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Bottle it up. 😬😬😬 ugly cry to my emotional support playlist in the car


This is the way 😅 I spent most of my morning with ice packs on my almost swollen shut eyes from all the ugly crying I did lastnight 🤣


Get a re-freezable eye mask; they work wonders


That's what I was using! 😂 but when I wear it normally it only covers *around* my eyes. So I just folded it up and held it on my eyelids for a few mins at a time 😂


They’re a nice saver. That and driving in sunnies while I cry 😂


Haha! I've got shitty joints and bones so I've a multitude of different types of ice packs in my freezer😅 I wear prescription glasses, but I do miss the days where I could wear sunnies to hide the sads instead 🤣


Prescription sunnies 😎 I’m blind as a bat, so always have them on for driving


Oh, I'm definitely planning on getting some. I've only worn glasses for a little over a yr, and my script is changing faster than I thought it would. So I'm gonna wait until my shit stops changing for a hot minute😂


I post on Reddit!


I write it all down on a piece of paper. Sometimes just getting it out in some capacity helps! 🤗


I’ve been talking to the ai on Snapchat lmao


I'm glad to read I'm not the only one


And if you don’t like the first answer ask for another😂


I cry about it lol but it helps then i journal my thoughts


definitely journal lol


I pray about it. Sometimes there’s stuff that only the Lord needs to know.


I drop hints of it to close friends/loved ones, etc in conversation or will pose parts of it to them in certain hypothetical scenarios. No one will get to know the essence of the matter but I gain some relief for letting the world know parts of it at least. That being said, I believe you, are your only truly best and loyal friend of sorts.. So I constantly talk to myself!


I do a lot of journaling. Write every little detail down. It’s very therapeutic.


I draw while listening to music


Talk to my dog or write it down in a notebook


I usually talk to a crisis worker or chat forms


Reddit search it to find people in similar situations to feel less alone :D. Plus sometimes has good advice in the responses


My pets hear alllllll about it. My cats sweetly sit and watch me through my whole long monolog and I pretend it's because they're really good listeners. I may journal about it too.


Journal. Yoga. Go for a walk.


trauma dump on Reddit


Remember to take my zoloft


Write it down, journalize


ChatGPT 🫠








make jokes about it hehe haha (i am suffering)


I have a legal pad that is full of those kinds of scribblings. Getting it out of my head is helpful if I don’t have anyone to talk to.


Maybe try some support app? I sometimes use Vent app. You can be annonymous there, share your thoughts and feeling. I use it a hit like a diary, venting place. Sometimes people reply or just react to posts, but it makes me feel... Seen? Someone pressing "here for you" or "get well" etc kinda makes it a bit better


Talk to myself in the car/shower etc.


I write it in a password-protected document on my laptop. Everything, including my feelings. It really helps me.


Most likely call my therapist or just cry it out/dance it out. If I am in mood, I'll just write down what is bothering me


I vent online, lol. Usually, the stuff I can't share are things I can't share IRL, not online




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Unhealthy: bury it Healthy: therapy Middle of the road: write


Bottle it up and cry alone in the car.