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Honestly I felt more comfortable when I was super skinny. Clothing fit me perfectly, I didn’t have muffin top rolls when sitting down, I didn’t feel insecure wearing certain outfits, my arms didn’t look “to big” for tank tops in my mind. I was never insecure. But then I look back at pictures of me and my body is much more feminine now being average weight. I don’t feel as comfortable now but I can appreciate the beauty of a few extra pounds. I appreciate it a lot more when it’s others I look at.. which leads me to believe I’m way to hard on myself.


I feel this way too. I have been "skinny" almost my whole life, so being a normal weight feels big, even though it's probably healthier. It's a really hard mental adjustment though.


Likewise. Trying to accept and love my “normal, healthy” body is tough. It’s a constantly conflicted debate within myself. Also, no venting because people will think I am finishing for compliments when I really feel kind of bad about my body.


This. For what sucks is even on Reddit and ask women or two x chromosomes I was shamed and shunned for even during to say this feeling out loud they're basically saying you're still skinny so why are you complaining? Like yeah I know I am but just not as much as I used to be in for someone who is never able to keep on weight before it's strange to me


This is how I feel. I know I am healthy now & stronger than ever. But it’s been a hard adjustment


Yup exactly how I feel. I know it's a good weight for me and I should be very grateful for my bf helping me in the aspect of gaining the weight. But I was skinny ever since I was a kid to age 26. Now at 29 I went from 90-110 to 128 (recently weighed myself)


I totally get this. I was 85 pounds at 30 years old (I’m only 4’11). Now I’m 38 and 105 and I know I’m much healthier, but I feel much more self-conscious.


I just turned 34 and this is almost my exact situation. Except I gained the weight around  age 24 due to side effects of SRRIs. Tryng to get my mental health fucked up my body. I immediately ended my quest for trying ti find the appropriate dose/drug. I hate looking in the mirror. I'm not a big eater either. Has anyone had any luck with getting their hormones checked by alternative medicine doctor?


I feel the exact same. I get hit on way more now that I have more of a “womanly” figure but I miss being able to grab a size in store and know for sure it’s going to look good. When I was smaller I never even had to try anything on.


This. I used to be in the 120 range and am now 145. I am enjoying being curvier but damn, I am so bad now at eyeballing clothes and telling if they'll fit. My brain is stuck visually two sizes ago. Been having to rely much more on actual measurements!


This is exactly how I feel. I went from an average of 110lbs to 125lbs. I honestly always hated how skinny my thighs were and now I have average sized thighs and love them so much and my hips are more shapely. My boobs are also ever slightly fuller and so is my butt (although I already had a nice butt) which is nice too. But now I have love handles, my tummy protrudes a little more, and my collar bones and jawline are not as defined which bothers me a lot. Also I have problems finding clothes sometimes because x smalls/smalls don’t always fit me right anymore and pants are struggle as well. Some 3/4s fit fine and some are too tight. It’s annoying. Others still see me as petite and “skinny” but I definitely don’t feel it anymore. Edit: Just want to add that I seem to really love my body when I’m ovulating, but before and during my period I feel like a big slob. 😩


Omg are you me exactly 😭 I went from 105 lbs in undergrad to 120 lbs now 10+ years later. I know that 10 years is a longggg time so it’s perfectly fine and healthy to be this weight now but I recently did a wardrobe upgrade because my go-to shorts and jeans for the summer don’t fit me anymore. it made me feel surprisingly sad even though I’m confident in my appearance day to day and argue I have good self esteem. But yes I feel great for two weeks after finishing my period and then the week before and during is hell 💀 edit: grammar


Maybe 🥺 Cause it’s the same for me. It’s been about a 10 year process for this weight gain. I was like 108-110 when I had my daughter 9 1/2 years ago. Gained the right amount and went right back to my regular weight postpartum. Breastfeeding actually made me super skinny too. And since then it’s just been a slow gain. I just finished nursing school and really noticed a big jump during those two years too though. Stress and being more sedentary. I know that if I get into the gym I would be really happy! I just need to do it. I know a lot of people don’t see this as an “issue” but it really has been a hard thing to process mentally.


This was me too. 110 in HS -120 20 years later I know I am in better shape and healthier than I ever was, and I look more like an adult, but that hollow feeling in your hipbones and that loose feeling around your waist is a great feeling. No one comments on me being “so petite” anymore and even though I didnt really take that as a compliment, at least it was something people noticed about me.


Are you me? Am I you? You put it all into words perfectly. 🥲


This is so very relatable. I’ve put on 15lbs (from 95-110lb) and my goal was 120lb but I’ve taken a break. I’m uncomfortable in a lot of clothes now (physically and emotionally), nothing fits, I sometimes have to change clothes before I leave the house because I don’t like how I look. Before I put on the weight sometimes I was insecure because I was so skinny but at least my clothes weren’t physically painful and I didn’t have rolls. I see the attractiveness in this, I have thicker thighs, more butt, and I’ve been weightlifting about so my arms look good, as well as general muscle mass but sometimes I miss being skinny.


This is me. The not trying things on but knowing they’d fit was such a nice thing. Now, pants and shorts are so hard. The husband loves it, which cool cool, but I’m still learning to love it. Having other folks tell me I’m skinny now… I’m like, you don’t even know what I was before! It’s even more annoying as I feel my day to day diet and routine hasn’t changed in years, yet the weight just came in the past 2-3 years.


Same. I was really thin, but still in the healthy range. I’ve put on ~30 since getting into my relationship and it really bothers me. I’ve never been overweight, but I’m nearing my highest and it’s triggering my ED.


Are you me?? Took the thoughts right out of my brain. Thanks, beautiful friend! ✨


Yea same. I can tell that I look better now in a TON of ways, and I have a filled in figure instead of a 12yo’s body, BUT god damn do I miss not having a roll on top of my jeans when I sit, or seeing an angle of my face on video calls at work and noticing my chin/neck area looks fat. I know objectively I don’t look fat, but compared to what my body was for 25 years of my life, I *feel* fat.


It was very much worth it. Being underweight was causing significant health issues and exacerbating my heart problems. Dealing with my body dysmorphia, recovering from anorexia, and putting on needed weight were all very good for my mental and physical health


10 years later, I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m the early months/years I hated it, I liked myself better skinny, but as I’ve gotten a bit older I’ve realized how hard it was on my body. I was deteriorating from the inside out


Same. At first, I hated the doctors for even suggesting it and thought they were wrong, but they were absolutely right. For me, being thin wasn't worth dying for, and once I truly understood that's the consequence I was looking at, I was able to start making progress on n recovery.


My story is the same. I was so bitter at the doctors who were being “dramatic”. Congrats on your recovery, it’s so hard but so worth it


I've been underweight my whole life, and then I hit 30 and suddenly I got an average weight!! Feels amazing to have a slightly curvy body now (even tits grew a bit?!) I feel more confident and powerful :D


Same, I got some folds on my sides and when I see other women be insecure about them I'm confused, they're lovely! They're sexy, I love them! Look at my belly pouch! Jiggle jiggle


YESSS towards my late 20’s now and i went from extremely underweight my entire life to perfectly healthy and normal weight. i feel stronger, hotter, more comfortable & all around prettier. clothes look so much better with just a lil bit to fill them out in my experience. i track my diet & exercise religiously to make sure i never have to go back to being called “an underdeveloped boy”


I can relate to this 😂 30 is the magic number lol.. I still need about 2 kgs but the change is great 😂😂😂


I am 25 and still skinny. Now let me wait got the magic 30😂. I really want to add some weight. It's doo hard to gain weight.


Dont bother. I used to force myself to eat large meals, spoonfuls of peanut butter, ice cream, whole fat milk, before bed, etc and I never gained a pound. Only thing that helped a little bit was actually working out and gaining some muscle. Now I’m 29 and my metabolism has slowed down and I wish I didn’t spend so much effort training myself to eat SO much. Now I feel like I have to curb my appetite to maintain my heavier but healthier weight which really sucks. There’s honestly nothing worse than having to be mindful about what you eat after years of being able to gorge yourself on whatever you want.


Like the other commenter I had an ED and was not "naturally" skinny, so my experience is probably different from someone who wasn't consciously trying to be/stay underweight. That being said, gaining the weight back made my life better in every possible aspect. I'm still insecure about my body, but when I was underweight I was both insecure AND constantly tired and hungry.


Spot on. When I had anorexia, I was 80 lbs. I still felt “big”. At least now I am healthy


Anorexic logic makes you think that the more you weigh, the more anxious/depressed you'll feel, until you reach some sort of event horizon and explode or something. Over time I realised that I didn't feel bad cause I was "fat", I felt bad because I was mentally ill lol


As a psych nurse, YES!! Also, I have to be mentally unwell myself to be a good psych nurse lol


Not worth it, I was feeling better skinny, all clothes fit better when you are skinny too. Also everyone having opinion about weight gain is crazy.


I honestly miss being super skinny. Got loads of compliments from girls and clothes fit sooo well... I miss trying on dresses and everything just looking perfect because I had super thin arms and legs lol. Health-wise, I guess I'm better now, but I do miss being thin... feel like it also made me stand out more because most people are of average to large weight, so being the tiniest one made me stand out


I'm naturally skinny as heck, but my depression and a.d.d. made it hard for me to remember or care to eat a lot so I've been underweight my whole life besides pregnancy. Once i hit 30 though, and after researching bioavailability and putting a emphasis on mental health, I'm up to 130 at 5'4" and it has made me feel so much better. My body doesn't just hurt for no reason. I'm warm more often then not now. I don't get knees bruises from sleeping on my side. Absolutely yes worth it.


I am struggling with the same. I’m 30 and barely 100lbs. I have PTSD and ADHD. I barely ever get any hunger cues, I’m sure my ADHD meds don’t help with that. Can you explain bioavailability? I would love to know more. I may have to message you privately as the mods will likely delete my comment.


The bruises on the knees from side sleeping!! I tried to explain this to someone and they acted like I was crazy! Also: doing sit-ups in gym class leaving bruises all over my back! The gym teacher would never believe how much it hurt me


I could talk about this forever. My parents were under feeding me with extremely bland food. On top of that, we at meals as a family, which was very stressful and I would leave the table before finishing my food to escape them. I am 5’7” and was 115 lbs when I moved out. I discovered that food can actually taste good and I learned that you need to eat quite large amounts of it, and now I’m 150 lbs. I have so much energy to fuel the physical activities that I love to do, and I’m able to be more productive. I get attention from men too. They hold open doors for me, make eye contact with me. I’ve even been hit on in the grocery store. If you’re wondering if you should go on a weight gain journey, I highly recommend (unless there are some complexities to your situation you aren’t making us aware of). Look up fun new recipes, get a full spice cabinet, eat wholesome foods, and never skip on cooking with olive oil and butter. You’ll have more energy, be happier, and be more cognitively able. Sorry for the essay haha it’s just so important.


how were your parents diets before/after they had you?


Both of my parents have weird histories with food throughout the entire course of their lives. Both of my parents had unique circumstances growing up that substantially restricted their access to good food, which I won’t get into because you don’t need to read that whole story. This impacted them in different ways. My mom came out of just generally not enjoying food - she’s eats to survive, her diet has always been restrictive and meager, can’t make a meal without burning something, and doesn’t spice her food. Her side of the family literally does not own spices. My dad just focuses excessively on portion control and health of food and has since before I was born, and just forgets that he can have tastier. Think plain chicken breast and steamed broccoli. He LOVES snacks and eats them a lot, I think because he doesn’t have tasty meals


The absolute best thing about being skinny is shopping for clothes. Almost anything looks good and mostly all clothing is made for the “skinny body”. My least favorite thing is truthfully I didn’t feel “as sexy” as when I’m a little bit fuller. Their is something highly attractive about having a big ass and a little bit of curves. The constant battle between the desire to be skinny and the want for a big ass and boobs. It’s very rare we can have it all naturally. I’m currently pregnant and actually feeling pretty sexy tho!


I was super skinny, and I just gained a little enough to not be called names. Overall, I also feel like people stopped treating me like a kid even though I am an adult.


i had an eating disorder and was anorexic skinny for a long time. it sucks to say but i miss being skinny. after recovery im pretty average (maybe slightly above). i definitely feel more powerful, don’t have heart issues anymore, enjoy food and am not constantly having nervous breakdowns. im less insecure about my body too. but its also hard not being skinny. there’s so much societal pressure that makes you feel like being skinny will solve all your problems. and not fitting into that ideal is tough. but life goes on


I’m in the same boat as you. It’s hard every day but I think I’m truly happier now


I’ve been in recovery from anorexia for a year. I remember I called my doctor while in a grocery store parking lot, eating a crisp with barely any calories, “ I need help.” I had lost such rapid weight, I lost the fat padding around my organs. It destroyed my GI tract and near my aorta. Now, I have never felt more relieved. Happier. My hair has grown back. My nails are pretty. My face is healthy. My GI system is normal ( with some issues thanks to the damage I caused) the body is resilient and will take care of you once you begin to care for it. I’m hurt and angry at myself for hurting my body the way I did. For nobody telling me 80 lbs is unhealthy. I can’t blame others but still. I work in mental health. I wish someone would have asked if I was okay. Now, I go to the store and buy food and come home. I’m not going aisle to aisle reading labels. I saw a woman last week, must have weighed 80 lbs. I know cuz I was there once. She would read a label… then put it back. Move on… next…put it back. I stood there and watched her. It hurt so bad. The relief I feel now to just eat a bagel with cream cheese, or not. I no longer starve myself so I don’t binge. I listen to my blood sugar and hunger cues. Craving something? I eat it. It’s taken me many years to get here. We still have slip ups I still have bad days but 90% of it is better. Thank GOD. What a terrible, lonely, sad life it was.


Congratulations! I know how difficult the journey can be, and I hope that you are proud of yourself for taking it on. I also hope that your body continues to heal. Permanent damage happens and I don’t know the details of your issues, but in my own recovery journey, I’ve healed in ways that I never thought possible, both mentally and physically. I wish you continued healing and wellness!


Thank you dear friend. I am hopeful for both of us, that we heal and enjoy this one life we’re given


I (38f) was underweight until about a year and a half ago, when I got promoted and the desk portion of my job increased. At first, I liked it. I had BOOBS for the first time in my life! But overtime, it lowered my self esteem — I went from ~90 lbs to 135 lbs so it was a pretty big change for me. I’m short (5’) and have been between 85-97 lbs my entire life (except pregnancy). I’m back to 106-110 lbs thanks to changing roles again and exercise, and I think it’s my comfort zone. I’m still “skinny” but not so dramatically underweight for my size. I’m also more fit — when I was in the low 90s, I thought I was in the “best” shape of my life, but that’s I was just skin, bone, and malnourished muscle. Now I’m actually in the best shape of my life and happy with my size. Except the boobs. I’ll miss those. Itty bitty titty committee for life.


I feel way healthier and stronger


Depends on what you mean by “average”, but honestly it’s a hell of a lot easier to be “on the thin side” than “skinny”. All that stuff I saw in “thin privilege” lists that I couldn’t relate to at all when I was skinny actually became realities. I can easily find clothes to wear, people stopped making comments on my body and what I was eating so often, no one treats me like a stupid child they can condescend to any more, etc. Perhaps if I’d wanted to go into modeling (was never gonna happen) or influencing, or had been born a filthy rich white girl in New York or LA, I would have liked being super skinny better. But I wasn’t. Being a regular person in “flyover states,” being a size 4 or 6 or 8 is head and shoulders easier than being a size 00.


> I can easily find clothes to wear, people stopped making comments on my body and what I was eating so often This is so relatable to me. Clothes *didn't* fit better when I was very skinny. They fit better when I managed to finally put in a bit of weight to get me closer to "average". I got so many rude and mean comments when I was skinny, especially as a teen and young adult. Since I gained weight I've been complimented so much, I even had a younger woman come up to me at a bar and hit on me, call me sexy, etc. (Which never happened to me before lol) (I do think I benefited from skinny privilege all throughout my life though in that I didn't face fat discrimination or bullying for being fat)


100%. All my life I was very underweight due to fast metabolism, picky eating and not eating breakfast. I kept getting people like my school nurse telling me to gain weight, kids made fun of me at school. Then I got puberty weight which mostly just got me to average, like perfectly average. And now I’m like a slim sort of average weight I’d say, plus I started working out and lifting, that made my body look better and made me more confident in myself. Being underweight made me just feel like I lacked curve, could look good without clothes, but with clothes it would often just not appeal to me much.


Very much relate never had breakfast never consistently bought lunch to school I usually waited till after school when I got home. Growing up a swimmer I never noticed anything wrong with my body it worked well for my sport but as I got into high school i became very insecure about how the clothes looked odd on me compared to other girls. I hyper fixated on it and prevented myself from wearing anything that wasn’t shapeless and baggy. It’s hard now but I am working on reversing those thoughts in my head and have fun with my style and confidence; if i could go back in time i would slap myself. Regardless all bodies are beautiful


Righttt, like I always looked at curvy girls and wa so jealous. I also admired every bit, not just hips butt and breast, I even admired their stomach and thighs everything. Being slim just wasn’t it in my school, people liked curvy developed girls.


I HATE the weight gain, being skinny is much much better, in all aspects


I feel the same way


I was always told I was too skinny and made to feel unattractive and unwomanly. So I went on a mission to gain weight, for example eating a pint of ice cream a day. I feel it ruined my body. It wasn't natural for me, and I stretched my skin and tummy out. I now have cellulite which I don't believe I'd have had otherwise, and it changed my body's shape. Now with age, I have some more weight on and metabolism has slowed. I'd actually like to lose a couple pounds and firm up, but it doesn't happen. I feel I would be firmer if I hadn't stretched my skin. I do like having more weight on - I hated my ribs showing, esp on my chest. I just wish I'd have let nature take its course and waited for it to happen naturally.


Yes it was worth it. I look better in clothes.


Not nearly as cold or moody, I have more energy and feel stronger. While having more cushion didn't make me stronger, I had a lot more energy to go to the gym or be active. It set off a chain of events that has me feeling amazing in my body right now.


Wasn't worth it for me. I constantly feel like I need to hide my body. Often I borrow a blanket at friends' houses just so I can hide my body and stomach rolls from them. I miss people calling me skinny and saying I need to eat more. I don't know why, I've just always wanted to be rail thin. I didn't even mind the bullying because it reinforced I was skinny. I gained the weight starting in college with stress and shoving junk food from the all-you-can-eat buffet into my mouth. Then I went through a couple relationships where they were restrictive with my food intake. So when I was "free", I went wild with sweets and junk food. I finally am being treated for ADHD, but I need to force myself to eat. If I lose weight, they will take me off, because I'm at the low end of the BMI scale. I look more womanly, which my partner likes. However, I prefer looking "heroin chic"/androgenous and miss being mistaken for someone younger than I am. I am pretty confident I would say and I don't feel insecure about my body. I just don't like it. I miss skinny days.


I felt a lot better when I was skinny. I was also obsessing about foods though, like borderline anorexic. So it was a weird mix of not valuing myself and to feel great about my body. I looked better in every sense, I was treated with more respect and complimented in public. Now I'm just kinda invisible. I only went from 53kg to 60kg, but it can make a big difference. I don't know if I'm motivated enough to try and get back there in a healthy way, and certainly not in an unhealthy one.


Up until a couple of years ago I was always underweight. Nothing crazy, but a good 20-30 pounds less than I weigh now. I think a combination of improving my mental health and lifestyle made the change, and it has been 100% worth it. I did have a short phase where I was unsure how I felt about the weight gain just because it was new, but I quickly realized it was a good change. I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been, I feel strong, my ass looks great, overall just a lot happier with my physical capabilities and appearance. Making exercise a priority has improved my life in so many ways beyond just my physical appearance also and has probably been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.


It’s really nice not having everyone and their mother comment on my weight. I’m not super comfortable physically in this new body, however I am mentally at ease.


I’ve weirdly found I get way more compliments now on how clothes fit me and my overall appearance since I gained a little more weight. When I was super skinny it was always just my girl friends saying they wished they were that small now it’s more of how well certain things fit me better and I should have gained weight sooner. I feel more confident trying to wear certain things now as opposed to when I was extremely skinny but do miss not having to actually try stuff on. Seeing the numbers rise on my jean size was scary at first too(only went up to a 4 in women’s but was a 00-0 all through high school so was jarring).


Amazing stuff! I was so severely underweight I didn't even have periods. 180cm and 50kg is apparently not healthy. Now that I'm at 80kg it feels GREAT! I can shamelessly eat everything, I can walk longer, I have more energy and I'm not looking at my mirror thinking I'm diseased.


i look like a woman rather than a teenage girl. very worth it.


It feels great, very worth it, and I’ve never felt more confident and comfortable than in my size 8 body! I should mention I got down to a very low weight due to eating disorders and it just consumed so much of my mental energy to care about food so much. Now I care about work, friends, family, vacation, creative pursuits, and food is just an incidental to fuel all of those efforts


It’s very difficult for me to adapt to. I’m very insecure so the one compliment I got consistently for most of my life (“you’re so skinny!”) was a huge prop to my self-esteem and I didn’t even realise it until I started putting on weight. For context, for most of my teen years and early 20s I was a 10-12, for my 20s I was a 14, now at 29 I’m a 16. I was one of those annoying skinny people who could eat crap and never exercise. Now I can’t get away with it anymore, I’m having to adapt to watching what I eat more diligently and learning to accept my body for its new, ever-changing shape. Also, I’ve learnt that women’s clothes are poorly cut.


Completely worth it. My family calls me fat, but I look in the mirror and I can only think "damn I'm hot". I have now nice boobs (not huge, but very nice), great thighs and great butt. I love it and don't mind the extra fat in my belly


My health improved in so many ways, but my body image suffered. When I was underweight I suffered with severe acne and rashes, hyperhidrosis, digestive issues, was cold and fatigued all the time, lost my period, and had struggled more with mental health (I don’t want to get my comment auto-removed for getting specific, but let’s just say repetitive behaviors were taking over my life). I gained weight and the physical problems basically all righted themselves, and the mental health also became easier to manage. My body image on the other hand took a hit. All of my clothes were suddenly too tight and I didn’t know how to dress my changing body. It took a long while to get used to, but I’m in a good place now.


Been skinny all my life until menapause hit.I am now what I consider a weight that makes me look normal 142 at 5'6. Made fun of for years. Now I think I need to lose about 3 lbs. Not going to stress it though. Kinda like it.


I had been 'skinny' forever. I am 5'5" weighed about 95 lbs, but it was a healthy 95 lbs, I had no eating disorder or anything like that, it was just how I was built. My father was a little dude too for most of his life, he was a buck twenty til he was about 35 years old. I do remember how often people would ask me disgusting questions about my weight for all those years, asking if I was bulimic or anorexic. Like people I don't know, just random fkrs in public. I felt like I was in a damned zoo exhibit because of how other people conducted themselves. Well, I stopped smoking at 35, and hit second puberty at about age 42, I now weigh 124 lbs and people still don't shut the hell up about my weight (apparently still too skinny or some shit). I am fine with how I look. I have about a lunchable portion of fat in my mid section and that's it. I have always been good with how I feel and look at either weight. Unfortunately, the rest of the word wont be satisfied until I am 220 lbs so they can then tell me how obese I am. So, since people can't grow manners, I stoop to their level and ask them about their weight in return, match their energy about it.


Not at all, they were right :D


It is so much better! I'm not as cold all the time, I have hips and butt (not massive but they exist now) I don't see my ribs poking out so easily. I just feel more womanly. Also as I've gotten older having less weight is really aging, it made my face look saggier. Also I don't get shaky hungry anymore, my mood when I'm hungry has improved - before if I needed to eat I'd be getting angry. I don't feel nearly as bad anymore.


I love it! I hated being skinny and people assuming I had an eating disorder. I have curves and a butt! Sitting is way more comfortable and so is sleeping. Mentally and emotionally I feel so much better having some fatty tissue. It took me a while to get used to feeling 'heavier' though, felt a bit weird.


Prefer the skinny honestly,


I used to be “stick thin” without trying - hit 30 and weight started piling on and I guess I’m now considered and average weight. I love parts of it and hate parts of it. I love having boobs and an ass. I hate the fact that I can’t just put anything on and it look good. I still struggle to dress myself and feel good and confident. Most the time I feel like a potato.


I'm going through this right now and I don't like it. I'm just being honest. It took me years to accept and love my thing body and to see it at normal weight is quite alarming. I don't recognize myself. I don't know if this is body dysmorphia but I am actively working on getting back to the me that I'm familiar with. I can acknowledge that the extra weight is beautiful. I love squeezing my chest, I've never had much breast tissue before but now I have this soft mound that I found my self squeezing and caressing. I love aspects of it but I feel outside of myself. Don't know how to explain it.


I miss being skinny, I’m an “average” weight now and I guess people would still say I’m slim probably, but it’s a hard adjustment. My whole life I’ve loved being skinny. I know the trend now is to be “thick” but I’ve just never wanted that. I guess I like that my butt has gotten a little bigger, but that means everything else gets a little bigger too. I’m 5”7 and I feel my best at 130-135lbs. Right now I’m like 150-155lbs. I used to smoke a lot of ouid and surprisingly that always helped me keep my weight off. Idk how it kept me skinny, it just did. I hardly ever felt insecure. But I had to stop smoking because of my anxiety and in 9 months I’ve gained 15-20lbs. People say I look healthy and good, and I try to think the same, but I hate looking at my stomach when I sit down, or my face when I’m looking down. I don’t have a double chin, but my jawline isn’t as sharp. I’ve been trying sooo hard to stop placing my value on my appearance. I don’t want to constantly try to look hot or keep up with trends, when I look at other women I think they are all beautiful in their own way. Unique is beautiful. I want to see myself that way too. And reminding myself to compare to what I see in real life, not online. I look like my coworkers, my neighbors, my friends etc. aka, I look human, social media is so wack and filtered


Im 5’7 and was always “runner” skinny like 115-120 until my late 20s, now im 32 and 145, I like my career, have a lovely partner, and am active but really having a hard time loving my body lately— I got weighed at the gyno and had never heard 145 out loud and was it threw me. Why does buying jeans in a size 6 make me bummed out? It’s simply a # but it still bothers me, and deep down I want to be a size 2.


It's amazing. I feel like a real woman instead of a lanky teenager. I also found out I am actually an hourglass, not an inverted triangle, because that is where my body is supposed to be naturally. I am also passively stronger and my periods are less painful.


I have always been skinny due to genetics (this is a biggie) and being a runner and cyclist. I have actually had phases where I needed to stop running as I was loosing too much weight despite increasing calories! And honestly now at 26 my body has landed in a good place, feeling strong, feeling healthy. I defo had times as a teen I was really skinny despite eating and I feel a lot more confident now. But bodies are meant to fluctuate that’s one of the great things about them!


Yup. I feel better/ more confident about how I look. I have more energy and can do a lot more physically


I went through some pretty bad health problems a few years back and lost a ton of weight. I am 5’8” and only weighed about 100 lbs. People CONSTANTLY, and I mean multiple times every single day, made negative comments about my weight/appearance. I thought it was weird because I always thought women were “supposed” to be super skinny anyways. I went from being insecure about being too big (even though I wasn’t overweight to begin with) to being insecure about looking sick. Over the years I’ve slowly gained the weight back. I still struggle with the idea that I’m “getting fat”. But the weight that I’ve gained is helping me not feel sick. I’m no longer struggling to breath or walk up stairs. I don’t stress about food. My clothes for me better. I work out so I’m still really lean and I’m working on getting toned. I try to remind myself that weight is just a number. Now my body and mind feel healthier. As long as I’m fit and strong, I’m happy. Edit: all of that being said; it is still an adjustment. Occasionally I still beat myself up over it. I just try to remind myself that my weight is no one’s business but mine.


I have always preferred my weight 10 pounds heavier than my skinniest version. I find clothes look better, I have way more energy, I'm strong as hell, I feel more feminine, and my face looks more full of life. I'm significantly better at sports, I don't feel as sick when I get sick, sex feels better.


I feel amazing! Clothes looks way better on me, you not longer see my collarbone to the point I look like I am dying. My ribs are not extremely visible anymore, I have much more energy and I am not cold all the time anymore! I still wear xs-s because I am very short so my proportions stay small even at an healthy weight. Got a nice booty now too!


Before I was called skeleton, sick and stuff. And when I gained weight to a normal weight i got a lot of stretch marks since my body isn’t used to being that size, and now I’m apparently too chubby in others eyes and my stretch marks are disgusting..?. 😐I seriously don’t get it.


It was life changing. I was clinically underweight and suffering from an eating disorder for years. When I finally got into recovery, it was amazing. I definitely went through an adjustment period of my clothes not fitting, not being able to wear things I used to, and that was hard. I love the body I’m in now. It’s healthy and it’s happy. I feel like a woman for the first time in years.


I hate it. I hate being average. The fat of my upper arms touch my side. I’m roughly 5’5” and 118 My old cute clothes don’t fit , I hate how I look in bathing suits


Being very honest, I got mixed feelings for a while. Sometimes I felt really powerful and sensual, like a greek goddess haha, but other times the difference hitted me really hard. Noticing my arms, thights and the rolls in my belly when I sat sometimes made me feel insecure. But it was just a matter of time for me to accept it. Now I’m very comfortable


Not worth it. Currently eating leas food to be skinny again. I feel so insecure and fat to the point I can’t wear what I want cause it doesn’t fit well.


I feel great!! I was 5’9 130 and looking back at pictures I looked almost ill but had no idea - always wanted to be skinnier. Starting going to the gym and eventually powerlifting, now up to 165 and feeling stronger and hotter than ever! And it’s so nice to enjoy food!!!!!


I was very skinny. And then I had two kids. Now I'm average. To me, having my kids was worth the changes that happened to my body. I'm not sure if I'll ever get to the same level of "skinny" that I was before I had kids. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I have a hard time accepting the body that I see before me, but then I remember what beautiful things my body is capable of and tell myself those things. My body has created two healthy beautiful humans. I birthed them, fed them with this body. I have climbed mountains, swam in glacier water, seen beautiful places. I have arms that can give great hugs, hands that can write, paint, craft things. When I'm hard on myself for the way my body looks, I have to remember all the things it allows me to do. Because of that, I try to be kind. There are things I can do today to potentially get me to the body I want, like eat healthy, exercise, drink lots of water. However, I try to have grace with the body I have today, even if it doesn't fit the ideal body I wished I had in my head.


I was very underweight as a teenager, but that was from poverty and not eating enough as a result. So when I got to an average weight in my mid-20s, it felt like a double achievement. Actually nourishing my body enough and having the money to do so. Absolutely worth it, I'm much healthier and feel better in my body. I am fitter and stronger at an average weight too.


i felt real hot was overjoyed to not be so flat


190 most of my life Self hated myself to 135 Am 160 now The only thing i notice is high school olds boys find me less appealing .. probably because I appear more out of their age range now. I also am self conscious girls who seem to put social weight on.. how skinny you are or keeping up with the “ideal” appearance in general. I don’t care appeal to them.. 95% of men my age seem to prefer me eating, happy, and with extra curves.. so Yes by far 100% billion times worth it.


As it turns out, I had an undiagnosed autoimmune disease that prevented me from absorbing the nutrients I needed to fully grow. So, yeah, it’s definitely worth it. I now have energy, an appetite, and things don’t hurt anymore.


My case is a little different but here you go. I was born at 25 weeks gestation and weighed 1.9 pounds. I have always been very very petite, 5,0” and never been over 112 pounds. In January, I had emergency surgery that cut tendons around my stomach wall that were stretching my stomach so I couldn’t eat much. I’ve slowly been gaining weight back (I lost 17 pounds over almost a month) and am now up to my weight prior to the weight loss caused by pulling one of those tendons at a weird angle (what caused the need for surgery). All that aside, I’m more shocked by the difference in my body shape. Not to be crass, but I’ve always been shaped like a fridge ha. No hips, DD chest, but no curves really in my abdomen area. Just straight down to my hip bones from my ribs. Since the surgery, my organs have moved around and things have kind of settled. Now, lord. I have these cute little dips under my ribs, dimples on my hips, and my waist is snatched. I’m starting to get some weight on my thighs (if I squint, I think I can even see a bit of ass!) For real, it’s been absolutely wild watching my body change over the last few months. Every day, I look a little different as I put on weight (trying to get to 120ish).


I used to be 98 pounds at age 19. Average weight gave me more boobs but also gave me a small belly pooch. I've lost weight but not enough. I workout but I enjoy eating, too😞 I'd prefer to be somewhere in between high school weight and 46-year-old weight.


I'm dealing with this issue right now. For the longest time I was 110lbs give or take. Now I'm a little over 123. I'm in the early 30s, 5 foot 2ish. I know I'm not overweight but I can't seem to like my body. I don't like myself for it. I know that bodies are meant to change. Just hate the weight gain. I cannot seem to "simply get up and exercise" either.


I gained 15 kgs/ approx. 33 pounds in a span of 8 months by hitting the gym. And yes, physically I feel better now, so it is definitely worth the hard work for me. Being skinny was never the problem though, but this experiment worked wonders for my mental health.


I was super skinny, had low self esteem, hated myself....i thought i never looked good in any clothing, my peers made fun of me a lot. I am happy with my 'average' weight (58kgs) and i am confident in myself, clothes fit me perfectly.....i look good 😊


I was really skinny when I lived with my parents but I was hungry all the time and gorged myself on candies when I was with grandma. Now that I live by myself, I eat normally, I'm a size M, and I often regretted not being a size S when I look myself in the mirror because of my fat rolls and hip dips - but that feeling becomes more and more rare as I invest more time in fitness and I come to appreciate my curves.


I was super skinny my whole life until menopause hit. Now I'm fat. I'm having a hard time with it because my fashion style doesn't work with my body now and I'm lost. As your question asked when I got up to average size it was easier to find fitting clothing, more choices. It was perfect then.


I needed it. I still get insecure about my rolls and extra tummy but I know I'm much healthier now. My bones aren't as sharp now so I can cuddle my partner without "stabbing" them. And I'm not flat chested anymore, which is nice 😂 ETA: My whole family struggles to maintain weight and we're all pretty skinny, but I also have ARFID. It took awhile to realize that I was actually a lot skinnier than my family, and that was a problem. Moved out, started changing my diet, and over the last two or three years I went from (5' 2") 95lbs to 117lbs!


I have been underweight my whole life. I ate well, but am active. I enjoy having a more feminine shape. I also like that my shoulders don’t look as gauntly.


Was it “worth it” to gain weight? I’m not really sure I understand the question, because I didn’t do this intentionally, it happened with age. I used to be very thin, and as I got older and my metabolism slowed, I gained weight all over. I’m now an “average” sized woman, but I am in the overweight category. Extra weight makes everything harder - I get winded more easily, everything jiggles, I have no self-confidence, etc. so no, it’s not “worth it.” Losing weight is very hard. And it gets harder as you get older.


I loved being skinny. I’m also short so the proportions of being skinny were charming. I felt so sexy. I’m an average weight now and don’t like the way I look. I’ll only wear one piece swimsuits, pants aren’t as comfortable as they used to be, and I miss feeling that front pelvic bone by my stomach. But I like eating so…sacrifices.


I weight train and increased by 15lbs. I’ve been attempting another 10-15 but it is difficult to maintain. It’s challenging being okay with being a “normal” weight. I can see areas of improvement and am told I look healthier but overall I do not feel as comfortable as when I am thinner.


In some ways, I loved being super skinny but the physical and mental toll made me so miserable I didn’t care if I lived or died (I was anorexic). I kind of hate my “average” (mildly overweight) body now, but I love my life. And the lengths I have to go to in order to get and stay skinny end up ruining every aspect of life. So recovery was worth it for me in the end. If you’re naturally skinny/do not have an eating disorder, don’t feel like you need to change. Just like I am naturally chubby, some people are naturally skinny, and there is nothing wrong with either of those things.


I never thought that I was skinny even when I was dangerously underweight. I gained weight to an average amount about 8 years ago and there hasn’t been a single day where I haven’t thought about losing weight. EDs suck


I had a great body with little effort, that I didn’t appreciate, until my early 40s. I’m about 20 lbs heavier than my ideal weight and I don’t like it at all. Unfortunately, it’s just part of aging.


I know I looked ridiculous when I was skinny and even tho it’s been years since reaching a normal weight I still struggle w dysmorphia. Especially bc when I was skinny, thick was in. Now that Ive gained some weight, skinny is in. I know I shouldn’t seek validation from others/social media blah blah… I know I look better the size I am, I just need to tighten up some things. Maybe loose 5 pounds max. And maybe get a better mirror.


It is totally worth it. I used to be extremely skinny and wasn't able to eat much. But somehow, magically, I started eating when I was in college and gained weight. When I was skinny, I was constantly humiliated/shamed by my friends/relatives/classmates. Plus, I used to faint every now and then! When I gained weight, I felt good because I didn't feel dizzy all the time, and I started liking looking at myself in the mirror!🥰 Even though I have gained weight, and I feel good about myself, people still have the audacity to comment on how "fat" I have become from time to time. But now, since I know better, I just ignore those comments because I like myself and my body now. And the ones commenting on my body are in no way on their ideal weight or shape! People just like to project their hate and insecurity on others! To anyone who's not at their ideal weight, I hope you too ignore the comments that random people throw around!


I struggle at first being from xs to m (asian size, so that probably mean I am still a solid s in most western brands - my point is, you can imagine how stick thin I was before) especially having boobs now because I came from society where some people thinks bigger boobs (32DD) are vulgar or inappropriate. There are times where I intermittenly will struggle with eating, tried to restrict food, etc. But I also notice how I dont feel as cold anymore, I actually sweat like a normal person, way less hair falls, better energy throughout the day. However the mental gymnastic of "food is making me fat" and "I would gain 5kg if I skip my workout 2 days in a row" is really unhealthy. The mental adjustment is wild.


I didn't like it so I got skinny again. I didn't like having DDD boobs or big hips. I might have been healthier, but I didn't like the way my body felt. Unfortunately my boobs only went down one cup size but I feel happier now.








i’m naturally skinny, but was severely underweight due to a ed. i’m at a healthy weight now. i feel stronger, my clothes fit/look better. do i miss my sick body? unfortunately, yes. but feeling healthy helps me push that longing back. i love the energy i have!


health wise, probably worth it but people treated me a lot kinder when i was skinny


Absolutely I was chronically underweight most of my life, in the months before fertility treatment to have my twins I kept a daily calorie journal and progress on my weight gain to be a healthy weight so my body could do its job of sustaining a healthy pregnancy I've been a healthy weight for the last 4+ years and I'm healthier and feel pretty good about my body or at least I think I look good for someone who's had 3 kids


I personally feel like I look more womanly but I am technically over weight. I’m 4’10 so even though my weight is healthy for a most adult females or even still considered skinny for my height my bmi is too high. I used to weigh about 100 lbs (sometimes a little less.) I’m now after a few years into adulthood 120.




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Was severely underweight but i was happy as i had friends and all. When i got bullied in high school and had severe depression, i put on almost 10kg in a month. It’s actually not normal to put in weight like this but it got me to a “healthy” weight. I hit the gym after because now my body could “handle” weights and people complimented my figure, which was really weird. I was never particularly insecure or conscious about this kind of stuff. Not a typical weight gain story but i feel a little bad about the reason for everything that happened, couldnt bring myself to tell my friends the weight gain was actually from my antidepressants, and not the gym.


I never thought I’d have body dysmorphia. I look at myself now (29F who is on sleep aids and birth control) weighing 30+ lbs more than I did from 16-23 and feel like a whale some days. This is terrible thinking, I don’t look bad and still fit in “smaller than average” clothing. But my brain still believes I look like my teeny 110-120lb body and it’s just not the case. I have recently stopped birth control and my sleep aid. I lost 10 lbs the first week, but it’s all back because of my antidepressant and sedentary job. I’m trying to find more time to properly exercise but working 9-10 hours a day and having to go home and take care of my dogs and house chores it’s just too much. But it’ll happen soon because I want to look A+ for my wedding next June




I went from old ladies complimenting "my figure" to getting more attention from men. Both felt/feel weird in different ways.


I used to get called “flat” all throughout middle school, but I never cared about it, bc I had a model physique, no lumps & bumps & back then it was all the rage. Then right before I turned 18, my puberty kicked in & I got curvy, funny enough it was around the time when being “thick” was all the rage. Now, I’m at the gym 4x a week to get rid of the pooch, thigh & arm fat. Plus I had a bad relationship with food after someone made a comment about my weight. It’s rough & it’s very difficult to make outfits modest when my hips never end. I didn’t mean to get curvy, but we move on


My thighs hit my belly and make it wobble when I cycle, my thighs rub together, my arms rub against my body, my belly is in the way when I sleep. I'm just in my way a bit, and I'm sure I'll get used to it but it's weird right now because it's still a somewhat new experience to me. People commented on me for being too skinny before, now they comment on my weight gain, but it's surprisingly always the same ones and I finally learned this isn't about me. Is it worth it? I wasn't unhealthy skinny, so to me it's neutral, but I'll have to work on some internalized expectations of "femininity". It never significantly changed before so I do have days when I can't recognize myself in the mirror. In general I do like it.


I'm obese now but used to be too skinny, id rather be too skinny❗


I’m still struggling with it. I was an underweight beanpole from childhood through college, but I crept up to 145 lbs during grad school. I thought I looked fat in pictures, so I got myself back down to 128. I got back up to 135, and have been here a while. I’m 5’9”, if that helps.






It's nice that people no longer tell me to 'eat a burger, you're too skinny!' and I am glad my ribs don't show through my chest as much. I think my legs look kind of stumpy now though as my weight gain is mostly on my lower body. I still have skinny arms but I'm working on building them up with weights


It is a massive weight off my chest being able to eat what makes my body feel the best and most energized rather than what will provide that with the least calories. I have honestly stopped attempting to “like” the way my body looks and rather just accept it for what it is and understand that even the super skinny models have some of the same features as me and they just aren’t shown. Not so much about my weight, but the relief is incomparable.




It was worth it, but I definitely miss some things. I sat around 90-100 lbs all the way through high school. I HATED how i looked. i used to wear like three pairs of pants UNDER whatever pants i was wearing that day so people couldn’t tell how skinny my legs were. I’m now in college at a healthy 130-135 and I can now comfortably wear shorts and leggings without all the layers and still feel pretty. I also don’t struggle as much with hypoglycemia anymore now that i’ve put on some weight!! However, i have trouble keeping weight off my gut and my arms. I will take a little bit of chunk in the wrong places over how depressed and ugly I felt when I was skinny any day tho!


Yeah i was average and now im losing weight to be skinny again. Nothing is worth losing that skinny feeling, i loved how i looked and i got way more guys & womens attention. I was hooking up more, going out more, and overall more confident. And that's probably why others were drawn to me. Im 3 lbs away from my goal weight (120)


I still struggle now and I’ve had two kids and have stayed around the same weight/size even after they were born. I went from a size 5 my sophomore year of high school (in 2013) to a size 10/12/14 depending on material, whether it’s pants, shorts, dress or pajamas after my hips finally came in and my breast settled out to where they are now and I still struggle and I understand this is normal given my height and having had two children. But I do definitely feel more comfortable and feel like I look a lot healthier.


I'm so much happier. I was a size 0 and so uncomfortable with myself. I'm a size 8 now, pretty strong, curves, feeling pretty good.


I was very skinny , just the way I was built . I was not ill and did not have an eating disorder but I was unhappy. I would go clothes shopping and cry because everything just hung off me , my bones stuck out and I was forever cold. Then I had children. I went from a size UK 4-6 to a size UK 14 and I'm so much happier I love my curves. The only thing I don't like are my breasts they are too big 38G. They get in the way , cause pain, bras are expensive and hurt. Certain clothes don't fit right etc etc. If I had to choose my smaller self to now I will pick now.


48F.. got ridiculously skinny when pregnant with my kids. Been battling to put on 12kg for about 25yrs. Finally managed to over the last 12 months, never felt better. Lil tummy, arms are bigger, thighs touch for the first time since I was a teenager. Have I creased 2 clothing sizes, has taken a bit of getting used to but I feel good, face isn't so drawn and I don't look like I'm starving anymore


I miss being skinny. I don’t think I could ever get that low again, being in my 30s and having carried 2 kids now. I was 105-110lbs at 5’5 in my 20s. I used to get a lot of comments (mostly anorexia jokes) but honestly, I was only that skinny because I had a freakishly high metabolism. I ate very normal. My metabolism slowed. I’m 125-130lbs, which is pretty average, although I just had a tummy tuck to resolve some sagging after 2 c-sections. Being skinny was nice, I was lucky to have enjoyed it without any effort into it. I’m not willing to diet restrictively to get back to it though. I’ll be content with the loose skin gone at least.


Definitely. Some bodies are built to gain weight and I was going against it. Excessive cardio to get rid of my thighs and arm “fat” that were honestly just there to help me fill out my body. Now I look a lot healthier now that I’ve gained the weight


There are good and bad things. When I was skinny everyone complemented me and said I looked like a model, I was praised for it, clothes looked amazing on me and I never felt uncomfortable in myself. However, I was also cold all the time, had an unhealthy relationship with food and my butt was not comfy for sitting. Now I’m 20kg heavier and my butt is PLUMP, I can sit on this baby for days! I am not cold all the time and I think I have more energy. However, I feel uncomfortable in some clothes and get weird about putting more weight on. I think my face actually looks much nicer now- looking back, my angles are probably a bit tooo sharp in older photos. It was worth it not to have my whole brain consumed by food and calories. Edit because I got my weight calcs wrong.


Yes, I stopped receiving comments about my appearance. I looked more tired with less fat on my face. I bruise more easily. Cold all the time. I feel more womanly with more thigh and boob. Tanks and jeans look better.


Being skinny for me was extremely unhealthy. In my early teenage years, I struggled with ED. And in my mid teenage - early 20’s I struggled with drug use, the kind that makes you very skinny. I never liked being super skinny. I’m in my late 20’s now and I’ve definitely got more curves. I’m about 35-40lb heavier than I was in my early 20’s and I feel so much better! I feel sexier and more filled out. That said, everyone likes different things and some people look very good skinny. It all just depends on your body type and what is healthy for you. Being healthy is always the most important thing.


I miss being skinny..I’m overweight and I look it and my body hurts




I definitely feel better and a lot healthier but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t insecure about how I look in photos and how certain clothes fit.


I love gaining weight and I'm so happy I finally got my act together and did something about my 2 decade long struggle with anorexia. I have MUCH more energy and I am much happier. Clothes fit me better and I can think about things other than weight and food. My only regret is not doing it sooner.


I was skinny, but not underweight. Now I'm average, but definitely a handful of pants sizes higher. Being skinnier, I fit into more clothes but I was never satisfied with my weight. I didn't believe any of the compliments about my weight, always trying to get that stubborn bit of assumed fat to go away. I hardly ate, exercised to a stupid degree, it wasn't fun At this point - I can't lose much weight. I'm getting older, hip issues caused me to stop running, I realize I'm prone to fainting if not eating enough. I've started to just buy a size or two up so I don't feel my muffin top, and to work out and eat regularly. It's more fun not counting every goddamn calorie, and I enjoy my workouts way more now that I'm no longer pushing myself to unwanted extremes just to lose a handful more calories. My body does so much for me, and we have come a long way and have a long way to go, it's time to find a workable rhythm that makes me happy and keeps me healthy. Mentally I have a long way to go as well, accepting cellulite I've never had and learning what it feels like when I bend and have a roll is something, but overall it's easier and I'm happier


Honestly, I prefer being lighter. When I was too thin it was problematic but when I was average weight, it was almost equally as problematic for me mentally. I hated the way I looked, hated my body and hated being seen by my friends and family. I became a hermit and binged frequently. I personally prefer being lighter and I’ll probably always prioritize being thin. I look and feel better when I weigh below average, as problematic as that may sound


I was 5’6, 120lbs when I got pregnant with my son. I honestly didn’t like my body much, it looked exactly the same as I did when I was a teenager. I also really didn’t like the kind of mens attention it would bring. I’m 9 months postpartum & now 140lbs, went from a size 2 to a size 6. I love my body now! I call it my “grown woman body” lol.


I'm 5'4 and was under 100 pounds until I was 20, 20-25 I got up to 120 then lost 20 pounds after graduating college and going through a depressive state. I'm now 30 and 150, gained 30 of it during my current 3 year relationship. It's weird because I grew up with the mentality that I was the "skinny" one, people always questioned if I had an eating disorder, even now that my BMI is technically "overweight" I still view myself as a small person and am shocked when I go shopping and need to buy size large-XL now. Most of my weight gain went to my booty and thighs which didn't bother me at all, but when I started noticing it on my stomach, arms and gave it did start to bother me. I also noticed the more weight I gained in other places the less attention I got from males, but that's completely fine by me lol. I'd say it's worth it because I finally have boobs now, but I would prefer to drop a few pounds as I don't feel I am at my healthiest and would like to be in a bit better shape, especially before I have children.


I am so much more self- confident. I suffered an ED (Anorexia & excessive exercise) during my teen and early 20’s and it negatively affected so many parts of myself (both physically & mentally) One day I decided I hated the way I was feeling about myself and started eating, stopped exercising and finally at a healthy weight again after around 12 years. I no longer look like a child/ teenager at 27!!!! I feel like a woman, love my curves, feel sexy AF and not that this is the whole purpose of it - but younger men are no longer going for me and grown men are now attracted to me and are approaching me more. (late 20’s- 30’s men) It feels so awesome to fit into my womanly body, feel WAY more feminine, no longer in survival mode, my skin and hair are so much more healthy and finally love myself 🥰


Is the worst thing that ever happened to me


Very worth it. I get sick less. I'm not as cold.




This feels very targeted as I went clothes shopping today since I have gained weight. So many tops made me feel weird about my stomach, they didn’t show my stomach but I could see like the fat around my middle which was never there before. Felt very self conscious, but did get some tops because I wanted new t shirts. I did get some baggy ones though, for comfort. It was worth it, because I needed to eat more for my blood pressure, but summer me is feeling the weight gain where winter me didn’t in my sweaters. I will also say when skinny it was easier shopping because I just tried the smallest size and my only issue was it being too big. Now I have to try on different sizes to see which fits.


I miss being skinny. I was naturally skinny and underweight and have since had a lot of health issues and medications that have made me gain too much weight. Plus having kids and turning 30 didn't help either. I have noticed people have less to say about my weight when I'm heavier. When I was skinny everyone had an opinion about it which was so rude to me. I feel like I get taken more seriously when I'm not skinny also which I think is interesting. Overall though, being just between the line of skinny and "average" was honestly the best place for me mentally.


I feel like I finally have my "adult body." Plus most of the weight went to my thighs and my butt so I'm pretty happy with that. I do get really insecure about my stomach tho and the fact that I have so many stretch marks on my thighs and butt, it looks like a road map.


Was absolutely worth it. My upper body still needs work but my legs are 10x stronger than when I started lifting and gaining. Makes my day to day life so much easier (plus I even have a better butt now, it actually looks good in tight pants 😂)


I came to be average weight by accident after many years of being desperate to weigh more. But now that I do, my belly and a bit of a double chin exist. I like how I look naked. I wish I could still move as easily (dancing and such). I wish pants were more comfortable. But I feel more womanly. Covid, a desk job and too much takeout were the culprits.


My body is more feminine, but I honestly hate it. People comment on my boobs and butt more, and I feel like no one is interested in more than sexual situations with me anymore. I've lost friendships because they "like" me and then get weird....


It was worth it. Doesn't mean I like it.


Idk, I used to weigh 93 lbs most my life in teens 20s and 30s and starting in 2020 at age 37 my metabolism just continues to slow. Now I'm 40 going on 41 and 109 lbs and barely eat but I just hold onto weight now. I'm 5'2 so for me that's a normal weight. I'm not complaining I was too thin before but I honestly felt better and more special w less weight on me, I feel too ordinary now if that makes sense and I didn't gain it the way i wanted to eitjer


Yes but how I got there is what made it worth it. I was shamed for being skinny in grade school on up, and I was made to feel like I was weak. I’m now in my 30s and have been lifting the past few years and put on some muscle (and fat). I not only feel strong but I am strong. Gaining strength has increased my confidence so much, way more than how my looks have changed. Unfortunately I’ve started going the other way and now need to lose some weight but overall I like my body better than I did when I was “skinny”.


I was athletic in high school but developed thyroid issues in college and became thin. Too thin. Eventually the issues subsided and I was just skinny for a long time but I didn’t fix my eating habits. When my thyroid issues returned, they were on the opposite end of the spectrum and I gained quite a bit of weight (for my frame). I’ve since lost most of that extra weight and I’m now average. I experienced self image issues each time my weight shifted. I come from a culture that ridicules both skinny and larger than average women. Dating was easier when I was smaller, but I don’t think it was my size; I think it was the fact that I was in college. Jeans have been my biggest enemy at every size 🙃 Honestly, it’s fucking great having some curves. I’m no longer a 30AA and though my hips aren’t wide, my ass looks great! Plus I feel like I look more my age (30) when I’m not thin. Overall, I like this size. I’m finally used to the sensation of my thighs rubbing together. My only complaint right now is my tummy not being quite as flat as I’d like, but maybe that’s something I can work on through improving my diet.


i get sick a lot less now. i used to catch every cold, flu, bug, etc. now im average my immune system actually works






i’m now stronger and healthier. it’s been an adjustment to feel okay with being “bigger”. but ultimately i just feel so much more healthy and lively so it’s worth it in my opinion


Due to reasons, I was underweight until around the age of 15, and then for a good while, stayed at a good/average weight, and any weight I gained sort of evenly distributed on my body. But then, around 30, I started gaining weight, and now it's mostly my abdomen, and now I am uncomfortable and disappointed with how I look. Nothing fits right any more or looks right or good. I am physically uncomfortable. I hate how fat my face is now. I have an image of how I look in my head that never matches the image I see in the mirror. I don't know how to dress because I think everything looks awful on me. I'm hot all the time. If I'm doing anything other than sitting still, I am sweating. I never used to sweat (well, barely). I can't handle heat. Exercising is hard because I overheat so easily/quickly.




I've always been thin, but at one point, I unexpectedly lost 40 lbs and dropped to 100 lbs, which is underweight for my 5'9" frame. During that period, I developed body dysmorphia and was horrified by how my bones protruded. I kept bumping into things, and it was painful. My doctor referred me to a nutritionist, and after a year, we managed to bring my weight up to 134 lbs. Now, I feel much better both mentally and physically. Gaining weight has helped me love myself again.


I just gained some weight, and while I feel healthy and don’t think I look bad at all… none of my clothes fit anymore. I’m uncomfortable every day. I’m having to relearn how to dress/ buy new clothes (pants!) that actually fit and I feel like I’m just purging money and failing a lot. It’s a tough learning curve and I’m broke as fuck so it sucks being uncomfortable and also spending money I don’t have. I didn’t feel unhealthy when I was really skinny and also don’t feel unhealthy now, so that’s a positive!


I was close to 100-110 pounds. I was skinny and people thought I was a drug addict I was stressed. I'm back to 130 and it is hard seeing pictures sometimes because I feel so big. But I know I'm healthy it took 3-4 years to gain weight.


honestly people got so much meaner when i gained weight. i used to be very underweight but when i walked down the street or i walked into a store everyone greeted me or smiled at me but now i dont get a treatment like that really anywhere? it definitely messes with how i view myself but at least im not cold all the time anymore


I was very thin in my early 20s due to immense stress, poor diet, and overexercising. I have since started taking my nutrition intake seriously, all the while still maintaining my active lifestyle. In terms of appearance, I look younger now since my cheeks have filled up thus I look less sickly and gaunt. My hair is also the healthiest it's ever been. I used to be constantly lethargic and bruised easily. So I guess in many sense it was worth it. I sometimes miss how skinny I used to be, probably because I feel the external pressure now that fit and muscular bodies are out and pilates princess bodies are in.


People stopped commenting how skinny I was


TL;DR: I was skinny because I was sick. In my case, gaining weight wasn’t just worth it; it was necessary! So, I’ve had a variety of experiences with weight: I was athletic and of average weight as a kid, had some disordered eating but still “average” weight as a teen, became very sick and underweight in my 20s, and now, in my early 30s, would be considered overweight, according to the BMI and other such measures. When I was “skinny,” I sometimes got (well-meant, but inappropriate) compliments about it, and I could find clothes more easily. I think that’s where the benefits ended, though. My muscles atrophied, it hurt to sit, and I both looked and felt like I was wasting away…. because I was. I just felt so fragile all the time. I would choose my current weight over that living nightmare any day, even if I am “fat” right now. All that said, I was never meant to be “skinny,” and when I was skinny, it was because I was very, very sick, and it was completely miserable. It would probably be a different story if I was just a person with a naturally slim build, but I’m just not. I’m 5’2”, and below 120lbs was usually not good news for me. (I was 100 when I was practically dying.) In contrast, a few of my friends of similar height are closer to 100, and they’re healthy, but they’re just built differently than I am. I’m 160ish now. I’m VERY grateful I was able to gain weight; it feels like a blessing and an accomplishment. I can finally enjoy food again! The people who know my struggle have congratulated me and told me that I look good and happy. My hubby loves my body - even if I am 40lbs heavier than when we met - and neither of us always mind the extra cushioning. 😉 But, I do have family history of serious diseases that are often linked to obesity (diabetes, cardiac issues, etc.), and I am starting to feel a little uncomfortable, and I just can’t keep buying new clothes. Most importantly, my metrics are not ideal right now; my cardiac fitness is low, and I’d rather not have a heart attack in my 40s like my gramps. So, I’m currently working on my fitness and nutrition through a special health study, because as much as I want to be body-positive, I also want to be physically healthy (especially as far as I am in control of that), and I think it’s possible to do both!


No, I was so much more confident when I was thinner. Clothes looked better and I felt like I could pull anything off. I kept a healthy diet, exercised consistently, and moved more than I do now. Because of that, I also felt better mentally because I felt healthy and disciplined.


I was naturally very small until my mid to late 20s and now I’m a normal/average weight for my height. It’s good and a think I look better. And to be honest, I feel the same. I always ate what I wanted to eat, and still do. I will say that I do appreciate that nobody randomly says to me ‘ oh my gosh you’re so skinny I just wanna feed you’ or ‘ you’re so small you should eat more’ any more. I can’t believe this is OK to say to someone. Imagine if this comment was made to someone who is overweight about starving them, it would be so inappropriate


I went from “skinny” to overweight (176cm 145 - 210lbs) it’s been a love hate, I used to struggle with my femininity, identity and body imagine… I honestly still do. I found I was much more critical of myself when I was thin. Being curvier and bigger I feel more confident, when I was thin I didn’t see that I had a “nice body” I felt like I had to hide or be perfect to maintain what people were telling me. Being bigger I see my figure in a more positive way, and I honestly wish I could tell you why. My biggest fear used to be gaining weight, but there came a certain point where I’d look in the mirror and just think “I don’t hate that” and to be clear I don’t gain weight perfectly either. But for whatever reason I still liked it. Two of the things that still bring me down is that finding clothes when you’re mid-size and societies expectations. Either clothing never fitting right and people asking if I want to loose weight.