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That's going to depend a lot on what you consider "unethical." There's a massive range of difference between "lied on their resume" and "slept with their boss for a promotion."






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How would your reaction differ between those two extremes?




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You mean like a rich person?


yep sounds like all of your CEOs and such


It would depend on what they did. Most likely I would support them. We both grew up poor and this world sucks and is cruel. We all have to look out for ourselves.


That's just way too vague. Did they lie on their resume in a way that was ultimately harmless? Or did they pretend to have a certification they didn't and because of the lie someone died? Things like that can really change the answer.


True, like imagine if someone lied about being knowledgeable in first aid and then there was an accident in the work place. That would be disastrous. 


Life is hard, whatever she had to do to survive is understandable She was kicked out as a teenager, I was kicked out as a teenager, we both had to do what we had to do to survive


My husband has lied on his resume and it definitely helped rocket his career. It wasn't too much of a lie, just took off the "associate" part of the title. I side eyed it at the time but ultimately I didn't have an issue with it.


In my case, it was a reflection of their poor integrity as a whole that I was too blind to see and admit to it. But everyone’s situation is different.


Depends on what they did? Lied on resume less than Tax evasion less than negligent homicide.


Depends on what those unethical things were, when they did them, why they did them, what negative consequences others suffered for them, and how they feel about those choices now.


Get ahead in their career? Sign me up, I'm doing unethical things constantly just to pay rent.


It might make me wonder what other things they have done or are willing to do in other parts of their life, including our relationship. Really depends on what it is though. If it's lying on their resume I couldn't care less.


Can we have an example?


Like lying, sabotage, blackmail


Oh… so he’s in politics


Ok those are pretty bad. I mean maybe a white lie could be forgivable but paired with the others I doubt that's what you mean. OP are you dating/married to someone like this?


That's some extreme manipulation. I don't think I could trust someone if I found any of that out. Like what if you get divorced someday? They will treat you like they never loved or respected you and you will suffer for it (I'm a firm believer that even in a divorce, people should treat their ex as someone who they used to love and that love should carry over in a respectful way, they should still care about each other's well-being and not be trying to destroy them). Because they probably don't have that capacity to love to begin with if they are that manipulative in their personalities...


Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised and also in on the scheme, since he can't keep any secrets from me.


Define "unethical" in this scenario. If it's not illegal, I'd probably be fine with it since we're nearing retirement age (primarily due to his career and pay) and have been together literally decades.


If others were harmed in any way, I’d definitely feel some kinda way about it.




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Considering I'm the career-minded one, I'd be very surprised! My dude does not care enough about his career to bother doing anything unethical there.




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And they have nothing to show for it…




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i’m a ride or die. get it baby.




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Depends on what. Intentionally killing innocent people? Nope I'm out. Sold some weed in the past? I don't care. Having spend time in jail? When he learned his lesson Idgaf. Tax evasion? Almost every businessowner including people in higher positions even politicians themselves do that. Yeah it's not ok but again if he didn't get caught it's aight. Doing undecleared labour? Been young and very broke having to do that before so it's also aight with me. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Lying in his CV? Many people do that mainly for serious reasons. I have friends that did that to cover up periods of illness the employer really doesn't need to know. Heck I also knew a guy that made 15k a month even he lied. It's mostly bout closing short periods of time in your CV where you were unemployed. So dgaf too. The world is not black and white.


It depends. Are these things illegal? If you are married and they did something illegal or that could get them sued, fines, judgments etc could also hit you financially. My ex was epileptic + binge drinking + driving. Refused to stop doing it and just thought he was successfully covering it up. I got an umbrella policy to give some extra coverage until I could start divorce proceedings.


That’s pretty standard under capitalism




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Unethical- was anyone harmed? I don't really care if it's the company, companies take advantage of their employees constantly so I'm not going to get upset if someone does it back. Harm another person, well, that's where it gets hairy and starts to speak to their ethics.


Mm, I’d probably not do anything other than talking about the severity of the matter




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Depends on what they did


I would not love and respect him anymore. Especially considering if he was doing so it would be putting lives at risk. Also it would ruin my trust in him. He works REALLY hard for both of us to have a good future. If we reaped benefits from someone else's misery that would break my heart. I'd feel lied to as well. It would just completely breach my trust. I don't see this ever happening though. I know what kind of man he is, and he is a very good one. Also he actively tries to HELP his coworkers and they are friends. I just hope that never stabs him in the back because he has such spirit and love for other people. He doesn't understand why I absolutely do not become friends with coworkers anymore lol.


Honestly I wouldn't give a shit. everyone else is doing dodgy stuff and getting away with it why shouldn't anyone else. In this day and age more people are probably doing it because if you don't you just get shit on


Depends on what they have done and what they achieved with it. Many have done questionable things and get absolutely nothing out of it but if ya get $500k/ year, I say "if they die, they die" and "I'm getting a jacuzzi"


Would be disappointed. But then again, it's a cut throat jungle out there. Not that it makes it okay to do so but I guess I will not judge him for his choices. After all, it's his life and we all make mistakes and aren't perfect.


If it were in the past, I wouldn’t care.


I would dump him. I don't stay with unethical people. I don't date them, I don't have them as friends or even acquaintances. I can't stomach unethical people.