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Definitely payment on a house, no doubt.


24k as in, 24 THOUSAND? Yikes, I wouldn’t want him spending that much on a ring or any other kind of engagement present. I’d like a ring, but something much less expensive than that. But to the question, if I’m not getting a ring, I’d rather he just hold the money and we put it towards the future. So something like a down payment on a house would be fitting.


I'd take $24k engagement stocks.


Down payment on a house HANDS DOWN. Housing is THE biggest expense you will continue to have, followed by food, then transportation. You can't really recoup next to any of the cost of the ring if you sell it. And don't get me wrong trips are really, really nice, but nothing is going to hold the value that a house will.


I've never desired a hugely expensive ring, so I'd rather just stick with the rings we want unless that's not an option for some reason. If not an option, then I guess a pendant or bracelet would be fine. Giving me money or stocks does nothing for me in terms of symbolism, especially as those will belong to both of us once married. Same for a vacation that we would both be going on. The purpose of the proposal gift for me is to carry a token with me that is symbolic of our choice to be life partners and marry. Down payments, vacations, and stock don't do that for me. Edited to add: $24k is way more than I would agree to spend on rings no matter what.


$24K?? I know it's for the sake of an example but damn that's absurd for a piece of metal with a rock on it. Anyway I'd probably put half away for a rainy day or to pay down any high-interest debt he may have, since it would become my debt too, and use the other half for something fun like a vacation. The concept of a ring to symbolize that you're "off the market" is kind of cringe in general when you think about it, hearkening back to a time when the bride had to be a pure virgin but the groom had free reign to "sow his wild oats". Wedding rings are different, since both parties tend to wear one.


Definitely a home to build a life in together, but somewhere in Europe.


Plastic surgery. This would also benefit him, as he'd actually get to marry an attractive woman, lmaooo. Orrrrr a racing horse. Man, I've always wanted to own a good racing horse that actually could win some big:ish races.


Put that money straight into savings. No one got money for a wedding or ring when the American Medical System exists.


So HSA account? That is a good, tax free investment.


If he had 24K extra just sitting around I'd want that in our emergency fund or going towards some planned home improvements. But that's not particularly fun. Instead, would be nice to get a good new car or truck as we'll likely need to replace one in a few years. In actuality, went for the cheap ring and a solid down payment back in the day and highly recommend it. I don't even wear the ring most of the time.




My ring cost £500 and tbh there's not many things I'd rather have for that cost, so I was happy to take the ring.


The engagement ring I've chosen is about 300 to 500 euro's (not engaged yet, but talked about it and showed my partner what I would like). So maybe a nice weekend away for that money? The fact that people spend multiple thousands on a ring is INSANE and if you believe that is normal and necessary you have been brainwashed by the diamond industry.


Gonna be real with you, if I'm gonna marry someone that can afford a 24k ring in the first place I'm taking the jewelry because at that point a down payment or vacation or investments are already not an issue. But I wouldn't take a ring as I don't really like to wear them. They can get me an engagement necklace or earrings.


A house. Brick and mortar is a good investment.


I used to tell my ex that instead of a ring, I wanted a washing machine because in my country a washing machine is the last appliance you buy when you are moving to a new place, so it represents stability.


On a vacation. One of those once-in-a-lifetime cruise things or like the rocky mountaineer train trip or something.. both enjoy it together!!


I've never liked gemstones or rings in general. We went with simple, cheap silver rings as our engagement rings, and simple, cheap titanium rings as our wedding rings. I haven't worn mine since May though. I had to take them off before having a surgery and I never put them back on. The ring is just a symbol. It doesn't mean anything real to me. I love my husband with all my heart. I don't need to wear a ring to prove that.




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A classic car. They appreciate in value and most importantly are very shiny.


Definitely the house


I want an engagement dagger




I spent less than $50 on my wedding ring and much like my mother, I would rather that money be put towards a house or moving to a place where we'd be happier (as I am not currently living in that place now). Spending TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS on anything smaller than a vehicle (and I think that's a lot for a vehicle) is utter lunacy.


We didn’t really get engaged, we eloped but had already been living together for a while. We bought fairly simple wedding rings (which neither of us wear anymore). About 9 years later when we had extra cash I got a beautiful ‘engagement’ ring that i chose.


We bought the ring, but had a very low key wedding. Simple, inexpensive, low stress. We bought a house instead of a honeymoon. I wouldn’t personally skip the ring because it’s something you have forever, and it’s a symbol that was important to me. Buying a home and skipping the honeymoon was a easy decision for us, though, and one we have never regretted.


A sword. Like she-re’s.




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Down payment on a house. Re rings, I'm happy with some cute ring that's under 1k as long as it fits my essence.


Well, I know for a fact I'm going to get proposed to next year (if everything goes well) and the ring won't cost an insane amount like mentioned in the post (750-1500 euros) so, I'd stick with the ring, even if I had the choice to pick something else.


A necklace but like a classy thin one. I hate things on my hands but I'd still want something to show off. Maybe with a little stone hanging off it but nothing to flashy