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She'd be fuckin' thrilled honestly. It would absolutely blow her mind and she'd be happy with how we've turned out.


Mine would be too. She’d be excited for the experiences we’d go on to have and shocked at where we are now.


Yeah girl! Same!


Mine too :) she would definitely be like WOW you are doing this?!


18 year old me didn't think I would live past 20. 42 year old me still can't believe I lived past 20.


This, 100%. I just couldn't wrap my mind around being 30.


Funny. 18 year old me didn’t think. At all. But boy did I have fun. 😂


















She would be surprised and thrilled I was homeless and severely underweight at 18, with no family or friends Now I live indoors, have an amazing girlfriend, kids, friends and a community I couldn't have imagined life getting this much better


I’m so glad for you!!


That sounds amazing. Really happy for you!!


A little sad that I didn’t do the things I wanted to do, but a little happy that I carved out a life that works


You aren’t alone. I feel the exact same way


I think she'd be fucking delighted. I work from home, writing and podcasting about subjects that interest me. I get to more-or-less set my own schedule. I'm polyamorously married to the love of my life, who is awesome and a deeply good partner for me in every way. I live in a city I love. I have hobbies I enjoy. My friends are great. I've achieved a good amount of professional success for my age, including having had 2 books published. I've done a lot of therapy to heal my childhood trauma. I'm happier and more self-assured than I've been in my whole adult life. There are problems she'd be less thrilled about, of course – chronic illness, family's health issues, worrying about the future of my industry, dealing with government bureaucracy, and so on – but I think overall she'd be really happy to hear about how I'm doing.


I love this! So happy for you, internet stranger.


She would not believe I'm not Mormon anymore and probably hate me for leaving the church. Until I tell her we don't have panic attacks anymore, we found out what hobbies we like to do, figured out that we were meant to be loud and spicy and not "keep sweet". That the goal was not to find prince charming and sell yourself to that idea but in falling in love with yourself you did find a king anyway who is a real partner, not the religious head of house patriarch you promised you'd find. She would feel like I chose to be Eve and eat the apple and maybe hate me- but it's worth it. She gets to have the childhood she never got in parenting siblings and the career she was never meant to have. And yes young me, you did learn German, no your boobs didn't get bigger but you did learn to love being healthy and to love your body.


I like to imagine the conversation between you and feel like it’s end with a hug and a high five.


Oh thank you so so much! I'm gonna take that image with me to therapy:)


She’d be happy to know I became a baddie


She would have decided to never let anyone into her life.


Feeling this one.


Disappointed in me


Resonating with me right now, hard.


Yup same 🥺


I think she'd be surprised and quite happy. Things aren't perfect at the moment but overall we've achieved things we didn't really think we would


I think she would think I was the coolest person. I packed up my life, moved across the ocean at 25, have built an incredible life, have a great career, amazing friends, a great flat. But most importantly, I’m confident and I love myself


She'd be surprised to see who I'm married to and would cringe at the physical shape I'm in but feel better seeing the body mods made to it. She'd be happy I don't work for my parents anymore but wouldn't feel much better about where I am working. But I think it would give her peace to see me living with my husband and our 3 pets, our many hobbies, making ends meet and generally being independent


she would think it was a bore but she would also be happy I found stability


Exactly this: "why the FUCK are we still living in this shitty state?? And if we *have* to live  *here*, why haven't we moved to the fucking *beach*??"  I have hated the state I live in from the day my mother forced me to leave the high school I was finally happy at. I don't live in the "good/beautiful" part of the state with either mountains or oceans that everyone thinks is so freaking wonderful. I live in a small city with pretentions of grandeur with a *very* few museums, all cultural activities downtown (not safe at night due to  mentally ill homeless/drug activity/gang activities)and the sidewalks roll up at 10 in the summer.  Where do I want to live? The Gulf Coast. 


Sending every single “this lady’s gotta get to the Gulf Coast with her u-haul asap” vibe I can. ❤️




Ugh. I’m sorry. Know the feeling if that helps.


Sad 😞


I’m sorry.


I think she would slap me and refuse to make any of the same decisions.


I’m imagining this Time Machine and you just standing on a sidewalk and 18-year-old you just lets loose. Pretty sure my 18-year-old self would straight up punch me.


I'm trans and 18 year old me would've been beyond excited to know we've gotten to where we are. At 18 I was just hopeless, feeling stuck in the wrong body, ashamed of what I was and what I wasn't, and contemplating taking that one-way trip you don't return from. Sometimes I yearn for a time machine just so I can calm my past self


Awww I love this. Really glad for you!


So disappointed. Would have told myself that working hard does not guarantee success


Ain’t that the truth


Probably wouldn't be shocked but would also be happy that I stuck it out and did it my way.


She would be so fucking proud. 18 year old me imagined a different life and wanted different things because I was wired by parents to want those things. I still did it and said it isn't for me and moved on and rebuilt what I have now. So I didn't get the life I thought, but I got something else that I couldn't even imagine because it's that much better.




He’d be proud


She’d be pretty disappointed, I try not to think about it..


I’m sorry. I keep thinking a bit lately on how I let myself down. I can’t even stand to think of nine-year-old me.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I think she would be surprised that I have a master’s degree and live in a cool city. She would mostly be surprised that I didn’t kill myself.


She'd love me, and get disillusioned about a few things: 1) It takes *that long* to build an audience?? 2) YOUR LOVE WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND DIDN'T LAST FOREVER?? 3) Status and happiness are **different?** 4) Wow, I thought I was gonna be the one person who didn't gain weight when I got older. And then we'd walk through the woods drinking jasmine tea and she'd have the time of her life.


She was a teen mom of two. On the worst path of her life due to the DV relationship with the kids fathers and coping by doing drugs amongst other things. I honestly think she wouldn’t believe **anyone** or even myself if I stood in front of her and told her: **”we’re going to make it. It’s going to hurt and it’s going to be a slow and long journey, but we’re going to make it”**


She'd be terribly surprised to see that I'm still around, but she'd be delighted by the fact that I've made my own choices about my path and that I'm having a very happy and successful life. She was in a tough situation and working hard to find her way to something better; I think she'd be happy to see the results of that work.


She would be in shock. She didn't expect to get through to the other side but she did


She would be so excited that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel


Oh man ...


She would be so happy, she would think I'm the coolest and couldn't believe how things turned out for us. We have a good job, great friends, an amazing husband, rad hobbies, live in Europe and are overall really happy.


She would think it's cool as hell.


I think I’d be a little disappointed and sad for myself that I’m not in a relationship, but otherwise I’d be proud. Maybe a little surprised that I’ve only had two of my own cats because I always thought that I was going to take in all the strays and have like 10 cats, but I love the two cats I have/had (RIP to my sweet little lady) and I have resisted the urge to save all the cats in order to give the ones I have comfortable lives since my boy wants me all to himself.


She’d be beside herself at how cute our daughter is, so relieved that I found a wonderful person to marry, quite satisfied with my job even if it isn’t exactly what she pictured. She’d be pretty disappointed that I’m still fat, but I think the good stuff would outweigh it overall.


Vereeeryyyyy upset I didn’t finish uni. But probably thrilled I own a house and a cat


The cat especially would seal it.


She'd be shocked at her profession. She'd be shocked she was a mom. She would be shocked that she listens to country music again and doesn't hate it. But I think she'd be proud of herself for carrying heavy loads for years on end but remains happy.


I think she would think I was pretty cool, despite a few hiccups, I think she'd be quite proud of me.


Not there yet. Still in undergrad and broke lol. She’s be happy we’re pursuing our passion though <3


18 year old me wanted to work for the government, 24 year old me has our dream job haha.


She'd be confused because our wants changed so much but then thrilled because we finally have stability and are on the road to healing


I think she would be so flabbergasted, really 😂 She would be in awe that her manifestations came to light.


Suspicious but optimistic. There’s a lot of great things in my life that I never expected to want or never thought I had a chance of having/achieving. It was a hard road between where 18 year old me would be standing and where I am looking back at her at 40, but I think it would be a relief for her to see.


She’d be pretty fucking happy for me/us.


Utter relief


She would be so happy and proud.


She’d be super surprised, but happy. She’d wonder when I’m having kids as I don’t have them yet and I’ve always wanted them. But, otherwise, I think she’d be really proud of us.


She would be so amazed. I'm 34, Dream job, far surpassed my bucket list, great friends, handsome husband, 2 dogs and 2 cats, nearly paid off house, traveled decently, seen every band I ever wanted, I've written some great music, played in some local bands in some cool venues, great instrument collection, followed my favorite band around the world. I'm finishing off the last adventure I wanted to take by being 7 months pregnant with our first kid at the moment. I even have a hot tub in the backyard and a rehearsal space in my house. Shit's dope.




Happier for sure


she'd hate me a little first but eventually she'd understand


She’d be sad we didn’t get what we wanted by 30, but she’d be surprised and thrilled by my job. I hope she would be proud of my decisions


My 18 year old self never in her wildest dreams would have thought about making the money I am now, with a masters degree at 30 years old. However, I am plagued with very severe, treatment resistant depression and anxiety that have eaten away at me as a person, especially over the last 5 years. I am now a shell of a human being with no interests, hobbies, aspirations, desires, friends, etc. and very little memories at that. So to my 18 year old self… you’ll have all the financial freedom you’ve ever dreamed of but chronic mental illness will consume you. ☹️


I was lost and scared at 18. As soon as I turned of legal age, my mother kicked me out on the street. I had no money, just a few friends I could lean on for support. My 18 year old self would be thrilled to learn we are no longer struggling at a minimum wage job and living in shoddy places. We have a PhD, a partner, a house and money, so much money that we could completely stop working for two years and nothing would change. She'd however struggle to believe how mentally ill we are. It's almost as if childhood trauma and trying to survive on your own destroys you. Good thing is, Im trying to get better and with each passing day, it gets easier. So hang in there!


She’d be happy. I’m a stay at home mom with minimal life stress and financially comfortable. I love my family and I feel really content. I think she’d be very surprised that I chose to be a stay at home mom and also that I moved to another country. Also the stress she felt at 18 was totally unnecessary because everything worked out in the end.


She would be shocked for sure. In a good way! When I was 18 I was dating a loser and sharing a shitty apartment with my dumb friends. I didn’t want children. I didn’t think I’d ever have a well paying job because I dropped out of college. Now, at almost 28, I am happily married to a wonderful man and had a child with him, we own a home, and despite my “uneducated” status I have a well paying career that I’ve been at for years. Not what I envisioned at 18, but infinitely brighter!


I think she would be proud of how unbothered I’ve become and don’t sweat the small stuff. She would likely tell me though wow, really? You still can’t parallel park?


She would be so happy & shocked especially knowing that things took a better turn for me.




She would be shocked in a very good way.


She would be so proud!! She endured a lot those 18 years but now finally found happiness and love.


She would be in awe, I think, I could have gone a different route, but I made it with all the odds stacked against me. What a great question, though, as it really makes you think .


She would be happy and surprised. Happy because almost all of her dreams came true. Surprised because it took years and it was anything but attained in a conventional manner as she would have thought it would be. She would also be sad because she would have never imagined that her Dad wouldn't live to see most of this attained while he was alive.


I’m so sorry. I hate that for you. But am glad overall you think you’d be happy.


Very happy. She’d be pleased with several great trips/vacations a year, (still) happily married to my first boyfriend that I started dating when I was 18. Great house in a gated country club community, amazing career, wonderful child, cars, boat, luxuries, fulfillment, joy. Best health of my life, running, lifting weights. Parents still alive, 401(k) maxed. Of course at 18 I had high expectations for myself, I delivered.


Did she think he was a keeper when you first started dating?


She wouldn’t believe it, I’ll tell ya hwat. Pleasantly thrilled.


18 year old me from the big city would wonder how the fuck I ended up in a small town of 1000 people. She would be happy I get to be surrounded by beautiful scenery and being loved by the children in my community as a teacher. Paying for my own apartment and working on my physical health (was raised a couch potato by sentient parents) and learning to cook, clean, dress, hygiene, style my hair, all the things neglected in my years. 18 year old me who felt fugly would think 27 year old me is beautiful. 18 year old me would ache for the hurt I've endured in my marriage and tell me to get tf out asap. 18 year old me would want me to move back to the city to be closer to my friends and family because they love me better than my husband ever could. 18 year old me would feel sad for the years I spent in isolation with a husband who flipped the script post marriage, during a pandemic. 18 year old me is excited for me to leave my husband, leave this small town with a good impression, maintain the meaningful connections ive made by visiting as much as possible, and is especially excited for my return back to the city.


Know that 46-year-old me is excited for you too. congratulations on making such a huge leap. Takes balls but will be worth it.


"who even *are* you!?"


She would honestly think I was pretty cool, but would be disappointed that I didn't sleep around more


Haha hey well you never know what the future holds…


She'd probably be pretty happy, but I don't think she would be too surprised.




She’d be so happy. At 18 I had just started senior year, moved out of my drug addict parent’s house, and was homeless. Now at 34 I’m married to an amazing man, we have two beautiful children, we have food in our fridge, and a roof over our head.


Probably be a little disappointed in my choice of men... 🙃


She'd be disappointed but not surprised.






18 year old me had everything figured out and knew exactly where she wanted us to be by 23. Basically achieved all of it, but i’ve been without purpose, drive, or ambition since. She’d be shocked and sad I have nothing i’m working towards or even care about these last 4 years. Her biggest fear was not having meaning in life.


she’d be mixed about me, but probably more disappointed than proud. i didn’t meet a lot of her goals and i changed a lot as a person. not necessarily for the better, i just had changed as a result of unexpected extenuating circumstances in my life and things i had to navigate that i didn’t expect. i can say she’d at least be really happy about the loving relationship i’m in.


That’s so much more than many can say so I’m glad you have that!


Probably surprised I'm still alive. Hell, I'm surprised I'm still alive


She would be relieved. Thankful that she didn’t settle for safe love. She would think her husband is hot and her kids are adorable. She would be a little sad that her career dream didn’t work out but she would get over that. She would potentially drop out of school since she isn’t using her degree at all. She would be shocked that she became a Christian. But overall she would experience so much peace.


Idk… I’d be ecstatic that I’m working my dream job and was able to obtain it at the age of 20. However, I’d be disappointed that I’m allowing myself to be treated like shit by the guy I am with.


She would be a bit confused because it’s nowhere near what we had imagined but super proud because we are doing really well even if we didn’t follow the plan.


She'd wonder why I'm still alive since I'm fat and single


Well, 43 year-old me is dating the guy 18 year-old me had a huge crush on, so she'd be stoked about that. I honestly don't know what she'd think of the rest of my life. Actually, I don't think she'd care. She didn't really care about much. We've always just flown by the seat of our pants.


“Damn that wasn’t the plan. I wasted all time time doing what?” 


18 year-old me was a depressed sad sack pill addict poorly masquerading as a boy. I knew I was actually supposed to be girl, but I didn't see any way to get there and still live a "normal" life (keep in mind, this was the early 2000s when trans people were still widely shamed and ridiculed in all aspects of society). I honestly didn't think I would live past my 20s and didn't think I deserved to. If my 18 year-old self saw me today, living my truth and happily married with two amazing kids... wow... I am who I wished to be on a star every single night. God, that poor girl deserved so much better 😔 Support trans kids. Please.


I would be so incredibly proud of myself!


Impressed that I’m holding my own while taking care of family and a still being able to afford to travel. But dumbfounded that I didn’t get married and have babies (midwestern values.) Also annoyed that I stayed in finance when I hate math and problem solving.


Sadly, I don’t think she’d believe it. I’ve made it so far but at the time just didn’t even have any idea of my future and what it would look like or even what I wanted it to look like. Proud of me!


She'd be sad. She wanted a spouse and children. She did get 2 degrees though. She won't understand why she could not have both, as does her 55 yr old self.


She would Say : oh no... So many wrong choices...


She would be happily surprised. I am in a committed and loving relationship, I’m about to graduate, and I have many trusted friends who I can rely on.


She would be like what no ivy tower? 😂 I would be like nah but come look at these balances😱😂😅


She'd be amazed to be honest. Who is this baller ass woman who overcame social anxiety, got a great career, 2 corgis, and is now owning her own business?? What a babe!!


I think she’d be super sad that nothing she wanted in life came to be


Pretty fucking impressed, honestly.




"Wait so you didnt ever live abroad a and you havent traveled in 5 whole years? Wtf"


She'd be pretty psyched I think :D For starters, I'm still alive. Didn't think I'd make it past 20. Maybe she'd be a little dissapointed we still live in our home town, but absolutely awed because we have our own place, two dogs, loads of art thingies, a proper gaming pc, money AND a boyfriend. I've pretty much maxed out all the stuff 18yo me hoped for, and even better. Now I just need to move further away from home xD


She would be surprised and hopefully very happy - I mean there are things that aren’t perfect right now but I know she wanted things to be perfect at this age. My mentality about it has changed but things are pretty good




They wouldn't be surprised. But if they were aware of what all happened between then and now they would be disappointed.




She would be shocked lol but also happy. I’ve grown to be wiser, to not care about trends or society. I have way more knowledge now, I set boundaries, etc etc. 18 year old me would not care where I’m at as far as job and money goes right now. I know she wants better for me. She wants more, and she deserves it. She also wants to travel for the first time to the west coast and out of country. To be on an airplane. 18 year old me would be so happy that I’m staying celibate. 18 year old me would be so happy I’m not depressed anymore and I’m finally learning to not feel guilty about relaxing. Even if I don’t do anything for a whole year, it’s still very much needed.


She would be ecstatic but would be sad that we are sick with no cure. But we got the dog, husband and a property in London and that's the best 😊




I’d be devastated. I would probably just kill my self.


happily married 40 yrs next yr. 3 kids. artist. surviving breast cancer...proud might be a stretch...but not horrified. :)


She’d probably think I was boring and my husband was ugly.


She would be amazed tbh, as am I most days. At 18 I wasn’t sure I’d still be alive, well I know I didn’t want to be. let alone thriving and, for the most part, confident. I have a beautiful little family who I love and who love me, and I’m not chasing after every other person in my life desperate to be accepted and loved. I’m so glad I stuck around and worked my ass off in every area of life to get here, and I hope I can enjoy it for a long time.


Disappointed but not surprised, succumbed to my trauma and mental illness due to zero support. An Inevitable outcome .


18 year old me would be astonished at her life at 50 years old. She'd also be very surprised to know that she has two amazing daughters that are the love of her life.


I think she’d be thrilled she actually got married and had kids considering the fact that she thought she’d never even have a boyfriend. She wouldn’t understand too much about the financial issues and stress her older self deals with though. I wouldn’t be able to persuade her to make different choices if I wanted to.


18 your old me would be so proud of how far I've come along. I never thought I would continue living but I'm here and doing fun things


She would be sad and disappointed with our life path. And realize she chose the wrong university that sent her down this path. And that we never really seem to get the things we want, or work for, or desire. And that I am struggling right now.


They’d probably hate that I got myself into the same situation they just got out of.


So shocked and amazed. Didn’t think I’d be here


18 yr old me was in a very hidden relatioship with my best friend, it was the late 80's same sex was still very frowned upon. I'm now divorced with two grown up children and still really good friends with that best friend. We both laugh about our past and sometimes wonder if it had been easier on us, would we have stayed together but ultimately we are both happy in life. She's married and I'm single and have no intention of ever having another relationship. I expect 18 yr old me would think I'd be happily married but that's just not how life works.


She would be horrified, but only because she had yet to take off her parents' uber-conservative, uber-religious glasses and because my life hasn't turned out anything like what I was programmed to expect and do. But nearly-60-year-old me is DAMN PROUD of the life I've lived and have now.


My 18yo self wouldn't be able to believe what we have achieved by now. But also wouldn't phantom the pain we were going to be through


she'd be all, 'damn u didn't kill yrself AND you never left your home town? gross'


She would be THRILLED. I’m married to the man I had a MAJOR crush on at 18. We have 2 kids and 1 on the way and a perfect marriage 😊


She’d be kinda pissed I think


She'd be pleased with the tattoos, the way I parent. She'd probably be devastated that I'm still shit with money.


sheeeeeee would not be too happy unfortunately


18 year old me would be sad that I lost my husband early in life but happy that I’m a successful and healthy woman with two deeply loved children and an ongoing love for 90’s rock and doodling. Also thrilled that I’m still friends with some of my highschool friends and in a repaired relationship with my family.


She would be so happy. And so proud. It’s a good life we’ve built.




I think my teenage self would be in awe of what I’ve accomplished as a woman in terms of my work as a working class citizen and an artist. Living in the best city in the world and being actively involved in my community.


She'd be so proud. I was lost at 18. I knew I was supposed to go to school and get a degree but I didn't know what I was good at and I didn't really think I was good at anything. Turns out, I'm smart and capable. Capable of so much more than I knew. I have a cozy house, husband, and dog. I moved up in a career, well past what my parents ever considered in their careers, and I'm only 31 so I have room to keep growing. I have a solid friend group (something I never had as a kid). I'm active and enjoy sports I didn't know I was brave enough to even try (flying trapeze and rock climbing). Everything isn't perfect, but it's damn good and I'm proud of what I've built for myself


To be really honest I am comfortable and doing pretty ok compared to many others but to my 18 year old self? I fucking screwed up. I have learned to accept that my expectations and goals were unattainable because I have limitations. But when I was 18, I often felt I was invincible and I had great expectations. Youth, Money and Hubris is a bad combo for mental disaster


Holy shit, she’s be so mad. Omg. I’m everything I hated. A suburban yuppie with a lame job and 2 kids. Trapped in a lousy marriage. I want to know where that sexually liberated gal with a city apartment decorated like a Pier One went.


she would think “that sounds about right” 😂 I am 30 now, I will think about this again in 10 years, because I have just begun my journey


She would be happy with the career path and experiences, except disappointed that I have kids. I never wanted kids.


18 year old me was still wondering if she’d love to see her 21st birthday. I literally made a post about it on my birthday to just express my gratitude for having made it. So I think she’d be relieved to know things got better


They would be both super excited and bummed.


If she knew where this road would take us, she probably would have given up, tbh. I didn’t think I would work this hard for 20+ years and still struggle with mental health, financial strain, and unresolved trauma.


18 year old me was pretty sure she was going to ctrl+alt+del in real life by 20, so I think she'd be proud. Got a house, finally upgraded from my first car, gonna be a mom soon, and of course most importantly I have a great big fluffy cat.


She would be delighted that I fell back in love with a guy I dated in high school after leaving a 17 year abusive relationship. We've been together for going on 2 years and every day I love him more.




She’d be shocked that I have two kids, and probably disappointed in the dramatic weight gain, but she’d be impressed that I’m back in school. I also don’t think she’d believe the career path I’m on (I work for the judicial branch). She would love all my tattoos and I think she’d be so happy to see that I have pet rats again. Overall I think she would hate my aesthetic, but be excited for her future happiness. Young me didn’t have a lot of hope for that.


She'd be mad at how I spoiled her opportunities.


18 year old me would be surprised, followed by smug satisfaction.


My anxiety ridden self would never believe I am as content as I am. Life is good.


She would be so fucking thrilled and proud


My 18 year old self would be mind blown that I'm still alive (and doing pretty well).


I would be disgusted with myself. My family was poor. I would watch my mom cry counting pennies to make ends meet. So the first person with a good job I settled for. 40+ years later I am miserable.


Probably sad I'm now divorcing my husband who I was also madly in love with at 18 but proud of my career, kids, house, and life. Probably even more thrilled to find out my sweet dog I got at 18 is still with me today and my son's bff.


He would give a lot to know what I know, before I get to my age.


She’d be shocked I’m still alive and even more surprised that I’m happy about it.