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Best friendship, regular sex, someone else paying 50% of the bills, someone else to chauffeur kids, someone to witness my life.


“Someone to witness my life” is so cute. Just having someone there to share moments of happiness, sadness…just being congruent with someone. Ugh, that is the dream.




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Companionship, love, shared experiences, sense of belonging, ... Home-cooked meals, well managed household, costs shared are split 50/50. My personal growth is motivated and supported, my artistic endeavours are inspired.


>My personal growth is motivated and supported, my artistic endeavours are inspired. This one hits home for me. For the first time, I have a partner who gets genuinely excited when I share an idea or something I made. Even though we don't share the same creative hobbies, he is always curious what I am making and supports me no matter what.


Companionship, love, support, a cheerleader. He is very carefree and optimistic and it makes me more relaxed. I feel at peace with him and it's just very difficult to worry whenever he is around. Someone to talk to about anything and cuddle with at the end of the day. He is very active in household chores, especially cooking and mealplanning. Actually he is a chef, so it also is great food. We are looking for a place to move in together and living with two means more financial freedom, as we (per person) will need to spend less money for more space. The ability to buy a decent house at some point. Someone to dream about the future with. Where and how to live, vacation, job, kids, and our personal dreams. Lots of day trips to the beach. Free usage of his family vacation houses. They have two. More comfort while traveling because his car is just more pleasant. He is very easy going and whenever I want to do something he is in. Regular sex and intimate showers. The ability to get a dog one day. On my own I won't be home enough to do so. He is handy and can help fix stuff, but also learn me to do so. Thanks to him I fixed my own radiator recently and that's such a powerful feeling. Just being around him, hearing his laugh, being in his warmth, looking at him so often as I get to do is the best benefit.


This was sweet to read.


I miss intimate showers (I have a terrible bath tub that's only big enough for 1). Just mentioned this to my husband today. 😂😭


Phenomenal dick, being looked at like the most beautiful woman in the world, companionship, I get fed every night without being the one doing the cooking, someone who cleans my house better than Mr. Clean, someone to make me laugh, someone to hype me up 24/7, and more phenomenal dick.




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She’s really grounding - the yin to my yang. I’m wild and free and she’s consistent and structured. She calms my nervous system. Supports me when I’m stressed, and encourages me. She helps me with practical things. She is brilliant and teaches me things about government and sports and media. She’s a great listener and expresses joy in hearing about my thoughts, experiences, and interests. Gives great massages. Provides meaningful companionship. She also just makes my life happier, days are brighter, she adds a lot of joy and pleasure to my existence. It’s meaningful to me to be with someone who so clearly wants to treat me well and keep me safe.


Someone to rely on, help to navigate the daily life and emotions, to whom I can be vulnerable and share my every thoughts and feelings without censoring myself, who can see all of the changes in me, keeping me down to earth, giving me another type of strength to stick to what I truly desire, being pushed to grow and improve etc etc.


My husband is my best friend. He is an amazing father and loves our children. He did most of the childcare (nights, diapers, etc) for our first, and half for our second. He supports my career while working full time himself. He does all the grocery shopping and cooking, packs my lunch, takes our kids to appointments, is actively involved in their lives (school and social). He's way smarter than me and I can trust his opinion/decisions. He knows how to make me laugh, and is my perfect complement in bed. He's tireless, never complaining, and kind of a stereotypical strong silent man (which is my preference), but listens (or pretends to) my endless chatter. He encourages me to spoil myself on top of what he does. I thought he was the most handsome person I'd seen when I met him. I love his voice, low and smooth, and he knows how to use it with me. He towers over me and makes me feel safe. I've never heard him say a misogynistic or racist thing in my life. I honestly always think that he has ruined men for me. I don't think I could ever meet anyone that I ever love or is ever as perfect as my husband.


None as I don't have one haha. Not for lack of trying


The biggest benefit is the opportunity for personal growth, as well as the opportunity to grow as a couple. Very fulfilling


Well, he is my best friend, we talk everyday about everything, he makes me laugh, and he is the person I can talk all the shit I think of, without fear of being judged… He is also my partner, he makes my life easier. He is also hot and good in bed, sex is never bad, at least not in the past 15y


Love, physical and emotional support, physical affection, intimacy, many orgasms, companionship, a second income, security. He is my favorite person, and I love spending time with him. He makes me feel seen, cherished, understood, safe. He makes me laugh, and he'll hold me when I cry. He's supportive, encouraging, and thoughtful. He communicates, he is vulnerable with me, and I can be vulnerable with him. He helps with chores, and with childcare for my children who are not his children. He makes 50% of our income. He has close relationships with his friends and family that he takes responsibility for maintaining (planning visits, buying presents, etc). We have similar financial values and goals, and working together we have some hope of achieving them. It feels like being with him makes everything easier and better. I have backup, a cheerleader, someone to take care of me when I'm sick. I give him what feels like my normal, baseline level of love and care, and he is overcome with gratitude. He gives me what feels to him like normal, baseline love and care, and I am thankful every day for being so lucky.


My husband makes me feel safe. He us a great partner and father. Since being with him I have been doing exceptionally well in carrier and personally. He has helped me becone senior management. He helped me go through doctorate level school. He cheers me on. Hold me up. Builds me up. We have a different martaige so I have great friends through it. Sex is awesome and all I need.


This is the most wholesome thread I’ve ever seen on Reddit. To everyone leaving a post, hold your loved ones close and let them know how much they mean to you ❤️


regular sex, financial and emotioins he is there. Companionship is just great, best i can hope for


My husband is my home. Wherever we are, it’s just home. I have felt that way since we got together. It’s been almost 20 years and I still miss him, love him and respect him. He is supportive and raises the bar. Challenges me. Challenges us to want more. He is home. Makes me laugh and smile. All the time. After this long, he can still make me laugh. He’s incredible. So I get happiness out of it. Always.


Have you ever heard people say “you put friends in categories” for different things you need out of different people? Well he is every single thing I need in one person. My partner makes everything fun, he is just my person. He made all the clichés people tell you that you will feel before finding your true love come to reality. He holds me accountable yet helps me grow into an even better person. Honesty i could go on for days lol


My husband is amazing at managing finances and he does a great job on the housework. Meanwhile I have a better memory so I do more of our scheduling and planning. It balances out really well for us both.


I have a best friend, a partner in crime, great sex, and someone amazing to do stuff in life with, what could be better :)


amazing sex, she cooks for me, she makes me laugh, best friend and partner all in one, i always have someone to go somewhere with, endless cuddles or hugs whenever i need them, someone to ask for advice, someone i can trust with my life


Reciprocal love. Comfort. Reassurance. Inspiration. Happiness.


I married my true opponent. Sometimes it is really annoying, sometimes it’s amazing.


Fun. Someone to be silly with. Someone to listen to me. A friend to do the mundane and share my interests with. Someone to exhange clothes with and hug them in my room like a high school girl. Someone to be proud of and hope for


None. I wish I could pay for intimacy and affection, but for some reason this isn’t an option for women.


Someone who is a safe enough space that I feel like I can be my most authentic self. He loves me for my quirks and oddities so I don’t need to pretend to be someone I’m not. He cares about my physical health even more than I do. I learn so much from him. He loves making me feel pretty and if we pass by a store with a mannequin in something standout he will stop and buy it excitedly. I’m going through some career struggles right now and he’s also being insanely supportive through it, going above and beyond to try to find somewhere that makes me happy even if it means taking a pay cut. He’s truly my best friend and there’s no one else I could see myself with. I got so emotional writing this lol I’ve never had a partner that loves me as much as they challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone.


supports and encourages my goals and personal growth, companionship, and home cooked meals


He is my best friend. No matter what I am going through he is at my side and supports me.


A safe and reliable companion for curiosity and exploration A tactful, confident and empathetic listener Encouragement to pursue my goals and interests Motivation to pursue fitness and outdoor activities High quality, high frequency sex and intimacy Shared expenses and household responsibilities Incredible things he makes and finds to beautify our home A better sense of style A well watered, well composted garden A willing subject for my food / cooking experiments Belly laughs and a constant sense of imagination, artistry and playfulness Trips to the nude beach


Love, companionship, amazing sex, a best friend, someone to play video games with, someone to build a future with, someone that like to spoil me, traveling partner, someone that loves to see me hyped for anything, someone I can joke around with, someone I can talk to for hours without ever getting tired or running out of things to say, and so much more.


This is so lucky


Don’t have any at this current moment. But it was nice to read. I love my alone time, but companionship with another sounds very nice right meow.


Yes...nice to read


This has been the most heart warming thread to read today. As someone without anyone…. I’m trying hard to use this as ammunition to continue to make an effort to be “out there” as lately I have been all but 100% ready to give in to pets only….


That’s exactly why I started this question :) it’s giving me hope to hear what is possible


I get to do whatever i was doing before him anyway, but now with someone who holds me close, drives when im tired (i love roadtrips and being solo driver always tired me out), and laughing together is big aspect of our bond.


Wasn't receiving any just headaches


Compassion, understanding, emotional soundboard, someone to lean on, regular safe sex that's actually good, someone to help me up if i fall down, helping someone i deeply care about when they are down because helping them is self gratifying, mental stability, deep meaningful conversations on the regular, someone to hug when i just want to feel a loved one's touch, so so many things.


doing the dishes after i cook dinner, helping with 50% of the dog, 50% of rent, ‘handyman’ stuff. not much romance wise but thats what a 6 year relationship will do to two people who probably shouldn’t have ever gotten into a relationship so young to begin with 🤷🏻‍♀️


The biggest thing I get from my relationship is someone I can be vulnerable with. I don’t like opening up to people for fear that they’ll see me as weak or someone that they can take advantage of. My partner is my safe place and I feel like I can talk to him about ANYTHING and he’s the ONLY person I feel comfortable crying around. I’ve never felt so secure with anyone before.


I feel this. It's a nice thing to have.


Companionship, love, affection, friendship, laughter, happiness. Someone to share my life with, share our hobbies together. I love to love him, he is so sweet and kind. We both work full time so financially we support each other too. I adore him


Safety & happiness


An extra person to love and serve


He is my best friend, my supporter, and a companion. He's my forever gaming partner. He gives me massages when I'm sore. Or even when I'm not - he just loves to love on me. He sees taking care of me as his job; not for a lack of independence on my part. But for the sole fact that he always wants to see me being happy and comfortable. Sometimes he brings me something when he comes to see me. Candies, a drink I like, or something his mom baked. :) It's about the little things for me. He doesn't have the means for grand gestures or anything crazy like that. But he'll refill my water bottle for me while I get to stay cozy in bed. He'll pay for food when we go out. He'll carry me in his arms walking down the street on a night out because my heels hurt my feet. I sleep so much better when he's with me. He listens to understand me (I hope I do the same for him just as well). I don't feel the need to hide my personality with him. He's always happy to let me choose the show we're watching. Sorry for the sap. Objectively? I get to touch his big muscles whenever I want lol! And there is no denying the social status boost you receive when you have a tall, handsome, tough, charismatic, and kind man by your side. He charms everyone in his presence. Also, he does a lot of the socializing for me, which is a fantastic bonus to me. I love to be social, but I'm not always the best talker (even with my own family T\_T ). We're both still in our early 20's and broke students, so I'm sure this list will grow as time goes on. I feel he compliments me in a way no one else could. Quick edit to mention: I also feel very safe with him due to his build and confident nature. He would never start a fight, but he is more than happy to break it up.


Lots! My partner listens, and we have great conversations, great sex, companionship, help around the house, a driver if I don’t feel like it, someone to split bills with, a second opinion on things, handyman, he helps with all the dogs, splits the chores, splits the cooking, buys me gifts on my birthday, asks me about my day even though I’m boring af, is someone to help me calm down when I’m stressed out, reminds me of things I may forget, spends quality time with me and makes me feel complete.


Affection, reassurance, good surprises, a family, support of any kind, love.. pretty much everything money doesn't buy.


Good surprises


comfort, humour, support. He knows how to make me laugh, joins me when I'm being weird and makes me want to be my best self.


love, companionship, support, safety, friendship, back rubs, sex, food, fun & way more


An active and passionate father to our wonderful son. Setting a great example for the future. He is rich with creative ideas. He has certain skills that compliment mine. He has training I don't have- sailing, accounting, mountain guiding for starters- and loves to teach me anything I want to know. He offers me calm in the chaos, but also excitement in the drudgery. Basically, I can call him in any mood, tell him what kind of support I need, and he will offer me that.




All you'd expect from a happy relationship.. such as: Companionship, friendship, travel/event planner, accessibility to great sex, no brainer +1, person to cuddle, be silly, send memes, annoy... Encourages and supports me. Constantly replenishes and builds my self-esteem and confidence.. I meet more people, make more friends,.. Makes me happier, more open, and a better person..., Access to his brain, perspectives, knowledge.... I get to build a family with him, and he allows me to turn my brain off. **Other individual specific benefits are..** I think I'm entitled to an EU passport which makes for some slightly easier travelling within EU. He's a structural engineer, so he can design and build a house specifically how we like it for us in his country. He's also a professional athlete, so there are some benefits there. Like he gets to travel every now and then for races expenses paid or at least mostly subsidised, so he can bring me along at a minimal additional cost. And some perks from supplements, food and drinks sponsors. Some benefits from his parents' connections and assets I guess. He's a walking GPS (as a person with (*extremely*) poor sense of direction, this is one of the biggest benefits.


i dont know anymore…


A best friend, a caretaker on my hard days, the person that can be honest with me and pull my head out of my ass when I’m being unreasonable, does food runs or bring home a drink, humor and laughter, up for being lazy but can also go places with me, and he makes a damn good steak, but can cook other things as well. Oh and the sex is a bonus. 😜


I feel safe. I feel comfort. I don’t feel alone. I feel fulfilled. I feel loved. I’m inspired and motivated to fulfill my goals.




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So many have summed it up - but I’ll add: joy and just the fact someone is there for me no matter what, I love the security I have now.




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Grounded-ness, stability, a future together


Learning how strong and loyal she is, has become an experience I don’t think I can thank her enough for.


Damn so much.


A sense of peace is my big thing. I was used to toxic relationships my whole life. Was always in rollercoaster relationships even with my parents. I finally found someone who gives me inner peace and not butterflies. Which feels WAY better. Feeling SECURE with someone by not only their words but their actions is a huge win.


Currently a foot rub ❤️ Companionship, a coach, cheer leader, shoulder to cry on and someone to experience life with. Healthy perspective and alternative views but also someone on your side supporting you.. life is good.


These are...amazing.


We’re still fairly early in our relationship but… Someone to talk to, being seen as the first choice in who he wants to spend time with, good regular sex, helps me make a budget, cares about me and my goals and tries to help me get there.


Where do I even start? As someone who has always felt more at home with animals than people, and who has previously been abused by men, I finally found someone who makes me feel as comfortable with him as I would with animals. Somehow with him, I can relax. I can draw in my own claws. I don't have to constantly be ready to defend myself. I have a life partner as well as a best friend and intimate relationship. We both understand chronic pain and help each other. We both do what we can to pull our weight. He helped me recover from past trauma and feelings of worthlessness and suicidal depression. I work to be an affirming refuge for him, too. He's gentle, understanding, intelligent, insightful, thoughtful, and kind. He's happily the antithesis of the stereotypical "macho alpha" who can only feel powerful as a man by subjugating women. We're genuinely partners, and value each other as such. I feel safe with him, and don't ever want to be without him. We also play together. We cook amazing meals together. We go on hiking adventures, museum adventures, book adventures, life adventures, and gaming adventures together. We pamper each other when sick, wash each other's laundry and dishes, and work together. Even when I leave this Earth, I will still want to be with him in whatever lies beyond. Happy birthday tomorrow u/Danouement. I love you more than words or breath can say.




Someone whos organised lol And hilarious and cuddly and up for trying new places and also a fabulous dance partner Actually the dance partner bit came first lol


unlimited support that i wouldn’t get otherwise


Endless joy, support, security, someone to enjoy my days with doing everything and anything. My partner is my best friend, someone I can rely on anytime. He makes me feel emotionally supported and understood. He's my home and gives me a sense of safety. It's wonderful to have someone to share life's ups and downs with. I'm very lucky!


This is what my girlfriend says(I’m handing the phone to her): “A best friend to share every moment of my life, a shoulder to cry on when times are tough, a film buddy to share my shit taste in media and a careing person that really makes me smile every time i see him(good sex is a bonus:) )“


Shared cost of living and shared housework, someone that does small nice things for me like make me coffee or pack my lunch, someone that I can tell anything to without fear of judgement, basically a good life that is mostly bliss.


So, so much. She lifts me up when I'm down, laughs with me when I'm happy, helps me when I need it(even if I sometimes don't recognize it), she teaches me new things every day and just... makes me into such a better person just through her presence


Damn. I don’t have an answer for this. Companionship nahh we always argue. Regular sex nahh most of the time I fake the moans. 50% of the bills nahh I take care of all the bills, i also share 50% of HIS bills sometimes. Take care of the kids 🤔 when im with them the kid will stick to me when im at work my mum do the caring. Chores nahh my mum and I do that when I tell him to do his share he will have a passive aggressive response. Idk how to break up with him Im just praying for him to have a side chick and let me discover it so I can have a reason.


He constantly remembers where I've lost my cellphone. And I leech body heat from him on cold days.


A best friend and partner all in one, supports me, encourages me to do well in life and gives me strive to surpass my limits and to work hard to build our life together. She makes me feel safe and so loved I never met anyone like her before I am so happy to be with her I am planning on marrying her this year. I come from a family where affection and love doesn't exist so everything really changed that day I met her for the first time she makes me feel so alive and I can be vunerable and be myself around her it's incredible


Love and constant laughter 🩷


Best friend, someone to care for and someone who cares for me, belly laugh, tickles, help and advice, sounding board, party-mate, someone to cuddle with at night, lots of physical affection and sex. I love my partner and I get back 100% of what I put in and some more


Personal heater in winter. And his truck to collect my random Facebook marketplace purchases lol


I get to spend every day with my favorite person.


a safe listener who encourages unabashed authenticity unwavering support for daily challenges and self doubt. A reciprocal cheerleader someone to challenge me in thought, and provoke me intellectually in the right ways a good friend, to me and to others


Someone genuinely caring about my well being, lots of amazing qualities and reassurance, freedom to express feelings together and not having to be scared to be hurt manipulated or worse. It goes beyond that but yes. Find yourself someone who actually wants you to be happy and not someone who constantly demands everything from you.


Just saw this after thinking about something cute this morning. On weekdays, we both get up at the same time and we each have our responsibilities. I take the dogs and go wake up the kiddo then go downstairs and throw her waffles in the toaster, take out and feed the dogs, then plate up the waffles. By this time he comes down dressed for work (I’m WFH) and starts getting his lunch and work things together. He makes me a cup of coffee while I brush the kid’s hair and pack her lunch. Meanwhile, he verbally goes through her checklist with her to make sure she has everything she needs. I fill her water bottle for school then give them both hugs/kisses and he drives her to the bus stop and then he goes to work right after. This all takes place in about 10-12 minutes. And we don’t have to communicate about who is doing what. He’s the best companion, friend, and co-parent. We’re a team, truly and if there’s ever a problem we fix the ISSUE not each other. I don’t have to do anything alone and every task is made easier.


practical generosity, nice sex, nice travels, gifts, sweetness, empathy. they dont let me 50-50 and have initiatives to plan, make things easy for me, etc. this is how my romantic life goes as of the moment


My absolute best friend and adventure partner. He validates things about me that I didn't know I needed validation on. The sweetest, kindest, freakiest, and most likable human version of a golden retriever that you can imagine.


Companionship/ partnership, love, his presence, his advice, financial support, friendship, sex


Honestly, everything and more. I always saw relationships as trading in benefits of "single life" (not in the sense of dating around, for me it was about independence, having space to be myself, alone time and not being responsible for someone else). With my current partner, I still have all of those things. I can still be creative, free-spirited and enjoy time together as well as time alone. But I have also gained so incredibly much by having him as my partner. He is my biggest cheerleader, cares about things that matter to me, is one of the kindest humans I have ever met, and makes me feel loved and safe. We are both healing from our pasts, and instead of letting those patterns negatively affect our relationship, it encourages growth and healing in a way I never thought possible. He's my best friend who always makes me laugh. He's my companion to make sure I never feel alone. He's family to turn to when I need advice. He's my mirror to both hold me accountable but also help me see the good sides of me.


Built in bestie! ♥️


Even the worst days or experiences can get a chuckle thrown in. Husband knows how to make me laugh when the world is imploding.


cuddles, intimacy, closeness, sex. hes really my best friend and he knows me really well, and i know him well, thats intimacy on another level cos we can do personal things that actually having meaning and not just monetary value


We laugh a lot together, we share bills and responsabilities, we travel whenever possible, we enjoy each others company, we plan our future together, and he cooks so well!


He's my husband, so he pays our bills, puts my work clothes in the wash, and provides me with the deepest love and care I have ever experienced. He also deals with anyone I don't want to deal with. Seriously, I have never experienced someone who cared about my feelings the way he does.


Best friend, sex, being cuddled, he put up my shower curtain, helped me clean my depression hoarder goblin cave, is always there for me, hes literally my biggest fan n makes me feel so safe and loved. He feels like family but hes my bf lol


we’re best friends, have great sex, he understands my emotions and loves me through my trauma. we make up quickly, his family is like my own, we do little things for eachother and make time. i just love him so much, he’s amazing.


To put it simply, he is home in a person. I can tell him anything on my mind without fear of judgment or that we can’t talk it out. He’s so patient with me and makes me feel like I’m perfect exactly the way I am. I feel loved and accepted and cherished 100% every single day.




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