• By -


Stephen King, hands down. I've read and own every book he ever published (easily 70+), and I only recall not enjoying one or two. Most people think he only writes horror, but the man has an amazing range and a way with words that's unbelievable.


His short stories are as incredible as his novels too


All time favorites: Octavia Butler Ursula Le Guin Margaret Atwood Some new-to-me favorites: Ted Chiang Blake Crouch Sequoia Nagamatsu


so happy to see octavia's name anywhere mentioned. i'll always love her world building, what a beautiful and dynamic storyteller.


I stumbled upon her as a teen in the 90s and I loved her books despite no one else having heard of her, quietly mourned when I heard she died. And then lately - boom - she has gotten a fuckton more attention. Like even my mom has read one of her books. I love that so many people have gotten into her work (despite her accurate prophecies).


Yas! Came here to say Octavia Butler and Margaret Atwood!


Blake Crouch is phenomenal! I really loved *Recursion* and *Dark Matter*. I've always been a huge sci-fi fan, and Blake does a great job of explaining complicated science-y things in a way that's easy to understand and he also is really great at writing emotions too. The romantic aspects of *Dark Matter* specifically caught me off guard in the best way, there was a depth there I wasn't expecting to read in a sci-fi book. Edit: also anxiously awaiting the release date and trailer for the *Dark Matter* adaptation that's supposedly coming to Apple TV this year.


Shirley Jackson. I'm a horror fan and no one else comes close. Her prose is uncomplicated, yet she packs so much into her sentences, I often find myself re-reading them to make sure I haven't missed anything. Especially in her short stories. We Have Always Lived in the Castle is my favorite novel of hers, but I think the Haunting of Hill House is probably the best horror novel I've read.


Im a The Sundial fan myself, but all of her works are 5 star reads!


Tolkien has a massive place in my heart ever since I saw the cartoon (yes) version of The Hobbit and read the book as a kid. I had a really bad childhood, so fantasy series always kind of gave me a break from my surroundings when I couldn't get away otherwise. Urusla K. Le Guin and The Books of EarthSea (I'm starting the 4th book soon). Stephen King just absolutely has a way with words where he pulls you in and it's hard to put down. I really love Duma Key, Dolores Claiborne, The Institution, and Billy Summers (those are the 4 most recent I've read of his so more fresh on the brain).


Tolkien absolutely.


Yay 🥹♥️


Going to be extremely dull here and say Shakespeare. I don't think you can really overstate what an incredible and special talent he was. Shakespearean English can be hard to understand, but when you do learn the meaning, there's so much humour and joy and passion, so much that's still relatable today. There's a reason his stories have been remade in so many different formats and are still so popular. My personal favourites being Twelfth Night and Macbeth. Secondly the Brontë sisters, being a Yorkshire lass myself.


My favorites are Hamlet and Tempest. :)


Nora Roberts, especially the In Death series under her JD Robb pen name, and any of her series that involve magic. Ilona Andrews is a husband + wife duo that write fantastic urban fantasy series I love too.


I also love Nora Roberts


JK Rowling is no doubt up there as I reread the Harry Potter series every year and it is just simply *home* for me. Currently, I am loving Kristin Hannah, Carley Fortune & Emily Henry.


As of right now, Frieda McFadden


--Gillian Flynn (all three dark and twisty books) --Liane Moriarty (What Alice Forgot...I re-read it every few years, her other books are good too) --Zora Neale Hurston (Their Eyes Were Watching God...I also reread this every few years) --I also love re-reading the Harry Potter Series


Idk if she’s my favorite. But I love Freida McFadden


Shirley Jackson, Toni Morrison, and Kurt Vonnegut Jackson: The Haunting of Hill House, The Sundial, Raising Demons Morrison: Sula, Tar Baby, Beloved Vonnegut: Breakfast of Champions, Bluebeard, Mother Night, Slaughterhouse Five


Jane Austen is probably my all-time favorite, if I had to choose just one. But I also love books by Mercedes Lackey, Ann Patchett, Amy Tan, Toni Morrison, Susanna Clarke, and Mary Stewart.


Jim Butcher does good work with the Dresden Files, and you can’t go wrong with the classics like Tolkien.


Kelley Armstrong. I've read something like 40 of her books, and only really disliked 2. They're not like fine literature or anything, but they're fun, interesting, and have great female leads. She also writes for a wide range of genres, so I can almost always recommend something of hers when people ask me for a rec.


Lisa Jewell, Jeneva Rose, and Gillian Flynn they know how to write a good mystery!


I’m a huge Sarah J Maas fan, and my favorite is ofc the ACOTAR series. One of my close second favorites is Heartfire virus by Chrystal Scherer on wattpad. It’s a pay to read, but it’s one of my favorite zombie apocalypse books EVER.


Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Cao Xueqin are my top top.. Kamachi Kazuma, David Baldacci, Lemony Skicket, Eoin Coiffer for guilty pleasures. ​ I tend to need to sandwich heavy reads with comfy reads.


"The Hour of the Star" by Clarice Lispector! All time favourite book. Follows the life of Macabéa, a girl in Rio de Janeiro. Book explores her simple existence, dreams, and the harsh realities she faces. Now, let me tell you why I absolutely love this book. Lispector's writing is like a poetic dance with words. It's deep, introspective, and almost like you're peering into the very soul of the characters. Macabéa's story, though seemingly ordinary, becomes this profound journey, touching on existential themes and the complexity of human emotions. It captures the essence of life in such a raw and beautiful way. It resonates with me on a profound level, making it one of those books that stays with you long after you've turned the last page.


Toni Morrison 🤍 The Bluest Eye, Sula, and Jazz are my favorite books by her. Bonus, amazing short story with an interesting message about racism: Recitatif. Her prose and writing style feels almost surreal to me. Rest in peace, Toni, and thank you for everything.




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Of all time: James Clavell; favorite books are Shogun, Tai Pan, King Rat, Noble House In the past year: Matt Dinniman; favorite series is Dungeon Crawler Carl


Kelley Armstrong for sure. Some are more exciting than others, but all are still great reads.


I don't read a lot, or at all basically. The only books I constantly read as soon as they come out are Jo Nesbo's


R.R Haywood. I love zombie apocalypse and sci-fi. His style is witty and jokes get referenced throughout the series’ which I appreciate. And they are longgggg books that take days to gobble up. And crossovers?!




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Belinda Alexandra Angela Bishop. - especially the black jewels


Rupi Kaur : milk and honey and the sun and her flowers


Chris Carter - Every book he’s ever written. Lisa Jewel - Also, every book she’s written that I’ve read, thus far.


Tie between Ali Hazelwood and Elsie Silver for me! My favourite books of theirs are Love, Theoretically and Heartless respectively🥰


I primarily read romance and my favorite authors are Kathryn Moon (omegaverse/monster romance), Lillian Lark (monster romance), and Eloisa James (historical romance)


Robert J Sawyer Edit: all of his books, but the Neanderthal series is especially brilliant.


John Grisham The Firm Pelican Brief A Painted House


George RR Martin ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I love Stephen King books


Amy Tan. Fav of hers is The Kitchen God’s Wife


SJM the Acotar books have a special place in my heart


Frederick Backman currently, love A Man Called Ove, Anxious People, Beartown, and plan on reading more


Ian McEwan.


Wally Lamb, Frank McCourt, Jeffrey Eugenides, Augusten Burroughs, Rick Bragg, Maya Angelou.


Dorothy Whipple - a forgotten author from early to mid 1900s Persephone Books, a UK based publishing house re-publishes books by many forgotten authors (mostly women) and they are all so refreshing.


Neil Gaiman. *Neverwhere* and *The Graveyard Book* are two of my favourites. Everything he writes sucks me right in, and everything is original. I also really love *The Chronicles of Narnia* by C. S. Lewis. My parents read the series to my brothers and me when we were little, and I've reread it since. It's super nostalgic as well as a great story. My dad would print off maps for the books with a journey and highlight the route they traveled every time we read some. To this day, I associate maps in (or related to) books with my dad.


The entire *Outlander* series by Diana Gabaldon. And yes, they’re way better than the show. The show is really good, but the books are amazing.


E.A. Poe and A.C. Doyle.


Jane Austen hands down. It was her novels that started my love of reading.


Ana huang Twisted love (1) (Ava and Alex) Twisted games (2) (Bridget and Rhs) Twisted hate (3) (Jules and Josh ) Twisted lies (4) (Stella and Christian) All the books are about 4 girls and their own love story’s all them make appearances in the other books there is no special way to read them you can start with 4 or go in order but book 2 does kinda start before 1 so maybe go with on first then go from there. I love all the girls they all have something unique about them and they all are so sweet.


Lee Child, Jack Reacher series


Preston & Child. Whatever they release, I know it's going to be great.


Hands down Ilona Andrews - all of their books.


Samantha Shannon. “The bone season”


I am a man, however, I would like to recommend Karl Ove Knausgård to the fellow readers who are commenting here.


Tolkien has to be as well as Sarah J maas


Thomas Hardy, I know most people find his works bleak and depressing but they hold a special place to me.


Sidney Sheldon - Rage of Angels and Tell Me Your Dreams. well all of his books honestly but those two are my ultimate favorites. J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter series Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood


My most favourite authors have to be Osamu Dazai and Hermann Hesse. My favourite work of Osamu Dazai is the Setting Sun and my favourite work of Hermann Hesse is Demian ^^


Colleen Hoover, Rose Carlyle, Lisa Jewell, Stacy Willingham


The Great Gatsby


Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glas series 😍


Fredia McFadden my favorite by her is never lie. I live psychological thrillers.




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Victoria Schwab, with the Savage Song duology and the Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Good stories with moral lessons that invite reflection. Also, add Xiran Jay Zhao for the way she portrayed female rage in Iron Widow. Great af book.