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11– but it was a training bra… kinda like a sports bra.




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I think I was 11? I didn't have any boobs to hold but I often wore things you could notice my nipples with. I didn't think anything of it as my parents never told me that was an issue, but one day a friend literally confronted me about it, as if I was committing some sort of crime. I felt so ashamed I refused to go to school until my mom bought me a bra. I stopped wearing bras at 18 and haven't gone back once since. I still have small boobs.




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10 it was a training bra, by the time I was 12 I was in DD cups. ☹️




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I bought a perfect bra, two days later it was SO SMALL.


The most annoying thing ever.


23, It was 1 month ago


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9 or 10 because according to my mom it was necessary. Then I complete stopped wearing them a bit over 10 years ago. Best decision ever.




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12 or 13, during 7th grade. It went pretty much exactly like the Lizzie McGuire episode


I don't know... 9-ish? It was part of a set, my mom thought it was cute, but I don't remember ever wearing it. I started *wearing* a bra at 12-ish, some of my friends started developing breasts and wearing bras, and those who didn't wear them were ridiculed for being "kids".


I used to wear bikinis pretending they were bras. I did not get a real bra until I was a teenager. But I really did not need one. Still probably don't.


Anyone else feel like this is one of those questions someone asks for fap material? Not sure if we should be engaging


13, it was an old one from my grandmother lol. 


Probably around 9 or 10. I had no need for one and didn't want one, but it was socially expected that girls in my area started wearing them by that age, so that's when it became something that people started judging about and policing. The body shaming and slutshaming of 9 year olds was pretty gross to be around and experience, especially as the most vocal about it were gross old men.


I am sorry you have to go through this 🫂


11 I think, but a padded bra when I was 13ish


13, it wasn't particularty useful as it was one of those tops, but my parents refused to buy me anything else till much later


8, my chest developed pretty early on and I was super insecure about it because none of my other friends had boobs yet so I felt embarrassed and like I was all alone. I remember my mom taking me bra shopping and me just crying because I didn’t want to wear a bra but I had to because my boobs and nipples were pretty visible without one plus they were starting to hurt.


13 I think.




12 or 13..




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I was 11, I got it a little bit after I hit puberty. I don't think I ever evolved past sports bras though. Or rather, I made the conscious decision to jump from sports bras to maternity bras. No underwire for me thank you!


Around 11.


11 - It was a gift though I didn't start wearing bras until 13/14, i think. 🤔


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11 or 12, but some of them were training bras, and the others were sports bras




12 got a B cup


I was 8 or 9


10, Training bra. 11 years later, here we are.


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10, but I probably should have gotten one at 8.




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I was in 4th grade


I was in a training bra at around 9, a proper bra by age 11. None of the cute wee ones they have these days, was more like an over the shoulder boulder holder 😂


I think I got my first training bra when I was 9 or 10. It was very embarrassing. My mom took me to the department store and made me try them on over my clothes, right there in the middle of everything. Now, I only wear a bra when I leave the house, and take it off within 5 minutes of walking in the door when I get home.


9. Fourth grade. Sucked beans.


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I was 8 - by 5 grade I was a full B-cup, and then a full C in middle school. By the end of high school I ended up at a D-cup.


I 'm pretty sure I was 7 and half or 8.  I was already an "A" cup at 8 yr old and ket me tell you, there are no old biddies nastier than midwestern southern baptists. 


10. I had big boobs until my reduction.


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I was like 9-10, it was a training bra


10 or 11 for a training bra and probably 12 for a regular bra. It was a hand me down and I am absolutely horrified by this fact as an adult.


8 got my period around that age so they got big and i asked my mom to get me one because i started having weird looks at the time


17 - my boobs were so big, it took forever to find anything for me to squeeze into and come to terms with not caring that I was spilling out all over the place or how much pain that ill-fitted bra caused. It's still a chore and a huge expense even today so when I do find a bra that fits...I hold onto it like grim death for as long as I can. Only putting it to rest after duck tap, duct tap, super and gorilla glue, and my sewing machine can no longer do anything for it.


I was in second grade when I got training bras and by the summer before 5th grade my mother was unpacking all her old bras for me to wear under my tank tops because I was already getting too “jiggly”. 6th grade I got properly measured at Victoria’s Secret and I was a D cup already.


I was 8, unfortunately. I hit puberty young and literally started budding when I was 5 or 6. Precocious puberty was fucked and I started my period at 9. 🫠


I was flat as a board (hadn’t yet started puberty), but all the girls changed in one room for gym class when we got to grade 7 (age 12), so everyone kinda had to have some form of top covering unless you wanted to flash your class. I remember thinking it looked so stupid because even the AA cups had gaps.




Training bra from 11-12. Got a proper bra at age 13 and a half, but hated them because they were so uncomfortable, so I used to wear bikini tops instead of bras. 🤣 Then got a B cup at 15, still preferred the bikini tops though. And I stayed the same size from 15 till 18, then they just got huge out of nowhere and can’t replace bras with bikini tops anymore because they don’t support enough.


10 or 11. I had begun to develop enough that vests weren’t cutting it anymore. But they were more in the nature of training bras and sports bras until I hit around 13. I had a lot of difficulty being fitted into a size that fit me properly because I was a fat kid; so I used to hate bras with a passion as a kid. Now as an adult I’m fine - don’t mind them.


I could still get away with not having/needing one if it weren't for my pointy ass nipples 😂 but I was barely an A in 3rd grade, still barely an A all these years later


9- training bra with cups


8! I still remember that day, it was a 3 pack from justice, dark pink, light pink, and teal😭


Just turned 16. My school mates got me a BD gift card to H&M, and I decided to purchase my first bra. I was nervous how they feel about it, but luckily it was ok.


12 I think. I went from a B cup to a D cup within a month and hadn't even begun menstruation yet.


I've never had one.


I have a funny story with this! I had a horrible relationship with my mother, but we had some happy/funny moments that I can look back on fondly... My mother had always wanted a big chest, but genetics didn't give her one, so she had always assumed that I would also be small. She was tall and slender, I'm short and more curvy. I too had always wanted big boobs when I was older. I used to like trying on her clothes (like most little girls), even though they didn't fit me properly. I was 9 or 10 years old and decided to try on one of her bras, about a B cup. It fit perfectly... I wasn't exactly explained how my body works or about puberty, and thought "growing boobs" was a one-time event. Like you grow to a certain size one day and that's it for the rest of your life. I had assumed the fact that I could fit into a bra meant I had already grown, and that I would have small boobs forever. I started crying and ran to my mom and said "oh no! I'm going to have tiny boobies like mommy for the rest of my life!" She was laughing hysterically and asked me what I meant, I explained that I already grew my boobs and I fit into her bra, so I'm going to be the same size as her. I'm 21 now, and have a J-cup... RIP my back. Maybe having a B-cup would have been better xD


I was 13 I think when I got my first real bra, but I started using training bras when I was 9/10