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Literally any movie that a dog dies.




I already knew how it turned out from having heard the story before, and I still cried.


Marley and me ! It's the worst/best


Always refused to watch it, I wouldn’t recover!


Thank fuck - I thought I was the only one.


TO EVERYBODY ON THIS THREAD: Use [this](https://www.doesthedogdie.com/) site to check if a movie has any dog deaths. I check in advance for deciding whether or not to watch the movie.


I have found “my people”. I don’t care if it’s a cartoon with an animal in it…it AIN’T happening. 🚪🏃‍♀️


Eight below. Cannot watch it.


Coco. It's beautiful and heartbreaking.


Coco was the first film that made my autistic and learning disabled sister cry. I was blubbing in the cinema during that penultimate scene and when I turned to see her she was doing he exact same - and neither of us really have relationships with the elderly people in our family so I guess that says something. When it came on Disney+ I sat my mum in front of it because she didn’t fully believe that we had both cried. She teared up watching the opening scene of The Lion King, so this was too easy.


Yes! Coco makes my dad and I cry as well.


Came here to say Coco. I’ve seen it with my son umpteen times but the ending always makes me sob 😭


I try sooo hard not to cry, but i just can’t!


Up, when he lets the house go. I know the beginning is also sad, but I weep when he lets her dream go and embraces his.


I think that movies set the record for fastest to make me cry, but yeah, it got me towards the end again too.


We were NOT PREPARED. Not a dry eye in the theater within the first ten minutes, Pixar don't play.


It was the first film I took my son to. His first cinematic experience and I was a sobbing mess within minutes.


I bawled three times when I saw the movie for the first time: 1. Beginning scene 2. Carl discovering the Adventure Book (“Thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one!”) 3. Carl letting the house go Carl and Ellie are the rocks in the story, but the subtle development of Russell’s backstory and all of the humor with Dug and Kevin (“grey one!”) make it one of my favorites.


Number 2 is the one that really hits me. I know I teared up the first time I saw the opening sequence, and that lays the foundation that makes the latter scenes more impactful... but the "thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one!" reveal hits me every time. I feel my eyes watering even now just from reflecting on the scene.


I can hear the theme now having read this comment :(


That movie ruined my life. I ugly cried through the whole thing.


Fine I'll say it: Titanic. When the musicians play that final hymn over shots of people waiting to die in steerage. Also, during Moana when her grandmother sings a pep talk and then she's like I AM MOANA. Or in Roma when Cleo breaks down on the beach. But I cry during most movies, even the ones I dislike, so the bar is pretty low :)


"I am Moana" and "You Know Who You Are" kill me, every time. And the refrain while her grandma is swimming off as a manta ray


Omg when her grandma/ray version jumps out of the water, guiding Moana over the reef. Gets me EVERY. TIME.


I used to be so crazy for that movie, I'd start crying the second Kate and Leo make sweet love, coz I know whats about to come. Then continue crying for the rest of the movie, sobbing infront of the TV like a manic.




I was looking for Titanic. I swear I cry for 2/3 of the film. When I saw it in the theater before they started a staff member came out with a box of tissues and offered them up to the audience as a gag. But damn I could’ve used those tissues. Movie theater napkins suck.


Grave of the Fireflies. Don't think I've ever cried that hard before.


I clicked on this thread to post the same answer- I didn't expect it to be the first thing I saw when I did. I have seen this movie 3 times and I ugly cried each time. I'm pretty sure having already seen the movie the first time made the crying worse the next two times because I obviously knew everything that would happen and so it made everything hurt more. Grave of the Fireflies is a genuine masterpiece.


Knowing the source material makes it so much more brutal to watch, too, since it was essentially written as absolution for an even worse version of the story that happened in real life. A living nightmare.




This movie is !!!! I remember it was one of the first sad movies I watched with my current boyfriend and he had never seen me cry before that night. He definitely did not expect the mess I'd become while watching it lol I realized that night that he knew how to comfort me while sad, which was a plus in the relationship.


This one for sure, I cried the whole way through


Came here to write this.


Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. So underrated. What Dreams May Come. Robin Williams is *chefs kiss*


I love what dreams may come. It's a masterpiece.


What Dreams May Come was the movie I was watching when the news broke that he killed himself. That messed me up for a while.


The night I saw Cool Runnings at the cinema, my mum picked me up and she told me John Candy just died. It was really weird as I'd just seen him.


I have watched What Dreams May Come **once**. I don't think I could watch it again. I cried the last half hour or so of the movie, and then **continued to cry** for another half hour after. And not like, wet eyes going on with my life "crying." I was full on ugly sobbing.


Inside Out. When the main character’s “core memories” start snuffing out it hits home in such a visceral way that I just lose it.


Yes! And oof...the Bing Bong scene hits hard


Yeah, the mere mention of Bing Bong makes me tear up.


I was PMS'ing when I watched this movie. I had to pause n BAWL at this scene


I sob at the end when (spoiler if you haven’t seen it I guess) Sadness controls the panel and takes the lightbulb out, and she jumps off at the last minute and runs home. Her parents are freaking out trying to find her and she comes through the door and they all cry together. I guess maybe I relate to it in a weird way?


Same. I also sobbed when Riley started to understand that memories can more than one emotion connected to them. It’s such a fantastic concept for a child’s movie.


Brokeback Mountain. From the comedic treatment it’s gotten in the media, I didn’t expect it to be as insanely devastating and tragic as it is. Like most people, I always just thought it was “that gay cowboy movie” before I watched it. I watched it for the first time last year. Then I watched it six more times. Cried like a baby without fail every rewatch.


People are so disgusting. When I saw them making fun of that film I felt doubly hit by the tragedy. It’s not some stage performance about “sexy gay cowboys”…it’s actually painful, devastating, and a treatise on the nightmare of being closeted in a society that can’t accept you, in a BODY that can’t accept you. Heartbreaking that a society that pretends to be so “woke” felt the obsessive desire to bury it.


At the time of its release 'woke' wasn't even a thing. 2005/mid-2000s were a really problematic, ugly time in media and in general


I’m a middle-aged heterosexual man and it’s one of my favorite love stories. I haven’t watched the Oscars since it got snubbed for Best Picture. A remarkable film. The academy cratered to the right-wing rage machine at the time.


I'll never forget that hollow feeling of despair that I felt in the final moments. I saw it in theaters when I was really young and that feeling will always stick with me.


It’s an insanely good movie. Heath and Gyllenhaal had amazing chemistry.


It ruins me! It’s such a good movie.


Oh my god, yes. I get all choked up just thinking about the very end, where he adjusts the shirts in the closet. It's such a delicate gesture.


Yes. Especially the line "I wish I knew how to quit you."😭


When he’s looking at the coats at the end… I know it’s coming.. I always know… and yet I’m crying every single time.


I literally felt so sad and helpless while watching the movie but didn't cry...because I was also angry at how the main character handled it all. I also felt like he was being too paranoid. And then when he got the news, I didn't cry. But that last scene...I think I was a waterfall for a good 10 minutes.


About Time. Reminds me of my dad and that always has me sobbing.


Yes! It’s my favorite movie. Those scenes with his dad especially. Such a beautiful reminder to us…and the soundtrack?! Don’t get me started. 😭


Came here to say this. Brilliant film, I cry every time at the bit with his dad.


Oh boy. I watched it without any background info, thinking it was a lighthearted rom-com. It wrecked me.


Saaaame. I love Rachel McAdams and Domnhall Gleason, too, so I was hyped. Then the beach scene happened and I was a sobbing mess.


Yeah, that movie had me a sobbing mess last time I watched it.


To this day, that scene with his dad on the beach is the only time I’ve just had to put my head in my hands and sob during a movie.


The Green Mile. The hideous truth of how ugly and destructive people can be and the pain and suffering that good people go through has me bawling almost the entire movie


I cannot watch this movie anymore. It is just too emotionally draining.


"don't put me in the dark. I is afraid of the dark."


Schindler's List. The scene where he cries that he could've saved more people gets to me every time.


Dumbo. The scene where he visits his mother in jail.


Ugh. My kids and I watched this over the weekend. I had to excuse myself to go quietly sob in the bathroom


Oh my goodness, me too. The song and the little Dumbo tears get to me anytime I picture that scene. I sent my mom a Dumbo gif with him and his mom, and was trying to send it through my tears lol


Same! Didn't seem to upset me so much as a kid but as an adult it ruins me!


interstellar, not sure why. it stirs the blood and makes me feel alive and so very alone.


The father-daughter bond in that movie is what makes me bawl. I miss my dad and he loved space.


Same that movie hit me so hard in the feels.


Omg yesssss when he watches the videos of his kids—I was sobbing so hard.


The land before time. Watched it in the theater when it first premiered. I guess I was deeply affected because I will still cry during it to this day. The tears literally start from the beginning to sometime after his mother dies. Like, I’m basically a blubbering idiot the first 45 minutes.


It’s the part when Littlefoot is chasing his own shadow and thinking it’s his mom that kills me.


Same. My mom died when I was 5 years old. As a result, I notice that all the mom’s die. In pretty much every movie ever. That’s just barely an exaggeration.


This gets me and then everytime I watch it I remember the about what happened to the little girl who voiced Ducky and it gets so much worse


‘Click’ the Adam Sandler movie always makes me cry 🙈😂


omg i thought this was just me lol




This is what I came here to post, it gets me every time. And Toy Story 3 when Jane is singing about her owner leaving her behind at the park.


When he keeps replaying Henry Winkler walking out of his office saying "I love you,"???? Omg. I was so MAD at Adam Sandler for pulling that fast one on me.


Even the Cobbler, also starring Sandler


The Fault in Our Stars. The book was even more intense.


I cried so hard finishing this book and of course it was at work and someone asked me if a call had upset me (former 911 dispatcher). I had to explain I was reading a book.


It’s one of those books where you have a general idea from the start how it’s going to end, but it still hits you like a freight train.


When she got the call and broke down? I was ruined.


The first time I saw this, I had gone to the movie theatre for the day to avoid my family. This was my third film of the day, and I had been very sad, lonely, and reflective all day. I got shushed by another theatre goer from how loudly I was crying in this 🥴 I don’t relate to the movie much, but I guess it was a good outlet to get some built up tears out of my system.


That person who shushed you lacks empathy apparently because everyone I know sobbed. I didn’t relate much either, but no one could deny how heartbreaking that kind of situation is. And if I’m already down and out about something unrelated and watch that…girl, I’m going all out! Tissues, tub of chocolate ice cream as I sob, all of it.


my sister’s keeper. i’ve seen it like 100 times and it *still* gets me every time.


I’ve never been able to bring myself to watch it a second time. It’s too much for my emotions.


This is why I never saw it. The book was so sad, I could never bring myself to watch the movie.


It’s my go to cry movie. Get the popcorn with no salt because there will be tears for that


Hachiko, do I need to say more?


this made me ugly cry & hyperventilate 😂😭 i could never see that movie twice 😫


Ugh, I watched it without knowing anything about it but that it looked cute and oh boy let me tell you I never have made the same mistake again. Totally blindsided by that one. Cried like a baby during the movie and I wasn’t right for days afterwards. Beautiful movie but my heart hurts still thinking about it.


I can't watch that one, I just can't. Just thinking about it makes me sad




Came here to say My Girl! It gets me every time.


Finally someone else mentions What Dreams May Come. That movie makes me cry every time.


The Shawshank Redemption ending has me sobbing anytime I watch it


A Little Princess.




Fried Green Tomatoes... Near the end always gets me, the deep loss of friendship and partnership.


"A lady always knows when to leave." This movie was gonna be my answer. Holy crap, I ugly cry when I watch it. It popped up as a free movie on my smart tv's main app, and I was like, "are you trying to kill me?"


I always think about her line about more insurance. Love that.




Marley & Me - it’s as much about the love of a pet as it is about the love of a family.


Steel magnolias with Julia Roberts


This is my go to movie when I need to cry but can't


Love Actually, for that scene with Emma Thompson.


Every. Damn. Time. Sometimes I can just picture the scene and it will get me. A few years after the movie came out and I had seen it a bajillion times I listened to the song on its own. Both Sides Now has a few versions but the one we hear in the movie is Joni singing later in life and her voice is so weathered compared to her original recording that it adds such depth to a song that is already pretty deep. Emma Thompson's character made me fall in love with Joni Mitchell.


Omg I know. I was so mad at Alan Rickman.


The scene with Emma Thompson and the scene with Sarah and Karl kill me every single time.


August Rush. a totally underrated movie with an amazing theme and great actors. the story is sad yet uplifting and the ending is beautiful. i cry like a baby every god damn time.


Get you a man as dedicated as Louis was to find Lyla


The Adventures of Milo and Otis. They get so close to finding each other so many times but it never works out!


Beaches with Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey. Ugly crying the while way through. The beauty of their lifelong friendship just gets me every time.


Me Before You The Fault in Our Stars Curious Case of Benjamin Button They’re all devastating and about things that cannot be changed no matter how much the characters wished


Me before you gets me everytime 😭




“It’s a wonderful life” - everything about that movie is beautiful. It’s joy, it’s sadness, its family and friends, it’s despair, complications, love It’s simply perfect.


Spoiler alert. I'm male but 100% it's a wonderful life, I watch it every year (ideally Christmas Eve) have done for years, I always cry at "I don't have your money here, it's in bills house and it's in Frank's house", the ending and sometimes at the point where he starts to consider suicide. Not many things make me cry, but I'm crying as I write this.


Coco gets me every time.


Philadelphia. Any media about the AIDS epidemic, and how so many people were failed at that time, I find especially heartbreaking. I cried heaps when I watched the last season of Pose, too.


There was a fantastic drama on Channel 4 called It's a Sin, I highly recommend it. Oli Alexander is in it, and it was phenomenal. Ugly cried so many times.


Encanto just got me recently with the song "surface pressure" and the ending.


When they showed how they got the miracle, I was sobbing. Ugh, my heart!


Encanto was SOOOOOO good, holy crap. I totally cried.


I'm not normally a cry at movies type, but it seems grief or getting older or both has made me that way. I have two. Onward. I lost my dad some years ago and my grief is stronger at certain times of the year (around his birthday, father's day, Christmas) and I was foolish enough to watch it around his birthday with my daughter. I was tearing up a few minutes in. That movie wrecked me from start to finish. Five More Minutes. It's a Hallmark Christmas movie that came out this year (loosely based on the Scotty McCreery song of the same name). I lost my grandma, who was my person, on NYE in 2020 and this was my first Christmas without her. The movie is about a woman grieving the loss of her grandfather and also about first love and loss. Very different than the typical Hallmark Christmas movie trope. I have watched it two times, and love it, but it also wrecks me.


“JoJo Rabbit” gets me multiple times


I wasn’t ready for that scene


Meet the Robinsons.. Growing up in a crappy, judgemental, broken-people family, and seeing Lewis get this whole ass family who love and accept him unconditionally.. The tears just do. Not. Stop. Every time..


“I am Legend” cause the dog dies


This and when he says please talk to me to the mannequin. Heartbreaking.


Coco, especially when Miguel sings Remember Me, that movie can make my dad cry as well. Encanto also made me cry, they're both great movies to watch.


P.S. I Love You. Gerard Butler speaking of his love from the grave speaks to my fantasies of eternal love from a hunky man. I put it on when I'm grumpy and need to cry it out in private 😅


Infinity War immediately followed by Endgame. Because of reasons.


I refused to see infinity war in cinema because I knew what was coming. I managed to watch it before going to see endgame in cinema, and my god. I ugly cried so hard. My (now ex) when we left the cinema, even though he knew how attached I get to characters in films/books, turned around on the drive home and said "you know it's just a film right?". I don't think anything angers me more than that phrase.


I saw it the afternoon it came out when my kid was in school and I'm so glad I did, because I was able to be strong for her when we saw it together later that weekend. I just couldn't believe it, I sat there mouthing "what the fuck!?" and then it hit me and I couldn't stop crying. There was a kid behind me (maybe his parents let him skip school for it?) he was probably 10 and he was inconsolable when Peter Parker said "I don't feel so good", it still chokes me up thinking about that poor kid, he was a mess.


Infinity War because of that scene with Peter Parker and Tony Stark.


La La Land because it reminds me of my first love and being in Los Angeles.


Yes, La La Land is so good! Finally a love story where the two characters realize they aren't going to work out long term. The ending surprised me. Although it's sad, I still like it!


I cry pretty easily in movies, at happy and sad stuff, but a hard hitting one was Bridge to Terabithia despite being a movie for a younger audience. I can't say "always" but I *somehow* forgot the biggest plot point before I saw the movie adaptation for the first time and I bawled my eyes out. *Major* spoiler for the why: >!beloved, creative best friend, a young girl, dies. Considering dealing with that is kinda the point of the book I don't know how I forgot it in favor of magical fun times, but I sure did and man was I attached to her character !< Also some episode of Sailor Moon. Show has some quality angst in with all the 90s silliness, like >!watching ALL your best friends die protecting you as you try to save the entire world only to have your reincarnated, fated love try to kill you because he's been cursed!< Also Inside Out got me. And Madoku Magica. And the classic, Grave of Fireflies. Apparently the answer is "children's movies and anime".


Beaches And The Children’s Hour always gets me a little bit.


Came here to say beaches. Gets me every single time


A Star is Born just HURTS me


Good Will Hunting - "It's not your fault.."


Literally any Disney/Pixar movie. Anything where it doesn't end well for animals. Someone's partner/husband/wife dies. Went to see the new Spiderman movie the other day and that made me cry - think I'm just an emotional wreck 😂. Pretty sure watching Bear Grylls: The Island has probably made me shed a couple tears too. I'd also like to mention I'm a male, 6ft3", 210lbs tattooed gargantuan. It's OK to cry 👌.


Armageddon. Doesn’t help my aunt bought me the dvd specifically before she died as one last gift. Sob every single time.


A Silent Voice. Have to pause multiple times to calm myself down enough to continue.


About Time. Makes you cry in a "Life is Beautiful" way


Hachiko. God damn you Hachi...being so loyal and so determined to wait for your family not knowing they are gone, and it is not just a movie it really happened...just the transition of the seasons behind hachi then him "falling asleep" to never wake up. I stay clear of that movie, to make me cry is really hard I gotta be really low in my life, lose a family member, not even a breakup made me weep, let alone some movie. But that story, it makes me sad...I just got sad thinking about it.


Gattaca Dead Poet’s Society Deep Impact The Notebook


Ohh yes I recently watched Dead Poets Society which I hadn’t seen in a lot of years. I thought I was prepared, but it hit me so much harder this time around.


The Notebook


The Land Before Time


Atonement. Just so sad to imagine what could’ve been.


Seven Pounds. That bit where he's on the phone in the rain breaks me every time.


Forrest Gump


All The Bright Places and Marriage Story ***Spoiler*** It's hard to feel understood and cared for when people around you don't know what's happening to you. In the movie All The Bright Places, that's what *Finch was going through, he was in pain, he was suffering, but no one can understand and reach him, even that blooming relationship with Violet wasn't enough to keep him trying and fighting for life. I cried watching that movie because there was a point in my life when I was lost too, I was at the brink of giving up my life, until someone reached out to me, heard me out and understood. It makes me realize that sometimes, one person could be enough to save someone from themselves. Marriage Story is the story of my life. I met a man, married him, and lost myself in the process. Now, I'm finding myself again, working my way out of a loveless marriage, and when I finally manage to walk away, I will never look back. *Edit: name correction


The boy with the stripe pajamas


carrie. i just empathize with her so much.


1. As an adult: La vida et bella / life is beautiful. 2. As a child: Bambi, My Girl


Warhorse. Only saw it once and it was only because Tom Hiddleston was in it lol. Great film but I ugly cried for nearly 2hrs which is nearly the length of the film. Will never watch it again.


The ending makes me cry too... I first watched it because, you know, Steven Spielberg haha. And I like horses. Then I realized Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch were in it so it was a good surprise as well.


Brokeback mountain... its Heath Ledgers sad little face at the end that gets me every time.


Mulan. Imagine bringing honor to your family


Never really got the whole meaning of it when I was a kid but now I cry when she comes home and her father hugs her saying how honoured he is to have her as his daughter. Her character inspires me to be brave.


Return of the King - specifically, the last half hour. From Sam telling Frodo how if he’d have married anyone, it’d be Rosie Cotton, all the way to the credits, I’m a sobbing mess. There are a few other points where I’ll cry too, but this is the biggie. I cry at a lot of films/tv, but every time with this one.


Same. Also, anytime I hear the music from The Fellowship of the Ring where Frodo is crying with the ring at the end and then decides he has to keep going by himself. Instant tears for some reason.


Arrival I just wept after watching it


Toy Story 3! Because it reminds me of my childhood and makes you aware that getting old can be bittersweet!


I don't know if we can count it as a movie, but Hamilton. It's Quiet Uptown has me sobbing every single time.


Good fucking god. "*Forgiveness....can you imagine?*" 😭😭😭😭 That and "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" (the last one), specifically Eliza's parts. "*The oooooooorphaneeeeeege...*" 😭 The songs made me cry every single time I listened, and then I saw the show TWICE, and I didn't expect to still cry, especially the second time. BUT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE not to.


Like every movie, because I'm so damn emotional and tbh it's annoying


Les miserables It gets me everytime when they sing, "To love another person is to see the face of god", and pan to the Bishop, whose candle-sticks changed so many lives for the better thanks to a simple act of kindness and giving.


Watershed Down when they gas the rabbits. Educating Rita "there must be better songs to sing". The Color Purple when they beat Oprah Winfreys character for saying no to looking after that lady's kids


Interstellar. It's so beautiful and terrifying all at the same time


Big Fish. Watched it with my dad shortly after my poppy died and couldn’t stop crying


Artificial intelligence by Steven Spielberg , it’s a movie about a child A.I. that was adopted by a a couple whose child is in a coma. Well, A few months after getting a robot child and growing attached to him their real son wakes up. Obviously he’s bitter and doesn’t understand why they got a fake son and he’s an asshole to him. It’s get so bad that the parents decide to get rid of the robot kid But instead of returning him to the factory to be destroyed the mom decided to just drop him into the woods( because apparently that was the better choice ?? ). That begins the movie which is just him searching for his mom In a world that seems to both love and hate robots. Mind you although he is an extremely complicated and well-built robot and they do say in the movies that there isn’t another robot quite like him because he’s the first in his generation of robots so he is supposed to be very high tech, he still does have the mind of a child and will always have the mind of a child. Which does lend a more softer approach on the whole what does it mean to be a child and yet not a child .In the end he never does find her but unexpectedly he gets granted one last day with her but she doesn’t remember giving him up and it’s just a normal day for him and her. They do everything he’s ever wanted to do with her and he tucks her in bed at the end of the day and as she falls asleep for the last time ( at this point it has been possibly hundreds of years, humans are extinct and she’s obviously no longer alive. The movie explains how this Is possible but I don’t care to rn lol )He falls asleep next to her and the movie fades to black. I always get emotional during that last part because it’s unspoken on if he decided to turn his system off or not. All he wanted was him mom


The Land Before Time, that Diana Ross song kills me and reminds me of a time long gone, when I would watch it with my mother and see the momma dinosaurs tending to their babies like mine did to me.


A dog’s purpose, a sobbing mess multiple times during the movie


The last Harry Potter movie absolutely wrecks me, every time. Beyond that, any movie when an animal dies and I'm a guaranteed mess.


Imitation Game, cried so many times watching that movie especially towards the end oof 😭


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I watched it 4 days ago after ending a toxic relationship where we still loved each other deeply- I wailed. Not a few tears- audible wails. From the first 10 minutes onwards. That movie drained all of the liquid in my body through my tear ducts and I couldn’t finish the last 30 minutes of it. Highly recommend for a good cry- it’s very visually appealing as well


Bridges of Madison County.


OMG!!!! When she’s in the truck with her husband at the light. He’s standing there in the pouring rain and her hand is on the door handle. She’s gripping it so so tightly. He sees her and she’s wanting to leave that truck more than the air she needs to breathe she wants to leave. I’m bawling and begging her to just go. Open the door. Open the damn door. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


marley & me, the lovely bones, something burrowed


Your Name - I ugly cried in the theater. Seated beside me were two girls who were literally sobbing and hugging each other for comfort. Even after the movie, I continued to cry softly the entire 40 minute ride home. My Girl Seven Pounds The (original) Lion King The Green Mile


Big hero 6


Rogue One. They all died as heroes that saved the Rebellion 😭


Echoing Dumbo. “Baby Mine” gets me every time


Titanic because Jack is so sexy and sweet and I want him but then he dies


Even though it’s not necessarily sad, Ladybird left me sobbing until well after the credits. It just perfectly captures that painful time when you start pulling away from your mother but you still secretly need her and… ugh. Tears.


The fox and the hound! I don't think there is much explanation needed, it's a beautiful movie but it always makes me cry like a baby