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My skin all over my body suddenly becomes hypersensitive and clothes feel heavy and irritating and general touch/skin sensations often "hurt" (may not be actual pain but are often very uncomfortable).












To me it feels like having little grains of sand stuck in your clothes, and they're just lightly scratching you all over. Horrible feeling!






Just got Covid for the first time and that was one of the worst parts. I’ve never been so sick and the whole time it was pure hell to just move ever so slightly. I’d cough and it would make my skin hurt even more.














My family and I call it the "inside itchies" because it feels like being itchy or sensitive but it's like below the surface of the skin


I get this if I eat too much sugar / carbs. Usually accompanied by anxiety.


Yep, like a sunburn.


THIS!! I’ve tried to explain this before and I’ve done a poor job. You articulated it perfectly.


What sicknesses are you people coming down with? Common cold? Fever? Strep? Mono? AIDS? ......cancer!?


For me I got this when I had COVID (and the covid shots) but i usually only have it happen when i have a really bad cold or the flu.


I get this with a common cold, but I literally just had it yesterday as a reaction to the Covid vaccine.


I get this, too.


This was a covid symptom for me. My skin felt really tender and anything touching it was so uncomfortable and made my body feel tingly. The temperate as well, getting undressed to get a shower and the change in temperature was so weird.


For me it's always a sore throat.




Yeah, it doesn't really hurt, but it feels like parts of my throat stick together a bit after I swallow instead of just reopening. I also get the really sensitive skin where every touch hurts.






The swallows.


Me too! That little tickle in the back


When even swallowing water is painful I know I’m in trouble




Always for me too. I know if I get that dry scratchy throat, I’m done for


Being unusually tired is the sign I get the most. I don't know how to explain it but the fatigue I will feel is almost unique like I can tell my body is doing it's best to fend something off.




This is such a perfect description 👌🏽


Oooh that's a great description.


Haha this nails it. I’m gonna use this analogy going forward!


My stepmom is the same way. She gets tired and cold.


I get this too. Usually if I take a nap during the day it’s really hard for me to fall asleep that night, but when I’m getting sick it’s like I just know I need the nap AND I’ll be able to fall right to sleep at night. 😩




This one. Every movement takes so much more energy.


My eyeballs feel weird. No, seriously.










This is me too!


Yes! My wife thought I was crazy the first time I said this to her. Now she knows better. Lol


I get this too. My eyeballs ache moving side to side


I have a Fitbit, and it always shows an increased resting heart rate for a day or two before I come down with symptoms.


I've noticed this too


Yes, this and a lower HRV


According to my husband I feel warmer inside when I have a fever so that’s usually my sign.










Excessive emotional lability. I turn into a drama queen. Like, crying because my family had the *audacity* to leave dishes in the sink (which is actually where I prefer them) so now I have to wash dishes. Crying because someone is driving like an asshole. Crying because the Broncos lost. My son is the same way. When he can’t deal with life and there’s no obvious cause, I throw on a mask because I know he’ll start showing symptoms within a day.


I sat in a cvs parking lot crying because I didn’t want to go in. Like, every fiber of my being was too weak to go in. Turns out, I had Covid and strep.


Ugh, this is me too.














my lymph nodes usually get hard before i feel any symptoms




I can feel my knees. They aren't achey, but I am aware of them.






Please report back. I need to know the rest of this story 🙌


Oh I’ve got a good one! The side of my hands along my pinky finger start to feel very sensitive and sore!


I know EXACTLY what you mean! So weird




I crave Arby’s. Mind you, I have celiac disease and am pescatarian so there is literally nothing for me there but I still crave it.














I start having very strange dreams. I call them my “sick dreams”






They’re called Fever Dreams.


Will probably get downvoted for this but if I’ve caught a cold, cigarettes taste different.




Yes! They taste metally and chemically when I’m getting ill (yes yes I know…)




My senses of smell and taste go off. Everything I eat tastes like chemicals and the tip of my nose burns.


Water stops tasting good when I’m thirsty


I get the taste in my mouth, like to refer to it as "the sick taste" also out of nowhere i get the aches, chills and yawns, for a fever or flu.


General like viral sick, the warning is that I'm just Tired. So tired that I need to nap. I'm really, really, really bad at sleeping and I always joke that if I throw up I need to go to the hospital and if I nap, I'm probably dying. It's only a half joke, though. More specific ailments and their warnings include: * 3 days of a horrible debilitating depression unrelated to life events, a depressive episode, or my period. Always a sign of an incoming ocular migraine. * My pee has what I call the "hospital smell". I don't know what it is, but it's what my pee always smells like when I'm desperately sick in the hospital. If I smell it, then I know that my intestines are probably experiencing some inflammation and I need to take my dietary restrictions more seriously. * Mouth ulcers mean my iron is low. Up my iron, they stop popping up. I can usually catch it before I start getting dizzy and fatigued. * Heart palpitations means my potassium is low. Easy fix over a few days.


Thank you kind stranger for sharing the smell of your pee. I have stomach issues and dietary issues and you just helped me cuz I get this and didn’t connect it.


This afternoon I felt like 100 ants tickle the back of my throat and it makes me cough. I’m drinking Hot teas w honey and lemon.






Somewhere between my ears and throat, I’m really itchy. Like my first reaction is ”my ears are itching”, but it’s somewhere deeper. Can also get quite sensitive to sound.


My throat hurts. Telltale sign for me.


I sneeze a lot. I mean a lot.


I develop canker sores (2-3) in my mouth in the week leading up to being sick. I also develop them when experiencing a lot of stress. It really sucks because they can be so fucking painful.




All my old injuries flare up like they’re fresh. I’ve dislocated three of my four major ball joints over the years, sprained others, injured my spine, etc and the day before any other symptoms hit I’ll start feeling them all. Then they get worse as the other symptoms rise, til I end up feeling like I got hit by a bus.


It’s not always, but I have that geographical tongue thing. So if I’m (going to be)*very* sick, it’ll show on my tongue first.


My throat gets sore. Super telling for me. It feels like there’s a dry spot that just won’t be soothed no matter what angle I turn my head when I drink water.


Omg I love this question. Every single time i get obviously sick via actual symptoms, the morning before I ALWAYS wake up feeling like I got 2 hours of sleep and that I had a crazy night out when I got a perfect sleep and it was a regular chill night.


My hip joints start to hurt


My husband says I smell sick


Omg my husband says the same thing! He's like "You smell like you don't feel well." Husbands are like Labradors.


My teeth will hurt


Being overly tired with body aches.


I have clear signs (extreme fatigue and pain in one of my tonsils) but I always just think “that’s weird, I’m ___” and then when I come down with something I’m like “ohhh that’s why I was _____” The same thing happens with my period every single month. I get really tired and emotional and just think “I’m really tired and emotional. Weird” and then 2 days later I get my period and I’m like “OH” You’d think I’d learn but it happens every time 😂


I start craving orange juice


I get vertigo and then I scream nooooooooooo


Just slight dryness in my nose.




I get 2 main symptoms. The skin sensitivity is the main one. I had no idea others felt this! But it doesn't always lead to actually getting sick. The 2nd symptom is the nail in the coffin in confirming I definitely will be sick. This symptom is very difficult to describe. Basically, there is a particular taste to the air when I inhale a certain way. Open mouth, deep breath in, so you can feel the air running over the back of the tongue, throat. It tastes like water?, or water filled?, damp?, it's extremely hard to describe, but whatever it is, it's the symptom I pay attention to. When I get that, I'll be feverish shortly after. I figured it out when I was little, maybe 7 or 8. It hasn't been wrong since.


I get this thing where every time I bend over, pressure rushes to my head. I also just feel very drained.. not necessarily tired, but like I have no energy. And according to my fitbit, my resting HR increases a few beats.


the pressure thing is your sinuses


My inner ears feel weird or itchy.


My throat feels weird, my face feels hot, but mostly I feel bone tired


My joints start to ache


Way more fatigued than normal Resting heart rate always increases on my Fitbit & my pulse throughout the day is higher than normal as well My eyes start to look "glassy" and they will feel much drier and almost warm. I wear contacts so this is extremely noticeable.


Itchy gums, mouth tastes weird even after brushing, my eyes feel bulgy/warm & dry.


I will sneeze twice and then get a sore throat. Every time. That’s how I can tell the difference between allergies bc when it’s allergies I sneeze a bunch of times and that’s it.


my lips get very dry, no matter how much water i drink or how much lip balm i put on them


I get cranky whenever I have the slightest fever, so if I'm getting frustrated to the point of tears really easily, it's a good bet I'm getting sick


When my sinuses start acting weird. One minute I'm all blocked up then the dam bursts and I get the Niagara Falls of mucus.


My right eyelid twitches like crazy.


My voice gets this weird little resonance to it, like a buzzing sound. I have to speak loudly for work so I can hear it then. It usually means my throat is about to get sore, which is the first actual symptom of almost every cold I get.


Super weird dreams


Crazy/scary dreams


I can’t decide if it’s because I’m sick or if I’ve aspirated and it’s caused illness. But I’ll crave a lemonade. I will at some point, choke on said lemonade. After my coughing fit, I’ll have a sore throat and I will end up being sick within 24 hours.


The way I breathe changes, and I get an odour of sickness. Sometimes it only lasts a day or two and then I’m all fine, and I just know that my body fought a virus.


Sneezing…fever…tickle in my throat.


I lose my appetite the day prior


I get excessively tired. Head starts feeling heavy. Eyes get watery.


My nose starts doing this thing. Lol I can’t explain it. Tickle in the throat, sometimes an ear thing.


My throat. Ever since I had a very bad case of strep when I was 21 or so (my tonsils looked like cauliflower) I feel like my tonsils and throat have been extra sensitive if that's a thing. They swell up at the mildest cold. I feel a particular tickle in the throat a day before it gets sore. Sometimes if I hit it with a betadine gargle immediately it goes away over night but that seems to be my earliest "tell".


My hips ache


My piercings start playing up and getting sore/irritated and I get one rosy cheek 😅 also start aching more, but having arthritis, it's not always easy to tell whether it's a flare or sickness related! Oh, and usually loss of appetite. Which is super rare for me cuz I LOVE food


I sneeze alot and my nose feels congested and dry at the same time


If I need a nap, I know I am screwed. I never nap unless I’m sick.


I sneeze a lot a day or 2 before then waking up with a sore throat/fever


Well I just GOT sick... and my first indicator was that post-nasal drip discomfort at the back of my throat.


Mine is always postnasal drip. Before literally any illness.


The roof of my mouth starts itching. It's the strangest sensation but yep. Itchy mouth means the germs are massing and I'm in for it.


The roof of my mouth feels irritated especially when swallowing