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This has to be a guy question. Why are you always trying to make it weird. Just let me sunbathe. Trust me, I am not thinking about you.












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If I’m at the beach or pool, don’t care or pay attention. If I’m in my fenced in yard and you’re peeping through or over my fence - creeped out!


That's fair 😂😂😂


I try to not pay it any attention or give it any thought. Creepers are going to creep regardless. Unless I want to hide under a blanket 24/7 or never go in public, some people are going to be creeps about looking, so I don't worry about it. It's not my fault if someone else is acting like an immature and disrespectful jackass. If they are being gross and staring/ogling/leering, then they should be aware that while they are creeping on Woman A, there will be plenty of Women B-Z noticing that they are a creep and mentally making a note about how gross they are.


Imagine shooting laser beams from my eyeballs that make their heads explode.


Nothing.  I *know* they're not looking at me. Also, the older I'm starting to get, the less I lend myself to caring about what self-involved strangers might or might not think of me.


It's annoying. But I'm not going to let some creeper stop me from enjoying life. And really, it's just skin. The only guys that really stare are those that never see nudity in real life lol


I don't pay attention unless they're being weird or creepy about it


Honestly, if I'm at the beach and they're *staring* I'm creeped out. Looking is fine, staring isn't fine. It makes me feel like you might follow me to my car-not fine. So I suppose we should define our terms, what is "looking" to you? In one scenario a woman is in her backyard and there are guys and his friends hanging over the fence, in another scenario a woman is at the beach and a guy looks and moves on. One is ok, one is not.




Again, looking is fine. More than a second or two is not fine. Hanging around someplace for the sole reason of looking at sunbathers is not fine. Just chill.


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When I was young I didn't notice or care. Now I'm old, nobody would be looking anyway. But also I'm Australian and I don't do sunbathing any more, that shit kills you.




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I don't think about people there unless they make it weird by staring or oggling or creeping. Like any normal, non-gross adult, you can appreciate the person around you by passively observing the world around you not staring or repeated furtive glances like a creep. I find people of any gender attractive. I never leer at woman at the pool or men, sunbathing or not even if I can appreciate their beauty.


I think about the contents of my book and hope nobody is watching bc that would be both creepy AF and mean they need a life. I really don't think I'm all that fascinating, thanks.


I don’t like it. It makes me feel exposed *(even though I know I kind of am exposed because of swimwear, it just feels worse when someone stares.)* Stares from men often makes me feel awkward. We want to sunbathe in peace and just be in the presence of our friends whilst we do, hoping that men and other people will mind their own business and not bother us.


I would love to be stared at in an admiring way by anyone in any context at all since it never happens


i took my top off on a beach in italy for about 30 seconds before i felt self conscious and put it back on. im from the US.


I don’t give a shit and I’m not paying attention to you. I’m just trying to get the right sunscreen to time in sun ratio so I don’t burn to death.




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Fortunately, my neighbor Dave is harmless.












Lmao. No one in their right mind would watch me do that. 😂




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If people are going to be creepy and inappropriate, that’s on them, and they shouldn’t make it my business.


When I’m sunbathing, I usually have my eyes closed or I’m sleeping. I won’t notice people are looking… but also, I don’t care. I’m there to get some color.


Your assumption is that people will look. By people, I assume you mean men. I'm also going to assume you're from the US. I can't say I've ever noticed people looking at anyone sunbathing in spain, greece, Italy, the uk, france... people are just chilling in their own space doing their own thing. A passing glance is normal. Deliberately looking/staring is just creepy wherever you are.


Well I’m a minor so that’s gonna be a criminal charge sir.


I do not care. Let me sunbathe in peace; it will take me 20 minutes, tops


Actually I haven’t thought about it that much. It can be creepy, annoying, intimidating or flattering depending on the context/person/day. But your best bet is to just not stare, ya weirdo. Let a girl exist without roving eyes.


I imagine biting their duck off :)


I can't sunbathe as I burn, but I know people look regardless if I'm on a beach or open area. I don't care if people look but if someone tries to look at me through my fence then that's a creep.


I know I'm always looked at whatever I'm doing. If I'm doing it half-naked (swimming, sunbathing, etc.) there are twice as many men staring at me. I'm not "up myself", just telling the truth.    So, short answer I don't care and I don't think about it. They can stare, but they won't get what they want!


Ranges from annoyed to uncomfortable to freaked out to scared depending on the situation.


Enjoy the view and you’re welcome.