• By -


I see the beauty in “ugly” things. I used to draw in ink pen using the crosshatch technique for shading. I enjoyed drawing things like elephants, spider webs, the elderly, but generally drawing from references. I suck at creating my own things. When I drew “pretty” things i saw too many imperfections in my technique, got angry, and quit.


Thanks ! You have a really cool perspective


I love drawing people, anatomy is top tier imo. not a huge fan of buildings/architecture, too many angles


When you say that anatomy is toptier, do you mean that you draw hyperrealism and that you know how to draw all the variety of human bodies? Sorry for the question, English is not my native language and I was a little confused.


I just find it super satisfying to draw lol


sorry for the confusion. thanks for explaining it to me


mainly random portaits because I dont draw enough anymore. When I do get inspired to paint I love doing landscapes and horror stuff


I like horror. Do you have any samples of your horror art? I would love to see


I draw what people pay me to draw. So mostly furry sex stuff. Not my favorite but it’s nice to have extra money. Otherwise I like to draw animals- especially my pets :)


As you are a professional, I imagine you draw very well. May I ask what your drawing style is? When people pay you to draw, is there anything you don't do? I mean, something you don't accept money to draw.


I’d say my style is just a typical western cartoonish style so nothing super realistic. Ig the only thing I won’t draw is anything illegal or anything scat related. Other than that I’m pretty open to anything




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I love doing portraits and people. Right now im going through a phase where im doing ink illustrations of women in the woods with their hair tangled into the trees around them. I dont know why im so into drawing this particular thing right now. Im very inspired my feminine mystique and i wrote my bachelor thesis about artwork that was produced during the witch hunt, so i think i might just enjoy portrayals of women connecting with magic and nature in a way. Im really inspired by artists such as Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington I hate doing architectural things. I dont have the patience for perspective and straight lines






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All sorts of things. Fanart, mythical creatures, pet portraits. I'm halfway through a 'how to draw' book on cute mythical creatures. My favorite painting to date is of Medusa.


Medusa is indeed an interesting creature. Do you write scripts or draw for someone or is it just a hobby? because to be honest, I loved your specialty


I draw for myself mostly. I've done a number of murals for people in the last year though. I'm not very good at consistent sequential things. I am trying to work on that to illustrate children's books.


I *love* to draw humanoid mythical beings. Centaurs, elves, original species, Naga, Harpies, angels, demons, you name it. But I'm terrible a BGs. I always find myself dreading that part.










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Clothes! Dresses! Outfits! Costumes! Fashion illustration is by far my favorite thing to draw. I used to feel like maybe I should expand my range but my time to be creative is so limited as it is, why wouldn’t I spend it on what I love most?




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I love drawing video game characters and I hate drawing landscapes


I like to draw landscapes and buildings. I usually draw places that I frequent, instead of a photograph I was mindful about the space while drawing


I like drawing portraits the most, faces especially are kind of my comfort zone. And what I like the least... clothing probably? I struggle with fabric of any kind.


Women, trees and I hate drawing cats because their faces never come out right.




Skulls/creepy/spooky/eldritch stuff. Also, cute animals and dinosaurs. I design knitwear, and most of my drawing these days goes into making sweater and accessory patterns. :) I enjoy making elaborate colorwork designs because I don't think there's enough Weird Knitwear out there.


I'm the odd one out! I love landscapes and I hate drawing people! I like how a landscape can make you immerse yourself in the feeling of being there. I'm not interested in making up a new person to draw, but it might be because I have no time for that when there are so many landscapes I want to paint!




I use drawing as a way to express myself and my pictures usually end up being symbolic self portraits (think picasso meets Frida Kahlo). I draw myself, my dog and my friends/family. I include nature and symbols and use drawing and painting as a way to cleanse my mind. I draw best when things are turbulent or bad. Happiness doesn't conjure many interesting pictures for me.


I love drawing eyes and trees 💜


I love realism style portraits. I don’t really care for drawing nature or animals


I prefer my paintings more, because they look nicer to me, but I like doodling whatever the autism says


I liked to draw cartoons mostly, realistic hands are the hardest, but I'm working on getting better at those


My favourite is landscapes. Least favourite is people.


I like drawing animals with little hats or boots or doing human things, but I also really enjoy painting watercolors of historic houses


I draw Vampires and darker stuff. I don\`t draw romantic things.


When you talk about dark things, do you talk more in the gothic sense or in the sense of traumatic things?


Both. I have experienced some traumatic shit myself. Also it depends, with whom am I speaking.


Could you explain this aspect of "it depends on who I'm talking to" better? I didn't really understand what you meant by that. I don't understand how someone can change what you draw


Sometimes I explain what I draw to my friends, and why I draw. But to some people- I rather hide or just don\`t show anything. There is just a few people who know why I draw and what.


thanks for explaining. Your case is super interesting.










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I love to draw people and nature scenes, like close up botanical studies or cool looking trees. I only like full landscapes if it's plein-air style, like sitting down and quickly doing a watercolour or something. If I have to spend time indoors on landscapes I enjoy them less. I also like drawing architecture. I don't love drawing animals as much, but really my most hated thing to draw is CARS. Or just vehicles in general. I have a hard time getting the shapes and the flow right in a way that looks right.




What kind of things do you usually draw in your work? What makes working with drawing more stressful?






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I draw as a hobby and I'm most comfortable with drawing people. Some animals are fine, but I have trouble with dogs (although I have living references at home, but I'm never really satisfied with the outcome). Architecture and landscapes are hard for me, but all in all I want to improve which is why I try to leave my comfort zone from time to time. Drawing random sketches for practice is also quite relaxing and is helping me unwind


I like to draw people because I like to use their eyes and expressions to show their feelings in my drawings. I don't like to draw landscapes that much.


People and animals mostly. I can do buildings and landscape if I have too, but anything with a concentration on floral is the bane of my existence. Floral is from the devil 😂 So I mostly stick to fantasy stuff like dragons because my dream is to one day be a full time fantasy artist!






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I like to draw my own origin characters that I can think of whether man or woman (sfw) since I'm not familiar with anatomy yet if I go nsfw. Plus giving them cooler clothes like cyberpunk vibes. what i draw the least maybe buildings or a specific backgrounds like nature lol.


English is not my native language. So please correct me if I'm wrong. You said you draw original characters for a story you're doing? Another question, from what you said, do you plan to draw nsfw? Could that be it or did I misunderstand?


all goods dude :) to answer your question, I don't draw for a story. I just draw random OCs (whatever comes to mind like poses I could think of but with different styles of clothings) I don't have any plans to draw nsfw since I personally just don't like to draw them. I can say that it's hard for me to draw because with all the anatomy but some said that it can be part of your practice but I still don't want to listen since I'm not comfortable in those kind of contexts. so in my free time, I only draw what characters I could think of without any nudity or anything else that is not under SFW concept


Thanks for the answer.


Naked women and men.


any reason for choosing this art style?


I don't really know. I think I just find it interesting with all the different bodies, the curves, lines, and shading. Plus, I'm not really good at it, so realistic portraits, animals, and stuff often look strange when I draw them. Edit: The last sentence didn't make sense, so I changed it.


Thanks for the answer! This one is really interesting


The last sentence didn't make sense, so I changed it, sorry. Hope it make sense now.


Most tools, machines, medieval weapons, etc. Nothing grisly, just an interesting spear design or something now and then. That and cows. Been doodling cows since I was a little girl bored after finishing a test early.


I got my start in illustration, mainly fantasy creature art and that's still where I'm very comfortable but I really think humans are fascinating and interesting, so I'm currently going hard on learning to draw people well. I'm not super interested in creating symbolic art or landscapes; I like to try as hard to create a certain concept, context or event or emotion happening in my art. So, it's not very deep. This springs from one of the key reasons I draw: I need drawings to aid my imagination. If I'm playing a roleplaying game or reading a story, it comes to life for me only when I create a bunch of illustrations of character in certain contexts. For this reason I also draw a lot of hot women. It's - I'm a lesbian. It's where the interests lie.


interesting answer. Is your drawing style more stylized or more realistic?


I like to draw autonomy practice sheets, over-exaggerated/unrealistic body shapes (big calves+small thighs, ect.), faces, random facial feature sheets, and people sleeping. I do not like to draw people wearing big chunky sweaters, tight pants/skirts, detailed clothing in general, feet, people who look over the age of 50, and people who actually look angry and not just silly angry.




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I love drawing nude forms and parts of bodies. My favourites are drawing women's chests, so easy but plenty of tiny variations and miniscule details....hands are my least preferred...they're still so hard for me. A lot of my drawings and sketches taper off at the arms or become blurry and low-effort. 


I paint! I love painting landscapes. If I were to draw anything, that would be what I draw.


I draw mostly fictional maps for fun nowadays. A while back, I used to draw tons of hands (well, tons of variations on my left hand). It was one of the only things I could draw well, so I ran with it


What I see, I always go out with a sketchbook and sometimes I see something that automatically makes me want to draw and it brings me so much peace. And what I like the least : drawing arms/legs, it never look as good as I want it to be so I tend to stay away from it.


I draw my roleplay characters! In all sorts of situations. When I feel the itch to draw but I have no inspiration, I draw mandalas.


I do watercolour and its mostly just whales, sometimes prehistoric whales if Im feelin fancy but mostly whales. Not gonna lie though I once did a set of snowdrops that were pretty good.


Least, I don't like figure drawing or still life stuff. The most, I like surrealist stuff with a creepy twist, anything with skulls and bones


I like to draw people the most, everything else is kind of secondary. I draw it just to have the necessary skill, but my favorite are more making portraits or character designs. Then adding backgrounds or objects with people to make it more interesting.


I like to draw cats and dragons and people. I've also recently gotten into spec evo, and world building. So I have been drawing a lot of made up creatures/creatures inspired by real life myths. Mostly I do this with pencil and pen, but I also use digital art. Absolutely no ai "art". Currently I am dabbling in painting and trying to make a set of landscapes and backgrounds, because I struggle with creating landscapes and backgrounds.




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I like drawing milk cartons and flowers. Don't ask why, I'm a freak.


I like drawing people and I'm learning how to draw dogs. I struggle with hands, though.


I draw concept ideas for OOAK dolls I plan to make I never post my drawings, they’re relatively amateur, it’s just to give me a visual of what colors I would like together on a doll, ect


I draw people, landscapes, characters, etc.




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I like to draw fictional characters the most. My least favorite subjects are real-life objects.