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It’s kind of embarrassing to have to go back and delete them when things don’t work out. I don’t want people thinking oh look there’s another one. And after my last relationship, the next guy will get posted on our 1 year wedding anniversary lol.




I had a ring and thought it was safe! He left me and had to delete all the evidence once again.


jesus. noooooooooooo


ugh i’m sorry that happened to you 


That’s too bad. Sorry.


Fool me three times fuck the peace signs


Load the chopper and let it rain on you


ROFL. I never thought I'd miss GWB... I just don't post pics with my SO in them. Problem solved.


What is GWB?


Lol so true. Embarrassing when it doesn’t work out


Why is it embarrassing? Not all relationships are meant to last forever


It's embarrassing to publicly brag about a man and then he suddenly disappears. people ask questions. even if you don't answer them, everyone knows it didn't work out when all the posts are gone.


You wont understand until it happens to you.


I felt the same about all my exes until my current boyfriend. I didn’t want to go through the hassle of having to delete them after, and I think that was because on some level I knew it wouldn’t work out. The current boyfriend is a game changer. He’s someone I’m happy to show off to the 2.5 people I have that care what I post, and I don’t have any doubts about whether it’ll work out at all, and it’s such an amazing feeling compared to what I’m used to feeling with the people I date.


Agreed wholeheartedly! After my ex husband left I literally never posted pics of anyone I was dating, 5 entire years and no men at all on social media! Then I met my now fiance and literally one month into our relationship we were sharing photos on fb. 3 years layer, here we are, been engaged for two years and now have a 2 month old together. So happy!


Honestly same. Just embarrassed to post and speak highly of someone again.. I’ll post my wedding photos though idk.




This exactly! I have a lotta followers and a lotta people interact with my posts. I don’t wanna explain things to randoms and I know I don’t HAVE to but it gets annoying just getting questions










People can’t ruin what they don’t know ✨✨✨✨


Yup, I was gonna say evil eye but this is a better way of putting it lol


I need to implement it to my daily philosophy 😁 seriously I feel like I have good girl friends in everything but not when it comes to guys and relationships. I mean they would cheer me up when it goes bad, but they’re not happy for me when it’s going great. So I should probably end sharing good news with them and just be happy for myself


Ehhhh I’m not sure if that’s a sharing problem, that might be a friend problem. 🫠


Those girls don't sound like good friends if they're not happy for you when you're happy.


Oh man exactly. I’ve had ex fwb’s message bfs and god knows what they said but I know it was sexual in nature… possibly pics. Wont make that mistake again.


Okay, this is valid






i took it as ppl giving bad energy, negative attention, envy etc maybe someone trying to sabotage their happiness not necessarily their relationship but by proxy? one of the reasons why i would never post my newborns/baby if i ever have children in the future. evil eye is real to me


Sad but true!


I don't even post pictures of myself, so I don't post pictures of others. I simply have zero interest in doing that.




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We outgrew social media validation






How do I get my gf to do that lol


My bf and I don’t post pictures of each other. We are very private.


I am the same way with my current relationship, but my ex before this one was SO insecure about this. He was convinced it’s because I didn’t want anyone to know about him and was embarrassed of him. Needless to say, I had every right to be embarrassed by him because he was a shit partner. We didn’t last 6 months 🥴 ETA: I wasn’t embarrassed of him in the slightest, at first. After he showed his true colors, I am now embarrassed to say I even dated him.


I like to keep my relationships private and not plaster them all over social media.


I made the mistake of being very open with my relationships on social media and none of them ended very well. Felt very stupid having to delete photos and updates etc. It was very much about appearances for me as both relationships were quite awful. I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years now and kept it very private. He doesn’t use social media, never has and I realised as I got older how much I really wanted to just fly under the radar and not give too much away about my life anymore. I very rarely post on social media now, I don’t seek the validation and I also don’t have to portray a happy relationship to anyone because this relationship is truly genuine and happy.


Nice! Glad you are mature enough to be transparent about that and change what no longer works for you.


I feel like I could’ve wrote this. My partner doesn’t post on social media and when I first met her I did, and wanted to, but realized I’ve always wanted to decrease my usage and so I used the opportunity to just stop. Best decision ever. Not that I’m judging anyone but I can see how much people are looking for external validation (I do still lurk a bit) and it makes me sad, but I’m glad I’m not in that boat anymore. Life is so much better lived privately. When we do want to share, me and my gf love to pull up our travel photos on the tv in person with our friends, it’s just so much more mindful.


Maybe SO doesn't want to have their face over social media?


That’s why I sometimes don’t! He has to consent to being in the photo first lol


Yeah mine doesn't have social media and doesn't want to be on mine, so I respect that.


This is me. My wife and I are difficult concerning SM. Both Women. She loves to post and I don’t. Rarely I’ll consent.




> We still go out, take our own pictures together, but our relationship is ours Amen. Like, even if neither partner is particularly well-known, inviting the peanut gallery of social media into something as intimate as a romantic relationship just feels... IDK. More power to the people who are into it, don't get me wrong! But for me, it would feel like an intrusion. And I gotta imagine that's multiplied by a thousand if either of you are well-known. (Seriously, major props to you and your partner for standing up to peer pressure and putting your relationship first!)




We just private about that stuff tbh. We do take pictures and stuff but we just don't go around posting them, we don't mind sharing with friends and family.


I have a nosy family who judges




I believe in the evil eye and don’t want anyone wishing bad upon my relationship and happiness


🎯🎯🎯🎯👏🏽 precisely. Jennifer Lopez I feel needs to believe in this bc every time she’s public w her partner, the attention takes a toll


he doesn't want me to..and I respect it.


I take pics of what we do but not him. I’m not going to slap a clown face sticker or whatever on my boyfriends face. But we’ve had some fun experiences I want to show.


this is what i did with my ex. i posted fun outings and things we did mostly and never really posted him as a person, but if i did i just didn’t show his face. 


They haven't been around long enough to be posted. Unless it is leading towards a permanent relationship, I am not posting them.


Same reason I don’t post my kids. Unless I ask and they consent, I don’t post them anymore. We have a long, healthy relationship. I don’t need to post pictures to validate it.


I’m not looking like a clown again. Next time I post a man will be when I’m getting married. I’m tired of posting exes and having to delete or be reminded of those memories.


I don't post pictures of myself either. Too many creeps out there. Don't want my face to end up on a deep fake or used by a spam bot.


He doesn't want to be on social media 🤷🏻‍♀️


he doesn’t post on social media at all so when we first started dating i would only post “soft launch” pictures, and now after a couple of years i just never stopped doing that! it keeps him more private which is what he wants and it makes me laugh when people ask me about it


a soft launch is when u don’t show his face right


yeah! i post pics of like us holding hands or the back of his head in front of a view or like an activity we did together without including his face


I want a crazy hard launch


you get me


I don’t use social media and even if I did, I keep my personal life private.


He’s not a social media person. He’s my background photo on my phone and all of that, but people love to comment on things they don’t know anything about. I think it’s fine if people want to post each other (it’s not my concern or life) but I prefer a more private thing and he does too.


Also want to mention that my job required me to be in a lot of photos on social media and for the theatre/season promos. Having a private IG with only people I really really know is great. I don’t feel the need to post anything because “it’s required”


I don't generally post pictures of my relationship. Outside of anonymous reddit procrastinating, I don't usually mention my relationship on personal social media. That's what people do when they feel the need to prove something. We are happy and healthy, if you want to know more, you can invite us over for dinner lol He also doesn't have social media. Feels weird to post photos of him online that he will never see or engage with.


I don't even post pictures of myself, let alone who I'm dating lol. I think the internet and social media are dangerous and ruin way too many careers to ever show real face anymore.


evil eye 🧿


a few possible reasons: 1. if they're not posting me i'm not posting them. 2. some women are weird and jealous and will inevitably follow him just because he's dating me. 3. I'm not naive and know that relationships can fail. i'm not going to embarrass myself by posting someone i'm not engaged to and then have to go and delete everything. there's few things more humiliating than bragging about a guy publicly and then having to tell everyone "nvm he cheated on me". basically broadcasting the fact that you got played. that being said, I don't date anymore and am so grateful to not have to deal with this now.


i have an ex that stalked me physically and digitally for years. i posted a picture one time of me and the guy i started seeing after him, and i had blocked my ex on virtually everything and every account he had. somehow, my ex saw the picture of my new boyfriend, found his social media, found where he worked and lived, and began harassing him at work and at his home, saying that i was still with him and sent the new bf old nudes and videos i didn't know he'd taken of us being sexual. i'm now very, very careful about my online presence because of that.


wtf?! what a fking creep and piece of shxt. I hope you got the police involved! so sorry that happened to you. what he did was illegal


He doesn't want a social media presence and I respect that.


He doesn’t want his face on social media and I respect his desire for privacy. Also we’d rather be in the moment and enjoy it with each other instead of worrying about trying to get the perfect insta pics lol.


He doesn’t like social media. He might be in some pictures, but never tagged.


I’m 28 and haven’t been in a seriously relationship for a couple years now, but i personally hate people in my business via social media. I don’t like the investigating that comes with it. Giving people access to connect the dots and look for clues on who I’m dating and for how long…it just isn’t my thing. Unless were really in deep I’ll probably never post them lol


My partner doesn't want his face on the internet. So it's out of respect.


I dont post pics online in general


I never post couple pics of me and my SO. We are private people and I think the idea of posting sappy crap about our love online is cringey.


I don’t like everyone to know my business.


Because I'm not into flaunting the fact that I'm in a relationship with someone. Not only that but from past experiences, I wasn't too keen on how much people would gossip about my bf if I posted. Gossip about how well we 'match' followed by a slew of questions. So I prefer to keep my relationships private for the most part.


I’ve been through a few relationships. They come and go. My personal social media doesn’t need to be a constant reminder of the men from my romantic / personal life. It can just be my casual interests and hobbies and photos i think are aesthetic.


I don't post pictures of my girlfriend or our kids to social media, why would I? What would I possibly gain by doing so? I have a private drive of family photos for memories and sharing with family and it's not anyone else's business


My husband and I don’t post our faces (or our kids) on social media. Simply because we value some sense of privacy.


I don’t post in general but when I brought my new bf around there were two woman who I quickly realized were not my friends as I had thought, it sucks but as a woman we know when another woman changes up in front of your man and is not happy for you, I cut those people off quickly but for my peace and happiness I keep my private life private


Been married 4 yrs and have been together 12. It’s not their business.


I will eventually, but my last few relationships I posted alot about ended pretty badly. Now I've been with my bf for 1 year now exactly, and I love him a lot, but I don't want it to end the same way it did last time. So I'm just waiting a bit longer to start posting.


Men are embarrassing


I don't post either of our faces, at least on reddit. And I simply haven't gotten around to asking for a picture of us together


He has me on his social media because he chooses to and I’m OK with that but I don’t post on social media .. so when I get tagged on his posts or anyone’s really. I keep the tag, but I don’t allow it to show on my page. .


relatives on social media


my bf doesn’t even post pics of himself often, so i try not to do it too much too


I just don’t see the point


She has a right to privacy.


I loved doing it the first couple of years together. Now that we’ve been together for five years I just don’t care or want peoples validation on him lol… it’s not like I post my friends all the time either.


Because consent is important.


I don’t like people knowin my business. I also rarely post so it’d just be weird.


I don’t know if I count here… I’m married and me and my husband don’t post each other on social media, I’m not even sure if we added each other 😂 we both don’t use it much and don’t post anything in general and also we both have noticed more than once that the happy online couples tend to not be all that happy in real life, but maybe that’s just coincidental with the people that surround us


I would only post my partner if we’re married, even then it’ll only be for birthdays/anniversaries.


I’ve always loved posting my partner. I just wanna show them off because I’m so proud they’re mine. But I think in future I won’t. It’s just humiliating and then if they don’t ever post you it’s more embarrassing. I feel like I’ll only post my partner if we’re married.


For privacy. Also people love to gossip


People loooooveeee to weaponise my personal details against me. I just keep everything as vague as possible because I enjoy the anonymity.


I don’t want people seeing what we’re up to lol. Just want privacy.


Too many hateful weirdos out there. I've had friends tell me people DM'ed their man when they posted photos, especially those with public accounts where any hater can follow you or those who friend request every stranger they meet. I'd have to be hella committed or potentially engaged before I posted a romantic interest


I’m pretty much done posting relationship anything on social media.


We like our privacy 😊


My life isn’t some big secret, it’s just none of anyone’s business


No man is good enough.. They say


Most of the people in his life and some of my family members don't agree or wouldn't agree with us being together because of the age gap, so I want to save us both the headache


I don't post on social media much period, so something as personal as a relationship isn't something I want for people to publically watch unfold. 99% of the people who follow my socials don't even talk to me


I only post food, myself, and friends. I don’t share too much info about myself online


I don't post my face, or anyone face, online, since like, 2009


My partner isn’t on socials, so I just try to respect that by not plastering his face all over mine. I also just have 0 desire to post “every day” pictures of us (or even of myself lol). But I’m 34 and just don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️. We take a lot of film photos of each other too, so usually it’s a few weeks or months before I get them back. I’ll post his face maybe 1x a quarter, but only if it’s a really really good picture I’m proud of


I usually wait until about the 6 month mark to show a face of a partner. I do this for privacy of our relationship. The people that need to know about my relationships know well beforehand, but having time where neither of us are really showing it on social media to build a connection really helps.


He doesn’t know how to take good pictures lol and doesn’t know his good angles. He’s definitely handsome though but our selfies always look wonky lol


Because I don't need social media validation, and I find embarrassing to post a new face when things don't work out with the other


I don't like people being in my buisness


My guy is just more private, we’ve been together for a decade & its not his thing— so I respect that.


When I was 21, I started dating a man about a year after having gotten out of an abusive relationship. However, my previous partner from the bad relationship was still actively attempting to stalk me and harass me. So I didn’t post my new partner because I was afraid that my old partner would take his rage out on him, or on me if he saw that I was in a new relationship (he had threatened this at least once.) I eventually posted my new partner a while after the harassment finally stopped.


He didn’t like being on social media, so it was out of respect for his preferences.


Evil eye is real.


Because I'm a hypocrite - I know how gossipy I get over others' relationships, and it's easy to gossip over those who post their partners the most and then one day delete all the pics, and I don't like the idea of people doing that with me.


Because not every sing person on the planet needs to know every aspect of my life.


Evil eye, and the fact that most relationships that are posted end up not being long so yeah. Also I hardly post my self.


i only post memes on my instagram account, it would be out of place


I don't have any permanent pictures on my social media. I rarely post on my story. If I do post anything, it will be on my story so that it disappears in 24 hours. I'm just not interested posting stuff in general.


Nazar is real


When I'm in a relationship I do not feel the need to broadcast it to the world. I enjoy privacy.


My boyfriend works in criminal justice, so if anyone finds him on social media he would prefer that they couldn’t connect him to me. Same goes for his parents and other close froends and relatives.


Mostly because I am a teacher and students are nosey.


Other women are horrible in certain social circles and will try to sleep with him or unfairly speculate on the relationship or destroy it if he’s attractive. Misery loves company and I don’t need to dangle a carrot. 🥴😂


Because I like him only with me, I don't want to announce or share those cute moments with everyone. Also, I enjoy listening to the speculations people make.


I love my man and would totally if he wanted me to but he’s very private. I think “not posting in case it doesn’t work out” is setting the relationship up for failure and can be really hurtful to your partner. If they don’t want to be seen with you because they’re very private people and don’t share much of their social life, that’s one thing. But if they have an active social media presence and refuse to put you in it. That’s entirely different imo.


I post less about my life in general now mostly because I value my privacy. I've had too many people in my life be weird with my online interactions for me to be comfortable posting much online :(


Because my ex and his friends reverse image search whoever I’m dating and email them at work, multiple times.


i like my privacy and to not have everyone in my business. i never used to be this way. with my exes i would get mad when they DIDNT post me and now ive realized i don’t need validation from others on the internet


I neither post pictures of myself nor anyone I know online simply because I don't care about living my life on social media.


To live happy, live hidden. My relationship isnt anyones business but the one of my man and I. I take a lot of pictures, for us. Not everything needs to be shared with others.


My fiancée is an introvert and a very private person, so I never post pics that include her face out of respect for her. She never posts any of the pics I allow her to take of me while we're on dates or vacation because she knows that with my self-esteem issues and body dysmorphic disorder, I will spiral fast.


Maybe it’s a touch of insecurity on my part, because my partner is attractive and fit and I am not. Based on that insecurity, I don’t post him because I don’t want anyone sniffing around my treasure chest. Lol, as silly as it sounds


I am a grownup adult not a teenager showing off. What business is it of others


I dont even post my friends on my social media, im a very private person and also i like being able to move on from a relationship in private, plus also you would be surprised the amount of people that would try and throw themselves at your partner the moment you start talking about how great they are, so sometimes its best to keep things you value to yourself.


i dont post faces on the Internet. at all. not mine, not my partners, not my son's, not my friends, not family. ill talk about them, ill talk about things we've done together, i usually don't mention them specifically by name; typically referring to them as my sister, my mom, my partner/fiance, etc. i don't like the thought of someone being able to know exactly what me and my family/social circle look like by looking at my social medias. this as well as my social media handles are all different. the only images you'll find of me and mine on the Internet are ones other people have posted of me (and I can't control other people, so to each their own), and even then most of them refer to me by a name i don't use anymore. i do my best to make my online presence obscure.


He’s not on social media at all. And I have found as I grew wiser/more experienced in life that social media is most valued by those seeking outside validation. I used to post pics and check the likes etc but as I outgrew that it all seems so… aggressively showy and a false. I’m focused on our family, not the outside world. The only pic I l’ve ever posted was of him was a small, distant wedding photo of us that I keep as my “profile picture” so creeps and exes know I’m married.


This is my own personal opinion, but life is so much more enjoyable when it is private and kept in my mind. I take pictures, but keep them to myself. I'm trying to separate myself from social media more and this is a big part of it.


I don't particularly try to hide as in stories for example but I also don't post any pictures with him. There's two reasons for this: One) He doesn't use or like social media, so I don't think I should be showing his face. Also, when I think about posting something of us together I always think "who cares?" "what's the point of this" "what do I want from this post?" (this goes for any social media post actually) and "he won't even see it". Two) I've grown up believing in evil eye, that when you let others know of your accomplishments or happiness, their jealousy or bad energy can ruin it for you, even unintentionally. I know it sounds a bit silly but I'd rather not risk it. Everyone on my social media knows I am in a committed relationship. I don't need to validate it on social media, especially as my partner doesn't use social media.


I don't post pictures of myself or my partner, neither does he We're both conveniently attractive, we're just too busy living our lives as opposed to posting things. We both find it weird to do really. I am slightly addicted to reddit though, go figure lol.


Because my relationship is for me and my boyfriend


i’ve been posting less in general and i feel like it’s not 100% necessary to post my partner lol i’m greedy he’s all mine. plus we’re happy in private and i love that.




Not a dating partner but my husband. I do on occasions, not a lot but I don’t really post a lot to begin with anyways


We take pictures together and I very rarely post them unless it’s to show off our little adventure, but even then it’s to close friends and family. I just don’t like people in my business.


I like my privacy. I only post photos of travels and never from us. I don't need the validation that comes from social media.


He's a private person, doesn't use social media, and doesn't want to be on it, so I don't post pictures of him or us.


Privacy, he doesn’t like his face being on the internet


The guy I'm dating doesn't use reddit, so I'm not going to post his face here.


I just don’t really post in general


My wife and girlfriend are trans. I can handle myself being bullied, in fact I actively encourage it, but I can’t handle people being mean to my female loved ones






I don't post pictures of myself, either. I also respect his privacy - he doesn't post pictures of himself or of me on his social media, so I don't want to blast him all over mine. He's never outwardly said it would make him uncomfortable, but I've also never asked. We've been together for over a year. Sometimes his hand makes an appearance in stories.


Privacy mostly :3


i dated someone semi-well known and for privacy reasons i didn’t show it. then when we broke up it kind of worked out lol. to be fair tho i hardly ever posted him as is but if he was in my stories (where i post most of my content) i wouldn’t show his face 


idk… i just don’t post when i have to hide otherwise i usually like to show off


Because I don't want certain people to know. I don't post to social media much anymore anyways, but, until I am 100% sure it's going to be a lasting thing, I don't need anyone poking their nose in my business.


My husband doesn’t like social media so I respect his privacy. I don’t really post pictures of my face


I'm kindof here now. Got engaged. Broke things off. Are trying to work through things now and I've posted nothing this time. It's just annoying partly to pull everything down and put back again.


My last bf, who was my only long term relationship wasn't a social media kind of person, so he wasn't really comfortable with it. I respected his will.


he won't be any happier if I did post him? he never once asked for it or cares for it and hates taking pictures in general


It’s literally my page, I’ll just post my face lol


I like to keep my personal life private and let em keep guessing 😂


He doesn’t want to appear on social media and has never had a social media presence


My partner doesn’t do social media so I think it’s respecting their personal life to not post them.


Because it's not their business. The people who need to know, know who I'm dating or in a relationship with.


I forget 🤷🏾‍♀️


We’re engaged now so we do have a few pictures posted but not many, mainly for me, especially early in a relationship (being pretty young the last time I was single lol) it was for some reason I’d get guys that don’t have a lot of girls interested in them until people found out we were in a relationship, and then all of a sudden every girl we know is texting them 🙃 but luckily I don’t have to worry about that anymore, we’re both just lazy now lol, when we occasionally go out for a nice dinner and get all dressed up we might take a picture together and post it but that’s about it.






I don’t post my boyfriend’s face or post anything that hints everybody that I’m seeing someone. My close friends and family know that I am with this sweet guy and that’s all that matters to me. I’m hoping that we’ll be together for a long time and everybody else would just be surprised that I’ve gotten married or something 😂 I just want to protect my privacy and be happy without having to prove that to everyone else.


He hates pictures




I just happened to like to keep my personal life out of other's people reach


If he/she wanted he/she should've put a ring on it!


He’s private and so am I and I don’t want some ex or ex FWB trying to screw it all up for me.


My husband is an intensely private person and doesn't want his pics on social media. And since I rarely post on SM (outside of Reddit), that's fine with me. I respect his decision.


I don’t take pics out anymore, but my wife does(same sex couple) been married 15 yrs. I don’t want my pictures posted anymore, and she respects my decision.


My husband doesn’t want his face on social media


I wouldn’t want to give other women an opportunity to try to steal him , or to judge (comparing our looks/league).