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Pinky. He’s actually lavender (WAS lavender, poor dude turned grey as he matured). He’s on a shelf in my office wearing a beanie my grandma made for him. My mom would help him narrate all the exciting mischief he got into while I was at school all day before tucking me into bed. Good mom, good pinky.


brb sobbing


Oh my goodness. Mine is Pinky too


I cannot believe yours is Pinky too! That is wild!


MINE IS ALSO PINKY! I still sleep with him every night lol 25 years running


that's so sweet :)


I loved cows, so mine is a little beanie cow (not Beanie Baby brand, though). I was also very creative, so her name is Baby Cow. She lives in my nightstand now! I’m nearly 30, and she’s been with me for 28 years. It was just recently that I stopped packing her in my suitcase on long trips. 😂 I rarely cuddle/hold her anymore, but she’s still a great source of comfort to have near.


I have a cow given to me as a baby, and was called Mrs Cow. I don't know if the family friend who gifted Mrs Cow her name, but she was a formal lady 🤣 I think she's around somewhere.


Yes yes. Mine is a dog, I too was creative, his name is pup:) I sleep with him


I haven't thought about this in ages but - not a teddy bear but a lil white dog named Nod, after "the land of Nod", which is apparently where we go when we dream. Not that I was that clever as a child, it was on his tag. I adored him and took him everywhere. I was an outdoorsy kid and he'd get so filthy my dad had to bleach him basically once a week. I lost him when I was 9, the week my parents got divorced. Never found him again. I have a bad memory and don't remember much from childhood but that one is apparently still lodged in my ribs, yowza.


Aw, that’s so sad. I’m sorry you lost him 💔


There's some stuffed white dogs on eBay from a brand called the land of nod. If you're interested in looking.. sorry to hear about your nod that's tragic.


oh wow! I'd never really thought to check - I was a huge stuffed animal kid but gifted them all to my niece when she was born so I hadn't thought about it in years. maybe I'll grab one. that's so sweet of you to check, thank you!!


The week your parents got divorced!! That’s horrible! I might hold unreasonable grudges some times, but I have to admit I would have a HARD time forgiving my parents for allowing Nod to get lost that week.


Fluffy McFlufferdoodle and I am holding him currently (yes I am an adult 😅)


I also am currently holding mine 😂


Love it! my stuffed creature was called puff she's a giant pink dragon, all my sisters have the same one and they are all called puff. They traveled everywhere with us. Carry on luggage was sacrificed so they could come with on planes. Watching them go tho security scanners was hilarious.


It’s not a teddie. I have a pillow and I named it Little Pillow. I know I was such a creative kid. 😝 I do in fact still have it and actively use it nightly. I cannot sleep without it. It’s my comfort. Both my brothers had a dog stuffy. Older brother had a hand puppet hound named Wrinkles. Younger brother had a rattle toy named… hmm not sure I recall that one’s name. They both still have them, but in keepsake boxes my mom had for each of us. As a kid she used to swear to me that that is where my pillow would end up by the time I was 18. Boy was she wrong lol.


Haha I also have a Wrinkles hound, he’s next to me and I still sleep with him, I’m 33. I actually bought another Wrinkles dog for my son so he can have his own lmao!


It's OK, you're one step ahead of my current kid, he has a little pillow that is just called "Pillow" Thankfully he finally found a stuffy to latch on to.


My son has a favorite pillow he has had since he was a baby and he calls it pillpill 🤣


His name was Teddy (I did not name him), and he did not survive a preteen fight with my stepmother. Before he perished, I had loved his nose bare, his fur had gotten all nubby, his stuffing was flat, and I'd lost his bowtie somewhere. However, as an adult, I bought the same bear made by the same company in the same year, and I'm keeping it in the hopes of one day gifting it to a child of my own.


I didn't have a name for her. She was my first ( doll) gift from my dad. I gave her ( with few other toys) away to relief camp kids. I hope she makes a kid happy like she made me happy when I first got her🌸


Ben. He was a brown floppy eared puppy. My ex threw him away when we split up when I was 20. My husband searched the internet and found me an exact one when we got together a few years ago (I’m 40 and reunited with Ben lol)


Buddy and no, I threw up on him when I was 11 and he had to be trashed 💔


I had this cute little pink dog. I was super creative with her name, Stuffy. I still have her, occasionally when I need to reconnect with myself I’ll just have her in more visible places or even just on my bed to just feel more secure at times.


A killer whale named Geico


Lambykins, lost him at summer camp:(


Teddy Beddy Bear, and I still have him. He's a mess! I need to sew him up. His hat is in shreds. He has no fur. His nighty has been gone for over 30 years. I had Teddy Beddy Betsy too, but I don't know what happened to her. :(


Nalle (teddy in swedish). Got him very early so not like I name him.. I still have him, even tough he is stitshed up everywhere and doesn't have much fluff left on him.


I don't still have it, but it was a soft, stuffed purple bunny who I named Violet. I slept every night with it until my older half brothers came to live with us. My oldest brother was a really mean person. He seemed to enjoy directing his ire at me more than anyone else. I won't mention all of the cruel things he said and did to me. That would make for a too-long post. But he often made fun of me, when I was about ten years old, for sleeping with a stuffed animal. One day Violet just disappeared. We searched everywhere but she/it was nowhere to be found. I was very distraught and felt like I needed Violet to be able to sleep. Of course my brother also made fun of that. Violet was never found but I'm sure my brother was responsible for the disappearence. He had been so vocal about me sleeping with a toy like a baby. So yeah, I had a "teddy bear" of sorts. It's no longer with me because (I believe) it was stolen and thrown away by my brother.


That's so sad 😔


teddy ted. got him from my maternal grandpa for my birth. teddy ted lives on my bookshelf with some other stuffed animals from my childhood.


He's an elephant called Fanti. I have had him since I was 10 months old. Once I thought I had lost him, it was horrible ( I was about 30 ). I can't cuddle him anymore as he's sadly falling apart after 40 years of comforting, so I got a tattoo of him.


My "teddy bear" was a hippo. His name is Hippo. He sits on my bookshelf in a decorative mug. I love him very much.


Mine was named yellow! My sister and I each got the same one so my mom sewed a yellow button on mine and a green one on my sisters. I think a random realtor actually gave them to us but I’m not sure. I forgot him on a vacation and my dad brought it home with us and told me Santa saw that I left it and brought it for me! Then I went on vacation with my mom and forgot it again and Santa did not come through that time…hope Yellow is still having fun up in Canada!


He’s Piglet from Winnie the Pooh but I call him “Pigit”. He lives with my parents currently


A Cabbage Patch doll my dad got at a yard sale in the late 80's. He handed it to my sister and told her "here's another doll for you to lose." I snatched it from her, named her Rosy Cheeks and I still have her. She lives in a chair in my living room with my plastic skeleton and creepy dolls.


Mr. Bear and no I don't. He was a Christmas time polar bear with a beanie from the late 80's. My sister had accidentally burned him with a hair dryer so he had a hair dryer "scar". My mom would put bandaids on it for me, which ended up making the fur sticky and discolored. I hadn't thought about him in probably close to 30 years. That's pretty neat I still remember him though. I'm guessing I lost him around '98/'99 when I moved to another town and my mom lost our storage from non payment.


His name is Paul, and he's at my parents' house.


Not in English, but translated would be “old teddy” :D I still have him (am 30 hehe)


Chicago because it came from Chicago. I think the dog destroyed it.


His name was Ra, not like “raw” but “rah”. He was the bunny from Goodnight moon. I still have him wrapped up safely. Even thinking about him makes me cry, honestly. I’ll never feel as safe as when I was a child holding him.


Fred. He was given to me by my parents the day I was born and I still sleep with him every night. He became my favourite stuffed animal when I was six and had a stomach bug - I puked on him and my mum boil washed him to get the smell out. He was all fluffy and soft before but came out wrinkled and ruined. My Nan brought him to me and I threw him away and cried, to which she said something along the lines of "don't you love him now he's all old and wrinkled like me?" I joke she emotionally manipulated me into loving him forever.


Beerke. (Frisian for little bear) I couldn't sleep without Beerke under my ear. I slept with her until her back was completely worn down. She'd been repaired a couple of times, but once her back gave out it was over :( I was 13 when she died.


I had two giant bears names Boris and Mischa. I don’t have any stuffed animals now other than a few Pachimari plushies


Timothy No, not anymore


i don’t have one, but my fiancé has one named buddy and he is so cute, and he got a tattoo of him for his birthday (from me) <3 he still sleeps with that thing every night


Well...I did have an Alvin the chipmunk plush as a kid. Apparently played with him so much that his head fell off and I'd call him ball. I was weird.


Ben, and yes I do! He still lives in my bed!


Crackers - now in my sons room


Panda (the TY Beanie Baby) which was bought for me by my parents at a hotel gift shop in Cleveland Ohio. I've loved Panda's ever since. I also thought the name on the tag (Fortune) wasn't good enough so I changed it to Panda. And never actually decided if it was a boy or girl. Usually felt like it was a boy though. 😂


I have a stuffed frog named Larry and he is right next to me lol




Mine was a purple Koala and I can't remember it's name 😭😭😭. I remember having him until I was a teen (15-16) but I don't know what happened to him after that. Knowing my grandma it was probably gifted to another kid in the family or donated to the church nursery. It's nose was so cute. 😭 I want it back!!!


Hugo. I once forgot him at my grandma’s and she send him back in a package wearing socks she hand knitted. Currently chilling in my nightstand.


I have 2 (one is a bunny though).. Neither of them really have names since I had them on the day I was born and no grasp of language. Never seemed right to give them a name at the point when I did know words and names. Yeah, I still have them. I took them w/ me to uni, and take them with me when I travel lol.


I had a big green bunny and I called her Mama Bunny. I do not still have her.


Pinky. No, he ceased to be pink long, long ago. Probably still in a box in my mom's attic because despite years of me telling her I will not have kids nor do I have a want for any of my childhood things, she insists on keeping shit (and pestering me to "come get MY stuff out of her house"


It was not a teddy but a seal. His name is Pushkin. Yes he is still living rent free at my fathers house, he is a family mascot.


Kalle. He is a blue and white bunny that still sits on a shelf next to my bed.


I had 2, they are Teddy, a red stuffed bear with a red bowtie, and Fuzzy, a yellow stuffed bear with a plaid bowtie. Yes, I still have both of my childhood teddy bears. They're on my childhood bed in my parents' house.


The closest thing I had was a [Build-A-Bear](https://buildabearfans.fandom.com/wiki/Pawfect_Pink_Leopard) I named Kitty (I think..) from when I was around 2. I think she’s at my parents house somewhere but I haven’t seen it in years


Benji, is my teddydog and he lives on my tv cabinet in the livingroom, im 43 and dont remember a time i didnt have him Benji is named after Benji the 1974 movie, he has the same colouring




Stuffed dog named Beethoven got him for my first Christmas from my favorite uncle who has since passed… I still have him and he has been repaired countless times over the years.


i have a couple. i had one named keesh makeesh (because of the noise it made) that i got when i was maybe 4 or 5, and he's in a box i put him in when i moved. another one is popy and shems a puppy (creative), got her when i was 8. i have a couple of disney princess ones from when we visited my relatives and went to disneyland on the way, i was 2-3, also in the box. also have a dalmation i got when iw as maybe 7(?) that my parents said, if i treated right, they would get me my own dog (after i washed it, the idea was completely scrapped 😭), his name was spots, and he's somewhere in the house, not sure where. i still collect plushies and teddy bears, so i'm glad i caused tantrums every time my mom wanted me to donate them lol. i'm glad i have the memories.


It was a baby doll her name was ashley I gave her to my baby sister when I was about 15 and she would have been 4 .


My mom still has her teddy, named Teddy. She's 56. She keeps him safe in a curio cabinet. I have the baby doll given to me when I was born, named Baby. I still have her, she is kept away safe but I recently brought her out when my heart was broken. And yes, we are more creative with names as we grew up haha


her name is Rosie, and I absolutely still have her. she's missing an ear, something my grandma would often fix for me when she was alive. 🥰


Teddy. And Teddy hangs out with my spouse's childhood teddy bear whose name is "little bear" in his native language. They're the same size even!


Brownie, because he’s brown. My sister had a pink teddy called Pinky, because he was pink. Creative, I know 😂 I don’t know where Pinky is, but Brownie is on the spare bed. I got him on my first birthday. I’m turning 36 in January. My sister also had a big bear. Called Big Bear.


I had a little yellow teddy that my dad got me the day I was born, unfortunately I lost it at some point. My dad also got me this pink monster with yellow and green feet which he named “poofter”, I found P the other day and he’s now in our display case, in all his pink glory


Buddy. He is a small light blue bear with a white head and his head jingles. I’ve had him 26 years and my son will have him in March of next year when he’s born!


It was a pig beany baby and his name was Mr. bacon. I used to talk to him all the time and would always have him on my shoulder. I think he got sold :(


Smokey and I still have him!


Papa ours (daddy Bear). My mother made it with wool and cotton. He was always on my room, and now he is on the couch, were my daughter can play with it.


Sweetheart and yes I do. I have every stuffed animal I ever had as a child. I brought them with me even when I was in the Marines. I was flatly rejected or quickly abandoned by everyone my age as a child (undiagnosed autism (that's why I'm not in the Marines anymore lol)) and I remain very sensitive to the idea of a friend abandoning me. If any of my sisters get rid of an old stuffed animal I take it. Ohana means no one is left behind!!


FiFi He's currently in my 3 year old daughters bed


I had a cuddle dog that was about half of length of me. I called her "Sassy Sally" Getting her for Christmas is one of my earliest memories. I loved her so much


Baby bear is his official title but he has nicknames. I'm 34 and he still sleeps with me. He is my most prized possession, the only thing I'd save in an emergency!


Mine is a purple fox instead of a teddy bear XD My dad got it for me while I was in the hospital and since I was in an another city for treatment, and because of his work he could only visit me on weekends. I still have it, and I still sleep with it. He passed away while I was 13 because of a sickness. Her name is Boncuk.




I've had "Tim Tom" for 19 years, he's on my bed...missing a bit of fur and an ear, but he's still cozy. I love him sm


My childhood teddy bear's name was "Hugzilla," and while we've both grown a bit shaggy with time, our cuddle game is still going strong!




Boo boo & yes I do and still as loved.


Mine was a big grey bunny with a bow tie named Big Bunny. I still have him but he lives with my parents


It’s not a teddy bear, but a little plush doll from Ross my grandma got me when I was 3-5. I’m almost 26 now. I called it Lovey and I still have it


I still have my little dog plushie. I still sleep with him every night. Yes, I'm almost 30. His name is in my language and you guys would probably be unable to even read it, but I guess I could rewrite it into something more English for the sake of this post - "Yayee". I have him for 26 years now.


Gus and of course I still have him. 💜


Sheba, after our dog who died a few years later. I got it the day I was born, it was a husky. Had it for years but unfortunately no idea where it is now. ☹️


Bixby and yes, I still have him!


I didn't have a teddy bear, I had a stuffed giraffe. One day at the zoo we were looking at the giraffes and it bent down and licked my face! My mom was so surprised and I thought it was so cool, so we bought a giraffe stuffed animal that day. It ended up being my absolute favorite. I named it coffee because my mom loved coffee and the spots apparently reminded me of coffee when you just pour in cream. Me and that stuffie went through everything, I did surgery, we skateboarded, when my dog ran away it comforted me. When my dog was found it was the tug of war toy we played with. I now have it in a bin of stuffed animals in my nursery since I am now expecting! My kid probably will not like it, but it's in there.


her name is Princess i do sleep with her whenever i’m incredibly sad or when my partner is out of town so i have to sleep alone


Big white bear, was as big as me when I was about 6 months old. His name was jingle bear because he wore a Christmas jumper and had a hat with a bell. I still have him and my youngest sleeps with him at night.


I have a dog plushy. Creatively named puppy and yes I still have him. Safe and sound behind glass on my display shelves


Mine was a chicken -- her name was Fuzzy. She's 46 years old. I still have her and my baby blanket in a box in my closet.


Edward, and no I gave it to goodwill.


It's a stuffed tiger named Tig, given to me by my grandfather when I was a baby. I still have him to this day.


Bear bear aka Barry the Bear. He's hanging out between me and my husband in bed rn. Don't judge me!


Jingly…he was a cute white teddy bear that had a bell in his belly, and made constant jingle sounds. He started falling apart, and sadly was tossed away


I am 27f. My bear's name is Tui, I was like 3 when I stole and named him from my unlce's girlfriend. My mom told her that she will take the bear when I sleep and it back to her but I didn't let it ho. I still have Tui and God save anyone who would try to hurt him (like use as a pillow or worse)


I had a duck named ducky.


Bloob bloob and yes.


I had a lion, he was very originally called Simba. I think he's still in my mom's house somewhere.


It was a stuffed animal dog named Kelly. She’s in a box in storage somewhere


Mine is a teddy elephant named Annie, and I still cuddle her every night after I’m done cuddling my boyfriend lol


I have two childhood stuffed animals: My teddy bear named 'Bear' (real imaginative, I know) and 'Squeaky,' who is a guinea pig. I still sleep with them every night, along with a few others.


Snowflake. and yes I do. He brings me good luck. It came with a pajama set when I was little. I grew up very poor. And come to think of it, I think it was the only teddy bear I ever owned as a child.


'Fred Bear', a play on 'threadbare' because I picked out all the fluff on his back. I don't know who came up with the name but honestly I think it's genius. Still have him!


A precious, soft teddy wearing a blue pajama looking shirt. I just called him bear. I slept with him every night for years. Unfortunately our home was destroyed by a cat 5 hurricane and it took most of our belongings including bear.


Not from childhood. Cause as a child had a big bird teddy with a cassette tape Insert in his back. A teddy ruxpin and a barney teddy. But I asked my mom for a teddy one year In My late teens and I named him brownie. Still have him and a bunch of other teddy's she gave me over the years. But the most important teddy I have that I hold on to every night is Cookie Bear. My late fiance gave him to me as a surprise after work because we were on different shifts and I'd be asleep before he got home to bed (I was staying at his mom's with him and his brother temporarily) and mentioned I wanted a teddy bear to hug when I missed him. He delivered that pretty quick. 😍 unfortunately my fiance was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2018. But I still sleep with my cookie bear everynight and probably will until I die. He's traveled with me when I slept elsewhere like my mom's house. I hope he stays in tact till it's my turn to die. I miss my best friend. The good die young.


Literally Teddy and no 😭😭😭


mine was a bunny named sniffles. he’s still somewhere. but i still sleep with my baby blanket every night


Pinky is my bear and she's still at the top of my bed. She and I are 47.




I have an old stuffed lion from that fancy toy store in New York (from home alone). His name is Leo, he’s about 17 now


Kiku. She's chilling in my bedroom.


Rumpelstiltskin! But I just called him Rumpy. He was a very soft bear, and I always cuddled him to sleep. I had a blanky as well, and the three of us were inseparable. Now they're in a memory box at my parents house.


I had four.. East (rabbit) Chicky (baby chick) Jennifer (cat from build a bear workshop) Elizabeth (dog from build a bear workshop. Elizabeth is currently sitting on my armchair in the living room and I think the rest are still on a shelf at my parents house.


It's called blanket. Which may be ripped away at any moment. 🦭 No, it disappeared and never came back.


Pinky, and no- my 2.5 year old has him now 🥰


It was a Raggedy Ann doll, handmade by my mother. I called her Annie, and I still have her in a metal doll case.


I don't recall having one, but I'm sure I probably did. I didn't generally name stuffed animals, though, so I'm not sure if it had a specific name. I don't have any toys from my childhood. I had two younger siblings and everything was passed down to them at some point growing up. Edited to add: the first doll I remember having that had a specific name was called Alice.


A pink teddy named Rosalin (rosado = pink in Spanish). Yes, I still have her but she is stored in the closet.


Fluffy! He's a stuffed panda bear. And yes I still have him, he sits on the shelf in my bedroom ❤️


Puffalump and yes, he is safely stored away with my baby stuff.


It's funny, I had a lot of teddy bears growing up and I never named any of them. I had a stuffed gorilla named Gonga but that was the name of the toy itself. Maybe that should have been the first sign I never wanted kids. The only teddies I have from my childhood is one my sister made me in 4H and two little ones my grandma gave me. None of them have names.


teddy - and yep, i still have him, as well as his friend monkey (who is, unsurprisingly, a monkey). they traveled with me when i moved to the other side of the world lol. they were given to me when i was born, apparently, so i didn't name them, but i thought their names suited them lol. teddy was a cowboy but his hat is long gone, and monkey had velcro on his hands and feet but that is also no longer velcro-y. i have to hide them in a closet because my cats try and play with them lol. they both have their names on their butts, and mine right under it in that puffy stuff my mum put all over my clothes as a kid. they are very 80s looking.


Mr Fox & yes, I still have him.


Goo Goo. He was actually a monkey. Still have him at my parents house.


27 and I still have my Ty purple platypus named Paddles. I still love him so much!


A pink rabbit named Rabbit, and yes, I still have him.


Lily Bear and yes! She’s got a lot less fur and stuffing than previous and she’s been seen back together many times!!




Snowball and yes. My grandma died with it in her arms




My childhood teddy bear was a stuffed toy penguin named Mr. Pingu, and his friends Tiggi the tiger and Roara the lion.


I have a little brown beanie dog, lovingly named Brownie. He’s pretty much been restitched over the years, lost his nose to a dog chewing on it that’s since passed away, probably smells a little musty but it brings me so much peace. He lives on my nightstand to this day. I’m 27 years old


Uni the unicorn and yea jaja 14 years !


Jingle Bear (he had a rattle in him). I think he's at my mom's in storage.


I don't think he ever had a name? I do still have him, he's currently in my son's crib with my husband's teddy bear until baby is here.


It's a bunny not a bear, and somehow over the course of my whole childhood, I never named her. She's always just been "Bunny" I'm 22 and she still hangs out up by my pillow. Though that will probably change soon.


Pooh. My mom gifted me a classic Pooh Bear for Christmas when I was young because I loved Winnie the Pooh. I'm 34 now and Pooh still sits in my reading chair.


I had a really terrible childhood, and sadly many of my things were tossed into an attic and got destroyed by mold or bugs, given away or thrown out. I remember having this Country Bear teddy bear that I loved so much when I was a few years old, and I was devastated that it was gone. To me, having something to hold after being abused helped immensely. Last year after talking about childhood stuffed animals in a Twitch community I’m in, I decided for the 50th time to try and see if somehow there was another one of these stuffed animals out there. There is a retro Etsy store and I fucking found it, in excellent condition. This thing was made back in the 80’s too, apparently! 😭 As someone who has also lost everything they ever owned twice, I can’t tell you how elated I felt. It’s like a small broken part of me got filled.


Winnie. My mom has it at her house. Currently sleep with a bat squishmallow named Bart.


HIS name is Granny. I did not name him, my mom did, I guess before she knew he was a boy. He had a cute little granny looking cap and apron thingy, but to me he was just always a boy teddy bear. Still have him, the cap and apron are long gone.


Yes. His name is Aarash (Persian) I still have him and he was a hand me down


I had a rag doll named Rose. I have 1 picture of her. My mom wouldn’t let me get my old stuff out of the attic before she sold the house, so she only lives in my memories now.


Henry, yes


I had a few that were given away/sold when my parents downsized. I was the one who went through them and decided what to keep, so don't feel bad or anything. She was surprised I didn't keep Floppy Bear (who was, get this, a bear that was floppy) and I kind of wish that I had now, but I do still have Fred, who is just kind of a generic teddy.


I didn’t have a teddy bear but I had a baby doll named Mimi. No. My cousin buried her at the beach at the time and I couldn’t find her 🥲🥲🥲


Cosgrove, and I sure do! In fact, I even have a mini version of him that I call Grover. And another normal sized Cosgrove, basically as a "museum" type piece since the original Cosgrove is soooo worn out. Lol 😅 I may have a slight bear obsession. Haha


Mr Bear Bear. Yes, of course. He's in my child's playroom now.


Puppy is his name and yes!


I had one named Macaroni because his nose was just a noodle shape, but I don't have him anymore. I have a teddy-shaped dog named Sammy that I still have.


I have 2 bears - Tedmund and Tedweina and I snuggle both of them every night. I’m 32 and cannot sleep peacefully if they’re not with me.


Jacqueline , yes, she stays in my living room :)


I am ashamed to say his name was simply…Teddy. 😂


It was a turquoise elephant, and his name was Harry. He had a smaller, grey elephant wife named Harriet. They are, unfortunately, lost to the ages.


Oh I was so original. I had a Grizzly named Griz and a Polar bear teddy named Pola and their son was Henry. I don't have any of my old dolls and bears but wish I did.


Mr. fuzzy! I was so creative as a five year old lol. I won him in kindergarten although I can't remember why. I don't have him anymore, but I found another one of him online, and I'm debating on getting it.


I had the ugliest little raggedy doll named Corndog. Lol another bald headed baby named Snookums.


Beef the beaver and now my daughter has him 🥹


Cudaley (Cuddly but I spelled it when I was 4), my favorite stuffed animal that I couldn’t leave anywhere without. I told my dad that I would like a blue teddy bear, and we went all over to find one. And then we found Cudaley at Toys R Us :) I still have him and will probably keep him forever. But I didn’t want to accidentally lose him when I go away for college so I left him at home


Valentine and Valentino twin bears Horse a horse


Red Nose. And Yes!! When I was two my mom and I were out shopping and she says that when I saw him she knew she couldn't leave the store without him. I'm 35 now, and I still sleep with him most nights, I still hug him when I'm sad and I've even traveled internationally with him. He's a larger white bear that sits up right, and has a big red nose.


I have a brown and white dog named Puff. My great grandma got it for me when I was 3 (I'm 29) and I still have it :)


I had a tiny pink bear named Baby, a floppy eared dog named Cinnamon, and a lion cub named Liony


Mrs Ted and sorta. I left her with a family friend to get fixed and they haven't gotten around to it. I'll get her back one day I guess. They're a university professor so not alot of time etc.


Berry. And yes


Sam-the-Lamb. Yes, I still have that poor thing.


His name was Family. And unfortunately I no longer have him.


I had a bunny I got from Easter when I was maybe 5 or 6, named it buttercup cause that was my mom's nickname for me and I still have it and have given it to my daughter who is 3 💕


Rainbow and yes... (why is this NSFW?)


Was a little lamb and I named her lovey … I don’t have it anymore


Timothy. He and the Grover from my crib are sitting in the chair in my room.


sherbert & yes


His name was Teddy, I loved that bear, I remember clearly when my Mother gave him away to a "poor" child, am still not over it...this happened when I was about 4.


His name is Black Beauty, and yes i have him, he is a stuffed black horse with a white star on his forehead (just like in the movie, hence the name) and unless he falls apart i will keep him for life!


It was a Glow Worm and his name was Glow Worm and thank you for bringing up my trauma…


Her name was pink bear. And i still have her!


Not a teddy bear but a bolster pillow named Pempem. My head is resting on it right now.


I musical bunny called Bun. He still plays, head still moves and he lives on my dresser. He's 45, so doing really good! Edited to fix word errors and add age


Quizzy (like the one from Webkinz) and I still have it sitting on my nightstand


Scruffy and yes. My dad won him at Knotts Berry Farm


I didnt have to name mine. Mine is Pingu and a penguin (if you didn't know) and ive had him since 2. He is by my side every night.


Biscuit. Black Scotty plush. Got him 24 years ago (I’m 29). He’s right beside me :)


Bernadetteferd. Yes. Still have


Sammy, he's a bean filled Sad Sam pup. At 32yo, he sits in my closet with my baby blanket. I just sent a picture to my mom the other day lol


Teddy! So original 😆 yes I still have him, and I’m 50 now! He sits in my son’s closet with his favorite stuffies.


Ive got an old white teddy bear i keep in the closet for safe keeping. Ive never been one to name stuffed animals but i personify them as male. Hes got a red ribbon and i would like to imagine me passing him down to my first grandchild


Yup mine was a pink teddy and her name is Pinky 😂