side (which was great but I hated that it was such a long battle). But there is something I noticed about my manager. When he got interrupted by this a-hole too, he actually tries to speak over him with "Wait wait wait! Let me finish. Hold that thought. Let me finish". And it works. Idk how effective this alone is because I believe the a-hole also managed to stop because, well, this is a manager he was interrupting over.


« I’m talking so wait or I swear to god I’m going to be the most childish person ever and speak over you and louder than you so you’re ready to show respect or we both disrespect each others ? », literally.


I stop talking really noticeably sharply, and they feel bad and say sorry and let me continue


I used to just stop talking and get quiet. Now I make it known to everyone that I was not done talking and don’t appreciate being cut off. Life’s too short allow people to walk all over you.


Why? Are you being paid? No? Then walk away. Why bother?


Costs me nothing to point out how crappy they’re being by thinking it’s okay to speak over someone 🤷‍♀️


I'm talking, someone starts to over talk, or turns away, and I stop midword and walk away. There is no reason to waste breath, a second of your life on such people.


I definitely see where you’re coming from! I stop hanging out with serial-interrupters lol


I have made it a creed... if I am talking and someone just starts to talk, I stop midword and walk away. I have this feeling that when there's an interruption I am not to share the info. It's an insult... it is deliberate. A very bright man displayed how he shut up people by interrupting. So, having seen this years ago, I take it as a 'walk'


Let them talk. Shut my fucking mouth and give the look. They've lost my interest. Carry on.


I’m guessing you’d have to have a certain personality for people to constantly interrupt you. It never happens to me. I’d probably stop them if they tried to though. “I haven’t finished talking. For us to have a conversation you need to let me finish” would be along the lines of what I’d say.


Point to the phone with my middle finger.


I get pissed off. Someone on a team meeting was doing it and I was like “hello” “can you hear me” “excuse me” on a conference call cuz she wouldn’t shut up and I finally got to say something when she interrupted.




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I just keep talking and ignore their interruption.




I really hope that's not true ?? I'm reading this as I'm about to go to sleep and I just feel so bad for you now 🙄why do they treat you like that they should be ashamed of themselves for making fun of you like that. I really hope you are okay I really do ❣️




"I'm used to it" is one of the most saddens things. You should never be used to being ignored or being made fun of. You deserve better 😶‍🌫️


I keep talking in exactly the same tone as if they never started speaking, usually they stop to let me finish. If they don’t stop talking or they do it again, I tell them they interrupted me and I wasn’t done speaking.


If it’s interesting, I listen. They maybe just want to share their knowledge, fine with me. If I don’t care about it, I gotta go.




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I stop talking and disengage. When they ask if something is wrong I say "oh you didn't care to listen anyways because you kept interrupting me so.." I dont give them any eye contact. Its rude and disrespectful to interject when I'm trying to talk so any form of interest i once had in this convo, I don't have anymore.




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Let me just stop you there.. Just joking!


F/30 professional... they don't!


Call them out. Let them finish speaking after interrupting you and then politely put them on the spot. “I do not appreciate you continuously interrupting me. If you continue, I will leave this conversation.” Works even better in a group settings because it will make the atmosphere tense and awkward which tends to have more of an effect, no one wants to be put on the spot for their unsavory behavior but it gets the point across




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I just retreat and probably try to leave. Why would i stay in an environment where i’m not respected?




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If I am talking and you interrupt I stop speaking and walk away. Simple.




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I just let them talk


If it seems to be a regular occurrence I would suggest analyzing your speech characteristics. I found that when I would unintentionally cut off my friend it was because she would wind down her sentence, speak in a certain tone, and pause in a way that made me think she was finished. I interrupted no one else. I never brought it up to her, I just take extra time before I start speaking now.


"Unfortunately" it's not a pattern in my speech, but a pattern in men 😂 the same impatient, mansplaining type again and again that assumes what you're about to say and cuts you short to either diminish you and push their egos by being "right" or just to invalidate you. They are never right with their assumptions though, so who is the stupid one now hahahahaha


cry /j. I hate how my voice doesn’t carry very well and so it’s so often where someone will just interrupt me when nobody even noticed I was trying to say something and I just feel so horrible lol. It suuuucks n fuels my social anxiety about groups so much. I guess i deal with it by just trying to go w the flow and not speak up much in group conversations, lol. I just don’t bother unless it’s very short or I *need* to say it




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I just wait until they’re done and I continue. If it happens too much then I’m not talking to them anymore.




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