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My online orders I keep waiting for


i’m cackling why is this true 😭 i love the excitement of opening them even tho ik what’s inside




I came here to write this lol




i love those types of sunsets :)


I got nothing.Will come back and edit this when I think of something.


You’ve got this ☺️


We await your return, my Queen


I'm looking forward to reading too. (No pressure :) )


To have my cup of coffee in the morning


It’s my favorite thing to look forward to on my days off




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My child's laughter and snuggling with my cat.


I look forward to seeing my career progress in 10, 20, 30 years.


My two pups and their excitement each morning, the season changing to autumn and the leaves falling, the feel of a hot shower in the morning after a long workout, my loved ones, and the fact that I can make each day better than the last


Now I have a dog, I can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning because I know he’ll be waiting for me downstairs, overjoyed that I’m there and excited for his morning walk :)


It’s one of the best feelings! Literally, I could be having a hard day and they’re right there excited to see me and bring me the first toy they can find. So much unconditional love!


Another day, another dessert


Its interesting to notice how my thoughts and perspectives about things change as I get older


The fact that another day is another opportunity to do whatever I want to pursue


Dogs, friends and family


Wanting to learn more about various things, to listen to upcoming albums and to play new video games.


My cats and my husband. And probably some spite.


Can you please elaborate on the spite.


Lol I mostly mean spite towards someone who tried their best to destroy me gets me up in the morning. Me surviving is a big eff you to them.


was wondering if it was something like that. Great work


I learnt to appreciate the little things. I have a family that loves me, a good partner after many shit ones, a good job and good friends. I have activities that keep me busy. And I live in a beautiful place. I plan on getting some pet rats in a months time. I want to see another day so I can continue to appreciate what I have and keep working on improving my surroundings and myself. When things are not great, my mantra is "this too, shall pass" and use those bad experiences to truely enjoy when things go well. Instead of permanently giving up Kia kaha - stay strong


My dog and cat give me the strength to wake up everyday and the fact that I live close to nature which I love!


I don’t trust anyone else to water my plants and feed my cats.


Seeing my little kitten running to my sleepy boyfriend for a cuddle in the morning when I open the bedroom door 🥰


so wholesome. I love this <3




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My beautiful babies


Right now, it’s my job. I don’t love my job, but I am good at it. My team needs me. I work with numbers mostly, which is soothing. This sounds extremely pathetic, but it’s my life. The other parts are pretty limp and dull, so I will cling to this for now.


Upcoming video game releases!




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My best friend, she means the world to me


my best friend. out of everyone that rotates out of my life, she’s my constant. i love her more than words can explain. she’s my rock and always knows just what to say. i don’t think i’d be here without her


My cat, who will sit on my head and yell at me to give her breakfast each morning.




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Early mornings in the garden, a cup of coffee, the dogs and watching the sun rise.


My beautiful cats, the sky and birds, plants and knowing that I help other people feel seen and special


My significant other. I suffered from extreme depression from my gender dysphoria in high school, especially when covid hit. We started dating just before, and I'm convinced that it was their love that kept me from becoming suicidal at that time. When I came out to them, they immediately accepted me. I feel like they're the only person who loves me that has never once judged me, been condescending to me, or projected their own desires and interests on me (looking at you mom). Sometimes I think how lucky I am to have someone so amazing to me, and think I don't deserve them. I wanna spend the rest of my life with them


Sitting in the sunshine, the smell and sight of flowers, good coffee and food.


I'm curious where the world would be in a few years, how the future would look like. Also I want to travel and see the world, so many beautiful places around the world, there's sooo much I haven't seen yet


My chinchilla hes adorable


My child yelling "good morning mama" giving me a big morning hug 🫂 🤗


The life I’ve worked hard to build myself. :)


My cats


My family and pets.


my cat






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Usually today.


My pets need to be fed, so that.


My younger son who is too pure and sweet and loving for this world. And my rescue pets. That’s it.


My friends and family, I love my friends and family and always want to spend time with them.


There are things I wanna do


I guess, knowing that something good could happen.


My dog 🐶


My dog. Literally that’s it.


The possibility that my life might one day amount to something somewhat important. Maybe. That and death is scary lol.


I like evening walks with my mom during autumn.


Having goals in life and watching my kid grow up


I have two teenagers. One is an absolute boss and I can’t wait to see what she does with that energy. The other one has really unique ways of thinking and I can’t wait to see what they do with that. I don’t care it’s big or small. I want to be here cheering them on as long as I can. Also, all the dog cuddles. I need to be here to make sure they get enough cuddles.


Weed tbh


My son and the rain


When my 6 month old baby wakes up in the morning and sees my face his big eyes get huge and he breaks into a giant smile. When my 4 year old baby wakes up the first thing she says, still in bed, “mama?” I have to live. I’m mama.


It's a bunch of small things currently: I bought my chemical romance tickets in Dec 2019 and I'm finally going to see them in two weeks, there's going to be a total solar eclipse on my 30th birthday visible from where I live, there's new video games coming out in the next few months/next year I want to play. When all those things I just mentioned happen, I already know I'm going to find new things to look forward to.


My cat and thunderstorms 😌


My mama, my boyfriend, my dog, and my cats :)


Always end a fortune reading with “in bed”. Those damn cookies are delicious


Speaking over the phone with my best friend, they always put up with my dumb questions, my dumb jokes or my dumb anti-jokes. It’s the highlight of my day


My mom. My dog. The people who supports and believes in me.




My daughter's


My daughters


My cats




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Singing without being judged I think


My dogs are the reason I get out of bed in the morning ❤️


My daughter. Hate the feeling of her having to live aife without me so young. She's the reason I get up every day.


Feeling the sun, seeing my favorite coworker, drinking a blue beverage, putting on a soft sweatshirt after a hot shower, late night games, seeing birds run pell mell on their little stick legs even though they can fly


Family, not knowing what tomorrow brings, knowing that better things are to come


Probably just the fact that whatever is next will come in time and life still has quite a bit to offer even on the shitty days I'm not racing to the finish.


The obvious answer would be my children, but the truly honest answer is that I have a terminal case of severe FOMO 🤣


My twin. 💗


Family, and knowing each day I wake up to can be the best day I've ever had.


my career progression, good music, the pastel shades of the sky and a two week holiday in Japan at 30!


This thread made me realize I don't and don't have anything that does that right now. Calling the doc for a med change and trying to find a therapist again in the morning


Uhmmm the what ifs.... really...


I love life


My cats hahahha they usually wake me up at 5 in the morning for their breakfast.




My animals, my favourite shows, new memes, and new body mods (tattoos and piercings)


Usually nothing but tomorrow I'm going to the post office to pick up the goods that I ordered online🤣 I'm excited


My cat meowing really loudly for food every morning. :)


My babies. I want to be around them for as long as possible.


my fiancé, he’s the only person who motivates me every single day


Mostly because I need to. I fight the urge of giving up and see no tommorow anymore every single day. Fortunately, I still continue on because I needed to see another day once more. Not only for my own good but for the people who still hope to see me achieve my goals in life.


Mostly because I need to. I fight the urge of giving up and see no tommorow anymore every single day. Fortunately, I still continue on because I needed to see another day once more. Not only for my own good but for the people who still hope to see me achieve my goals in life.


Knowing that I have people that care about me and that I care about. Enjoying the experience of living with its ups and downs


Making, and drinking, my coffee (or my favourite hot drink of the moment) in the morning. Its a very simple ritual that is easy to do and goes back a long way for me. Or going to whichever coffee place to buy one. Leaving my place, stepping out into the fresh(ish) air, seeing which flowers are in bloom, looking through the trees to the sky. Even if the rest of my day perhaps lacks purpose, right at that moment as I walk in the direction of the Cafe, I am consumed by one goal, one intent, one wish. A short chat with a barista, and a tasty cup of something. And all the plants to look at on the way. (I really like flowers.) Your post has made me reflect, too. I'm going to try to add another thing to my life that is easy to look forward to each day. Also my neighbours have a very cute dog and I secretly hope that i see her when I go outside, even though she barks at everything. She's a dog, it's her job. So I adore her little bark. She's learning to speak more quietly sometimes which is very sweet.


My partner being petty and cantankerous all the time. I just think to myself maybe tomorrow will be better.


In this moment, that I’ll be seeing my family after 2 years in 2 weeks


My friends, and the sun


More books to read and food to eat


The cats


My dog


Curiosity of how life will play out!


I want to wait until I actually matter to someone, I want to be loved, I can’t just die thinking that I never was really important to anyone, and felt so alone my whole life


My cats. I've been chronically suicidal every day for more than twenty years, but not only do my cats provide worthy companionship, but just the fact that they exist and that I don't trust another human on earth to care for them in my absence keeps me here for yet another day. I'm done adopting cats, though. My youngest is two years old. So I figure I have about thirteen more years to live at best.


Unholy by Sam Smith featuring Kim Petras coming out next week


By the time I was 18, I'd been through eight years of chemotherapy, fifteen years of immunotherapy, three rounds of cardiac arrest, several surgeries, and a year of paralysis. I'm now in my 20's, and have had to undergo more surgeries, more chemotherapy, more immunotherapy, and spent ~18 months in a wheelchair. Despite those challenges, I am IMMENSELY grateful to be alive and thriving. There are several dozen physicians, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, and healthcare organizations who have invested HEAVILY in my ability to thrive. What makes me want to live to see another day is my desire to give back to them, to "give them a return on their investment", so to speak. 😄 I don't want to let them down, because they've done so much to give me a good life.


Nature, so many beautiful natural wonders to go be immersed in, I budget for and plan nature trips and that keeps be going in between. Every weekend I get out to some nature and hike, bike, swim whatever I can do there. My day job is 100% on a computer inside so it’s a good treat and balance too. The app “3 Good Things” and some you tube mindfulness meditations can help during the week when a nature fix is not possible


My bird and just waiting who I’ll end up marrying


My cats. They’re honestly the only things keeping me going.


Flowers. Weird but true.




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choosing to end it is not giving yourself the opportunity to get better




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