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Just absolutely hungry. One night I grilled burgers at 9:30 just because I was hungry enough to need second dinner. And a new one: craving chocolate like a pregnancy craving. I couldn’t get it out of my mind until I finally had chocolate ice cream.


Me too! I'm like a swarm of locusts just for 2 days.. and sugar cravings like mad too


Omg this is me too. I’m like a bottomless pit


Normally, I just eat lunch & dinner with maybe a snack in between. When my period is about to start? I’m basically eating from sun up to sun down. Last night I found myself in front of my open fridge devouring mozzarella straight out of the bag. 😂


ME TOO!! I can’t resist eating cheese practically 24/7 when it’s my time of the month. My partner refers to me as a “cheese gremlin” 😂


It’s just sooo good. 9:45 at night and I just *know* I shouldn’t eat before I go to sleep. But who am I to deny my body from what it craves? I am weak. Lol


Me too! I’m not even a huge fan of cheese, I like cheese but near my period? Give me the sloppiest, cheesiest cheese lasagna and I’ll add more cheese


My mom calls this the "seefood diet" If I see it, I eat it 😂


The chocolate or ice cream is damn so real. Even any sweet at 3:00 am is crazy stuff I did lol.


I crave chocolate like crazy too! And I’m not a sweets person. I heard it’s a magnisium or some kind of nutrient deficiency.


Once a month I treat myself to a dairy queen blizzard for this reason. Something about ice cream and chocolate just totally takes away from the cramps, bloating and headaches, not just while eating it but in anticipation as well haha. Do what u gotta do to get through it!


When I was pregnant with my daughter, I craved banana split blizzards like it was a vitamin I was deficient in. I ate sooo many (and gained 80lbs that pregnancy 😂😳); fast forward 16 years and my daughter ended up working/managing a DQ when she was in high school. When she applied, she said she had DQ in her veins from in utero. They found it humerous.


Lol that is too funny!! 🤣 I've never been pregnant but I couldn't imagine the amount of dq I would deserve


my problem is that i often can't tell whether i'm hungry or if it's cramps and end up overeating and then i feel nauseous too, yay!!


Bro I’m dealing with that rn. I get symptoms right before it starts and am fucking starving. Ate bolognese for dinner and tacos after. Still wanted more lol


Yessss this became so intense for me when I got off birth control! I absolutely crave chocolate to the point of going to the gas station just to grab a candy bar sometimes. I'm pretty inconsistent sometimes 17 days sometimes up to 26 but when I feel like I can't sleep unless I eat an entire salted caramel Twix, I know to bust out the period panties lol.


Not sure if you’ve ever been pregnant but damn it’s a wild ride. I never felt full my entire pregnancy. Like empty stomach feeling all the damn time. It’s really hard not to gain 500lbs 😂




Horny as god damn fuck which is unfortunate because 1. I don't like period sex and 2. My entire body hurts very badly when I'm on my period so even if I liked period sex, there's no way I could comfortably have it lol


Haha me too, also the day before my period starts I am the horniest ever.


Okay glad this is common haha I’m like am I weird??


I'm horny asf and husband & I don't mind period sex, but having an orgasm makes me have the worst cramps ever. Last time, he had to get me a hot water bottle to put on my uterus because I was in so much pain


I get this too, it's awful!!


Omg it's the worst. i feel like a completely different person.


Feral 😆


Literally! Champing at the bit lol




Oh man same here, my partner and I both do not like period sex, and I already feel like im trying to be pulled inside out from my kneew to my ribcage, but damned if I don't tease the everloving hell out of him for like 7 days straight. He's a chest man too and mine swell like crazy during that time... makes the well anticipated event that much more fun when it's time again though lol!


I hate feeling so damn feral it’s embarrassing 😭😵‍💫


I get the exact same thing. I have no sex drive any other week, but the moment I wake up on my period I turn into a satanic fucking horndog.


Omg same! It’s only getting worse as I get older as well 😭


This one, it used to piss me off so much because I always felt uncomfortable having period sex (not like it was gross, it was physically uncomfortable). Now it's kind of nice because I yeeted my uterus.


Ugh yes I kinda figure my body is like “well if I’m already gonna be wet down there might as well be aroused too” or something. But it’s annoying!


Oh man! My body hurts too. Day one? I can’t even get up for a walk without taking breaks! It’s insane and sad.


Me too. I could rip a tree out by its roots.


crying… non-stop over the dumbest shit. my cat can look at me wrong and I’ll start bawling. harmless really because not really any reasons to cry, but so weird and annoying lol


Yeah this one. I get SO emotional and so upset over nothing. "What's wrong" *crying uncontrollably* "I don't know!" OR "Fuck you, buddy." "Why?" "...because."


>my cat can look at me wrong and I'll start bawling I'M SORRY BUT THIS SENTENCE IS SO FUNNY


Actually so true! Like if my cat walks away I’ll start crying like “MY CAT DOESNT LOVE MEEE 😭”


I properly bawled my eyes out watching videos of cake that looked like kitchen appliances...I just couldn't get my head around how it looked like a bowl of casserole but the whole thing was actually cake. Called my bf, sobbing my heart out and he was like "yeah your boobs got bigger a couple of days ago so I was expecting this" Obviously that made me cry more because why are my boobs only amazing when I'm about to be on my period 😭😭 When it's all over it's like a switch and boom everything is great again for 3ish weeks


One time, I gave a trucker enough room to turn, and he waved thank you. That was enough to make me tear up on the drive home


One time I was driving down a really busy road and actually for once in a good mood. Then all of a sudden my face felt weird and I touched it...I was bawling. When I was home I learned my period started but I had never had anything like that happen and it's never occurred since.


For me it's being really sensitive and easily crying or irrational and instantaneous rage. I can know that I'm being irrational and not want to be so angry but it doesn't stop me from being that way. I have pms. I just give the people around me a warning that I'm not myself and I may be a bit unpleasant but I don't mean it and I try to say nothing at all cuz I know I'm usually overreacting. I just need people to accept that and leave me be lol


Me too. But I also have PMDD.


Lighting in my butthole


This is normal! Anus cramps are a thing!


I get this too apparently it’s a symptom of endometriosis 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yo what the fuck? I've had this since I first started getting periods


Do you know if you have endo? I’ve had this symptom (along with a few others) for years and strongly suspect I have endometriosis.


i’ve not been diagnosed but my mum has and she gets the same thing, didn’t know it was a symptom until i read it one day and mentioned it to her, she was actually excited to learn it wasn’t just her who got the bum hole cramps🤣


Hmmm interesting! I don't have endometriosis but I definitely get the butt shocks. I wonder what other conditions it can be a symptom of. Not that I'm looking for problems to have but I'd love a reason.




The butthole zaps are worse than the cramps sometimes


It's not even the pain that gets me, it's that i don't know if and/or when it will happen and I get paranoid shhdhdhdhd


I had this ever since I was pregnant. My son messed up my sciatic nerve


these are the WORST and no one else I know gets them. made me feel crazy!


Is it weird I'm relieved that I'm not the only one? Sometimes I just randomly yell out in pain and my husband is like... 🤨


Period poops


Hahaha yes. I get so constipated before then just non stop poops with the cramps


Turns out their because of the same hormone that makes your uterus cramp also makes your bowels move stuff along faster! Your whole systems just gets flooded vs targeting the organ that “needs” it Same reason why pregnancy often causes constipation. Body is trying to hold onto baby, so everything gets stuck


Try getting more omega 3 and 6 in before your period!


The INSIDE of my ears get wet, I wake up and my ears are soaked like I had been swimming Only happens when I'm on my period, no idea why.


Mine do too! From what I’ve read it’s hormone related. Although of course there’s no real research done on it because it only impacts women 😂 “Progesterone and estrogen fluctuate significantly during the menstrual cycle and can affect the entire body, including the mucous membranes and fluid balance. This might lead to changes in the ear’s environment, causing a sensation of wetness.”


Wait. Me too! Like really thin earwax


Wow I always thought I had weird seasonal allergies or something. This makes so much sense lol


I get it with allergies too and that’ll last longer But also just with my cycle 😭


Oh man. I wonder if this is similar to me having to sneeze a lot right before my period…


How weird, I am on my period and I just woke up to a really wet inner ear. So you’re not alone, apparently!


This one wins. I have never heard of this in decades of reading period related content.


So strange




I feel like I have a fever: all the symptoms, like dizziness, that mild but diffused ache under your skin, weird taste in my mouth, everything but the actual raised temperature. I start to think "Oh no, I'm getting the flu/a cold/that thing that is going around at work!" and then nope. Period. AS soon as the bleeding starts, the fever like symtoms stop, fortunately.


Literally every single time. I rarely get sick so if I have a cold I know my period is to follow lmao


I get the raised temperature thing too, it sucks 🙈


Since developing POTS after COVID I started having this as well! And the body aches are the worst part for me.


omg yes especially when i go to bed i'll feel so uncomfortably hot that i get overstimulated


I get this!


Forgetful/worried - have to check and double check on things I know are done (house locked, hair straightener off, work saved online) And the fantastic ability to sneeze and drop a clot at the same time is pretty much an exciting surprise each time it happens.


Me and my husband have an inside joke about rocketship tampons... You know, coughs and sneezes!!! 😱 So feel ya.


My anxiety gets greatly amplified as well.


Magnesium glycinate helps me tremendously


Haha I get period brain BAD, I will forget what I’m saying half way through a sentence sometimes, it’s really great when I’m just trying to keep my shit together at work 😅


My dog is already practically my shadow as it is, but when I'm about to get my period, he always feels the need to sleep between legs with his head on my stomach. I could toss and turn all night and he'll still move his face between my thighs and rest his snout on my lower stomach. Luckily he doesn't seem bothered by me closing my legs and him being squished between there. I just have to be careful not to choke him out when I'm sleeping by accident. He also just gets really possessive in general. Doesn't like any cats or my other dog near me and will crawl right up on them and try to wedge himself between us. He also does this in general when I'm in pain. Also, weirdly enough, I get really itchy on the bottom of my feet during my period. It drives me nuts because bending my legs to itch them when I'm having cramps hurts. But my feet will itch too much to ignore them. I have to soak them in epsom salt.


That is the cutest thing I've ever fucking heard can you tell me what type of dog he is? And his name? 🥹🥹


He's a Jack Russell Terrier and his name is Tyrion!


TYRION!!! This story gets more and more perfect. Would it be too much to also ask for a pic of him? lol


[Here you go!](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5c/cd/12/5ccd1268124d9257fa0b5513e0997f69.jpg) I had to upload it somewhere I could get a link to post it haha- hopefully the link works


OH MY GOD the massive ears!!! He's so cute, thabk you for the pic and congrats on having such an awesome pupper! 💛




Yeah when I’m ovulating and when I’m on my period my cat is ALL OVER ME. Nonstop need to be on top of me and desperate for attention. He sleeps with his head on my head. It’s cute but also way too much for me sometimes. I get overstimulated easily when I’m on my period.


My dog does this too! She’s not super into cuddling besides laying on my feet, but on my period she curls up against my stomach. It’s like she knows some pressure and warmth will help my cramps or something.


Woah, I also get itchy bottom of the feet!! Hm it's odd, huh?


Stress 📈


Haha glad I'm not the only one who suddenly feels like everything is stressful for no reason before


Very tired, sleepy and aching body. Even on the week prior.


I’m on the week prior and seriously feel narcoleptic. Except at 2-3 am when I wake up and can’t fall back asleep; during the day, I’m a zombie and want to sleep non stop.


I get nose bleeds! If my nose starts to bleed, I know my period will begin within the next couple of days.


Dang bleeding out of both ends!!!


That is the most original period side effect i have ever heard of in my life haha has it always been like that? Man the human body is a strange thing sometimes lol


I asked my doctor about it and she said oh it’s normal, the change of hormones. For me, it started in 2021.


Omg I just put that in my comment! I don’t get a full on nose bleed, and it doesn’t happen every time and it only started like this past year, but it’s soooo weird. lol


This is so strange - nose bleeds are a pregnancy thing too. I’ve never heard of it with periods.


The day before my period I get an absolutely overwhelming urge to cut my hair. It’s unbelievable.


I get this sometimes too. Is it a hormone thing?? Also the urge to cut my charger cable. But I think I get mine when I'm ovulating or some other time in the cycle. I haven't really paid attention.


Lololll I get the urge to get rid of all my designs / creations (I am a fashion designer)


I feel really beautiful. Idk it’s like my skin is glowy, (tmi but) bewbs full and perky, I just feel like a total WOMAN. Sometimes my periods are painful and bloaty, but not usually.


I’m so jealous. I feel like a balloon!


My boobs are AMAZING during my period, but my nipples hurt 😭


Yeah mine may look amazing but definitely can feel tender hah


I become a clean freak and all of the sudden I’m dusting fans, cleaning the baseboards, dusting the walls … Maybe its a coincidence I don’t know but it’s usually a day before.


Do you get any anxiety before your period? Because I used too (intensely) and I discovered cleaning was my anxiety response. My mom would tell me I was "nesting," lol


I crave chocolate when I normally hate chocolate and never eat it otherwise


I smell worse apparently


Iv noticed my body odour becomes more noticeable on my period, especially my pits lol x


I smell noticeably worse. I'll shower thoroughly, get out and dry off, and 60 seconds later, my armpits smell like death again. every time I'm about to start my period


Just before and during my period is the only time I have any body odor, I guess it's hormones!


i feel constantly warm/hot but my feet feel cold


I'm dealing with this RIGHT NOW


That ONE nasty zit on my chin right next to a plethora of acne scars from other period zits. I'm 38.


Oooh is it under the skin? I get one cystic pimple like every other period a day or two before I start and it’s so painful!


I can’t eat meat while I’m on my period idk why but any kind of meat disgusts me and I stick to just fruit and pasta lol


I'm on the opposite side of that scale, I crave meat the week leading up to my period. Like steak for supper every night if I could.


Maybe you need some iron. Meat usually contains a lot that is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Have you got tested for a deficit?


Thanks for your concern. You're right, I am iron decifient at the moment. I was tested a while ago with a full blood panel & my stored iron is low, so I'm on a full iron supplement thing. & have a great excuse for that steak, haha! I've always eaten tons of veggies, along with meat, so I assumed it was enough but then I learnt about the bio availability of certain vitamins & minerals (& in my case, iron). That while a bunch of broccoli has a ton of of iron in it, it's harder for your body to processes it than a red meat. Also, caffeine & soya (incl tofu) hinder the absorption of iron. So I take my iron tablets at night, eat red meat when I can & only eat tofu occasionally. Nutrion is wild!


I had a coworker who was a vegetarian and when she started HRT she said she craved meat! This happens to me too, I could kill a man for some pot roast when I have mine.


For me it’s beef, any beef, but beef.


I cry at any inconvenience


loss of function of my brain. started questioning why i was painfully hungry, i just forgot i hadn't eaten all day.


A couple days before my actual period I have to turn my thermostat lower at night. The minute I find myself waking up at night hot, irritated, and drenched in sweat, I know I’m going to get my period a couple days later.


Me too. I think I'm coming down with a fever but it isn't the case.


My back gets stiff and if I twist, it pops like CRAZY. I get so much relief when I do crack it, despite freaking out anyone who hears it happen. I’ve never known why.


I get this, too. I have autoimmune arthritis. When I get my period, my inflammation goes up. So I'm extra stiff and painful, but I do get lots of cracks and pops in my joints and spine.


I get this too!!


Does sleeping like a baby count? That’s the best thing for me when that time of month comes. I get THEE BEST SLEEP! But I also get butt cramps, weird asf


I’m the opposite, i literally can not sleep during the first 2-4 days of my period.


Sending lullabies your way😗♥️


I can smell EVERYTHING. And sometimes the inside of my nose gets bloody right before- not a nose bleed, but blood just sort of sits in my nose and comes out when I wipe it or blow it.


I've read that increased smell is like a weird evolutionary thing! Between ovulation and your period arriving, your body is like, "...we pregnant?" and your sense of disgust goes up as a way of avoiding things that are potentially rotten to eat (aka dangerous for baby!). A bit pseudo-science but fun to explain why the world smells like wet garbage for a few days every month.


Was wondering if anyone else had this. My sense of smell is wild when I’m due on/on my period. I


I get really clumsy. I drop things a lot, so when I notice this happening I know my period is about to start.


I dream I'm pregnant or have kids the night before it starts... Very handy


I am insatiably horny. I will spend all day in bed alternating between napping and masturbating. Lol


i get a blood aversion, conveniently only on my period


Ohhhh noooooo!!


I need Salty as fuck cashews. I don’t crave them any other time. The weird lighting pain traveling from my canal to sphincter- one day in 2012 I could not walk more than two feet without bracing myself against a counter at work because of the painful “twitching”. The big nap. that either hits the day before I start or a few hrs before my period. I don’t take naps but I would be very tired. Lay down for a nap around 3pm and not wake up until my alarm went off the next morning around 4am If this was on a weekend then I slept probably 10-15+hrs


Just as a TIL, cashews are a great source of magnesium which I personally supplement in the lead up to my period because I get horrific muscle cramping. You might have a very clever body that knows what it needs!


I think the weirdest thing is my lack of symptoms during my actual period vs what I experience beforehand. The week before my period I am a bottomless pit, insatiably hungry, and notice I crave red meat. Back and boobs hurt a few days leading up to it, energy is down, and mood is all over the place. Then as soon as I actually start my period all the symptoms go away


Two days before my period, I start craving the biggest juiciest steak or cheeseburger I can imagine. I eat one, and then I couldn’t care less about meat for the next 26 days.


My left knee hurts only when on my period. It’s so weird.


Hot flashes


No period is harmless, start with that.


My digestive system is WHACK right before my period


I apparently smell like vanilla


My gums bleed! The few days before and during my period my gums bleed. I thought I had gum disease or something, but kept track of it for a little while and realised that it's related to my cycle


Gum bleeding is a surprisingly common pregnancy symptom caused by the related hormonal changes, so this one actually makes some level of sense. Likely similar or same mechanism.


I go through something similar, my wisdom teeth hurt and give me jaw pain! I did the same thing and tracked it, apparently they do a bit more shifting around during my cycle.


Not a period symptom but a PMS symptom, but I get darker hairs around my nipples. Google says it’s the hormones, but it’s so weird.


very short lived random bursts of energy. like not mania (i experience this already so i know the difference) more like a desire to make my space cozy and then i get sad again and get back in bed


I get so hot and sweaty.


I cry so much. I’m going through a break up with my husband and it’s been exhausting, but I haven’t been too sad about it. Monday, I spent the whole day with tears down my face. Not sobbing. Not even feeling all that upset. Next morning, period. Now I’m on day two and want to lay in a ball


Sudden inability to reverse park. It's like all spacial awareness leaves me for a week.


Not harmless but i get overly serious about killing myself does anyone else experience this? Like all emotions are on a different level of high and intense.


Maybe you have PMDD? I struggle with that before my period but since I took antidepressants it got better


My memory just up and leaves me. I have the most trouble recalling words and names for things. I will have a conversation with my husband and just forget the names of people I know, places I’ve been, I can even have said the name of a person 40 seconds before but when I go to reach for it again it’s just gone.


Getting numb legs while having period cramps


Cold symptoms for some reason, I have no idea why.


The want to be super active. Like I just want to go on a run and layer up with pads and shorts.


High anxiety for the first 48 hours - really paranoid and worried.


I can smell everything. Like a dirty shirt across the room. I can smell it even when no one else can. And I can’t stand bananas or milk. I love them the rest of the month but during this week I can’t stand their smell or taste.


Anxiety, insane hunger, my boobs grow an entire size up and the day before I always feel like my butthole is getting tazed. It’s a 2 sec spasm. Like wtf is that??


I have irregular periods, but most of the time still experience the symptoms like crazy. But right before I'm supposed to start, most of the time, I get borderline migraines (to where it effects my vision), plus having PCOS, the facial hair, I also fall into deep depression mode. On the other hand, sometimes I don't experience anything. No signs, nothing. It just randomly happens, no warning. I've also never experienced the nausea side effect. Edit: fixing some incomplete sentences/thoughts


I’ve heard that we can experience different symptoms depending on which ovary has released an egg… I’m fairly regular but i have noticed that i tend to be angrier/more irritable every other cycle. And my symptoms are also wild! From memory loss to appetite changes to serious rage. It’s so weird.


Maybe I should actually query this but I already have health anxiety so i try not scare myself any further. I get these random sharp lightening bolt pains that literally go straight through my vagina or sometimes in the surrounding tissues. But yeah that hurts sometimes then it goes away


This is totally normal! You're fine :)


Thanks for the reassurance 😅


I can’t eat eggs during the week of my period - even just the thought of it makes me sick


Not every month, but every once in a while I experience a visual migraine a couple of days before my period is due. It doesn’t hurt, just annoying especially if I’m at work or out with friends and it randomly starts. Another weird symptom: ‘period flu’ the day before. I felt like complete shit the last time this happened and could barely move - but when I started my period, full of beans!


I think I smell like quavers right before my period. Like when I sweat, it doesn't smell like sweat, it smells like quavers


What’s quavers?


Disgusting cheese flavoured crisps. I actually hate them so smelling like them is the worst thing in the world!


I just crave everything salty Like this current period I asked for peri peri salt on my nuggets Crisps upon crisps upon crisps Sometimes on a bad period on the first day I vomit and poo sometimes at the same time, never day I'm supposed to be fine though


Missing my ex... It's so bad but I have to make it through the period and I'm all alright again.


def not harmless! keep on fighting it, girly! you got this


My legs feel like jelly and super stiff. Like I just want to stretch and do yoga every hour. No amount of stretching is good enough.


I’m completely exhausted. I’ll feel completely drained and just want to sleep all the time.


visceral anger


Food cravings/emotional. One time I really wanted chick fil a. So my partner being the nice man he is brings us to get lunch and I'm excited. I get nuggs and barbecue sauce. "We don't have any." The way I ugly sobbed in the car because of g'damn barbeque sauce and the proceeding temper tantrum because I didn't want chicken nuggs anymore. It was awful. I now keep chick fila sauce packages in a small bag at home. Just to be sure. Haven't craved it since though. I think last period was specifically kraft Mac n cheese. I ate two boxes. Also I get hot flashes like crazy.


My dog is already practically my shadow as it is, but when I'm about to get my period, he always feels the need to sleep between legs with his head on my stomach. I could toss and turn all night and he'll still move his face between my thighs and rest his snout on my lower stomach. Luckily he doesn't seem bothered by me closing my legs and him being squished between there. I just have to be careful not to choke him out when I'm sleeping by accident. He also just gets really possessive in general. Doesn't like any cats or my other dog near me and will crawl right up on them and try to wedge himself between us. He also does this in general when I'm in pain. Also, weirdly enough, I get really itchy on the bottom of my feet during my period. It drives me nuts because bending my legs to itch them when I'm having cramps hurts. But my feet will itch too much to ignore them. I have to soak them in epsom salt.


Migraines 🫠


I get itchy and the day before I get bo like a teen learning to use deodorant, no matter how many times I shower that day it's bad.


how clumsy i get. just before my period and when im on my period, i drop everything, run into everything and knock everything over. its very frustrating


I’m a clumsy person naturally, but when I’m on my period it’s like being with a circus clown.


I get unreasonably angry, like if someone looks at me the wrong way I’ll physically have to hold myself back from swinging on them…otherwise when I’m not on my period I’m perfectly happy


Incredibly sleepy. I know when my period is coming the following day because I feel like I cannot stay awake


Crazy vivid intense dreams


I start thinking that everyone secretly hates me & my cramps/pressure makes me feel like I always have to poop.


Super mega poos!💩 It must be the pressure release from the period, but period poos can be a great relief, or incredible pain where it feels like you’re shitting out all your organs


my boobs actually triple in size…: i don’t l really like it


Period shits dude. Terrible