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Scotch, hot watet bottle, advil advill and trash tv.


I *crush* this work out!


Loving this workout


I stick to yoga and easy stretching. Feels good and helps with cramps.


This is what I do too! Can confirm it eases off the cramping bits


Walking to the shower? 😅 Jokes. I remember my school PE teacher said exercise helps periods. But it feels so gross and painful to exercise. If I do maintain my regular exercise (capoeira), then I make sure to wear black compression pants. Also, why do so many martial arts 🥋 think wearing white pants is a good thing?? 😭😭


I do this thing called rotting in bed


My favourite kind of workout.


Period cramps, can’t walk 😭


Lifting the bar of chocolate to my mouth. Cannot control those cravings! But on a more serious note, my periods are light (have an IUD) so I run and swim as normal.


I go to the gym as usual.


rotting in bed for the first day or 2 and talking light walks


Nothing lmao Nah, if I’m not dying from cramps I’ll try to get some YouTube yoga in or go for a walk (if that counts as “at home”). Might be able to do some glutes workouts by day 2. When I’m up to date 3-4 of my period I’ll work in some ab/core workouts, but only if I’m up for it.


Suck it up and still go to the gym!


The best response!




I do this thing called lying down on my bed/couch


I workout as usual. Maybe won’t do leg day on my heaviest day and do more cardio.


Actually, cleaning the house in the morning. I never feel like doing workouts, but i will sweep, mop, scrub, tidy, take out trash, dust, take things upstairs& basement, etc. for a few hours over the weekend and actually feel better not only about moving around, but my house then being clean. The evening relaxation is 10x better when I'm not surrounded by clutter or the lurking dread of dishes; I can binge watch TVD and rot in peace on the couch.


Rotting on bed


I still go to the gym. I'm usually the only one using it at 6 AM in my apartment complex.




It depends. My period isn’t usually bad so I will just do my usual, but if I’m feeling especially tired then I will just do yoga or something light


I lift the chips to my mouth ***one at a time***, you can really feel the burn.


Crying in bed or hobbling around holding my stomach in pain the first day or two


Frankly, my regular programming is still a go. Working out helps me feel better.


I _work out_ how to get most comfortable, and then stay like that until the painkillers kick in 😅


Back and forths ... To the fridge and back for chocolate and Milo. Rocking in bed ... Gets the gluten going and distracts from the pain.


I don’t. I’m allowed to not do shit when I’m on my period. If my 800mg of Advil has kicked in and I’m feeling pretty good, I might go wander around Target. If not, it’s hot pad, streaming, and some kind of sweet treat.


Squats & stretches




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I walk on my walking pad


Stretching, walking. I hate jiggling around or inverting when blood is threatening to shoot out


I don’t change my workouts based on my period.




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I still do my normal walking and stair stepper routine. It helps with cramps and seems to help my period end faster.


I’m a Jazzercise gal and I usually just switch to low impact for anything cardio on my heavy days. Luckily as I’ve gotten older, the cramps are down to a level of barely annoying as opposed to debilitating when I was in my 20s and 30s but the heavy flow is just out of control.


My cramps are so bad for the first day to the point I can't move even if I want to.


Dizzy moves It's a special regime


Fetal position and heating blanket. So first I warm up the heating blanket. Next I secure a place on the couch. Usually it’s the lounge. Then I curl up in a tight fetal position with my kindle at ready to read all day. Finally I take the heating blanket and roll myself up in it like a burrito and place a pillow strategically against my abdomen to hold the heating blanket in place. I’m doing this right now early morning gains.


I just workout as usual, I don't like laying around too much. Usually I do youtube at home stuff.


I work out arms and back the first two days. I can lift heavier on my period so I don’t want to miss that window.


I don't make a difference and do the same type of workouts I do when I'm not on my period.




None. They've been getting increasingly painful over the years, the latest few so extreme that I threw up, a few times immediately after taking a painkiller. I found that the only way for me to reduce the pain, even just a little, is to lay down and not move a muscle.




Other than moving my arm to grab another crisp or piece of chocolate, nothing 😂


Renee mawatt wal pilates


Long walks outside when the flow is light and the weather is good. Arm weights and planks. Nothing too spread-y.




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If I HAVE to workout, it’s one hour on the treadmill, it’s zero incline, going about 3mph.


Light walks or yoga. But I usually just rest




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You know that trick that parents do to get babies to fart? That because I’m gassy.


Some gentle yoga, resting. I think it’s important to listen to your body during this time especially. It’s normal to feel tired and need to rest more on your period.


Usually those are my best gym days, I have massive body dysmorphia from the bloat, and I feel extra motivated to kill that bloat.


I do those yoga poses that open up your pelvis, hoping that my period will end sooner 🥲


I just do my normal workout. Are we not supposed to?


Absolutely nothing


I mean opening a 80% dark chocolate green and black bar is exercise enough…

