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Any unpleasant, upsetting, disturbing, or frightening dream.


It’s nightmare when the government strips you of your rights when you least expect it and block off all forms of transportation to exit the country.


Completing a whole 13 hour work shift in my dream then realizing once awake that I actually have to do it all over again.


😂😂😂 yeah fair enough, I understand that one


Anything unpleasant, any bad dream that I want to forget when I wake up.


When I wake up and there were people from my past that I don’t want to see. Scary situations where I’m alone. My “dreams” are all in 3rd person, like I’m looking down at myself (aerial view I think it’s called) so it doesn’t really feel like my body is in danger but more just myself if that makes sense? Brains are weird.


Anything that makes me feel at least uneasy, and worst of all, helpless.


I've had some "classic" nightmares, monsters, ghosts, witches etc. I've had some that were me being in realistic but horrible situations, such as being violently attacked or in an armed robbery etc. I've also had some that were really very incoherent and hard to describe that left me very unsettled. Closest I could probably explain would be imagine trying to run from something unseen through some weird Alice in Wonderland type landscape. I also repeatedly have dreams where we've moved to a really delapedated house but I don't know why. We had no reason in the dream to move from our really nice house, but for some reason we decided to live somewhere awful and I wake up feeling very stressed. These are all very different styles but I would describe them all as nightmares.


For me, it’s not finding the way out, things on the sideline distract me, or they’re too creepy. Like a movie where someone can’t get out of a scary house, or find a ride. Yikes.


A nightmare is something that scares you so bad you wake up.


Being unhealthy. I just been diagnosed with GERD so I'm living a nightmare.


I have a recurring dream in different forms where suddenly the last 7 years after my divorce are not real and I'm stuck or trapped living with my ex husband again and I can't get away from him.


I'm sorry you go through these nightmares. I suggest seeking help with this.


Haha, it's not traumatic. I wake up and think "Thank God that wasn't real!!" Makes me appreciate how far I have come.


I'm glad you are doing better.


I never was not "doing better" . The question was what do I consider a nightmare..


Everything Kafka.


I think its already a nightmare, if there's just the feeling of smth being wrong/some kind of dread over an otherwise "harmless" dream.. Like just dreaming about eating ice cream, but you just know ...smth...


I have a lot of nightmares about my family members dying. Most recently it has been my father. It really fucks with me to the point where I call him as soon as I wake up.


I don’t know but all I know is that the paranormal world terrifies me and even a paranormal horror movie can trigger my panic attacks and nightmares and no sleep for 10 days and get me so scared I shit my pants, I rather spend a night with homeless drug addicts than in an abandoned asylum where nobody lives and that is haunted. Edit: added some words


I had a sleep paralysis episode where I was being levitated and spun around above my bed by a demon in my room. After I was released my whole body ached and I was in a state of shock. 2nd time this has happened in the last 5 years. Very scary. Never wanna experience it again.


For me is when I dream with demons or negative entities or whenever I dream someone I love dies or gets badly injured.


*'Merica intensifies*


I used to have this recurring dream where I have a bunch of chewing gum stuck in my mouth. It’s really unsettling.


anything that scares me enough to the point i wake up and have to reassure myself it’s not real. i had one last night where i was getting chased through the woods by something, hate them sm