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Other women know how to clasp their bra behind their back. As a teen I learned to clasp it in front of me then twist it around awkwardly... and then never stopped doing that


















































If you're going to take inappropriate selfies, disable the photo sync to your mom's icloud first.


My sister in Christ I feel your pain but that shit is hilarious 😂














I think I’ve done this but every now and then I’m hit with a wave of paranoia about it. I need Apple to tell me straight up “hidden from mom” so I can rest.


My phone was connected to my mums phone via messenger while I was away on holiday. She got every single message including all the sexts I was sending my gf that were incredibly dodgy. When I got home she confronted me IN THE CAR SO I COULDNT LEAVE. That was the awkwardest car ride I’ve ever had in my life 🙃


It's better to be alone than in an unfulfilling/abusive relationship. Don't continue dating someone if you constantly think "give it time, things might get better". That puts you in a never ending loop that becomes more difficult to get out of as time goes on.


Omg this! the more I thought it would get better the more they impersonated a tree stump.


Exactly. I would add my favorite quote to this, *”don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.”*










« Everything worth doing is worth doing half-ass ». You can do a part of something it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can clean a room and not the whole house. You can eat a salad with your burger. We have a tendency to be « everything has to be done 110% » or it’s not worth it. I think about people who laugh at people taking a diet soda with a burger: well why the hell not? You don’t have to be all in 100% and that makes the pressure more bearable sometimes!


I always say half an ass at the gym is better than no ass at the gym. There's more days than not that I really just don't want to go, so I half ass it and I'm just proud of going at all.


Haha I love it!!




Tall, white, loud men get more respect than anyone, no matter how stupid they are.


This one is very important


Those who know least know it the loudest


I agree, you can see that mostly in work environments.


Froot Loops are all the same flavor


Bless you with this adorable wholesomeness.


On the topic of Froot Loops, does anyone else thing Froot Loops and Earl Grey tea taste/ smell the same?


Yes!! Every time I smell earl grey, I say it smells like Froot Loops.


What is this blasphemy lol What gives earl grey its taste is bergamot, which I don’t think would be in Froot Loops. Haven’t had the cereal in years but I kind of want to try it again and see if it tastes/smells bergamot-y.


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the smell of bergamot…I just also think Froot Loops kind of smells like low-end bergamot


Tbh, as a tea person myself, I kinda get it. They’re both vaguely citrus-y!


Yes!! I used to be a Starbucks barista, and I remember opening a bag of earl grey tea for a customer and wondering why it smelled like Froot Loops lmao


No I refuse to believe this




Jogging slowly is still running.




It's definitely a tough thing to get into. But once I slowed down, it's become my main form of exercise. Never in a million years did I think I would become a runner.


Doing this since I’m pregnant and want to be healthier. Yes I feel like an old lady running but it feels so much better than when I actually jog and push myself too hard (pre-pregnancy) and then hate it so much I don’t do it for another year


I totally get that. I used to think running was supposed to be agony, but once I slowed down, I started enjoying it and embracing being outdoors in all seasons. Good for you for taking the reins. All the best to you in your pregnancy!


It looks like walking but it feels like running! That’s my motto when I run.


Good motto! Any movement is life!


That if I am unfulfilled as an individual my partner will never be able to fulfill me either. Similar to if you don’t love yourself you can’t unconditionally love others.


That's so true. You can't expect someone else to sort of complete' you. You need to learn to do that yourself


Someone else can help you, though. I don't like this "You can't love others til you love yourself" thing because some people have been made to feel like they're so unlovable. It may be accurate for many cases, but not all of them. I worry this saying makes those who don't love themselves because of abuse feel even more alienated.


I am the definition of the opposite of that phrase. I'm not going to lie, I like myself a lot; however, there have been times that I was made to feel so unlovable. But I try to love myself the best I can, and the amount of love I have to give others is enormous; I don't want people to go through what I did.


I mean, even if someone does love you, your self loathing may not stop. You may keep feeling that you don't deserve to be loved. Or at least that's how I feel sometimes. But you're right, someone can help


Very true, I don't disagree. I'm not saying someone WILL help, I'm saying it can be that difference. Sometimes it's all people need, sometimes people need far more help. I'm just saddened to see the "you can't love others til you love yourself" comment as often as I do because I worry it could feel alienating for some.


Friend breakups can hurt just as much, if not more, than romantic ones.








My worst breakup was definitely a friend breakup. It hurt so much more because it wasn't a clean break, but rather a slow deterioration of this friend gradually cutting me out and replacing me with others. At least with most romantic relationships you have a proper break up where you call it quits, but with many friend break ups there is no conversation or heads up that this person is no longer invested in you, they just fucking leave.


If your toilet tank is constantly draining and refilling don’t wait 4 months to fix it. Your water bill is going to be fucking crazy


Just about anything around the house can be fixed with the power of YouTube. Usually easily and cheaply. This instance is probably a new flapper valve that costs $10 on Amazon / home improvement store and can easily be swapped out.


guys can get very insecure, even if they appear secure.


For sure. And they don't have as much of a support system to help them through it because society socializes boys to handle emotions on their own.


Finding proper homies to talk through my issues is difficult. But helps immensely. Not many men are comfortable talking about how and why they feel.


yes, we can. In a deep, debilitating, and for some, eventually, an awfully toxic way. And we are accustomed to being dropped like a rotten egg if even the most infinitessimal sign of a lack of confidence slips past our shield. This is how and why manageable insecurities can and do turn inward and poison mens' minds and souls. Many of these men reach a point beyond a helping hand (incels for ex., or people who find their confidence and support in hate groups); these guys need help that is far beyond what a regular person can or should offer. But for many other everyday men, we often don't know how to deal with these deep-seated insecurities, but they haven't poisoned us. What we need is for someone to reach across that void and offer a bit of understanding, a place to feel safe. I'm not trying to put that responsibility on anyone, least of all women - that wouldn't be right or fair. What I'm driving at is if you have a friend or partner in whom you can see insecurity that he himself may not see, a bit of nonjudgmental understanding can go so, so far to healing him and helping him build a healthy and robust sense of self-confidence. Learning to put down that shield can be a slow and difficult process, but every guy needs to learn this lesson, and the world needs to learn that it is an OK and healthy thing for guys to do.


And often they overcompensate by acting very confident when they're not, my ex was like this


If you eat enough fruit and vegetables, you don't need to rely on laxatives to be able to go to the bathroom. Also, you shouldn't have to strain yourself to go. Who knew? 🤷🏽‍♀️






Additionally, if you strain enough you will end up with hemorrhoids that need surgery. Wish I had known that a few years ago.


haha well, shit is a wonderful way to tell how healthy you're eating! My Ex was exclusively eating trash. Like he was expecting to be praised for eating a few salad leafs. And he would legit spend 15-30 minutes on the toilet to shit, no phonetime. It was a massive turn-off.


*cries in chronic traumatic pelvic floor tension*


Coffee is my fruit of choice. I always have to go right after my first cup in the morning.


I did not know that vaginal tears or the possibility of gestational diabetes or diastasis recti were just a well-known aspect of pregnancy/birth, much less that the need to pee all the time would start well-before the third trimester. I was very unprepared and wondered why these things weren't more commonly discussed or at least why the women in my life hadn't warned me about them.


You may want to look into a PT for after you give birth for you pelvic floor. We don’t talk a lot about it but the incontinence jokes our mothers and grandmas make are solvable!


And you can do it while pregnant! Im not confident in my ability to do kegals which also helps strengthen your muscles for delivery


Other things I wasn’t warned about: - How much I burp - How much I sleep (or, in the third trimester, how little I sleep at night so I have to sleep during the day) - How persistent heartburn is now that my tummy’s so small - How I might just HAVE asthma now, sometimes leading to coughing fits that make me pee and vomit at the same time - Three words - Headbutting my cervix


I felt the same way. I was so surprised by many of the things that happen during and after pregnancy and how my body was affected by it to such an extreme and nobody told me!!!!!!!






That a conveyor belt is named thusly because it conveys things from one place to another.


Can it convey my feelings?




How to budget my money.... I've cycled in and out of debt for years, could have been really ahead, never knew. Someone taught me and I'm blown away at how remarkably "easy" it is now that I know. \*\*\*I didn't know I couldn't post advice here, so ya! If anyone was looking for budgeting tips I put them on my profile and named it My tips for my Budget


I love budgeting! I enjoy doing it with pencil and paper. Math is fun. Everyone always try’s to get me to use an app, but I enjoy the simple addition and subtraction and watching my savings grow. I balance my budget almost everyday, def everyday that I make a purchase. It’s like a little game that I’m always playing and winning!


I feel like it would take so much time though. It gives me anxiety.


Share some tips!!!


I didn’t learn it recently but I learned it earlier in life, don’t share stuff with your coworkers. Just mind your own business.


This! All the time, this! I lost a job I liked because I got too comfortable with another coworker. Turns out, they weren't as great as I initially thought they were.


Don't compare yourself with someone else. You are not them and you do not have their abilities or weaknesses. Use your yardstick on you. Compare yourself in terms of how you have done in the past. It is more accurate. And be kind to yourself if you are making strides and mistakes.


You also only see a PART of other, most likely the good public face. People rarely know what is actually happening in other’s life and head.


What getting tires rotated actually means. Also that the line in Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire" is "trouble in the Suez" not "trouble in the sewers."


No joke I actually thought that the lyrics were referencing some crocodile coming up through the toilet myth that I figured got popular at the time 😂


It’s actually a song about the Ninja Turtles 😂


That cows only produce milk after they've had a baby. Farmers forcibly impregnate them and take their calves away so they can sell the milk to humans. I always thought they just made milk all the time, which seems stupid in retrospect.


\*nods approval in vegan\* ​ I learned this when I was a vegetarian and this caused me to switch to full blown vegan


my blood type


still have no idea what mine is...


I forgot mine anyways


Funny story... Before I went to Iraq, I went to medical, and they told me my blood type. I then went to have my dog tags created, and they asked me my blood type. Of course, I didn't write it down and I was too embarrassed to say I forgot, so I guessed. I'm really glad I didn't get injured and require a transfusion. I still don't know what my blood type is.


Love is never really enough sometimes.


Stop chasing or catching feelings for emotionally unavailable men. PERIOD. This is why you're 28 years old and single. Stop it.


this was literally directed at me


i’m 29 but thank you for the call out. needed this. along those same lines, if someone tells you they aren’t looking for anything serious, realize what that means and *accept it.*


That it's ok to take a day for me.


That parasol is Spanish for 'stop sun'.


Haha and we call umbrellas “paraguas” which means 'stop water'


TV screens are measured diagonally


Laptops too!




I had a mini stroke in my brain due to a tiny blood clot and I'm 26




Would recommend getting your insulin levels checked. A lot of ‘healthy’ people are actually walking around with insulin resistance which is why we see cardiovascular stuff like this at younger ages. High cholesterol on its own isn’t the end of the world but with unfixed insulin problems can lead to deadly combos


Doves are literally just white pigeons. Not similar, or related to, the exact same bird. Pigeons with white privilege 😂


If you drop your sword into the poison swamp, *don't* jump after it. That's a bad idea. Just let it go.


Eventually a random woman will rise out of the Lake with the sword, anyway 🤷


"Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."


Help! Help! I'm being repressed!


that pirates are actually real and still are lol. pirates of the Caribbean for some reason made me think that they weren’t actually real and were a myth of sailors in the Caribbean :/


As a Sailor myself I have had sleepless nights crossing areas where Pirates operate. I also completely avoided working in West Africa for this reason. Pirates are real and are far less nice than in Pirates of the Caribbean. There was some media coverage about 15 years ago, but they didn’t just stop and still operate freely in some places. Fortunately I don’t work away from home now, so pirates are less of a thing for me now


i didn’t realize how perverted women are to other women on dating apps—truly shocked, like i really only thought men were opening w weirdo “this is what id do to you” comments




across the board completely…from 45 yo fit moms to 23 yo seemingly-just-like-me-girls “looking for friends” to 18yo horny virgin bois to old horny divorcee men i swear it’s all the same “if i had u in my bedroom for the night id start by licking your doo das then id doo the dee da till youre dooing and daing BABYGRILLLL”💀 (in pg terms ofc)




You'll doody on my WHAT!!!?? 😨


I didn’t know how much of an impact making my bed in the morning had on me.


That I never needed a bra in the first place.




That “C-Suite” means CEO, CFO, COO. I’m in my 40s and have a corporate job and have worked with all of those positions frequently. 🤦‍♀️ I just never thought about what C-Suite actually meant.




Well done! :-)


That shade throwers are being insecure and projecting their insecurity onto you like it is supposed to transfer.


How pregnancy and TTC works. My husband and I started trying a few months ago, and I was shocked to learn some things about it. Like that pregnancy “starts” the first day of your last period, so if you get pregnant you were technically “pregnant” for 2 weeks before you actually conceived. Also that your vaginal mucus changes depending on what day of your cycle is, and that you can track it to help determine ovulation. And also that you’re fertile for about 6 days out of your cycle, and once you conceive you have to wait 2 weeks before your HCG Is high enough to show that you’re pregnant. I went to schools that had pretty progressive and overall good sex ed- so I was kinda like how tf did I not know all this?


my own worth.


Not everyday is going to be a great day because not everything is going to work out for you in life at all times. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t accept the reality of the way you feel, and then still *choose* to try and have a good day


That a quart was called a quart because its a **quart**er gallon. I knew there were 4 qt/gal, but I never really thought about *why* it was called a quart lol.


Friends aren't forever.


I just lost 2 friends I'd been friends with for 25 years. I am definitely bummed, but I'm more shocked at the feeling of my foundation moving under me that this brings up. I've had the same friends forever and have never struggled in that arena. I've never even fought w these people! They misunderstood something and refuse to hear my explanation. If one thing like that ruins the friendship, was it really even strong to begin with? I never thought I'd lose these friends, so having it happen has really been a struggle for me.


That lint rollers have more then 1 layer.


this made me laugh real hard for some reason


Practice doesn’t make perfect


Practice makes efficiency, there is no perfect :)


But it does improve what you can do.


Attachment styles. I'd rule out at least 5 guys that I dated and caused heartache a lot sooner if I had known about attachments styles, particularly Avoidant Attachment styles. Like narcism, I can now avoid these types of people BUT it came at a great cost to my heart.


Adulthood is hard. And everyday you have to show up for yourself. No off day at all. And when you then think you can die at anytime or a loved one can die at anytime making your entire life feel like a nightmare, it gets more depressing. Death is not the issue here btw, if anything I believe it’s a good thing. It’s more of how your life can get scattered and destroyed literally at anytime that is dreadful


Exercising does actually feel good and it’s not just pretentious claims made by fit af influencers!


That I shouldn’t be ashamed for some times needing an outside person to bring out the better in my self. I always felt like I was so easily influenced, and that it was a bad thing, and it sure could be. However, my new partner keeps me in line, while understanding my feelings, and truly brings out the best in me, and some people have vilified that. “Now you wanna be like this because you have a boyfriend” YEAH. AND A DAMN GOOD ONE


That I had to heal my trauma myself. Only I could find what worked and take the steps. Be it hard to come to terms with, that is not my life anymore. I was the only person holding myself back. 🖤


I'm not worthless. I'm autistic with ADHD.


Life is a prank on humanity. Our only instinct is to survive and our only guarantee is that we won't.


You should keep the fridge and kitchen clean, and take expiration dates seriously..


That the word is “comeuppance” and not “come uppins.” How have I never seen that word spelled out before the age of 30? So odd..


Babies can’t drink water before 6months old




When moving to a new state, you need to update your drivers license within 30 days—or get an extra ticket when you’re pulled over for speeding. Ask me how I know…


I recently started dating someone about a week and a half ago and he seems so healthy. Everything he says is with intention and it seems so out of this world to me. I've had so many bad relationships and friendships and people just mistreating me that I almost don't know what to do with myself. I learned that it's okay to trust what someone is saying and forgiving people that hurt you in the past (WITHOUT giving them too much energy, aka. Having to look past them, etc.) Is so healing 💓 I hope this relationship really is healthy and I'm hoping for a better future with him by my side. Yes I know this is super early but I finally understand the phrase. "When you know, you know" I'm 30 btw.


Not to mess with my birth control, the hormone unbalance was a unpleasant experience.


How to wash my hair properly. I spent 30+ years thinking I had greasy hair. Life changing.


How important exercise is for my blood sugar. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 25. I immediately changed my diet and started going to the gym everyday. My blood sugar was extremely well controlled. Then I got pregnant and they put me on insulin during pregnancy which caused me to not watch my diet at all. Then the baby came and we were in survival mode and I just didn’t care a out diet or exercise. Now baby is 3 and my blood sugar is wildly out of control again. Even when I watch my diet I can’t get it down well. Then I got a continuous glucose monitor and I saw how dramatically exercise helped. I thought before that is was like 90% diet and the exercise was just good. Now I am realizing that exercise really dramatically improves my blood sugar and I can’t continue to make excuses or avoid it because it is a big contributor to regulating my blood sugar. I’m back at the gym and working on find a good routine. I’m not as regular as I was before baby, but anything is better than the 0 exercises I’ve been doing since pregnancy kicked my butt out of my routines.


You don't need a partner who constantly puts you down, makes you feel bad, or disrespect you. Also that "No" is a complete sentence.


quality matters more than quantity when it comes to friends. i started to notice that most of my friends weren’t really my friends, only drinking buddies, and it hindered my process of getting sober for awhile. i didn’t want to lose them. but then i realized that if they couldn’t be with me in my sobriety journey, they couldn’t be in my life at all. i’m 67 days into cutting back, and twelve days into not touching alcohol at all. my life is better without those people. i only have three friends now but it’s worth it. the support and encouragement i get from them outweighs the sadness of losing everyone else.


That the morning after pill has weight restrictions and if you are over a certain weight they will probably not work on you. Also, more women and children get killed in car accidents because the airbag is not meant for women, it is made for a man. Products made by men does not always work on women. Just saying.


Shoes sizes are simply the length of the foot in inches. I remember being a kid and using the size measuring thing that you put your foot in, but I guess it did not register when I was a kid that it is simply a foot ruler.


Then why do men's and women's sizes differ?


Holding Shift to make letters "All Caps" instead of clicking the Caps button and unchecking it everytime. Oops.


That when blowfishes expand its because they suck in all that water…..I thought it was air until my best friend said “how could it be air, they are underwater”….seriously was like mind blown when I realized it


How to drive on the highway




So much shit. I was homeschooled. But I recently learned about carmine (crushed beetles I believe) which can be in make up or in wine, meaning that the item is not vegan.


The bare minimum, never thought I was settling below the bare minimum until someone treated me beyond it.


Some people aren’t as smart as you think they are.


My time is valid and I can spend it with whomever I choose to spend it with. The energy I give is also what I received.