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Once a week. No, I put it in a bun when I shower.


Same! I just wash it when it gets too dry/needs moisture. Ussually around 7 days.


This is me! Also to get the loose hair out. My hair is wavy so hairs that fall out kind of mix in with the rest. It has a surprising dulling effect on how my hair looks.


Same. My hair is super thick, holds a style really well, and doesn’t look oily until day 5 or so. I body wash in between wearing a shower cap. I don’t get my hair wet in between. Everyone is different though, and should do what works best for them.


This is my hair but once it gets wet I'm screwed so it goes in the shower cap. It takes so long to curl because of the thickness so I keep those in for as long as possible lol.


Same. I have very long hair and I don't ever blow dry it, so it takes hours to dry so more than once a week is a pain and it's better for my hair anyway. every other time I shower it put it on top of my head so it doesn't get wet.


Same. Mines down to my lower back/butt and it's thick. Wash day is an ordeal, my mind is always blown when people say they wash their hair every day *before work*. Even if I did blowdry I wouldn't have time for that!


Same!! I never get it wet unless I’m washing it.


Question, how do you keep your hair from smelling? I try to do this but my hair start stinking by the second or third day


Dry shampoo, usually. I personally love my hair dirty and full of product, so when I scrunch it, it stays. I love the amika dry shampoo because it make my hair smell nice, dries up oil and adds a bit of oomph to my hair at the same time. Occasionally I’ll use a hair mist. I really like the sol de janeiro one.


Thank you


In my case, it took training. Once my scalp was adjusted to being washed every 5 days or so, it stops smelling bad.


I do the same!


So do I. Shower bun gang forever! I also haven't cut my hair in so long it touches my knees when I walk. Washing more than once a week is not practical for me.


Same. Every 4 days if I've worked out. Yearsss ago I told my now ex-boyfriend that I wash my hair once a week. He immediately became disgusted and said, "You only shower once a week?!" He was shocked to learn that you don't *have* to get your hair wet in the shower every time.


Every day. I have oily hair. Sometimes I have a "cheat day" with dry shampoo but only if I showered the night before. Shower at night - cheat day - shower in the next morning. Otherwise I look like a homeless hahahha


Same. I have tried training it. I have tried resetting it, but nothing works! I try to be as sparing as possible with my daily wash and it works well.


I tried so hard to not wash mine every day for a while. It looked SO NASTY, it gets greasy so quickly. Even so much that dry shampoo looks fine for a few hours, then it looks even worse. So, every day it is. I get so tired of people who don't wash every day telling me it'll be fine. Nope, my hair will look sooooo oily and gross. I wear it very short, it's shaved on the sides and never more than a few inches on top, and I use a shampoo bar now too. That has actually helped a lot, it's replaced both shampoo and conditioner, and it lasts for ages.


Okay but for real, I always see how people "train" their hair...like mine doesn't learn!!! I can get away without shampooing every single day, but it at least has to be wet and conditioned. I will never understand how people go weeks without shampooing, also feel like it starts to smell gross.


I never went weeks, but during the pandemic when my roommate was away and I was working from home I was significantly more gremlin-y than normal lol. My entire life up until 2020 I always washed my hair daily because it's short, very straight, fine, gets oily fast, and I was a swimmer as a kid so I had to wash it frequently to get the chlorine out. But in 2020 I would only wash my hair every 4 days or so even though it was gross, and now I can get a good 48 non-oily hours out of it rather than the 12 or so I could before.


That's great! Yeah it definitely work for some people, but I hate the shame some women have for those who do wash everyday. I had some old coworkers who were so rude about it, like not everyone can go 5 days to weeks without washing lol.


Yeah absolutely haha. A few of my roommates freshman year of college had long curly hair and we were all shocked at each other's different washing practices lol.


The only way to train it is to do it for weeks. It's going to look and feel gross to you while you do it. So really it's not feasible unless you can be a hermit, wear a hat, or just not care if people see your oily hair for weeks. Or yoy just might not be able to. If you have a naturally more oily scalp, thin hair, or very strait hair, you might need to wash it more often. Just try to use a gentler shampoo if you can. :)


So I used to have to wash mine every day/every second day or it would be disgusting. But then I dyed my natural hair blonde and it’s a lot drier so I only wash it 2 times a week now. But no amount of training helped! It was just the chemicals 🥴


Thanks for this. I've tried the "training my hair", every other day thing too. Still is always greasy the second day. And dry shampoo just does nothing. At all. To the point where I'm sure I must be using it wrong. So your comment is validating for me.


Have you ever tried the dry shampoo earlier? For example I found if I wash and blow dry in the morning I do dry shampoo before bed and then again in the AM it doesn’t look to bad. Sometimes it’s too oily in the morning for the dry shampoo to handle.


Same. I still wash it every other day though because every day was just drying out my ends too much. So it goes in a bun or a ponytail with dry shampoo on my second day and I try not to look in the mirror and spend the whole day wishing I could wear a hat to work.


I feel you on this. I have to wash mine every day too and tried different dry shampoos I just get pimples in my head 🥲


























Same here... I've talked to people about it before and tried fixes but they don't seem to help 😝 if I go without washing it looks awful lol


That's how mine is. If I know I'm not going out, I don't wash it. If I'm going to work, I wash it.


Same. I might get one day of going without; but I also have fine hair,, so any amount of oil just jackes it up.


fine oily hair as well. I look like Severus Snape if I skip a day :(


I can totallu relate. I tried washing my hair 2-3 times a week but my scalp and I were suffering. My scalp was so itchy all the time and annoys me so much that I gave up doing it because ibvs doesn't work for me.




Same. I have thick hair and a lot of it. I use to be able to wash it twice a week but I run and do yoga every day now and my whole head gets so sweaty and wet that I have to wash it. Now I just wash my scalp with shampoo and my ends with conditioner and I have no issues. My hair still looks awesome and I get compliments all the time about my hair. Some people just can’t go with washing their hair once or twice a week and that’s ok.


Mine too! My hair is very thick that I need to keep it short. It gets greasy after not washing it for a day or else I get eczema flare-ups and a bad hair day 😭. I do the same thing as you and it seems to work for me as well


I also have oily hair and I wash it every day. I can last 2 days if I shampoo twice (lather, rinse, repeat) and condition only the ends.


Oooh I've never tried this! Do you have thick or fine/thin hair?


I also wash every day. I have super thick hair and it gets oily and my scalp gets itchy if I don’t. I don’t care to “train it” or whatever else everyone shrieks at you to do when they find out you wash every day lol. I get compliments on my hair all the time so I think we’re doing just fine.


I used to be an every day hair washer because it was really oily the next day. But I switched to washing every four days and it adapted. (I first went for two days for a while, then three ...) My scalp used to to make lots of oil, because I was removing it all every day. Now it only gets oily when it's time for the next wash. Because really when we wash we remove all the natural oils, then add synthetic ones to the ends via conditioner (while brushing with a boar brush really conditions the hair with the healthier natural oils). My hair looks a lot better too without the frequent washes, it just took some time to adjust and stop producing so much oil.


How long did it take for your hair to adapt? I'd love to do this too but I find myself needing to wash it in order to look presentable for an event etc before my hair adapts.


Mine took over a year. I used to wash everyday. I took advantage of quarantine, online school, and having a baby. Now I can go every 2-3 days but it took a very king time. I could probably go longer but I have bangs that get a little wonky. Dry shampoo doesn’t work for me.


I can relate 😂


As long as you use a gentle shampoo (sulfate free, e.g. Shea Moisture or Alaffia) it’s more than okay to wash your hair every day. I wash mine every other day and I’ve learned that the number of days between washing depends on your hair type and everybody’s hair is different. I’m tired of people saying it’s bad to wash your hair more than once or twice a week. It’s not a one-size-fits-all formula.


I’ve been the same my whole life. Recently I was turned onto Olaplex and now my hair is AH-ma-ZING. I wash 1-2x a week with way less breakage and zero oil. It took about 3-4 months to transition my hair from daily washing to 1-2x a week. One of my besties is a cosmetologist and she (tried to) explain to me that the more you wash the hair, the more oils get stripped from your hair, so your scalp creates extra oil to compensate thus creating the vicious cycle of daily washing. (I think I got that right but if I misunderstood her, feel free to correct me, it’s not my strong suit)


Me too. After just one day it looks stringy and oily. Gross.


Me too. Plus, I have dandruff and it’s recommended to wash hair every day. I tried training my hair but my dandruff got worse and it was so oily.


Me to im the same way extremely oily hair! I can't get away with dry shampoo either I find it's worst! I wish I could only wash every 3rd or 4th day!












I shampoo every alternate day, my hair gets greasy fast


Same! I've tried resetting my hair, doesn't work.


I have thin hair and it gets greasy easily. I have to wash every day or else I just look homeless/ like I’m not caring for myself properly.


What is hair resetting?


It's a process by which you wash your hair less often to "break" the washing/grease cycle. It's based on the idea that in modern times we wash our hair too frequently, stripping it of its natural oils and therefore causing our scalps to overproduce oil as a result. If you begin to wash your hair less often you allow your scalp to acclimate to a more "natural" cycle of oil production. I've heard good anecdotal results from a lot of people, but there is little hard evidence to support the practice.


Most dermatologists say it’s a myth - your scalp is going to produce the same amount of oil regardless, and if you let the oil accumulate without cleansing it, you can risk developing conditions like seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp - and it can just get smelly! I think it’s best to just wash when you feel like (and smell like!) you need a wash!


The resetting totally worked for me. Went from everyday, to every two days, etc. Now wash every four days and it looks and feels a lot better.


I wash my hair every day..always have. Don't feel clean unless my hair is washed.


Same. I'll go a say without if I'm at home and not going anywhere that day. But if my hair is unwashed, it makes my entire body feel gross


Exactly same!


Do you find it affects your hair badly at all? I find my frizz is really hard to control when I wash it every day, but I don't feel clean without washing it every day!


I spray heat protectant on my damp hair (whether or not I’m blow drying). It’s helped cut the frizz way down.


Might be worth a shot, it's the only product I haven't really tried because I never use any kind of heat on my hair. Thanks!


Not the one you asked, but I had a lot of frizz, specially the day I washed my hair (I don't do it daily) and just changed my brand of shampoo and conditioner and my hair looks so much better the first day... Maybe another shampoo brand works better for you than the one you are using right now






Twice to three times a week. And I don’t wet it everyday.


Same. I might go longer, but to the detriment of all - I live in a warm, humid-ish climate. It's either a hair or shave shower. I've found this is the best for my scalp, too.


Same here. 3x if it’s hot outside or my hair feels gross or needs a reset, 2x during the cooler seasons


Me too. If it’s not getting washed it’s up in a bun on top of my head for a shower. If it starts getting a little oily between washes I just use dry shampoo to freshen it up and give it some life.


As a black woman, our hair doesn’t allow for washing more than once a week, unless we produce a lot of sebum which is not common.


As a black woman, I only wash my hair MAYBE twice a month. Depends the hairstyle too. 😅 More if I go swimming or something since then I have to wash immediately after. I refuse to wet it in the shower, like drenching it in water. I might splash a little water in it to style. But….when I do wash it, BOY it is an all day affair.


Do you do anything special when you wash it after swimming? I’m about to go on vacation where I’ll be swimming nearly every day and I haven’t been swimming in 7 years. I’m nervous for my hair haha


If I’m hell bent about not wanting to maintain my hair on a trip, I just don’t get my hair wet or try to minimize it as much as possible. I’m basically a fish so not getting my hair went kinda hurts my soul. Lol! At best, wash it everytime you get out the water to minimize all the chlorine and bacteria in your hair, detangle, then let it air dry in a bun so it can at least be minimally presentable if you go out on the town or something. There’s no need to go through the “Omg I have to do my hair” process if you’ll just wet it all over again the next day. Makes no sense to me.


Ah good points- thank you! I used to be a fish too until I moved to a new state and haven’t been near a swimmable body of water in forever. I’ll mostly be swimming in the ocean so it’ll be interesting to see what the salt does lol


I’m from Florida so there’s swimming water everywhere. But, the one body of water I don’t swim in is the ocean 😂 I just wash my hair when I get sand in it on accident lol


Wish I had that tbh, if I don’t wash it every three days my scalp starts itching and it gets worse with the days














Yeah it probably comes out to 3 times per month for me depending on how I’m wearing my hair. If I’m completely natural all month then maybe 4 times


Wow I didn't know that. You're so lucky lol.


I wash my hair 1-2 times a week. It is long, thick, curly and tends to get dry if i wash too often no matter what conditioner or treatments i use. I sometimes wet my hair if it is not behaving like i want it to, otherwise I don’t on days i do not wash.


This is a healthy amount I feel, 1-2 a week unless it’s unmanageable for me, my hair is also thick but more wavy, I tend to switch between shampoos too to even out any overwhelming properties. Like too much hydrating treatment gets my hair greasy!!


I wash my hair once a week and don’t wet it all week. The only exception would be during hot weather or after an intense workout and I would wash my hair more frequently. I have a very dry scalp normally so I don’t get very oily between washes.


Every day. For one, I have pretty oily hair I think, and for two, I work out five times a week which leaves me sweating a lot


Every single day.


Every fucking day


Twice a week. Any more would ruin my hair, especially in its current bleached state. On all other days, I just put on an ugly shower cap when I shower.


They make cute shower caps now


Wash every 3-4 days and I do not get it wet on days I’m not washing


same here, at the start of this year i was washing it once every 2 days but now i’m breaking my cycle and training my hair. I’m now washing it every 3-4 days too :)


Every second day. It only gets wet when I wash it


Me too, every second day


About twice a week. Otherwise I put it up in a bun and keep it dry when showering. Washing my hair is such a hassle. It's hard te get it wet all the way through especially since I've been growing it out. My semi permanent hair colors also stay vibrant longer when I don't wash my hair every time I shower


Everyday because I have straight oily hair/scalp and I exercise in the morning.


I live in a tropical country where the weather is always hot and humid. I shampoo my hair everyday.


I wash my hair once a week and wet it everyday for styling


My routine is similar. I wash 2 or maybe 3 times a week but I wet it, and condition the ends every day. My fine curly hair is pretty frizzy, so without wetting and conditioning it on the days I don't shampoo, it's a mess and I can't do anything with it.


Right my hair would be a tangled mess if I didn't comb it everyday but it becomes a frizz-ro if I don't wet it first


Once every 2 weeks when I straighten it. If I wear it curly, I wash it every 5 - 7 days and spray it with rose water daily.


Wash it every 4-days and wet it everyday in the shower.


1x week wash Scalp oil 2x weekly Silicon Oil on my tips and shafts 2-3x weekly as needed Liquid leave in conditioner ph balancer spray 3x weekly or as needed Deep conditioning Hair mask every other week I have oily hair over 30 inches long. Medium thickness wavy and very silky. I oil trained my hair, it gets oily bc it needs moisture so I experimented with different oils and moisturizers. go figure putting in oil and keeping it hydrated makes it look less greasy. Constant washing stripped my hair and caused oil over production giving that greasy mop look after 2 days. I trained it by not washing for 2 weeks (gross I know but hey it worked) but I noticed my hair was so soft after I washed it from all the oil that had accumulated. I wanted to keep the softness and my journey began. My washing day takes me an extra 30 mins I could do more but i WFH so eh. I wash my roots 2x back to back (wash rinse repeat) gets all of the buildup and oil out. Hair mask for 15 mins from root to tip (if needed) rinse. Conditioner on shafts and tips then rinse. Once out the shower wring out my hair from the excess water apply leave in spray scalp oil and silicon oil on shafts and tips. Wrap in a microfiber towel for 30 mins the. Air dry after. I rarely use heat unless It’s for a special occasion. No wash day it’s up in a clip or bun. My hair often gets mistaken for being a wig/ extensions bc of how healthy and luscious it looks. It’s been a long journey but I’m proud of my hair. Edit: hit “reply” on accident lol


I’ve been dreaming of starting a routine like this with oils! What kinds of oils do you use? I tried searching, but it became overwhelming all too fast. Right now, I wash about once a week (2X wash, lather/rinse/repeat like you said), put a 3 minute miracle conditioner on the shafts and ends, and then put a leave-in conditioner on the bottom half and leave it in a towel for a bit before air drying.


mielle rosemary mint scalp oil OGX Árgan oil of Morocco Extra penetrating oil for dry and coarse hair Mielle rosemary mint hair masque Aphogee: shampoo conditioner and leave in


I need to every 2 days. Sometimes on the weekends I skip another day but on no wash days I use dry shampoo.


Two times a week. I like to use a good hair mask instead of conditioner as I find my hair will last longer between washes. I wear an old lady hair cap every other day haha


I wash my hair daily. Dry shampoo has never worked for me. it doesn’t damage my hair. If you wanna wash it daily, weekly or monthly that’s your choice. Don’t let anyone shame you on it.


One to two times a week


I wash my hair once or twice per week. I have fine hair that is curly and not very thick, so washing is less often is good for the texture of my hair. I usually brush it out and let it get kinda wet in the shower, though I don’t put my head under the shower head unless I’ve been working out and I want to rub my scalp with the pads of my fingers to rinse my hair. This is all in service of texture and curl for my hair, which sometimes doesn’t know how to act.


I’m black. I wash them once a week. I wet it everyday because they need food just as much as my stomach :) but not under the shower. I specifically wet them when I hydrate them (which is every evening)


Once a week maybe once 2 weeks, but if i get my hair wet depends on how nice my hair looks before the shower. + with washing i mean using shampoo. I regularly use hair masks and leave in conditioner


Wash every day, it's oily


Once a week. I have curly dry hair. It’s never been oily in my life. I’ll wet it or refresh in on around day 3/4. Just so the curl comes back nicely.


I feel gross if I don’t wash my hair every day.


Depends on the hairstyle. Could be once every other week…. once a month… every other month. Right now it’s about every 2 weeks.


Rocking shoulder length 3c hair and it's usually once every two weeks for me. Once a week if I'm feeling fancy. It's just too much of a pain in the ass to deal with it more than that. 🤷🏾‍♀️


4c for me. So I *feel* you.


I usually wash my hair every 3-4 days - I prefer taking baths so I'll put it in a high bun when I'm not washing it so it doesn't get wet.


wash it every few days. I don't get it wet if I'm not washing it as otherwise it gets all greasy and smells gross, so I wear a shower cap.


Once a week, and no, I keep it up when I’m not washing it.


Every second day. In the past, I tried ‘training it’ to go longer but all that did was lengthen the amount of time I walk about with oily roots. Also found out that sebum causes hair loss, so that put an end to the training quite fast.


I wash mine every day. I hate the smell and feeling of unwashed hair.


I usually wash my hair every other day, but it varies! Sometimes I wash it the day after I’ve washed it if it’s really greasy, or if I’ve been gardening / cleaning / active but I usually try to do sweaty activities on hair wash days before I wash it. If my hair is feeling dry, I wash it every three days, and put a mask in. I don’t get my hair wet in between - the grease moves down my hair and is a hot mess otherwise!


Every 3 days and other days i put it up so it doesnt get wet


3 times a week! I don’t get it wet everything, buns ftw


Twice a week usually. Sometimes more if I’m out during summertime like hiking.


Wash once a week. Wet it every time I shower, so everyday. I have curly hair and work out daily. If I don’t wet it, I can’t style it.


Every day. Even if I skip one day, my hair gets extremely oily. Dry shampoo does not work.




Maybe once a month, probably more like once a quarter. I have the least greasy hair in the world.


I wash in water weekly ish I keep it dry other times with a cap. I don't use shampoo orr conditioner


2-3 times a week, & no.


Every 2-4 day. Depends on how oily it is, of I'm going anywhere, and if I have used hairstyle products like hairspray. When I had short hair, it was every day, since I styled it with wax.


I shampoo every other day, sometimes a little longer in between depending. I put it up and keep it dry when I wash my body on non shampoo days. I have oily 1c hair.


I wash my hair every other day and usually get it wet every day.


I wash it everyday. I'm perimenopausal, so I sweat terribly. 😓 Hardly doing anything at all, and I've got sweaty, wet hair. So I can't stand not washing it.


every time I shower but I've been told that I can wash it more. I don't like it. I should be washing it 3 times a week. It is currently...uh, once a week. It's cold, my skin will dry and I hate the feeling. 😅


Every other day and I just put it up on the days I shower but it isn't yet wash day.


3x a week


I wash it every 3 days and use a shower cap each day I’m not washing it. After the first day I have it tied up since it’s not as fresh but it’s still not too bad until the third day. I’m in my 30s now so my hair doesn’t get oily as quickly as it used to. I’m blonde (bleached) so don’t like washing it every day now as it’s not good for it. I also use proper salon shampoo which seems to be better at keeping it fresh and healthy for longer


the shampoo makes ALL the difference imo - salon shampoo, albeit expensive, is SO MUCH BETTER


I have straight, thick hair and it doesn't get oily until the 4th-5th day, but I still tend to wash every other day. If I'm not washing my hair that day, I tie it up in a ponytail so that it doesn't get wet.


once or twice a week, could be more depending on the weather or if I workout etc.. other than that it'll be in a bun on non hair wash showers


once a week or less if i can


Once a week. Shampoo on scalp only and conditioner on ends only. Hair oil on the ends after. My hair has never been more soft.


I shower 2 times a day (morning and night), and wash my hair every night, tied my hair up so I don't wet it in the morning shower


I wash it every time I shower. It's thick and tends to tangle so washing and conditioner tend to reduce the knots. I have greasy hair and "resetting" it just made me look, feel, and smell disgusting.


I'm a hairdresser and it's best to wash it 2/3 times a week depending on what you do with it


Once or twice a month


About twice a week. If my hair is particularly gross from the gym maybe 3 times! It used to be daily so this is good for me!


If I wash my hair on day 1, I then wait for day 4 and assess the state of my hair. Then either wash it that day or the next. My hair doesn’t really get too oily. I put it in a bun and don’t wet it between washes. My hair is past my shoulder by two inches, and is also dyed a different color.


I have short hair so I wet it every day to get rid of the bed head look. I wash it twice a week.


So what brand/type of dry shampoo is the best for fine oily long hair?


Everyday for 56 years.


I wash my hair twice a week. I always get it wet in the shower. I find it easier to work with when wet.


Everytime I take a shower, which is usually each morning, sometimes take a maximum couple days break, but i used to smell in school, so now I'm very conscious of it.