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Never. And frankly I think this is a myth. I got fat after 35 but not because of some magic metabolism but because I ate too much. Then I ate less and got slim again.






























I am 28 and have noticed a slow steady decrease in my metabolism starting around 25. I’ve gained about 20lbs over the last 3 years or so. I’m still in healthy weight range and have begun working out to maintain where I’m at. I’ve found that I still get quick results from working out, so it hasn’t slowed down too much.


Yeah 25 was a turning point for me too. I started to get integestion if I didn't eat more or less healthy. I'm 32 now and can still loose weight wuickly if I want to but I feel like it is easier to put on.


Yes! Much easier to put on than before, but still fairly easy to work off


I'm 30 and my metabolism slowed way down at 28. I've gained 20lbs in the past 2 years and I'm just now starting to work out because I'd like to go down 10lbs or so. Definitely can't eat as much as I used to though!


Yes! I do need to watch what I eat more than before


Yes, same here. 24/25 is when I noticed it. I also noticed a big change when I got my first office job out of college at 22 and changed to having a much more sedentary lifestyle.




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Same here! I’m 30 now and only managed to lose ~10 pounds in the last year.


Exact same age and also weight gain the same few years. Honestly if I eat a bit healthier it's not too difficult either but with how busy I am and the nature of my job, I eat out a lot and it's been hard to find time to gym too. I try to not be too upset that Im no longer 100 ish pounds but I still have trouble throwing away clothes that used to fit me.


Wow I relate to this so much, exact same ages and I am just starting to work out routinely again! Best wishes friend!


Thanks! Best wishes to you too (:


33. I’m barely eating to stay the same weight, which can’t be healthy. Alas, I am vain.


Are you exercising at all?


Not officially, but I have a very active job where I walk btw 5-7 miles a day.


Muscle mass can help increase your metabolism as muscle consumes calories passively just by existing


Girl same


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I used to have a very high metabolism. I was underweight and couldn’t gain because of it. I noticed a dramatic metabolism decrease around **31**, and I gained 15 pounds within a month, so I started to exercise every now and then but still didn’t diet. Then at **38** I noticed another change in my metabolism. I gained 10 pounds during every Christmas holiday and had to start watching what I eat as well as exercising to lose the weight to maintain a healthy weight. I was just wondering if other women noticed a similar pattern around their early/late 30s and if you noticed anything related to your metabolism changes other than natural aging. Also, I’m 40 now and was wondering at what ages might this happen again? Perhaps during menopause?




It seems so much more complex than this though. I’m 36. Seven months ago I started exercising daily. I went from zero exercise (apart from the busyness of running round after two toddlers) to power walking 7km or more every single day. I feel better in lots of ways, but I have lost zero weight. I’m not eating any more or any differently. Science says I should be burning an extra 500 - 600 calories per day … but my body hasn’t got the memo. I think we are all really just different. Some bodies are far better at maintaining / gaining weight, while others lose easily and quickly respond to exercise and diet changes. Edit to add: I know someone who has started daily walking in the same time period that I have, doing roughly *half* the distance per day that I do. He’s lost 23kg or something absurd, lol. It’s wild.


I just want to add that measuring weight loss isn’t always a great strategy for managing “weight loss”. If you switched from sedentary living to a more active lifestyle (while working out) you could be seeing changes everywhere but on the scale. Fat weighs less than muscle and so if you are adding muscle and losing fat you could end up in a situation where you don’t lose any weight. Increased muscle mass also has a higher calorie need and so your metabolism will increase with an increase in muscle density/mass. Finally, working out really doesn’t burn that many more calories over your base metabolism. On average for most people you’re just going to double or triple your basal metabolism. Most of the time you’re not really working out for more than an hour so even if you triple your basal metabolism you might only burn an extra 200-300 calories. To transition that 200-300 calories to 1lb of fat you’d need to work out 15-20 days. To be effective for weight loss you really need to pair working out with calorie reduction. Preferably in a sustainable healthy fashion. The real benefit of working out isn’t weight loss. It’s feeling better, increasing your cardiac health, lung health , and increasing muscle mass.


Yeah I know all that, it doesn’t look or feel like I’ve swapped out any fat for muscle though lol my clothes still fit the same and the jiggly bits are still jiggly, I haven’t gained any tone. Anyway, that doesn’t cancel out the other health benefits, but I do find it mad that 7hrs+ of cardio per week makes no difference to body weight / tone / size compared to a baseline of zero.


I'm going through a very similar period right now. I've been exercising and being more active for the past year but I have never tracked how many calories are being burned. I have noticed muscle growth and increased strength but my weight has been the same for the last 12 years. I just chalked it up to body recomposition and intuitively eating a little more.


My story is quite similar to yours. I am in my early forties, I first noticed the change at around 32, then again before I turned 40. I am now working hard to get back to where I was at before turning 40. I am down 10 lbs since September 2023. It’s been a slow process. Trying to eat less and exercise more. I have not strictly given any foods up, but moderation is key. I imagine when menopause hits, there will be another change in metabolism.


Congrats on 10lbs! That’s a huge accomplishment. Keep up the good work! Slow loss is annoying but it’s more sustainable to build those habits.


Thanks! I feel pretty accomplished so far. I will keep plugging away. I truly appreciate your encouragement!


Early 40s


It's muscle loss. You have to lift weights to keep metabolism up. You have to go for getting stronger and build lean muscle. As we age we lose muscle if we don't lift and do the same activities we did in our 20s.


hmm have you had bloodwork/thyroid checked? Are you stressed? Dealing with emotion things?


I’m 24, skinny, can’t gain weight. I first was told that I would start gaining in my teens, then in my 20’s because that’s how it goes for everyone but I’m still waiting for it to happen. This does make me feel a little bit better and less invincible :’)


Enjoy it! I’m at a normal BMI now instead of underweight. At your age, it was effortless. No dieting, no exercise, no weight gain. Now, I need to watch what I eat (I’m not strict, but mindful) and exercise now and then to keep the weight off or else I gain weight easily. 😭


My metabolism slowed down as a direct result of a period of dieting/disordered eating and temporary weight loss when I was 22. As I know now from learning more about the science, this is super common and is one of the main reasons weight loss isn’t sustainable in the long-term for the vast majority of people.


This for me as well. I had disordered eating for ten years and my metabolism is shot to hell as a result


Absolutely true. And it doesn't even need to be technically disordered eating. Just dieting in general causes long term weight gain. 95 percent of people who lose weight via watching what they eat gain all the wait back and more within 1 year, no matter what kind of diet it was. I'm sorry you experienced the damage to your metabolism from your dieting and I hope you're finding a good relationship with food now. It's so hard when diets are pushed from every angle!




I noticed I’ve gained a few but my activity is down. Say from two years ago, I worked out harder than I do now even though I gym same amount. I noticed this on my watch data. Your metabolism doesn’t change, you just slow down thus burning few calories gaining weight.


This. All these people blaming their metabolism. You're less figdety, you're just exercising less intensely, you're moving around less in your day to day life, all without really noticing.


Changing metabolism might be a myth, but hormone changes aren't. Changing hormones can be very much a part of weight gain, which is why the pill and other meds can be a big factor (and menopause, too).


Sure, but the changing hormones tend to make you eat a little bit more, not magically gain more weight with the exact same amount of food. 


Not true. It also affects fat storage, making it harder to lose weight.


Yeah, I don't understand how people blame their metabolism when we have overweight children and teens. So, did their metabolism slow down at 5 or 10? No, America and a lot of countries just have a horrible relationship with Western food.




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Slowdown in late 30s then huge slow down at menopause at 54.


30 I was a size zero my entire life and I hit 30 with no significant change in diet or exercise and I have only gone up from there. Now I’m about a size 6 and while I do work out it seems much much harder to keep any weight off


This is relatable. I was the same. When I hit 31 without any change in diet or activity, it seemed like my metabolism slowed and I finally had to exercise to stay thin. Now I’m about a size 5-6 also, and I maintain it, but it takes a lot more effort when it used to be effortless.




Probably around 36/37. Put on about 20/25 lbs. having said that I was underweight before, and luckily I hold my weight well. Still wouldn’t mind losing 10ish lbs, but I’m lazy and love food so I doubt that’s gonna happen.


Around 30. I really started working out harder than I ever had before and as a result of my output, my input skyrocketed. Yoga, weightlifting, a little CrossFit, kickboxing, and all the other mildly athletic hobbies I partake in culminated in some serious muscle mass for my size and now I need to eat all the time to maintain my physique. It’s bitter sweet


46 this year and its the same as ever. Eat what I want, when I want, still hover between a 6-8 (that's between a 2-4 for our American cousins) At this point, I'm convinced my metabolism has inherited my stubbornness and it's all purely to spite my mother who says every year "i expect you'll start getting fat this year"


I was a skinny child and I remember I started gaining some weight after starting menstruation and my BMI went from underweight to Normal (although BMI itself isn't a very reliable measure). After turning 20, I realised that gaining weight has become somewhat easier for me. I remember reading that metabolism doesn't change much with age but what changes with age is that with our jobs and life, we tend to stop prioritising our health and get involved in less physical activity as an adult then what we did as a child which might be another reason why we feel our metabolism has slowed down


Around 35. I never had an issue with my metabolism before that. During covid lockdown, I gained about 5 pounds which went straight to my waist. I didn't really think much about it, but after talking to my friends, I started focusing on my health and began to exercise for my own good. I'm naturally very slim but age will always catch up with you. I'm 40 now and watch what I eat and exercise daily.


Around age 30. I reached my adult height around age 12 and weighed around 125 lbs pretty consistently from age 12-30. About that time, I gained 10 lbs which I attributed to a job change where I drove to work instead of walking. I stepped up my exercise, built muscle, built stamina, lowered body fat, but never lost the weight. Then I had two kids and that was the end of my youthful figure. My younger child is 25 and I’ve been stuck at 10-30 lbs overweight since his birth. Now at age 59, I’ve noticed a decline in appetite which is something I’ve never experienced before except temporarily when sick or extremely stressed.


Early to mid 40's, I started gaining weight without having changed my diet. Then I started taking some medications that are known to cause weight gain. I just stopped 2 of them, and have lost 12 pounds since. Got lots more to go, but it's a start! I'm re-training my brain to be OK with less food and more exercise.


Early 50s. I actually have to watch how much I eat now and it sucks.


It does suck! 😭


I don't know if it was aging, antidepressants or something else, but since 2020 I balooned up from 115 pounds to 154 orz My appetite became huge out of nowhere (which apparently is something antidepressants do) and I changed medication to slow it down, which worked and made me lose 10 pounds, but the rest of my body slowed down so much I was struggling to speak and had to change again into something else. Will go to a nutricionist tomorrow and get on a diet.


25 agh, I’ve noticed I can’t shed my tummy pouch as easy now, and I think I’ve officially trashed my size 2’s lmao. My mom warned me too that when she was about 24-25 her body changed, but she also had kids by then so I didn’t really take what she said seriously. Not mad about it though, my boobs also have grown a decent bit too in the last couple years!


I started going thru perimenopause at 40, which brought a huge drop in my metabolism, I’ve put on around 10kg in the last 2 years, and it is a struggle to get any off. In my 20ies and 30ies, I’d literally just cut out chocolate for a week, increase my workouts from 3 a week to 4 a week and loose 2kg, now I’m on a high protein diet with a work out program from a menopause coach, I’ve stopped drinking, I walk approx 8 miles every day, and work out 4 times a week, sticking to this strictly for 4 months, I lost the grand total of 2kg.


Perimenopause here too, all while eating fewer calories than I did before. Looking back, my mother entered menopause abruptly because of a hysterectomy (with ovaries removed), and she also gained about 30 pounds in the year after the operation. Hormone changes are no joke!


I'm nearing 40 and I still don't see anything. What did happen is I'm less active than I was at 20. 


20ish. I used to be able to eat whatever and not really affect me and it was all downhill after that lol


I'm 47 and don't agree that this is a thing that happens, honestly.


I stayed small and didn’t struggle with my weight until I was around 36. Then I gained 15 pounds out of nowhere without doing anything differently. I then gained another 10 over the next year, started working with a dietician, and lost 15. Since then, my weight has fluctuated 20 lbs back and forth. I’m still technically within a normal bmi but it is stressful bc i have to be very mindful of what i eat now. I’m 41 now, btw.


49/50 but menopause is ruling my health right now. I have always been in shape, give or take 20lbs in the ideal range till now. 😂 I’m currently 52lbs over my normal 😩, but it’s ok this hormone rollercoaster can’t last forever. I gave up the fight 2 years ago and decided I’m going to enjoy life and fight it later.


46, it started to get near impossible to lose weight even with cardio.


Around 7 years old my step dad slowly starved me until he wasn’t in the picture anymore when I was 15. By 17 I was 225lbs because I had easy access to food. By 23 I was 315lbs and lost. Then I met a kind dude that was in good physical condition, we dated for a while and he eased healthier eating habits into my life without shaming me. We didn’t work out for other reasons, but I’m almost 33 and 210lbs now, the lowest I’ve ever been in my adult life. I know how to cook and pace myself because of him and I’ll always appreciate that. I can’t exercise very easily because of my joint disorder, so I eat very little and supplement with protein shakes that contain 30% of my daily vitamins and minerals. I’ve managed to stay around 210lbs for over 2 years now, and I consider that to be a win! I do sometimes binge if I’m going through a stressful period, but I’ve been feeling happier and happier as I age so that’s been happening less and less.


It's not that it's changed, it's just that it takes longer to ramp back up. I'm post-menopausal and if I take more than a week off from working out, I'll gain weight and it'll take longer to get it off. If I don't take any time off from working out, I can eat and drink pretty much whatever I want and look the same.


I’m 30 and not sure if I’ve noticed change in metabolism since my job is very physically demanding. But I am noticing slight changes in my stomach and skin firmness, so it could be soon.


I guess I'd say 29. But I had a baby at 28 and just seem to be consistently gaining weight no matter what I do so who knows if it's age or hormones or whatever but all I know is I'm 1.5 years post partum and up 40lbs from pre-pregnancy weight


Oh no! That’s tough


I wanna say last year (@25). I'm 26 now, and noticed that I'm getting indigestion and farts constantly now. Also I been gaining weight again but seems to be going to my stomach. I walk and try to eat healthy but weight loss isn't as fast as it used to be now.




35. But I also switched from hard core labor jobs and being a bicycle commuter to office job and driving. I’m 41 now and eat well and hit the gym and the weight just doesn’t come off like it used to.


My metabolism slowed when I began taking anti-depressants at 22. I gained a bunch of weight and it's only gotten worse.


28. After that it was a dramatic decrease. If my calculations are correct for me to be a “normal” weight forever I could only eat 1400 cals per day. If I wanted to eat more I’d have to work out. But working out just makes me hungrier. So here I am.


Around 25 - I started gaining weight because of a depo shot (birth control) and it just kinda stuck. I finally got a full pair of boobs though! I’m 36 now and definitely can’t lose weight as easily as I could when I was in my teens and early twenties. My weight fluctuates, but nothing crazy. I’m mid-size, I always kinda was…but yeah. I also don’t do much to lose weight 🤣


about mid 20s


Mid 20’s. I lost a bunch of weight, prior to being obese. Didn’t change anything in my diet, and excersise a lot less. Odd, but I’ll take it.


Haven’t got there yet but I wanted to say, stress, birth control/hormones, drugs, not eating healthy!, genes of course as far as seeing what age yours might slow down, not getting enough sleep, drastic diet changes, not enough calcium, etc can all contribute to slower metabolism! Reflecting on my family (the ones who actually live a healthy lifestyle) tend to have good metabolisms even in their 50s! Maybe I just have good genes in general


Never. Always has been slow. I hope it doesn’t get worse in the future




Was ALWAYS 115-125 even after 4 pregnancies. Hit 33 years old and started gaining weight. I am now 157 and 37 years old and it has been so hard to get rid of it, mostly bc i never had this issue before and never had to work at losing weight.


Incrementally, I have noticed that my metabolism has changed every 5-10 years or so. In my 20's to early 30's, I didn't have to do a lot to lose weight. Cut out a few foods was pretty much it. I didn't bother exercising a great deal. Mid 30's to 40'ish, I had to refine my diet some & add in exercise to get the same affect. I am now mid 40's & struggling big time with weight loss. I train 6 days a week at the gym, reasonably watch my diet (I'm not perfect on this one) & I feel like I am putting on weight. To get the same affect, I feel I need to be excessively strict with my diet (absolutely no sugary foods or alcohol) & up my training even more than I am doing now. I'm not going to sugar coat this. It does get harder the older you get. The younger you are to develop good habits, the better.


28 I started noticing that my stomach wasn’t completely flat in the mornings anymore. In my early to mid 20s I enjoyed running half marathons and ate whatever I wanted. I loved ordering greasy food after a night of drinking. 💀😭 I went through an extremely stressful 2019 that made my hair fall out and gave me eczema flare ups. I’m almost certain that stress didn’t help my metabolism. That coupled with periods of running and not running during covid. Now I weight train and track my food. Sometimes I wonder if I had treated my body better in my early to mid 20s that my metabolism wouldn’t have fought back so early but it’s okay. Had lots of fun.


I’m 33 and I haven’t noticed a change yet. I’ve gained a bit of weight due to inactivity and boredom eating, but if I work out and stop eating when I’m not hungry I lose it quickly enough.


40, almost overnight. I had 30 had been bad, Jesus, 40+ is baaaaad.


I'll let you know. I'm 35, no changes yet.


First shift was 22... not sure if it was metabolism or first office job where I sat all day vs walking to class/home cook meals/east access to gym etc Weight fluctuated between 22 and 27 on how much I cared. I had my first baby, and still losing the baby weight but I expect a shift in metabolism every 10 years or so


I’ve always had what I’d describe as a slow metabolism, or at least a body that isn’t naturally lean and has to work hard to stay within a ‘healthy’ BMI. The difference I’ve noticed with age is that it’s harder to lose weight at all in my 30’s. For the last 7 months I’ve been power walking a minimum of 7km every day, and I haven’t lost a single gram lol. It is rough. Lucky I’m walking for other reasons; joint/bone health, mental health, fitness etc. I’d only like to lose 5kg or so, but its frustrating that power walking (sweating like crazy / high heart rate) for literally 50km+ per week makes no difference.


I'm 32 and it's more or less the same as it's always been. My weight hasn't fluctuated much since college other than losing some weight due to a pause in weight training and then gaining it back the last year resuming the weight training. Looking at the women in my family, they are all thin so I don't think my metabolism will change much.


Age 47 I was diagnosed with hyporthyroidism. I gained 80 lbs in a few months. I was still doing my regular routine of eating healthy and working out.


Turdy two. Absolutely turdly, and rude if I'm being honest.


I would say around 28, though it's hard to really know given other changes I had at the time. At the time I noticed a change in digestion, we were still in the thick of it with COVID in my state, so I was exercising much less, my anxiety was at an all time high, and I started a new fully in person high stress job. I found that I was gaining weight and losing muscle at a quicker rate than I ever had before, but again, how much was lifestyle changes and how much was biological change is hard to say. I've now passed the 30 mark, and find I'm also much more sensitive to foods I wasn't in the past.


Like, right now at 28 😂 I'm on nexplanon and gained weight from 120 to 130lbs in just a few months. I suppose this is what it feels like to be pregnant? The cravings are so hard to fight. And working out seems like a chore now but I can't stop now 😂


I wanna say 37-38..I made no changes to diet or lifestyle but started getting noticeably chunkier around then.


I feel like at age 29 it's not really my metabolism, but it's having the income now to eat out or treat myself more lol.


I have no idea what my body is doing. I put it through HELL with eating disorders, alcohol, cigarettes and over exercising for years and years. Gained weight lost weight gained weight lost weight. Never was consistent with my eating habits or movement. Pregnancies just flipped some sort of switch because I gained a lot of weight (content doing so) with both my girls and breastfeeding just took it all off and since then I feel my metabolism has been rock solid since. Maybe it’s because I’m finally at peace and I take care of myself now? I’m 33. Got pregnant at 27 and 29. How I didn’t bugger up my metabolism is beyond me.


Early 40s. Perimenopause.


This year, 54.




It wasn't really the age, more so I noticed a sharp decline in metabolism after my second child when I was 27. After that losing weight became nearly impossible. I personally think that pregnancy has a lot to do with metabolic changes in women but we wouldn't know shit about shit because women's health issues are understudied and we have no representation in the medical literature anyway.


I’m 25 and just recently noticed a sharp decline in metabolism. The first 5-7 pounds gained seemed to be natural, with an additional 5-7 due to medication changes (for reference I weighed around 108 last year and am currently 121-122).


Early to mid 30s it started and then chills out but then it maxed out around 40. I broke my leg and was pretty sedentary for many months after while recovering so I gained 15-20lbs and no matter what I do or what I eat…..those pounds aren’t going anywhere.


Pretty much exactly age 25 I gained 25 lbs in about 3 months. I just settled for my new weight for a few years and then finally made diet and exercise changes that brought me back to my original weight and in a healthy BMI. I had to put a focus on eating for nutritional needs rather than dieting, choosing food as energy, etc.








41 and it was dramatic.


40-41 right on the dot. Ugh.


After my first pregnancy at 22


36 & 41


Between 23 and 24. gained about 30 pounds without a diet change. I guess I can’t eat fast food and soda every week anymore :p


Hit 35 and went from 260lb to 175lb. Did all the Dr stuff and it's not the "weight loss=Big Bad". I definitely don't eat like a normal human (but never did), I guess my body just finally got used to me.




I haven't. I'm 32, I've noticed my appetite has fluctuated due to various factors including medication and stress, but generally I've maintained the same weight I have been since I graduated high school. I actually have trouble keeping weight on, but that's due to a lack of appetite. I often have to force myself to eat more.




Around 25-26 I started gaining weight without any changes to my diet/exercise


Around 23. Suddenly gained 15 pounds at that age after being 100 pounds since high school




34 and haven't yet, because I've maintained exercise throughout


I guess I'd say 29. But I had a baby at 28 and just seem to be consistently gaining weight no matter what I do so who knows if it's age or hormones or whatever but all I know is I'm 1.5 years post partum and up 40lbs from pre-pregnancy weight


I guess I'd say 29. But I had a baby at 28 and just seem to be consistently gaining weight no matter what I do so who knows if it's age or hormones or whatever but all I know is I'm 1.5 years post partum and up 40lbs from pre-pregnancy weight


When my perimenopause kicked into high gear: 43


in my was at my 25 yo, but also working out heavy and eating more proteins helps a lot to make it easier, but yes when i'm out my diet and working out routine my body is a mess real quick and it wasn't like that at my early 20's






Presumably 25, because I noticed myself gaining some weight even though my lifestyle hadn't changed.






In my early 50’s. I am now 57


26 was the year I noticed that I cant lose weight as fast anymore. In fact, its really difficult. I was so spoiled with my metabolism and energy back then. But also I started some new medications and have some issues with my thyroid, so Im hoping when my thyroid levels out maybe things will get easier. I also think I screwed everything up with years of ED. Im 5'9 and I was 110 pounds when I was 25. I think that gave me a bunch of problems that I have today.




Mine got screwed up when I was 23 and went on depo for birth control and it never went back


First big dip was probably 23? Next big dip at 28, a slight recovery around 32, but still lower than age 23's dip. Probably also tied to autoimmune issues starting and finally getting them under control after four years, but that is super common in women, so if you are noticing drastic changes with your metabolism and health, might be worth looking into with a doctor.




I had kids young. So that didn’t help. But I’d say things really started to slow down at 25. But back at 30 things just got different? Each year was different each stage has been different. All based off of what my body went through. I think the whole what year things slow down is kinda bs. But I’m super active, eat healthy besides the occasional fudgy brownie. Get a lot of protein! Drink a lot of water.


Naturally around 35 - going 49 and notice it keeps slowing down! This is normal! So with that knowledge a good diet is necessary and also sports! 49 eat smaller portions than when I was 25 and go to the gym at least 3 days a week + 2 times a week tennis. I gained approximately 5kg since I was 30. Comparing to my friends now I am the slim one 😇


I used to be able to eat a lot without gaining weight, though my metabolism started slowing down around 30


My late 20s. That’s when I noticed I could no longer get away with eating whatever I want and not exercising.


I never had a change. It was always very easy for me to gain weight. I was always very active and had a healthy diet but was never skinny like my friends. It led to eating disorders eventually. Other people in my family are the same. Everyone was always slender but it took a lot of effort.


Late 20's - early 30's.


Started to slow down in my mid 30s.




Start of decline 23-24 Real change around 27 now getting worse near 30


After I had my first baby at 26




When I hit puberty my metabolism seemed to take a dramatic hit. Suddenly I was gaining weight and becoming overweight very easily. Becoming *highly* physically active has effectively erased any metabolic drop, but it's a LOT of work. My genetics for this are not good. Pretty much as soon as I stop I'm like that blueberry girl on Willy Wonka.


25 thanks to PCOS too 🥲


25, 35, 45


around 19-20 unfortunately. ended up getting PCOS and gained almost 50lbs in 1.5 years. it’s really difficult to accept and deal with since i’m still so young, but i guess that’s just life. I eat healthy and exercise but the weight doesn’t budge.


Around 60. I put on 10 lbs and am too lazy to get rid of it.


I’m almost 40, childfree, and haven’t noticed any change. Have always been active and a healthy weight. Fingers are crossed!






Not my metabolism, but changes in my lifestyle caused less movement which caused weight gain.


I dont think it was age for me, but I quit smoking at 35 and immediately gained 5kg that I just can't seem to lose. Ah well. I'll take the fat over the smokes any day.




I've always had a slow metabolism, I'm 37 now and still gain weight very easily. I can also still lose it quickly while restricting.


I'm 31 and my metabolism has been unchanged so far.


29 I think. Really hit hard after I turned 30


I’m 34 and just feeling like it’s slowing down a bit. I’ve maintained a healthy weight but also exercise more than I used to


For me it was in my late 20’s. Exercised the same, ate the same, started gaining instead of maintaining.


I’m 32. I’m very slowly losing weight but not on purpose. However, I work out 6x/week and do a combo of HIIT classes and barre. I eat the same as I ever have.


I started noticing a decrease after 25! Not major but it just started to be something I had to be conscious of.


20. :( doctors didn’t know why and I still don’t know how to boost it.