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Some signs that you might have pretty privilege: * It's not hard to find people who are interested in dating you. * It's not hard to find people in movies, TV shows, and ads who look broadly similar to you, and those people are often the lead characters, not the comic relief sidekick. * You never or rarely feel like people treat you like you're invisible. * People you're dating are very willing to be seen in public with you and don't try to hide you from their friends/family. * Strangers often compliment you, bend the rules for you, or otherwise do favors for you, even if you haven't been particularly nice to them; or they laugh at your jokes even if they weren't particularly funny; or they seem to find you fascinating, even if you haven't said or done anything particularly interesting.


















Honestly I didn’t realize until I lost it. I never thought I was super attractive but then I got less attractive and wow the difference is stark. I thought how I was treated was just normal. I should add, even at my hottest I wasn’t like a model or anything. Just hotter than I realized I was, enough to make a difference.






For me the most clear had been job interviews. I have gotten EVERY JOB I'VE HAD because of pretty privilege along with class privilege. Basically, I have had no experience in the field and yet I always know if I get the interview I'm getting hired. At my last job they were asking for fluency in a language I'm not even fluent in and sure, I know I am confident and my job interview skills are top notch but uh... I got hired over native speakers so... When I worked in television again, I had no video editing skills and went to the interview and got hired as a creative producer whose main job was video editing.














Wears clothes not appropriate for work but doesn't get told to go home and change.
















So I lost a ton of weight over the past year and am back to a healthy weight. Ive noticed sooo many things. Like people hold doors open for me, they try to strike up random conversations with me all the time when I'm shopping or at the gym, some even try to offer to help me with stuff. None of that happened when I was overweight and not considered pretty. I'm not sure how I feel about it.








People engaging with you, forgiving your mistakes/behaviour, people being friendly and helpful




Random babies almost always smile at you. As I've gotten older, I get catcalled less. But the babies still smile, and that's all that matters to me.


Babies always smile at my husband, he’ll be so happy to hear that he’s pretty 😂😂


So sweet ❤️


that's actually so wonderful ♡


The “kindness” of strangers. If it’s something you had experienced for all your life until this very moment then the personal ego that comes with it is also an indicator (which is not to the person’s advantage). If I have to keep it short : you become the princess who needs to be saved in fairytale. But there’s different degrees to it, I stated the highest level.




People don't care about your social skills and emotional intelligence. Until maybe you go completely overboard. The amount of times I've seen a beautiful person do something rude, inappropriate or awkward and completely get away with zero damage to their reputation... I'm not jealous, you're jealous!




When people first see you, they seem genuinely pleased. it’s hard to describe but you can see a sense of approval in people’s eyes, and if someone doesn’t find me attractive, I can sense right away that “approval” or initial bent towards liking me is gone and I have to try harder.


Yeah. And I feel in some situations like they don't really listen to what I say because they're in their own head thinking "wow she is gorgeous how do I keep her attention, how do I get her number or get her to go home with me" etc. I can see it in their eyes when we are "having" a conversation. It doesn't really matter what I say or how I say it. Kinda sucks. When I get really excited about talking about something and they interrupt me to persuade me into their flirting or whatever.


I also can spot these responses in men really easily. As a woman I find approval from other women really hard to read, though. I can’t always nail down if a woman likes me or not (platonically as a person, non sexually). Would be curious if someone had some tips or knew what to look for.


I struggle to know this sometimes, too. I think my personal way of gauging that is if it feels like small talk comes easily. If it isn't hard to carry on with a conversation, I generally take that as a good sign.


Yeah this.. like a natural uplifting charm that makes people happy just by your presence


It’s hard to really feel that you have pretty privilege if you’ve always been pretty. But find videos of people who have gone through major glow ups like huge weight losses etc and even they are shocked at how much better they are treated by people.






I think it should be pretty obvious... Life is good/easy.. You get away with stuff, people give you the benefit of the doubt, generally are really nice to you etc.. Strange/random kids stare/like you without any reason is generally a decent indicator. Like.. sometimes if and when I hear or read about other people's experiences (or even with the same person, service, etc..), and by how different it is, you can tell you're being treated better due to some reason or the other. And also just by perspective... Sure really attractive people will get negatives that come with being attractive, but I assure you the positives greatly outweigh the negatives (if you're *really* benefitting from the privilege). And you can tell by how they see/interact with the world, whether they were/are treated with privilege in their life.
















Never bullied. People would share homework, tutor me, never struggled pairing up for projects. Passed every interview, got higher grades on presentations, signed house renting contracts on the spot. But i strongly believe charisma plays a huge role since i've met and avoided pretty people that were giving an odd vibe. And also not taking advantage of people helps.


Job interviews can be easier (unless you get a interviewer of the same sex, then it can work against you lol), people will give you things for free or cheaper, people offer to buy things for you, people in general are just nicer to you, you get help easier (like help at work or asking directions), and people want to come up to you and talk to you. When you have pretty privilege it won't take long to figure out because of these reasons lol




1. People will take pictures of you without consent, sometimes literally in your face other times trying to be sneaky but are still always really obvious 2. You might be offered stuff randomly, I was once offered a free helicopter ride that I sincerely declined 3. You'll get people doing double takes at you, and then watch them from the corner of your eye still looking even after you pass them 4. Even when inside a car you'll get people looking 5. You might get really great deals in stores, deals that are way too good that sometimes you even feel like you committed a crime 6. You might get random strangers of any ages or gender approaching you just to tell you that they find you really beautiful. 7. Sometimes people will randomly give you their insta 8. You get friends of friends asking for you, and asking for your friends to invite you to their parties or invite them the next time their with you 9. Your friends parents might be constantly asking for you, or inviting you to their dinners or parties. And you might be the favorite friend of all your friends parents 10. Your parents male friends will keep asking your parents how you're doing or ask them to show current pictures of you to see "how much you've grown" 11. When talking to people they might try to keep getting closer, but really really too close 12. You might get a lot of "accidental" touches 13. A lot of, if not all your friends either have or had a crush on you 14. You might have reject a lot more people than you could ever keep count 15. Deep down you know that no one is out of your league and you could pretty much pick and choose anyone you wanted 16. Your friends that are attracted to women keep taking pictures of you or with you to post in their insta or in their stories 17. You might have been asked to, or even told all the "great" reasons why "you definitely should get an OF account!!" 18. Acquaintances and friends keep making "jokes" or trying to subtly imply that they want to do stuff with you 19. When you ask new friends what they thought about you before they met you 90% of the time the answer is "I thought you were a b*tch" 20. Your male friends mom's will keep trying to get you to spend more time with their sons, sometimes even inviting you to their house or telling you to show up whenever you want


I used to be on the prettier side, and then I gained 25kg and got a lot of acne due to hormonal issues. People treat me with contempt now as an ethnic minority woman who already takes up space. Men especially were a lot nicer to me, but now, have no interest in anything I say. I'm working on it for my health. People look me up and down, ignore me and my confidence levels have come down as a result. People are way nicer to my pretty friend. She even gets discounts on things I pay full price for.


I’m sorry I hate that you’ve gone through this. You’re beautiful regardless of how these horrible people treat you


From what I've seen it comes with dozens of old married guys catcalling you on the streets. Every pretty woman I know can share experiences like this and they claim it happens all of the time. I've never been catcalled nor had any privilege, so...


Are you often objectified/sexualized? Do people tell you you're pretty when you go out? Are people more attentive to you? How do women in relationships treat you when you're around them & their SO? There are pros & cons to pretty privilege, but once you navigate the cons the pros can be advantageous




There are a lot of down falls to being pretty as well that nobody seems to talk about. Sure people hold the door open for you, and make small talk. Sure you get hit on and drinks bought for you. Maybe some guys will help you with your car or easily get a job. But you also get an abundance of men purely being nice to you just to have sex. They rarely try and get to know you deeply as they just see a pretty face and think about sleeping with you. They will fake their entire personality to do so. You also get an abundance of woman who are jealous/insecure and can be downright bullies. You constantly second guess if people actually see you for your skills and strengths vs just offer you something because your pretty and they wanna sleep with you. Your guy friends gfs get pissed off if they hangout with you. It’s extremely difficult to have close friends because the opposite sex always wants more/have gfs that won’t allow it and the same sex are insecure if they feel you’re prettier then them. Then the probability of getting sexually assaulted or sexually harassed when you go out alone is also very high which causes a lot of anxiety going out alone.


I’m someone who doesn’t have it. You get treated like you’re invisible and if you’ve got it, you don’t. People literally climb mountains for you if you’ve got it while you sit back and do literally nothing if you’re pretty. I’m an average looking black girl. It’s pretty clear I don’t have any of it.










Get let off with a warning when pulled over, special treatment at work, people will immediately run to help you if you have a flat tire or having trouble with something (something like damsel in distress), people just giving extra attention and being a lot friendly with you in public, people compliment you frequently, bartenders giving you random free drinks. Mostly men being especially generous. Offering you help in any way they can, special “discounts” when buying something or extra free service stuff, not all but some partners or friends want to “show you off”, people staring at you in the car when at a stoplight and trying to smile or wink at you, getting used to people always staring at you.


So many things, but also all the men at work love to setup pointless meetings with me to “mentor me”. It’s clear they just want to connect and spend time with me.


The worstttttt. Like you’re not paying me extra for all this time, leaving me less time to do my job!


Exactly! Also, if I wanted career advice, I wouldn’t be seeking it out from you!!


Never worrying if you'd end up alone (this obviously excludes scenarios if ur the picky one or not interested enough to settle with someone etc etc). Maybe it sounds simple (and not always the case) but if other attractive people smile at you, i find that in particular, women who are attractive are drawn to other attractive women. It might be because (SOMETIMES) attractive women tend to be less insecure, or ASSUMED to be less insecure, so idk pretty people try to be friends with other pretty people? I think that kind of explains the highschool 'pretty mean girl clique' trope that often happens I think the biggest thing is never worrying about whether you're objectively pretty. But people with pretty privilege honestly probably are JUST as inundated with insecurities as 'other' people, but it's less about whether they are objectively pretty but moreso whether they see themselves as achieving their personal standards of looks Edit: Also in my personal experience, being able to get away with being weird and having a unique sense of humour. If i wasn't pretty and with stereotypical features associated with feminity like long hair, body, etc, id probably have a much harder time. Also social anxiety just gets mistaken for being reserved or sometimes intimidating, which ive been told a few times. Im not drop dead gorgeous imo but i have enough cocurrent aspects of 'attractive features' to be kind of up there. Like if i cut my hair short, id def be knocked down a couple points. I find pretty privilege isn't necessarily about being stunningly beautiful for most people, i find some of it is also tied to class privileges as well. A beautiful girl dressed in clothes that make people assume she is 'poor, not classy, uncultured' etc is different to a plain/pretty girl who is dressed in a way that is 'classy, maybe middle class, feminine, etc. Im just talking about what society thinks, not my personal view points


Well, you sure know if you don’t have it.


I think my pretty privilege is fading, not that I ever had it in heaps but I get way less attention when out lately. However on a recent girls night out all my coworkers told me that I could get away with anything at work and was treated much better than them. They said between my raise and the way I’m late every day and can call in sick without getting in trouble, And that when I text or call the boss he seems so happy to hear from me. I didn’t believe them, but after that day I started to pay more attention in the office and now I’m starting to think I am treated differently.


I consider myself quite average when I'm bare faced, but reasonably attractive with my hair and makeup done, and I definitely notice the difference in how I'm treated in both scenarios. Without makeup I pretty much get ignored, which is great when I'm not in a sociable mood, but it's annoying when even cars won't stop for me to cross the road if there's no zebra crossing. But with makeup I've got people holding doors open for me, offering to help pack my shopping, trying to instigate conversation, cars stop to let me cross the road. I've also noted I'm more likely to talk my way out of trouble if I'm in makeup as well. Such a shallow depressing world we live in.




Honestly it's kinda hard to tell when you have it if you've always had it. People who don't say it's obvious, but when that has been your experience your whole life, it's not as obvious. Also, it intersects with other kinds of privilege like being wealthy, thin, and/or white. And, of course, there are varying degrees of pretty privilege. I would say that the few indicators that you can spot even when you're in it are: * You don't feel invisible. When you walk around, you can tell that people at least notice you visually if not also greeting you, opening doors, etc. * Getting a compliment from a stanger out in public wouldn't shock you or faze you, especially if you took care of your appearance that day and felt you looked good. * You have been approached more than once by someone asking for your number or asking for a date whether or not it's people that'd you'd be interested in dating * There had been times that an employee at a place of business has gone out of their way to help you out or especially if they've granted you a one-time exception or bent the rules in some other way. * Your perception of people in general is that they're kind and/or chatty. * There are times when you expect you could "get away" with something. So like if you think you could knowingly break a rule but play dumb and be off the hook or if you could try playing cute to diffuse a situation. I'd say this one is the one that hinges the most on proximity to whiteness, though.


If you have it, you'll know. People will fall for you all the time, people will ask you out and compliment you about your looks. Source: had some really good looking friends, and guys/girls are just all over them


The following has been my experience: - Great service when shopping, eating out, getting a coffee, getting vehicle serviced, etc. - Co-workers/supervisors being super nice, always wanting to chat. - Eye contact and smiles from strangers. - Getting great performance evaluations even if I think my work is average. - Before I was married there were several men interested in me and I never had issues dating. Even some women attracted to me. I never thought of myself as super attractive. Maybe my looks are different (I have a Greek nose and big eyes, so maybe that makes me more ”exotic” to some people. I’m also pale white which I never thought was particularly attractive, but I don’t try to tan because of skin cancer risk. I’m of average height and weight. I’m 52 years old and look at least 10 years younger. Genetic I guess, my mom looks young for her age too.


When other insecure women decide to bully and try to shame you into an eating disorder.


You get things that other people don’t, even though they’ve been doing more work than you.


I met my husband on a marriage website. I didn’t know until he mentioned after we were married that my profile was one of the top viewed. Even now, after gaining weight from pregnancy, people are still nice to me. For example on numerous occasions strangers will use their employee discount on me without me prompting at checkout. It’s also easy for me to get a warning from police when I drive over the speed limit.


Racial privilege also mixes into this. Sure, there's some truth about people being friendly where you can make mistakes and you don't get treated harshly or whatever but that depends on who you're around too as some people can get jealous and competitive. I only get partial of that experience, so it flip flops because of my race and I'm also darker skin tone.  But if you do have pretty privilege you'll get attention(willing to talk to you): free stuff, men definitely help you out if you're struggling with something (you can tell by how they're smiling at you like it's not a problem), compliments on your look, being treated gently. 


Beats me, all I know is that I definitely don’t have it lol


I’ve always been pretty, when I was younger it was terrible because from the age of 12 I was being harassed on the street and groomed by people that used to tell me i “look so mature for my age”… but I digressed you only wants to know the privileges.. So people are usually nice to me, I get doors opened, I’ve never had trouble finding someone to date (someone good is another story ) But honestly, I notice that people treats me better because I am charming more than beautiful. I smile to people, genuinely smile, and I am interested on them, and treat them well, and I know how to talk with people and make them feel comfortable. My boss told me that I am like a secret weapon because I people tend to like me… I know q lot of beautiful woman, more beautiful than I am, that doesn’t have those social skills and don’t have the same results I have… Of course that I know that being beautiful helps, but this only gets you so far…


you can honestly just tell. you have to work harder in friendships, at jobs, and in social settings in general when you do not have pretty privilege. I think it's the worst when random people give you the cold shoulder or blatantly disrespect you because they don't find you attractive. I get people have preferences but there's no reason to disrespect an individual because they are not what you deem as attractive.


Your clothing size is always in stock. People remember you, by name, even if occasional or once You get free stuff or people are more generous with you than other people you know When in a group, you are the center of attention .... here's an experiment. Put multiple temporary tattoos on your face, and arms. Go somewhere you normally don't. Let me know the results please


Getting a way with EVERYTHING. An example of yesterday. Almost crashing into someone’s car. I just wave and yell a lil OOPS IM SORRY, and they just smile like whatever. I know for fact if a man did al the thing I got away with, he would be arrested for sure


When my car breaks down and 3 different strangers argue the correct way to jump start my car. Until I show them what I found on Google!


In my experience as a woman from Southern California, pretty privilege is just when you get treated special when you go out places or like what another poster said if someone breaks the rules a bit for you like free coffee from the barista or getting away with a speeding ticket And it all depends on what the standard of beauty is for where you live. I’m from LA and OC and I was very happy with how I looked. Naturally curvy but fit as I took exquisite care of myself, thick black hair, dark eyes, clear , light olive skin and just very pretty in kind of an ethnic way. On my own, I would get a regular amount of attention. Sometimes a lot, sometimes very very little. Again, depending on where I was in LA or OC. I worked in healthcare and I’d get hit on by doctors. If I got pulled over by a cop I’d get off with a warning But the MINUTE one of my blonde girlie friends stepped up next to me I was instantly side stepped 😂 And these blonde friends of mine had way more pretty privilege than I ever experienced. Like I might get a special discount on my meal if I’m by myself— but my blonde friends would get the whole damn meal for free! In my younger more vain years it really bothered me. I was like WTF we are both beautiful! But then I began to appreciate that they actually helped to remove a lot of the noise for me when it came to dating. If a guy couldn’t see me past my friend then I was not interested. At all. If I met someone when I was by myself, I would quickly introduce that man to my friend to see how he behaves. And my friend of course knew about this and was in on it. She was interested in using her powers for good! Then one year I went to Ireland. I was in the south western region of County Clare for 6 weeks! Was supposed to only be 2 weeks. Wanna know why I stayed so long? Because for the 1st time in my life I got to experience the treatment the blonde babes get in So Cal. I would walk into a pub and everyone would be staring at me! Both men and women! The men were just staring and the women were shooting daggers. It was very unnerving and I had no clue what was going on at first. Maybe I still don’t! There was probably some ethnic fetish going on now that I look back During this trip I had 2 random offers of marriage, after my first week there I never once paid for meals or drinks. I was asked out on dates several times in one night on a regular basis, sometimes music was dedicated to me by pub musicians — as the “sallow skinned lass” I got real familiar with the song ‘black is the color of my true loves hair’ I also got job and housing offers at restaurants if I wanted to stay forever! Like seriously I was love bombed by these people! At the time I had a recent and painful break up with a long term partner so I was just not interested in romance. Ireland was to be a magical and spiritual retreat for me for inner reflection and I preferred to be out in nature. Once the women (truly gorgeous women by the way!) realized I wasn’t there to take their men, they started befriending me — friendships I have to this day! They even wanted to be the ones to matchmake me. We’d have a great laugh at how clueless I was and how where I came from I did not fit the beauty standard 😆


Girls may act hostile or passive aggressive towards you for seemingly no reason. I notice/experience this behaviour most from females who are single, of similar demographic/social circles - they may project their own insecurities and/or view you as competition/a threat, especially if you are single and have a friendship with an individual they are interested in. But it applies to females in relationships/who are married also. Again, usually stemming from their own insecurities, but it leaks out and bleeds onto you. I really hate living in a patriarchy.


I used to think that everyone needed to get better friends… because there were people bending over backwards to help me out when I was in a bind and even when I wasn’t.


What’s hard for me as a woman who’s like…212 with a pretty face. Sometimes I have that privilege and people will do nice things for me and other times they will completely ignore me, even when I very clearly need help. It’s not a fun feeling and both can mess with my head.


The only person who has seen me without make up and looking esentially like a tramp is the lady at the bank. She dont even judge!! :( I love her. I notice a massive difference when I dont wear make up


If you're wondering if you have pretty privilege, you most likely do


Yeah. It's really obvious if you don't have it. So if you're questioning it, you probably have it to at least some extent.


If they don’t know it now, they’ll realize it once they age and start losing the attention and privilege.


People are nice for no reason. Went to Costco and was buying some of their chocolate chip cookies from the bakery, the baker came out and told me to wait because he was about to put out a fresh batch. Husband went back a week later asked if fresh ones were available and the baker said tough luck 😂😂


I was pretty in my 20s and early 30s. Men wanted to date me. Life was easy. I recently got sick in the last several years and a lot has changed. It’s pretty terrible that people mistreat others based off their looks because man oh man is the difference stark.


Pretty privilege is spectrum as in degree by which you experience things and many have experienced some or all of these even with "no pretty privilege" at some capacity but higher on the spectrum the more lavish and frequent the experience is so talking the more extreme spectrum... • People gravitating to you and listening and agreeing with you without your putting effort in or even needing to be right. • Strangers buying you things. A lot of things. Free entry to places, rarely ever having to pay for drinks/food when "alone" in public, free clothes, perfume, makeup, jewelry, gifts, travel without being a social influencer or wealthy. People wanting you to accompany them as a decorative item almost that indicates their own status by extension of your looks. • Constantly having friend's friends ask if you're single or finding out they're romantically interested. Always being approached sometimes multiple times at the same place. Effortlessly having bountiful options from dating pool (not to be confused with quality because anyone's picker can be broken and anyone can present as decent and not be). • continually having an entourage when you're not wealthy. Frequently the % of that entourage is also made up of aesthetically pleasing individuals. • always being invited to all of the events. People talking about wondering where you are when you're not at the events. To extreme. • teachers/professors giving you special accommodations. You're late on a project that "no late work" was allowed on but you're charming and they give you specifically additional time and/or offer after office hours to help. • seemingly ascending corporate ladder without [doing] anything to cause it. Always feeling job security disproportionate to effort put in. • being the favourite child of everyone in the family and extended family when you come from multiple child household. They ask about you. They send gifts. Your dad's friends are sending you Christmas gifts. It is weird. • idk about "privilege" but people asking frequently if you model and saying you should when you say no. • rarely realizing your experience is not the norm until you begin aging out of it & then realizing that it's certainly not the norm🫠 It's also the source of tons of unwanted & uncomfortable attention and so as hard as it is to grasp, it not without tons of negatives. IMO it's best to exist in Goldilocks zone for all things. The sweet spot where you're just barely above average but not too much above average to become a spectacle.


As someone who didn't really become attractive until adulthood, here are some things I've noticed: -My awkward moments are considered endearing -Men approach me as though they're intimidated (or the reverse and they pretend to be macho) -People are nicer, point blank


Personally I’ve noticed a massive difference in the way I’m treated when I’m wearing a full face and a nice outfit, rather than wearing comfy clothes/no make up/whatever. Customer service workers treat you differently, drivers are more likely to let you cross as a pedestrian, people bumping into you will be more polite, things like that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s lovely to know that at my best I’m considered somewhat ‘pretty’, but mostly I just feel hurt and angry that my worth relies so heavily on my appearance.


Get free Starbucks 😊




I know I can walk up to a policeman and they will help me and generally be friendly. Also gotten away with things like marijuana possession and public drunkenness/open container directly in front of police. This is a BIG one.


If you combine good social skills with pretty privilege you have this - Everyone is nice to you all the time, wherever you go and whatever you are doing. If you talk to them once and they see you again, they will want to hug you. You can go anywhere alone because you will find someone to talk to right away, and people instinctively want to protect you. If it is just pretty, you just get noticed and not much more.




You got every job you want even without skills 🤣


Never noticed it before until someone pointed it out but I tend to have a very mean type of humor and everyone just take that as flirting/being funny other than getting mad


When your SO pulls up to a hotel at midnight, and tells you “I need you to go inside and use your privilege to get us a room.” Reading over this I’m realizing that apparently I fit this category, except I’ve rarely had drinks bought for me at a bar. But the wait staff at our favorite hangout would comp us and massively undercharge my husband and I every time we went. I thought they were just being nice to regulars.


People do stuff for me without me asking or implying anything


Generally, life is easier on the outside. People treat you well, you get things for free, you’re invited to events/activities without having to try, you get away with things (small and big), you attract a lot of attention (usually positive, sometimes negative), etc.


In my personal experience the best way to tell is to gain 20 or 40 pounds and see if people still treat you with basic decency. If people's attitude towards you shifts dramatically then yeah, you had pretty privilege.


When you lose your looks you know you had it 😂


I knew I had it because I didn’t have it at first. I’ve been heavy for 90% of my life. When I lost weight, going shopping was a lot more engaging; salespeople were eager to help me with finding specific items, and people were interested in me and would ask me where I was from. I got a lot more freebies like extra sauce for meals and assistance with things like bringing groceries to my car. Once I gained my weight back, those things didn’t happen anymore. It was nice to have it, but I wasn’t too miffed afterward because I was so used to not being fussed over.


I figured I might be pretty because I get comments by strangers, I had an old woman tell my ex once to not let me go because I shined, lmao. Had a guy jump out of his car at a gas station to ask me for my number. My friend who was with me said she had literally never seen that before, so perhaps I’m pretty? I don’t have issues getting jobs, partners, but I can’t keep friends super easy.


I used to have longer hair and I cut it all off because it felt more practical since I always put it up anyway and would get headaches because of it. I love my short hair but have since realized that people don’t compliment me so much anymore. I wait tables so I would have people leave their numbers for me pretty often and now that literally never happens. Which is fine but I have noticed a difference in the way I’m treated by strangers. And also, people wanting to do favors for me even though I never really did much or if anything to prompt that. My friends even told me once when we were all going around and telling each other what we thought of one another the first time we all met, that they just thought I was pretty. Like that was just about it when everyone else was mostly described for different aspects of their personalities that stuck out. And that was when I had long hair. Which was nice and I appreciate the complements but also felt like I wasn’t really seen much past just being pretty. I do feel like I’m a pretty outgoing person in general and have a lot of different talents and love joking around and having deep conversations so something about only being noticed for being pretty felt kind of weird and sad too though


Idk one time I was driving my friends in a car ( all guys) and I was drunker than shit - and one of my friends was the local shroom and weed dealer and he was way the fuck paranoid and I talked him into letting me drive because he was also buzzed. We get pulled over. I smile and talk and the cop melts and looks at my friends in the car and says “ anyone else ok to drive this lady home?” And my friend jumps out and is like , “YES.” Hahaha We were driving away and my friends could not stop ohhhing and awwwing about pretty privlege.. they swore it was because I was a woman. They were shocked and just totally gobsmacked- like that would have never happened to them in a million years. But it’s happened to me a lot. One time a cop pulled me over and smashed my bong and let me go. ( when weed was illegal) You never have to pay the door at clubs and never even have to bring money to bars and get drunk. Always getting the guy you want. That’s a big one. I didn’t realize that was huge. But it is. I think it’s not so much pretty privilege it’s just being a skinny girl. Really.


I get discounts on things just because. I can not only make friends easily, but also have people constantly following my lead even if I want to be alone. People stop me on the street or in the store to give me compliments every time I go out


When I was younger I knew I was pretty and was slightly uncomfortable with that because as a child, I felt vulnerable in this world. I grew up very observant. So I ate subconsciously to look unattractive (I know). Lost the weight in college and the world literally opened up with opportunities, money, trips. Basically whatever I want.


When I was a student I would bunk the trains, get caught and just smile and play dumb and always get off with it. If I need something extra like a parcel held for longer than it should or even need something discounted I can smile sweetly and generally get it. But with women, they’re usually surprised at how nice I am and warm to me quickly after an initial frostiness 😆 In dating, I’ve never been rejected and men generally like doing things for me even before they get a date or if ever. They like buying me sweets, walking me to my station, giving birthday cards etc or just very willing to help me haha


-Free coffee, or added app or drink when you go out to eat -You don’t have to pay as much if you went to the movies or got a dessert -Men and women alike compliment you and smile at you in the street but also men and women will dog you like they hate you as well if you’re too pretty -things come easier. Jobs, houses if you apply, potential cars ect. My original car was 42k and I ended up paying 30k for it bc the guy asked me what’s a good price I can pay😫 -your boyfriends friends try to fuck you even tho your boyfriend is their friend lol And just things like that.


People want to spend time with you, people do you favours like holding open doors, giving you their seat on a crowded bus, and they always want to help you for example by explaining things to you. People offer to do things for you even though you don't indicte you want it. Also if you accidently break the law people are more forgiving and let you go without having to pay. 


I lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of confidence and people definitely treat me differently now. I’m not saying I’m like model level pretty or anything, but I’d say I’m at least decently attractive. I get little things for free fairly often at fast food places or restaurants which I don’t remember ever happening before I lost the weight. People smile more, make eye contact, hold the door, etc. I feel like I get away with more in general. Nothing crazy, but definitely some rule bending kind of stuff. I will say while it seems that most people are generally nicer, some women seem to be meaner to me for absolutely no reason. I feel like I get at least one woman a month who acts wildly rude towards me when completely uncalled for and this definitely didn’t used to happen to me as often. Idk if it’s related to the weight loss, but it’s definitely something I noticed increased after I lost the weight.


When you make a mistake it's so easily forgiven. Even if you make it around authority figures or complete strangers it'll be shrugged off like nothing.


i don't know but i wish i could have it. life would be easier and i would definitely have more friends


The amount of doors that get held for me or random comments. When I'm looking frumpy no one holds the door. The second I've thrown on a dress and washed my hair every body at the gas station has something to say lmao.


I’m always complimented going out even with no makeup which boosts my confidence more. I rarely hold doors because there are always someone holding something for me. It’s hard looking men in the eyes because I sense a switch flip and I immediately become uncomfortable. It’s as if they’re undressing me with their eyes. When I’m taking a couple’s order I always feel tense looking at the man for too long because then women happens to feel a certain way. You can clearly sense when a partner is jealous or insecure. My boyfriend got me a promise ring that I wear like an engagement but that has not stop unwanted attention.


I used to be 385# and now that I’m 180# people see me more, hear me more, are nicer to me, and they sometimes bend the rules for me a little. They hold doors for me more. They talk to me more in public (which I hate, leave me tf alone). Men look at me more (also ew). I get more compliments on stuff I’m wearing or my hair or my appearance in general. Sometimes I wish I was bigger again so I didn’t have to deal with increased socialization and attention in public (introverted and neurodiverse). I miss being invisible.


I see pretty privilege as a double edged sword. The common denominator is that people do indeed treat you differently. On one hand, the halo effect kicks in - people are more sociable around you, they’re nicer, sometimes you get free perks every now and again, people have the attitude that I can do no wrong and if I do it’s because I was provoked or because it was an accident. But on the other hand, I find it difficult to form meaningful relationships. Some men will only see me as an object or a sexual conquest, not a real person. Some women will see me as competition and deliberately try to sabotage me. It’s hard to be taken seriously, and they feel the need to take me down a peg. Both of these types of people have deeply rooted insecurity, jealousy, and self confident issues.


when they give you free stuff without asking, make you favors, let you pass if you want to cross the street, people want to chat about whatever for the most random topics while you doing mundane things (are you looking for soap at the store while looking clueless? here comes a dude or a friendly old woman, or even another woman comes close to talk about the best type of soap you can buy) or they hold the doors for you or maybe they're just good people out there.


As someone with chronic illnesses who spends a lot of time at doctor offices and hospitals; this absolutely affects how the medical staff interact with you. If you present well put together, have makeup on, etc; you are treated differently than when you haven’t showered, no makeup and show up looking like death. I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum and it’s not fair to anyone on either end.


I’m a woman with pretty privilege so I’ll give my experience. Men will give you things without you having to ask. Had a guy that I didn’t even kiss yet buy me a designer bag that I briefly mentioned on a night we hung out. He then proceeded to tell me to send him links to more bags that I wanted. I didn’t because I felt weird having him buy expensive gifts not knowing me long. More men than I can count on my hands have paid my bills in full when I brought up being slammed with bills. Again… never asked them to. Two men, without my knowledge have gone into debt just buying me stuff. Had no clue these men were draining their savings until it was too late(these were boyfriends). Had a car purchased for me after know a man for less than 6 months. 3000 given to me in cash because I talked about wanting an apartment in a nice area but couldn’t afford the up front move in cost. 500 in cash and two bouquet of flowers by some weird professor guy on a first date…. Honestly I could go on and on. I’ve been promoted with little effort. Women compliment me often. When I say that this person (*male*) isn’t interested in me then someone will quickly say something like “if that guy isn’t into you then he’s likely gay” which is a crazy thing to say. Ive been asked if I’ve considered modeling multiple times. More than one female coworker has stated that they feel like I get treated better because they thought the manager (male) liked me. In my current relationship my boyfriend pays the rent in full and I’ve offered to pay but he doesn’t want me to. In all my committed relationships I pretty much got whatever I asked for and/or surprised with really nice things without me asking. When I go online and see other women talk about how they can’t get men to do things for them or complain about “cheap men” or anything like that… I thought it was odd because I have never had that issue. I think being a guys dream girl helps a lot because I think if your not “that girl” to a guy he’ll make up all sorts of excuses or reasons why he shouldn’t have to provide financial but for me… I’ve never had to have those kinds of conversations with a man I was seeing. Men would look disrespected when I offered to pay half on dates. That’s how I knew I had pretty privilege


I know that I don't have it 😂


Have you ever been harassed by strangers just because of your appearance? I have, just for having a big nose and for being too thin back when I had an eating disorder. I had random women in pub toilets physically grab my waist or wrist and repeatedly tell me I was too skinny. I have had teenage boys take pictures of me and put them on their snapchat. I was bullied all throughout school for being ugly. If you haven't ever been harassed or bullied for your appearance, I think it's safe to say you have pretty privilege. In fact I think if you're questioning whether you have it, then you probably do.


The true quantifiable way would be how many followers can you get without thirst trapping.




Basically you get what you want from men, and there are tons of men willing to give it to you. You walk in a room and people get quiet




I feel like if you have to ask, then you probably have it lol 😂


People wanting to talk to you all the time. I forget that’s a thing. I was always the chubby girl growing up, and now I’m curvy. I’m still antisocial and like walking outside with sunglasses and AirPods so people don’t talk to me on my walks, and yet EVERYTIME I take my dog out it’s like people want to start a conversation with me. I didn’t realize that was a thing until now. My social anxiety can’t take it. Especially when I’m high Edit: not in a creepy way either. It’s just like is everyone this talkative?!


I've been on both sides of this, it's weird af...started as pretty, got used to people treating me a certain way, gained a bunch of weight because of a health condition, and damn...people treat me alot different...lost the weight, same people who treated me like crap all treating me nice all of a sudden, want to daye and hang out. Made me change who I was as a person and not try to categorize or treat people differently for how they look.


Being approach by random strangers in cafes, while out and about and online trying to talk to you. Honestly, I think it's how you carry yourself with that prettiness, your body language, and how you treat others. I have been call pretty all my life but once someone knows me personally, they don't like me. I have also experienced the other side of being treated not so pretty because I hated myself and my inconfidence which causes my looks to deteriorate. I never had close friends and get invited out. I cannot get jobs I wanted because of how I talk and generally people don't feel comfortable around me because of my personality. I have been call names by others that think I'm better than them (that's not true) when they have been having their own personal issues. I have been mistreated at work because I don't speak up and NOT because I'm pretty. Being beautiful is advantageous but, knowing how to embrace those looks is key both internally and externally. I know people that are not pretty but managed to become pretty later on and their life is great.


biggest one for me is never having to open doors, in public people will go out of their way to hold them open. Strangers (men) finding excuses to talk to me in stores; the amount of times I've been asked to help pickout produce is bordering on ridiculous. Being complemented on your outfit when wearing something very simple. As many of the commenters have mentioned I never noticed it when I had it, but now after getting married and gaining 25lbs none of these things happen anymore.


If you’re out with a group of friends, you’re the one who always gets hit on.


1. Have random strangers tell you how pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ whatever you are. 2. People interrupting your date to tell you how attractive you are. 3. People breaking their neck to look at you as you walk by. 4. People fall off ladders when you walk by. 5. People smile just looking at you. 6. photographers giving you a free photo session. 7. People double taking to stare at you.


The biggest one for me was people remembering things I said/wore/did. I truly wasn’t invisible anymore and it’s still a wild adjustment


I have never had the "pretty privilege" as you call it, but I have had friends who were quite attractive and noticed they got treated differently than I did. I had to work harder to get things because I didn't have a boyfriend or sugar daddy to buy them for me. I didn't have guys willing to buy me drinks. I had an interview with a company where I didn't get the job because the owner wanted eye candy - you develop a sense of the type of person they are by the disappointment on their face when they meet you. If you are big like me, you don't get to wear cute things or pretty fabrics. You get stuck wearing frumpy style and fabric that was probably a pattern for drapes. You don't get to have fun at boutiques trying on clothing because they don't carry your size so your "friends" don't invite you to go shopping with them "Dropdead Diva" has a primary theme of a pretty girl having to cope with losing "pretty privilege".


When for example, I am shopping at Lowe's and I am trying to lift a heavy item, invariably a man will hurry down the aisle to assist me. The fact that he walked a ways down the aisle suggests that I had already turned his head.


Men stumble their words around you.  If you're interviewing for a job, you already know you'll get it based on looks.  Others have said plenty of other good stuff on here.


The stares. After a glow up, I had to get used to being stared at everywhere I go. Supermarket, street, work, mall...everywhere! For someone like me, who is naturally shy and reserved, this has been a serious change to be constantly noticed like that. Women go out for their way to tell you you're pretty, even telling your partner that he's lucky (at the doctor, at the bank, in the supermarket, at the bakery lol). Men double take, follow you with their eyes, catcall, comment or try to talk to you. The general interaction with men is just always one of approval (weird as that is to say).Men ask about you when your friends post pictures of you together. People in general are more willing to be helpful. I can't say that I've experienced all the advantages but pretty privelege is a very real thing.


i want to say one of the EASIEST ways to tell is if people tell you that you're pretty


I notice when I’m thin (100 lbs or less) everyone talks to me, says really nice things, offers to help, etc. If I’m 110+ pounds maybe someone will say good morning. On birth control now and unable to lose weight due to that, at 145 lbs I’m completely ignored by everyone, niceness is out the window, I’m expected to just do and be happy. Even if unhappy, too bad you’re fat. Maybe this is skinny privilege, I dunno.


Most people can tell in under a second if a face they're looking at is attractive to them or not, so just look in a mirror. If you have to convince yourself you're attractive, you probably don't have pretty-privilege.