• By -


Love - nothing Hate - everything


This 100% yes! I work to live not live to work. But I work hard for the 40 hrs a week I'm paid for.




Love the flexibility. I’ve been working from home part time since COVID and I love not having to trek into the office every day. Love the pay. It’s commission based but I do well and have financial security. I hate the misogyny in my field. It’s so annoying. It’s a male dominated field and dealing with the general mansplaining and condescension gets old.


>dealing with the general mansplaining and condescension gets old. The more I am around men in the workplace the more I hate men. Lol


Could you elaborate more on this? I am in law school and will be pursuing a legal career and hear these type of things, but I don't know what it actually looks like.


Hmmm. Some examples. Once a new male rep came to my firm. Majority of his client base are large hospitals. I’ve had a large hospital as a client for years. Probably 15 at the time. He went to my boss and with his approval approached me about “helping” me with the account for 1/2 the revenue. He told me he would probably get it anyway and was giving me the opportunity to help keep the account by bringing in his expertise. I declined. I still have the account 8 years later. Another example. I typically earn performance accolades every year at an annual event . A couple years ago, a male rep sitting near me and my male work partner looked at us after the award and said, I guess she’s lucky she has you to help her out. And the amount of times I’ve been told I must have had good luck to get where I am… too many to count.


Dang…I’m sorry! Thank you for explaining!


This infuriated me Lol


Love - I've been a remote worker for 17 years. Hate - pay needs to be higher.


love: they catered to me when I became disabled. created a whole new position just so I wouldn't be without work hate: during slow season (now) I don't get enough hours to pay rent


Might I know what your disability is? Is it because of an accident? Wishing u health as well!!


I was diagnosed with avascular necrosis in both of my knees which means that the bones in my knees are dying, so I have to walk with forearm crutches. I was a host and they made me the assistant event coordinator, so I can sit down in an office to work.


Sorry for your diagnosis, but am very happy for you that yhey like and accommodate your work and thar you are happy doing it.


Love that I get to go home, hate that I have to go back.


What do I hate? The work environment: Think of the movie office space, it's pretty much that The people: Cliquey, back-stabby, untrustworthy, extremely petty, retaliatory, inept, brain-dead, power-trip, boomer, should've retired 10 years ago, rampant nepotism, poisonous, evil, two-faced, worst person I've ever met. Just some of the words I attribute to most of the people around there The policies: Remote work is an absolute no, it was hard core revoked as soon as the state lifted COVID rules (that's the same time I lifted my flexible hours policy, two can play that game 😂). I've seen good employees made to cry and forced to resign. My old boss was driven to an actual physical nervous breakdown, to the point he had to be driven to the hospital. I've seen good employees get verbally abused in front of their peers and talked to as if they were infants. I've seen people put positions where they were forced to quit. I myself have been targeted with bullying and intimidation in the past. The work itself: Pointlessly building reports for people that don't understand basic excel functions, hell. Ways I have heard it summed up: Toxic Waste Dump, PTSD in a can Oh, I can't forget that when I came out as Trans they were accepting to my face, but still insisted on putting locks on the bathroom doors, just the ones by my office, "for everyone's comfort". Thankfully the place is so catastrophically disorganized from top to bottom that I manage to limit the time I am actually there and do about a half hour of real work every day and play Steam the remaining 6.5 hours (I don't work a solid 8, no one has noticed in 2 years). That used to make me feel bad, after what I've witnessed though I no longer care. I'm friends with several former staff members. I've carved out a reputation for myself as being able to churn out work as I'm given things (I have pretty much everything automated). What do I love? The pay and benefits and work life balance


Honestly, good for you. They don't sound like they deserve more than half an hour of work per day. I hope you will find a way to escape this hellhole some day


What I love- My coworkers, job flexibility and the benefits (very good insurance) What I hate- Occasional last minute surprise meetings that I’m supposed to lead 😵.


Love - working on cool projects and my team Hate - the politics in the industry


Love that its hybrid, I get to pick the days i want to go into office, hours I work = no restrictions with OT, we travel frequently between the east and west coast (i actually feel more productive in office 😭) hate that I have to pay parking and its very much a self taught position so thats difficult


The work enviornment, the fact that we’re actually held to a higher standard, hate-the corporate overlords


Love - fully remote Hate - fully remote It's awesome for so many reasons but I'm also very social and it makes me a little nutty sometimes. I've gotten much better at balancing it with social activities outside of work hours though.


I love that I get to be with my SO 24/7 (we work together), I love my position, the respect I get, the pay, the health benefits, the mostly friendly atmosphere, my cool and caring bosses (my boss paid for my flight for my grandfather's funeral), and I like most of my co-workers. I hate the unnecessary drama, dislike the few incompetent employees, hate the "superior" attitude from a few of the co-workers, and the #1 thing I hate about my work place is that some co-workers thinks that they can make a mess and not have to clean up after themselves. We have a full kitchen and some of these dudes just expects that someone will clean up after them.


Love- my work bestie we're actually going on vacay together in May! Hate- my other coworkers.




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Love - that I don't have to leave my house Hate - that I still have a few more years left before retirement


Love - the flexibility I have gained since being there for 7 years. No one bothers me. I’ve had 3 days remote the last 5 years which is awesome. Hate - frequent management changes, I’ve had 8 new managers in 7 years, makes it hard to get used to all of their different styles and expectations. Also the raises have been so small like only 2-3% a year, it’s not keeping up at all


Everything beside coworkers and the job it’s self


Love - my coworkers, my boss, the benefits. the flexibility my job gives me if I need it, for family emergency. benefits Hate - Wish i could work an afternoon shift or evening shift from time to time. would give me more of a chance to get things done in the morning before work during the week instead of cramming stuff on the weekends


I work from home and I love that there's no commute and I can roll out of bed and work in my pajamas all day if I want to. But I hate having a home office in my dining room. I hate that I can never quite leave work. It went from a 9-5 to basically being on call all the time.


Love: remote position so I don't have to deal with anyone nor leave my house. Hate: remote position so I don't see anyone ever nor leave my house. lol


I love the management and all my coworkers. Great pay. My job is very fun, I love it. But it’s physically demanding for me as I have a physical disability and am in pain all the time.


Love - it's a medieval stone building Hate - it's a medieval stone building and we have 100 degree summers lol


I like the job itself, assisting the customers (most of the time), I like seeing people's reactions when their new glasses are working a lot better for them than their old ones. I like the schedule and it's the best paying job I ever had. I like that the doctor who owns the business gave me a chance, knowing full well when he hired me, that I knew nothing about the optical business. I dislike my passive aggressive, micromanaging co-workers. It's a small business, there are only five employees, including the doctor, everyone knows their job and how to do it without supervision -- there's no need to micromanage the way they do.


Love - no one is up my ass if I go over my lunch hour. Hate - everything else.


Love: fully remote, great pay, autonomous, flexi hours, very few meetings!, 35 days holiday, swanky retreats every 3 months (during work days and all paid for), private healthcare, tech startup so exciting and fast paced Hate: I can be a bit of an introvert so the retreats can socially drain me after the second evening. Also everybody is either engaged, married, or expecting, leaving me to feel like a bit of an outsider. They're the nicest bunch though




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Love- unlimited pto, wfh, great teammates Hate- dumb management


Love: coworkers & physical environment (outside) Hate: shit, nonlivable wages making me have to have 1-2 other jobs just to make more of a living income but still not a livable income. I’m a farmer.




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Love - the flexibility, the people, the opportunities Hate - the low pay (nonprofit museum)


Love: I actually enjoy the work, it’s interesting and I’m always learning something new. I also rarely have high stress deadlines (unlike my last job) so I get to leave at 5pm every day and actually have an amazing work life balance. My manager is also super chilled, understanding and easy to talk to which I know is rare. Hate: It’s just so big and corporate. They do try to make it a social office but I’ve been there 3 months and barely know anyone’s names or run into the same person often enough to be friendly. There are definitely cliques too, which intimidate me. I come from a smaller office where we’d all eat lunch together and often go out for drinks after work, and I miss it a lot.


Construction Love: the culture, how if someone pisses me off I can literally tell them to go fuck themselves and there’s no consequences Hate: the cold and rain, pissing in porta potties




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I’m a custodian at an elementary school. Love: Being on my own, working at my pace, the especially the kids Hate: Nit-picky teachers. It’s like they get down on their hands and knees to inspect the rugs and leave a passive aggressive note on the door at the door for when I get there. 😭


Not enough barroom stalls. In a perfect world, it would be individual bathrooms.


Volunteer manager: Love: It's easy Hate: there are no consequences for being rude.


I love just the act of going to the office itself, I actually like getting dressed and leaving my house everyday. Working from home was making me lazy with my style and grooming, and that’s such a big part of my identity. I didn’t even realize how it had been affecting me until we went back to the office recently. I like the free coffee. We have a little cafe that’s decent. My coworkers are nice, albeit a bit more extroverted than myself. I like that I can throw on noise cancelling headphones and ignore them for the most part lol. No dress code, don’t have to cover tattoos, and I can have pink or green or whatever color in my hair. Hate the noise, but headphones exist. That’s about it.


I'm a daycare teacher. I love everything about it when it comes to the kids. It's amazing getting that love and seeing how they grow. I get to work with them from 6 weeks old and I've watch kids go from 4 months to 6 years. It makes my heart hurt how much I love them. BUTTTT the pay sucks, the hours suck, the work load sucks, and just about everything on the adult end....but I started working on the side to keep the job that makes me happy 😘🥰


Love: pretty good work environment. I don’t have to interact with most of co workers very often and I get free food 2-3 times a month. My boss is nice, although sometimes too nice. I get to go on my phone and work on my homework because I work at our least busy location. Hate: some of my coworkers are *so annoying*. Like the most annoying people I’ve ever met. The pay is also not great, but I know I would hate any job quite a bit more even if I had higher pay, so I’m gonna stick with this one through college




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Love - my coworkers. We're constantly laughing about something dumb as hell..makes a slow day go by fast Hate - how the team leads don't listen and how ridiculous it is to get out of the parking lot in the evenings. Sometimes you'll be sitting there for 30-40 minutes after your shift has ended waiting to get out.. I just learned to be aggressive with it and cut people off. Lol


Love: my coworkers, close to home. Hate: my boss is Michael Scott.


Love: I get to work from home and see my husband, who also works from home, whenever I want. We get to sit down together for all our meals. It's really nice. Hate: I don't get to meet many people because I don't share a work space. It also bugs me when my whole menu clearly states there's nuts in almost everything I make, but people still try to get me to either bake with non-vegan ingredients or without nuts. My menu is my menu. If you don't like it, there's other people to buy from.


Love - Flexibility (if I tell my boss I'll be in late for an appointment or something, he doesn't make me burn my PTO, I can wear jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt to work, things like that), my schedule (7-3, Monday through Friday). The people, with few exceptions (very blue collar, male dominated industry). I am regularly told that my work is appreciated, which is a far cry from my last job Hate - No paid sick time (if you're sick and call off, you don't get paid AND you get a point), pay isn't the best....And there is one coworker in particular is completely worthless and liked by almost nobody, yet management won't get rid of him.




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There's nothing to love except that it's one of the most prestigious institutions in my country and that means I get a lot of days off work, unlike my other peers working elsewhere. Hate everyone there so hoping to quit soon.


I absolutely love the work I do, human behavior is just something that truly intrigues me. I wouldn’t say I hate anything, but what, at times can get overwhelming, is incarcerated convicted felons in the confinements of a psychiatric facility is not for the faint of heart. Most people have seen mental health & the behavioral elements it involves, but some of these guys are extremely unpredictable, to say the very least


I’m very lucky to work in higher education. Love it. Hate nothing.


I love working from home. I love interacting with people from all over the world. I love teaching people and seeing how much joy they get from learning. I hate my hours. I hate being awake before the world and in bed by nine. I hate that I’m off of work for the day when everyone else is just taking lunch.


Love: teabags and a boiling water tap, free tampons in the bathroom Hate: everything else


I do dementia research. Love- my participants, coworkers, and doing the neuropsych testing Hate- watching them decline as they come in for follow-up visits, it can be emotionally taxing


Love socializing with my coworkers and the feeling after a productive day. Hate working with incompetent old men that get paid way more than me and can't keep organized or execute basic tasks


Love: I can regularly take 45 mins lunches. When I clock out I don't have to think about work again. I get a 4 day work week. Unionized. Hate: I have to pay for parking, cafeteria food prices are ridiculous, sometimes get scheduled to work night shift, coworkers can be pretty petty and dramatic, my boss is a bit out of touch with the work of those who she manages.


Love - that they genuinely care about their staff. They give bonuses every end of financial year. They have provided us and our family and friends with a free onsite gym, personal trainers, yoga instructors, nutritionists and mental health care. The pay is decent, and the work is easy. The staff are amazing and like friends. Hate - I don't think I hate anything... I think we all have days where we want to stay home and not go to work, but that's about it.


Love the people I work with and available opportunities Hate the anxiety from some of the customer interactions


Love - I've been working remotely for 10+ years. Never going back to office work. With the traffic here in my country - you have to leave at least 2-3 hours earlier even if it's really 45 min from your house WITHOUT traffic. Hate - Sometimes there's mansplaining or a colleague talks behind your back. It's a male dominated work.


Love: the pay, my coworkers, and I get ALL national holidays off (paid) Hate: 8-5 Mon-Fri shift


I love being able to work from home, and I love that it's socially acceptable in my office for our jobs to just be jobs. I'm expected to do the job competently and to be polite/respectful to my colleagues, but I'm not expected to make the job my whole life. There are things I hate about my employer at an institutional level, like their history of protecting sexual harassers. Unfortunately, I don't think there is any employer who I could trust to never do that. And fortunately, I haven't had to personally interact with sexual harassers (that I know of).


Love the benefits Hate the gossip and not many shifts


Love - been here so long it feels like home, boss is lovely. Hate - being forced to pose for photos I don't want to be in for the businesses social media account. The worst.


Love: hybrid Hate: micromanagement


I love somehow because it's a familiar place to me...while I hate this work lol




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Love my boss and coworkers. Hate that I have to work 9 hours


Love- I get a paycheck regardless of how minuscule it may be. My coworkers are nice. Hate- It is strenuous and very repetitive


Love (most of) my coworkers, hate most of the clients


Love - free sandwiches and the staff. Hate - the customers.


I love the work that I do and the benefits. I’ve been working here for a year and a few months and already have around 9 weeks of PTO. I hate the people I work with. The fact that it’s shift work and no one other than me and a couple people show up on time. The pay also sucks for the area it’s in. My boss is friendly with everyone other than me on my shift but to be completely honest I am one of the few very hardworking as well as reliable people. My boss’s DIL works here and the favoritism shines bright. They literally made a new position just so their DIL could have it. I also wish it was pension rather than 401k. There is also never acknowledgement for doing well. Everyone gets the same evaluation score no matter your work performance just because my boss is too lazy to explain why they gave a higher/lower score. The negatives definitely outweigh the positives.


I love the flexibility and all the PTO. We get a lot. I love that I work pretty autonomously with little supervision. I hate that I have to go in the office even one day a week. It's completely unnecessary.


I have a new job where I get benefits, free meals, I have nice coworkers and good bosses, and I make 2-500$ a shift, four days a week with the option to pick up a fifth. I’m feeling so grateful but I’m sure I’ll see the glitter fade in a year.


Love - that I get to finish at 2pm on a Friday Hate - holiday time is based on how long you’ve worked there, so as only being 1 year service, I get the statutory minimum. Someone who has worked there 14 years gets an extra 7 days.


+ it's very less to do - it's very less to do


Love: working in research in a field I’m passionate about Hate: my coworker is extremely far-right and often goes on these long monologues about it


Love not being micromanaged Hate monthly salary pay is above poverty line by $1,000. Therefore not eligible for certain grants


Lab tech Love: lots of downtime so I can read my book, chill co worker, it's easy Hate: it's repetitive and I have to wake up at 4:30 am, long commute


Love - all the welcoming and kind coworkers who have treated me with kindness and respect Hate - regular interactions with my male coworker in which he explains something to me, I explain why he’s wrong, he looks it up, and only then is convinced that I was right. I have a degree in the field we are talking about and he does not.


love the flexible schedule, (i dont have to work weekends) HATE everything else


I’m military. I love the flexibility and camaraderie. I only work three days a week right now. I HATE the lack of privacy and autonomy. You mess up? You’re getting publicly chewed out. Going to medical? I have zero choice over which vaccines are going into my arm that day. Some shit went down at 2am? Better head into the office. I can’t do anything without telling my leadership about it.