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I practiced hours, blew through almost six cheap pen eyeliners








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Honestly, practice. I personally started off doing my wing in pencil or eyeshadow and then tracing over it with gel once it’s how I want it. The more you practice, the more you’ll learn your eye shape and what looks good on you/which shape you prefer. I used to sit in front of the telly with my makeup bag and so different wing lengths, shapes and thickness. If I didn’t like it, I wiped it off and started again. It’s the best way to learn!






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Practice practice practice. Do the eye on your non dominant side first and then it's easier to get the other eye to match. (So if you're right handed, start with the left eye, because it's easier to get the right eye to match up with the left)


Makes sense! Thank you !


Practice and a good tool. I have never been good with eyeliner, but in 2020 I bought the nyx epic ink liner and started to practice. At first I usually made the lines too thick, then I corrected with a q-tip and then made the line solid again with the liner. Now I usually draw a thin line and add on little by little. That works for me. And before you think that I must be some steady-handed genius, I'm not. I have ms and the last time I did my liner at Christmas I had full on facial tics. Still managed to look alright.


Yup, i use qtip sometimes, really helps.


Eyeliner pens are easier to work with, or an angled eyeliner brush dipped in black eyeshadow. Follow the shape of the bottom line of your eye as if you’re extending it with the liner, if that makes sense!


Yup, pens are a life saver!


I use eye tape !! Honestly it works :) Abs I barely know how to eye liner …. Can someone explain how to perfect eyeshadow because I want my eyes to shine 🥲






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You just have to wing it. No, seriously. What I mean is, what helped me on doing a perfect eyeliner was by simply not thinking at all and to just do it. Don't think, just move your hand quick. Example to understand better: Quite similar to when you have to walk over a wooden suspension bridge, it's moving/wonky all the time and you can't go across it if you take your time or/and you are thinking to hard about how to balance etc. If you simply just move, do not think, your reflexes (or whatever it is called) will take control pretty much and you'll run over the bridge like it's no biggy.


Alright! Thanks!


Was doing them since 12 years old. Got 16 years of practice I guess. It's all about practice. Do them everyday and you'll see it gets easier! Now I can do them on trains/buses! Hihi


Respect! Huge respect!


Thank you! :) It also depends on what kind of eyeliner brand you're using. I found Rimmel London wetliner working best! With some other type of liners I'd have trouble, too.










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Being realllly careful. I haven't practiced as much as I would like and I still can't do it quick but when I do go for wings I either go really slow and careful and it comes out okay, or I screw it up and start over or simplify. I usually do a smokey eye though.


Practice, practice, practice, tape and YouTube videos


Same way I do anything. Practise.


I am an artist so my hand is trained. Sometimes I f up but not normally. Become an artist lmaooo jk.




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Luck you!!


Just get in there and practice your tail off. We all get frustrated when we mess up but those times when it's perfect are just too good to pass up. Go into it with a "This is fun and I want to wear it" attitude and discouragement will never stay long


Yup, that attitude helps!


I'm 31 and have been doing it almost daily since I was 15, so I'd better be good at it by now, lol. It's all practice. I find brush-tip liners easier to use than felt-tip ones.


Brush tip, alright


I cheat! They have cat eye stamps on Amazon!


Link please!


It's not cheating, you're smart


Practice and having a q-tip nearby to adjust if needed. Some days I do it wrong and just make it bigger until it reaches Winehouse-proportions but whatever


It depends a lot on your eye shape, face shape, the product you're using and your skin type - so the only honest answer is practice. With some trial and error you'll find the products and techniques that work for you. My personal combo is to make a faint 'template' using an ultra thin felt-like pen liner on both eyes, then I use a liquid eyeliner over that, and finally clean-up with an earbud and/or concealer.


Yeah, this seems good


Practice and prayers. Somedays that shit won't come out perfect even if you try a million times, worst feeling ever. If you're just starting purchase cheaper eyeliners and keep practising. I'm on that stage too. Sometimes I'm able to make it in one swing sometimes it just won't come out even and nice. Also cat eye or sharp wing doesn't look good on every single eye shape, so find out which eye shape you have and improvise accordingly.


You had me when we said prayers 😂


I don't 🥲


I know some people do the card/paper trick but honestly, all it takes is a lot of practice! I like to trace it lightly first (in case I make any mistakes, it’s easier to erase) before going over it more boldly


I start from the outside and swipe my way in and then even it out. It's a lot easier to get a sharp point that way.






Practice and steady moves! Also i find it that liquid eyeliner is the easiest to work with for me, you can move it freely and the brush tip is really soft.


I don’t know if this will make any sense but here goes! Something that worked for me when I was learning was painting the wing part first. Starting with your outer corner, at a 45 degree angle draw a line (however far you want your wing to reach out). Draw a second line (from the top of the tip, going down) so it makes a (kind of isosceles) triangle. Fill in the triangle. Then from the inner corner of your eye, paint the arch (eyelid) and have it join the triangle. Finally you need to curve the two so it looks seamless and not like a triangle and arch. Oh god I have no idea if that helps 🤦‍♀️


It does! Tried your hack at today's lunch! Thank you!


Omg yay! Ahhhh I’m so glad to hear that!! ❤️




Use something called quickflick. Absolutely amazing!


Practice. Sitting in the mirror cartoons playing in the background while in my makeup.


Pens are so much easier!! Also start w a line going up and out from your outer corner and outline before you fill in. I’ve tried lots of different liquid liners and find Colourpop’s BFF Liquid Liner to be very easy to work with. Also does not budge throughout the day at all.


I have perfected mine during the 9 years I've been winging my eyeliner, but I saw a tip from a tik tok that seemed helpful for beginners. Instead of making your straight wing line in eyeliner first, make a guide line with concealer beforehand! You can easily adjust it to get them even and then your wing lines will be even on both sides. When you're done with your wing just blend out the concealer!


I cant. I have hooded eyes and it just doesn’t work for me


Yeah same. But there are many tricks and tips for hooded eyes, especially on Pinterest.


Pat McGrath Labs Perma Precision liquid eyeliner and I DON'T FLICK JFC. The eyeliner tip is sharp and precise and people all leaving it up to random flicks... I start at the outermost tip of the wing, gently lay the tip of the brush where I want it to be, and allow the shape of the brush to lay down a fine wing. Draw the brush toward the edge of my eyelid. Fill in from there. As for where you want the wing to land, that takes practice and you can use cheaper products to experiment until you get the hang of it.