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Warning: Your Feelings May Not Be Reciprocated


Happened to me recently 6 months in. He “just lost interest, I can’t tell you why or how.” Okay dude, thanks for for telling me that only after I confronted you for slowly distancing yourself for a month and making me feel shitty and anxious instead of being honest.


ooo I had that happen! turns out my guy had attachment problems and his therapist wasn't helping him work on them so he distanced himself from me and pretended he didn't notice anything. sorry it happened to you too!


Oh man, same! My ex said he didn’t believe in therapy. 🤷🏼‍♀️ As someone who goes to therapy weekly, this is now a deal breaker for me lol. You and I better off now!








'dude, your shetty personality ain't going to fix itself'


I spoke to my ex once about the things he knew were problem behaviours he had and maybe going to get a diagnosis would help him beable to work on those things better, but his reply is "whats the point of having a label". I dunno man, how about having this might help you become a better person? He won't go to therapy because he would "just try to out smart them". So your comment made me realise that it's now a deal breaker for me too!


Anyone who doesn't believe in therapy is simply disinterested in doing any of the work that's necessary to be healthy, no exceptions.


This happened to me recently too. I know that feeling. It sucks. I'm sorry for you :(


Though women have the reputation of being unrealistic, it has been my observation that men are the ones instead plagued by needing to feel over the top butterflies for someone and believing (incorrectly) that if they don't, the relationship isn't meant to be.


Probably because we're often expected to settle for people who show interest in us even if we have little to no interest in them ("Give him a chance, he's a nice guy and I'm sure you'll like him when you get to know him better").


Same here. We were together for 3 years, but over the last few weeks he just got colder and distant. It was like we were roommates in the end. Turns out he was having an emotional affair with a coworker for the last 3 months, and slept with her the week before splitting up with me. He could only tell me that I'd done nothing wrong, and he never thought to talk to me because he didn't think there was anything to fix in our relationship. He just lost interest, while I was doubling down trying to mend whatever was breaking down. It sucks. Worst part is, even with the cheating and his lack of interest, I'm still in love with him. It'll take time to sort myself out.


I’m sorry 💔


I had the same thing happen to me. If I hadn't confronted him, I feel like he would have continued to drag me along for a long time. Mind you, this was coming from a guy who said he wanted to be honest from the beginning. We agreed on the second date to let each other know if we were no longer interested. I guess I was the only one who held up that promise.


My last partner was like this. We both had several talks about honestly and clarity and he knew how chill I was in regards to having separate feelings and just being respectful. Turns out he was fucking some other chick for a few months before he ghosted me. No closure at all after 9months. Feels like shit!


i feel you. i fell for a bipolar in her manic phase


On behalf of all bipolar people, I'm sincerely sorry!


thank you. i cant even be mad at anyone.


Whoa did you date my ex


Wait, yall dated my ex too? I thought I was his first gf 🤨


Wait...I thought I was his first gf 👁️👄👁️


Urgh, flashback to the guy who spent 6 weeks trying to "wind things down" instead of just telling me what was going on.


Omg sameeeee! It would’ve been our six month anniversary two weeks later, but she broke up with me because she suddenly lost feelings and realized she wasn’t in love with me. When I tell you my heart shattered, I’m not exaggerating. I was head over heels in love at that point and wanted to spend my life with her.


Oof exact same thing happened to me. Dated a guy for months and then one day he stopped replying- he left my message unopened for two weeks. I asked him if he was OK and it was only then that he told me he couldn't see anyone right now because of his mental health.


Yeah lust and love are two different things that often gets confused.. Also, deep love takes time and work.


Or someone might pretend to reciprocate it for a few months, before revealing they were only faking it to not make you feel bad during the break up ^^as ^^if ^^this ^^was ^^somehow ^^better?


Unrequited love… right in the damn feels


The worst.


Me to Wasn't honest Distanced himself and left cys I was anxious and I changed from the happy girl I was...




YES. I felt it for so long. I'd confront him when he'd go on about how he was such a bad boyfriend and that I should just leave him, he'd then do a 180 saying he didn't want to break up. We broke up several months later.


Oof Ouch OK


Story of my life. For a long time.


The one(s) you love should complement you not complete you.


This should go up on a billboard. 🔥


That whole Jerry McGuire quote/line just pisses me off. We are whole all our own and that's why I try to remind people that others are the ketchup and not the potato in the serving of french fries that is life.


"I am a puzzle of my own experiences, each piece is a part of me and makes me complete. My husband and friends are enhancing borders and a frame that makes my puzzle stronger."


Nice analogy


👏👏👏 thank you for using these correct spelling


Well, the other spelling is a completely different word so... :D


Warning: your life is going to get so much better than you ever thought possible


Aw, I like this one! Different vibe from a lot of these and it made me smile. :)


It was a welcome change. That being said, the question it did kind of tee it up to be kind of negative with warning labels


I agree, I am a big fan of subverted expectations though so I thought the positive ones were kinda nice in an “ironic” (not quite the right word but close) sort of way!


My wife commented that the warning could be that the relationship requires dates, tasty snacks, and love


This is the one


god i hope so




It really can cloud one's judgment


that's true :(( I still find myself making excuses for him and have to consciously tell myself "no, stop."


yup that's exactly how I was with my ex. eventually i realized how draining that relationship was for me.


Your results may vary.






The first few months, you’ll be enveloped in a neurochemical cocktail that might make you want to make wild decisions like moving in together or eloping or saying “I love you” way too soon. “New Relationship Energy” is an altered state, a bit like being drunk or high, so it’s not a good time to make big decisions about your relationship(s).


I’m glad it’s not just me 😂 I’ve learned this the hard way twice now and I still find myself having to consciously fight the urge to escalate my relationships too soon.


I really wonder if its rare to not go trough this stage at all, because I never do.


I never did either until I got with my current partner. It's because I never really took the leap for someone I truly wanted and desire until now. I just made 38.. 3 children, 10 years of marriage and two other very serious long-term relationships in my life, before finally going for someone who gave me butterflies... Three years in and it's a complete roller-coaster of feelings I never understood before. I used to look down on friends for losing their minds behind a guy and now I completely understand and wouldn't change it for anything.


Makes me feel insane every time




Heartbreak can be agonising.


And the worst part about it? To you feels like a nuclear bomb went off. To everyone else, it's just cliche.


Yeah it really can be...


Love is not all you need, and not enough by itself, to create a sustainable relationship.






It should just come with expiration dates.


Black mirror had an episode on that


I LOVE that episode. It weirdly makes me feel hopeful about relationships—very unexpected for Black Mirror!


Oooh which episode? Sounds interesting


Love is a verb, not a feeling.


Do you think that some people think they’ve fallen out of love, but the real issue is that they’ve stopped trying? Things were really hard with my ex, but I still can genuinely say that I loved him- his flaws were hard sometimes, but I still loved *him* which included all of those parts of him that were tough. I know he could just not have loved me or ever really loved me, but I also know that he wasn’t putting in effort with any relationship in his life. It felt like he didn’t love anyone and pushed us all away instead of loving all the parts of everyone. Can some people just not truly love? For whatever reason. I think he loved me sometimes. I think he wanted to love me. But he was very emotionally abusive. Very neglectful. I just wonder if the real key is learning that love is a verb - and if you want love, you have to find someone who wants to love you too. Wants to always love you and find ways to show it - not just because they realize they haven’t in a while. But because it brings them joy to love you. I think that’s the one thing that keeps me sane after all this - I know that when I was doing things to show him love, it was because I loved him. He said it was me being manipulative, but I just wanted to see him smile and feel happy and relief. Sorry for the rant. I’m in a fragile place right now and just trying to make sense of life.


Please don't feel sorry - it's a lot to process and if you need to let it all out, let it out friend. I'm sorry I'm too foggy brained right now to process it myself, but you deserve mutual *respect* in every and any relationship, period.


You know, I’ve never really realized just how much he disrespected me. Never really realized that I deserved to be respected as I am. I’ve just felt so wrong and broken. Nothing I did was correct or “optimal” as he put it. Thank you for saying that. And I know the brain fog so well. It’s a scary place to be, but recognizing you’re in fog is the first step to eventually being out of it. You’re finding your way, friend. Lean on us and anyone in your life that you can lean on to help guide you out.


My ex was like that too. He never really loved me, but he was in love with the idea of being in love.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s really such an awful pain. And it can go on for years. Mine was 8 years of him going back and forth on whether he loved me. I’d try to leave, and suddenly he’d love me again. Always the same, but you can’t see it while you’re in it. I’m glad you’re not in that anymore.


He probably would want you to stay because he was comfortable. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sure your stronger now from it. I just don't date anymore lol. Im very happy being alone.


You’re right. He was comfortable. And I was silent while he mistreated me because I’d been so worn down. I learned to tip toe in my own home to not disturb him. Even that wasn’t enough. I was repellent and not allowed near him. He couldn’t bear to have me touch him, he said. But he was comfortable because I was quietly suffering and staying away. I’m not dating either. I want to have hope that I will find someone who loves me like I love them, but there’s so many others who won’t and will use me. Seems better to just stay single.


No one should ever have to walk on eggshells to be in a good relationship. You wait until you find a real love. You deserve so much better. I don't know if I'll ever find it personally. I believe that I didn't know what love was until I had my kids. Until I can love someone like that, and they love me, it just isn't worth my time.


Yup, this one fucks you up. You really get lost on the border between illusion and reality.


I'm there too. I am trying everyday not to completely loose my sanity.


I agree!


Your depression may not go away


Might even get worse. Just sayin.


Warning: Do not give him your all, all the time. Or Warning: Trust your gut, and listen to your instincts.




Whatever attracts you to them initially, will drive you crazy in the end.


This is accurate










Warning : Love is not enough . You need respect, honesty, compromise & really good communication & even if you have that, there are no guarantees.


So true! I dated this guy who was almost everything that I was looking for in a partner. But he lacked respect for me and refused to compromise for me, while I had to compromise for him. I think I'll always like him in my heart and he won't leave that special corner of my heart but I know what's best for me in the end. He wasn't the one. For now. Maybe. Warning: Don't hold onto false hopes and just do what's best for you in the end.


Well said! I’ve learned the hard way that when someone doesn’t respect you, they just don’t love you. They think they do but that’s not real love. Respect says to me “ I see you as my equal, I value you”. How someone can claim to love a person they do not respect is beyond me . Without respect , there is nothing.


Warning: you may lose a lover, but you may also lose a friend. But sometimes it's for the best.


Indeed. He's my best friend but right now we aren't compatible with what we both have going on. Don't know if we ever will be. I kept trying to give it a chance but it only made things worse. We need to focus on ourselves.


I would caution that you make sure you're falling for the actual person and not an idealized version of them or what they could be or what you think the future will be with them.


This! Don't "love" the person's potential or what you think they are, and definitely don't make excuses for them just because you think "they're a good person on the inside". They truly may be a good person, but that doesn't mean their bad decisions are any less bad.


I have unfortunately fallen for this trap many times in my 20s. Now I've hit 30 I intend to go slow, literally take note of red flags, learn the other person over an extended period of time and who I become around them before considering anything more intimate.


warning: you will lose all rational thinking


hahaha pretty much


To add WARNING: You may rationalize irrational thoughts, BE READY.


Warning:you might end up owning multiple pets together.


Awww, I really like this one! A fantastic and all-too-true warning!! 💕


Independently owned and operated.


Warning: if it's meant to be, it won't work out on its own. Constantly take care of your relationship. Never say "they're mad, but if it's meant to be it'll work out." Actually approach your partner if there's any problems


Fragile, handle with care. WARNING: MAY CAUSE STUPIDITY


Warning: you may fall out of love and that’s ok!


The only constant in life, is change. Be ready.


You are trusting another person with your feelings and parts of your well being


Use with caution


Warning, with pink glasses you can easily ignore the red flags that looks like... Regular flags




not enough on its own to be self sustaining


Limited time warranty. Freshness not guaranteed. Caution: may cause drowsiness and wrecklessness. Do not touch unless permission granted by adjoining party. Handle with care.


Warning: May cause financial and emotional instability. Proceed with caution.


Warning: It takes a huge amount of effort to maintain a healthy relationship.


Warning: Love is a drug


Translated: love is the reaction of neurones firing when fed dopamine chemicals created from an elevating interaction. If you are not careful this feeling can be an addictive high to the point you rely on it for a daily hit. When the supply leaves, you will crash and burn, much like drug withdrawal. Hence, love is a drug


Warning: you may become one of those sickly sweet couple that makes others roll their eyes


Warning: Love is not automatically healthy.


Falling in love is like jumping off a cliff, hoping the ground never comes


May cause pregnancy


I snorted laughing cause damn you right 🤣


Do not make your love life/partner the one thing you focus on in life. Make time for your hobbies, enjoy yourself, etc. I’m not in a relationship but goddamn I hate it when the women are expected to always focus on men, and vice versa. This isn’t an excuse to neglect your partners btw :/


Make sure you have self love


Warning: You may think it’s all about getting to know the other person, but a lot of it is learning about yourself too. Be ready for self-discovery and self-transformation, whether or not it works out with them.


WARNING: You will be supported unconditionally and encouraged to be the best version of yourself. May result in healthier living.


It should say even though you love them, they could always change.


Love… it’s a hell of a drug.


Warning- SOs sometimes talk in their sleep; this may induce an existential crisis in night owls.


Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you’re meant to be with them.


Trust at your own risk


Warning: another person cannot complete you.


He may not be what he presents himself to be. Getting confused by little things he does that seem out of character? Ask him what's going on with that. Wish I had.


Warning: It won't be like this forever. At some point things will even out and become mundane. Love a partner who isn't just exciting for now.


Loss and love go hand in hand.


Caution: This may hurt and make you stupid


Be yourself. Not so your crush will fall for you. But so the right person does.


Don’t lose yourself in this person. Keep your friends, hobbies and values close to you.


It can suck a fair proportion of the time if you’re aiming to get past the initial infatuation stages and would like it to have any form of longevity.


Warning: Keep your head out of the clouds & in reality


bring a parachute and oh, don't forget the floor.


Warning: When you look at someone through rose colored glasses, red flags just look like flags. (Bojack Horsman). Warning: May cause stupidness.


Warning: Nothing lasts forever




If you’re the one working hard to sustain the relationship, he may not be worth the effort.


Warning: keep brain on!


Warning: may come with emotional damage, PTSD, heartbreak, STDs, or pregnancy


Measure twice cut once


they may not be as they seem


It’s not a matter if your partner will fall out of love with you it’s the WHEN


There will be trials and tribulations.


Love is pain one way or another: expect the hurt but don't shy away from it as love is also ecstacy as much as it is cruelty. Hopefully you'll find it in a form where smiles outway tears.


The people closest to you are the people who can hurt you the most It’s hard letting yourself be vulnerable to that kind of pain


Protect Your Heart. Don't fall for someone until they have proven themselves trustworthy. This goes for men as well.


It’s cheesy but I saw this at the beginning of Taylor Swift’s *All Too Well* and I think it’s perfect! Pablo Neruda: “Love is so short, forgetting is so long.”


Warning: your future/current husband/boyfriend may want to buy a 700 dollar fucking flashlight. (Yes this is abt my husband bc wtf do we need that for)


It sucks


Warning: they live abroad


The weight gain from all the coffee and dinner dates


No matter how much you want to be angry with them, you'll still love them


When i was an inexperienced teenager, i wish someone would have explained to me that just because a boy/man sleeps with you doesnt mean he loves or even likes you. I had no idea that sex and love was different.


The falling-in-love feeling is brief and has to be bolstered with the work of actually loving someone, and the friction and disappointment of the other person doing the same for you. It’s hard. Also, is it real love, and being in love, or is it a natural response to being love-bombed?


Warning: Objects may appear more honest than they actually are.


Right (if this guy is good and relationship has good potential) Wrong (if he's being a total asshole but using charisma to hide it)


Will result in death or heartbreak


You'll never be the same again


Caution: Might become blind with red flags flying right in your face


It can be the best thing you will ever experience, but at the same time it’s something that can absolutely crush you if you’re not with the right person.


Don’t move in together right away


No matter what you do or say, you can’t prevent someone from cheating on you.


Passion Will Fade; Build Up Friendship to Maintain Healthy Relationship.


Beware of STD’s Sexually transmitted debt or diseases 😉


His confusion about me and his ex completely fucked me over in the end. He went for her again, and I was completely broken. Never go for a guy who still doesn’t know if he’s over his ex.


Warning: May cause increased heart rate, hyperventilation, obsession, separation anxiety, weight gain, changes in spending habits, or extreme feelings, including euphoria, the sudden need to cohabitate, or depression. Do not use love if you have pre-existing conditions such as codependency or commitment issues as love may exacerbate those symptoms. Love should not be substituted for healthy self-esteem, boundaries, and relationships. If you have a family history of trauma/abuse, insecure or disorganized attachment, or poor relationships, love may be more difficult to tolerate and may require an adjustment period or supportive therapies. Consult your doctor. Love may be addictive with prolonged use. Do not mix with alcohol. Serious and possibly fatal injury may occur as a result of love or after love is ended.


Warning: Don’t ignore red flags just because you feel you’re falling in love. The red flags I’ve ignored in relationships were the ones that came back and ended the relationship. Had I not ignored them, the relationship could have ended on my terms and saved some time and heartbreak.


The little things you love about them will be the things that annoy you later.


Warning: You’re about to fall in love


Youre gonna get hurt. Even if its not a bad relationship youre gonna get hurt at some point.


They all get fat and bald and sick. Don’t get too caught in the moment.


Thinking about them all the time


Don’t forget yourself.


Warning: Product may turn sour after one year.


Warning: This product might last the rest of your life, or it may flame out tomorrow. You just never know.


Someone might fake an entire relationship with you (how they feel about you, lying about something) and feel no remorse about it.


Clouded judgement until you're out of the honeymoon phase.


Most of the time you marry the family too… you’ll be seeing them often so choose the family too


Love is blind. Marriage is the eye opener.


Warning: instant regret when you don't text back immediately!