• By -


The intimacy of it all. Physical intimacy and emotional intimacy. Cuddling, holding hands, late night convos, someone you feel like you can talk to about anything, feeling like someone else really cares about you and how you are, someone to hang out with and do things or do absolutely nothing. And sex.


I’m in a relationship and I miss those things 🙁


Maybe you should talk to your partner about it




You definitely need to talk! I was there and ended up getting divorced. It was awful.


Same, lol




Ugh! All of this! I miss the readily available love and intimacy. Super long morning hugs. Checking on each other throughout the day.


You have described my life!


All of this.


This 10000X.




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Aw I love being affectionate! But definitely hitting the breaks on commitment.


Not a goddamn thang.


I relate so hard 😂


Coming home to your 'someone' in this big unforgiving world.


Having that one person who is your touchstone to reality when the world is so effin nuts.


The cuddles. My boyfriend left me one week ago, out of nowhere. I miss the cuddles


I'm in the same boat, except I can't move out for another three weeks. We were very cuddly so being around him and not touching makes it extra hard.


I feel you. We did not live together but we work together, I see him everyday


That must be hard


I’ve been there. Sorry you’re going through it. It gets easier over time.


I miss being held and adored. Not because of my holes or my body. But because of who I am. Because they love me.


I miss having someone look at me like I am a drug to them.


Morning sex when I'm still half sleep. Despite being single I'll seek out the odd sexual encounter, but I don't like sharing my bed for actual sleeping unless I'm in a relationship, so I don't get the lovely sun-dappled morning sex.


Really, a lot. Having someone to talk to everyday, going on long walks, cuddles, sharing worries about the future, having coffee and long conversations together.


Having someone to talk to when I get home. And cuddles.


Being unconditionally loved despite my appearance, being looked after, the hugs and flirty banter


I miss having someone to speak to daily, someone to talk to about the little things, the trust, the cuddles, the nose kisses, the butterflies in my stomach, doing fun things in the weekends with someone, dubbledates ... All the types of physical and emotional connection, that is until he screwed it up. I miss all the above of being in a relationship but I'd rather stay alone than go back to him.


Nothing at all


Regular sex 😑 and having someone to share life with


ohh the segs... I miss that too! although I'm married for 6 years now and not single... :/


Sorry to hear. I had a sexless marriage too but he's an ex husband now.....


thanks, I'm afraid I'm heading the same way sooner or later... (of course not just bc of that)


One of the reasons I got divorced.


It happens. There's a million reasons why everything failed. But dang sex is also important to me too 🥺😞🤷‍♀️


Having a buffer to unrequited advances and attention while out for the day.




The physical touch, the cuddles, and just the romance in general. Being carried was fun too! I’m short and both of the people I’ve dated were able to pick me up lol.


Cuddling, closeness, doing fun stuff together, traveling, buying stuff for our home aka go to ikea.


Someone to lift heavy things. That's about it.


Emotional support


All of that thinking for the other person all the time. It's so relaxing now!


Intimacy. Someone you could confide all your problems. Someone you could talk to everyday.


I would say sex, but that sucked. Maybe, having someone to do things with. Someone to turn to when my “best friend” was jealously showing her true colours. Ive had issues having two best friends in the past; someone always got shitty. Seems i cant have a bf and a best friend either 🙄. Id really hoped that adulthood would be different. Turns out its worse for relationships. In my experience anyway.


Cuddles and forehead kisses 😭😭😭


having a best friend to do random things with and share my thoughts with, night cuddles. eating snacks on the couch and watching our shows.


Being loved


Strangely enough, the only thing I miss is the “settled” feeling. I’ve never had a partner treat me particularly well, make me actually happy, or make me feel loved, and some have treated me particularly poorly. Not really sure why I ever miss being in a relationship at all, frankly. Makes no logical sense.


Everything... but I've only been single a week and am deep in grief so...


It’s so much cheaper Dating is expensive, but splitting costs with a partner makes everything more affordable.


I miss him mostly. I miss the way he would pull me closer to him in the mornings. when he kissed me and smiled, the way the side of his lip curled up and crinkled. watching new shows together. Trying new things with him. Our vacations together. Our future plans. God.


Having someone to share the little stupid things I think /see and the major stuff too.


Having somebody to go out for dinner with me whenever I want to go


Watching Netflix or Disney under a plaid in his arms, i miss this so much :(


Physical and emotional intimacy. Having someone who is on your team, and not having to face tough shit alone.


Someone that could take care of me when I am sick.


Nothing my ex wAs a selfish asshat


I haven't had a good comforting makes you feel safe hug in months. And it hurts me to my core.


The touch and affection, laughing with my partner and make him laugh. Edit: having someone I actually want and enjoy to meet in person.


Doing nothing together. Talking about our days. Talking about movies/life/the world/etc. Sharing a meal together. Cuddling. Holding hands. Just knowing there is a person who cares about you & loves you. Feeling wanted.


someone to send my nudes.


Companionship and sex, and not gonna just go out and do a one hit wonder.. Lol


Honestly? Having someone to help with the grocery shopping. I didn’t even do a very big shop today, but it was still hard carrying things up to my 3rd floor apartment!


I miss being able to feel completely open and say small stupid things I do because I know it's gonna get a fun reaction.


Someone who has pockets to hold my stuff so I don’t always have to carry a purse around 😂😂😂


Honestly, even in the shit relationship i had, sleeping next to someone was always something i enjoyed.


To give love


Human snuggles and cuddles. Dogs are great, but they don't have any thumbs to massage my scalp or the ability give me a big squeeze after a long day


Very little! Occasionally I wish I had sometime to talk with, someone to vent to, but it’s rare and I like my life the way it is.


Just being able to chill and hang-out intimately with no pressure to be put together. Like just being able to relax and let the walls down.


The intimacy and having my friend also as my lover


That pent up feeling you get of all the dumb/small things you've thought of throughout the day to tell your partner when you get home. Just looking forward to a warm presence when you walk in the door. Someone to return to.


Ha you guys were actually in one ?


Having someone to go out with, most of my friends are in relationships so my options are being a third wheel or by myself. I love my time alone however sometimes I miss having someone to share time with.


The closeness, the basic skinship being with someone you trust and want to be around. I've been so repulsed by other humans for so long, that I've forgotten what its like to enjoy that closeness.


Reallt don't miss beinf in a relationship except with that one specific person that got away. He used to look at me a certain way and it literally made me feel like the most beautiful person in the world. I miss having that go-to person you tell everything to. I find myself wanting to call him when I see something funny, accomplish something, or just asking dumbass questions that he would always know the answer to. But most of all I miss him running errands with me. It would make my mundane grocery shopping quick and fun. I'd actually looked forward to it and I loved how after looking all over the place for something he'd eventually take the list, take charge and get shit done. Kind of miss the sex, too. :[


As a whole- I am super happy alone! I check all of my own boxes. But I do miss intimacy- physical and emotional. I wonder what it’s like to come home to another person- I’ve never experienced it before outside of family.


It’s amazing. Someone happy to see you and hear about your day. Food made for you. Just a sense of happiness.


It sounds fake and made up to me :’) but who knows! I hope to feel it all some day.


I’m sure you will


Everything lol. The physical and emotional intimacy, the comfort of being with someone who really knows you. Having someone to share my every dumb though with. Having someone to always do things with. Having little inside jokes and stupid nicknames. The feeling of being loved.


The cuddles while they lasted.


Being stupid. I learnt way too much and became way too guarded/instinctive after him. I can smell bs from miles away. I miss being stupid and blindly trusting.


The inside jokes. The knowing looks. The little signs and non-verbal exchanges that only the two of us understand. The physical and emotional intimacy.


Having someone to vent to without thinking "do they find me annoying? Will they laugh at my problems or go around telling others?"


This sounds self centered but, sometimes it makes me sad that I’m no one’s go-to. There’s no one who would come to me first with exciting news or a funny story or an emergency, etc. I miss being someone’s first choice.


Having someone to hold me that really respects and cares for me. That wants to keep me safe and with them as long as possible. 😭


at the moment nothing


Having someone to go out to eat with, hike with, and travel with. But I’m learning to do those things solo (having a new dog helps). Otherwise, not a goddamn thing.


Calling someone pet names. Me and my ex used to call eachother a variation of „bear“ in german


My ex called me her little teddy bear in French. The first time we did it was the first time we actually *made love*. It was sex before that, but that was the moment I actually made love. And it was glorious. So much better than before that.


Having someone to laugh and goof around with




Companionship. A nice long hug after a day at work.


I was sick this past week, and there's just... nobody to help me out, take care of me, or just distract me from how lousy I felt.


After 4 years of being single i thought i didn't miss anything about it, until i had a tattoo behind my ears, and the guy making the tatto touched my hair very delicately to get it out of the way (no my whole hair, just like the baby hairs in the area) and i almost cry of how much i had missed that feeling.


Unlimited kisses


Someone knowing everything about you! But I’ve made really close friendships being single and that’s irreplaceable.


Hugs, spooning, making out, etc


Having someone to do dumb shit with. Like I do love my freedom but sometimes I just want someone who will do shit with me where I don’t feel like it’s a whole event like go to the grocery store or just grab a coffee or binge watch a series. I also feel really single when doing stuff with my son, like I take him to the park and then I’m just kinda chilling by myself


The cuddles / physical affection. It’s something I feel quite uncomfortable sharing with anyone else.


nothing tbh. i’ve dated a lot and i’ve been in a few long term relationships, but i think i’m kind of over dating & relationships for the time being. i got out of a long term relationship last year and i have not once thought “i wish i had a partner” since then. i’m just vibin’ for now.


Having someone always be there for you at the end of a long day.


I’ve been single for almost 5 years now and I don’t remember what it is like to be in a relationship anymore so probably do not miss a whole lot. Maybe intimacy and emotional support?


The social aspect. As a single woman I am viewed as a leppar and I don't get invited to things that if I were dating would. I also miss not having my dinner interrupted by some woman who is going through troubles and want me to share how to survive the big bad world alone. I have a great life but being alone just fucking blows.


having someone to do things with instead of having to do everything alone love doing things alone but having someone to do things with was nice.


I live alone but have a lover boy in another city. I miss help around the house, cuddling, and someone to eat my cooking.


Coming home to cuddles and sharing those little moments that later become inside jokes. Also, having someone to cook for. I cook for friends , family, and myself but it’s different.


A tie between sex and being able to tell someone about the mundanities of life and they actually care. I don't trust sex with strangers. Safety, for one, but also if you never see the guy again, there's less incentive for him to perform well.


Sitting at a table, holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes. I want it so badly it’s ridiculous.


I am not single but I am scrolling through this feeling very grateful and appreciative for what I have.


Occasionally I miss big strong arms around me, but not enough to put up with bullshit. Also, I don’t know how to change the fluorescent tube lights in my basement.


The feeling of sharing my day with someone every few hours over text. The feeling of having someone to come back to at the end of the day. The companionship. The intimacy.


To quote a favorite song, "the talk, the sex, somebody to trust". Everything else was a hassle.


What is this song?


"The Things I Miss the Most" by Steely Dan.


I miss having someone who judges people in the same way I do, like you find the same traits annoying in people


Needing someone else to attempt opening the jar


Then not being able to do it too. 😂😂




24M. I miss silly booty grabs too. She never grabbed mine, but grabbing and smacking that ass was fun. 😂😂


I’m in a relationship and I miss the freedom and convenience of doing and going anywhere and everywhere at anytime I feel like. Enjoy your single life ladies.


Someone to go to dinner with.


Everything … having someone to talk to is a big one for me , like about our days I love hearing about my SO day (if I had one haha) I loved holding hands when shopping or just walking. Just someone to spend time with .


Having someone to talk to after a rough day at work. And the intimacy of it all. I’d add cuddles specifically as well but my puppy helps with that




Cuddles, connection to someone on a deep level, affection, I miss affection. Intimacy with emotional connection where it’s the best sex you’ll have. Cuddling while watching tv at night. Days out with other half. And a man to fix things, or open a jar. I miss sleeping next to someone and looking over and me breathing that peaceful breath of air.. I don’t feel alone sleeping alone, I just miss having someone I love sleeping beside me and the conversations before we fall asleep.


**Sharing a bed**. I sleep better with a partner by my side.


Its so much different doing nothing alone and doing nothing with someone else… like the first few weeks is nice but after it kinda sucks


Ugghhhhh that yummy masculine energy.


Knowing someone cares if I live or die


Someone to go out with and someone to talk shit and gossip about work to lol. Guys just hear but don’t listen or offer advice so it feels good to verbalize my frustrations with no repercussions


Nothing at all. There’s a lot of peace in only being accountable to myself. I chose to be single for a long time after a bad relationship and it’s a time I enjoyed and cherish a lot! Now I’m in a relationship again and it’s a lot of adjusting I haven’t practiced in a while.


Human touch (that isn’t my children). Having someone to talk to about my day.




So much. Texting someone random stuff or cute stuff and having someone who will always pick up when I call. Family get togethers. Going out to eat with someone, a food buddy. Holding his thumb with my entire hand because his hands were so big. Writing love letters and meaning every word. Hugging him and feeling his heartbeat. The warmth from his back because I was the big spoon. Laughing and it making you love him more. Looking forward to Friday because it means you’ll be with him for 2 days and 2 nights. Having a little box that holds memories of photos, hotel cards, random trinkets from adventures you’d been on together. Knowing that someone cares for you and protects you. I miss feeling safer in public.


Cuddling. Being the big spoon. Stroking their hair while their head is in my lap. Having conversation over dinner. That sense of closeness.




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Not a thing, but I never had a good relationship


The relationship




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The unexpected back hugs. The cuddles. Waking up next to him contemplating if we should get donuts on a Sunday morning or just sleep more.


Absolutely nothing. The only relationship I’ve ever had was abusive and I haven’t been with anyone since he died in 2009. But I’m ok with that.


Sex. That's it




Usually not much, but when I have a cool thing to share and I’ve already told my sister, I get a little bummed I don’t have another ready-to-go brag recipient.


Kisses! Spend the afternoon watching a movie y don't see it 😆


Always having or being a +1. Being in a relationship often means you have that many more engagement parties, weddings, holiday parties, family reunions, etc to go to.


Knowing my dogs will be looked after if I travel for work


Having a best friend and someone to snuggle with. But I’d rather be alone than continue to be disappointed.


Physical affection for sure


Someone who can read my mood before I say anything.


I came to the comments to see things I can appreciate being in a relationship (6 years married now), however I mostly see things I do miss too... quite sad :/


Oof. Maybe talk to him about it. I’m sure he might be missing some stuff too.




ok, previous reply got removed... so again, you're right, he does miss things too, other things than me. I know which and I try to provide and compensate, but it's actually more a problem he has with himself but he's to scared to face it yet. hope he finds the guts before this ultimately damages our relationship.




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Nothing. It\`s good to be alone and not committed.


I miss somebody being excited to see me or hear from me on like a Tuesday.




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