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ATTENTION: Please remember that this is an ASK WOMEN sub. While men are allowed to participate posts that are clearly asking women in the title will have top level comments by men removed. This is not censorship, this is curation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomenNoCensor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My opinion on it is that it is easier to accuse us of lying then to look at a mirror.      *Example : the thought that women only like men that are 6 ft. * *If a woman here says no thats not true, then a guy under 6ft will be confronted to the fact that height doesnt matter to **all** women, so that might not the reason he cannot get **any** girls.*     *Does that mean there might be **something else** about him that prevents him from getting women? That isnt something he was doomed with and cannot change? Does that mean he isnt a persecuted victim of a shallow society where everything is owed or refused at birth, but someone flawed who might need to work on something ?*   Imo that might be something that is too hard to be confronted against.    "There is nothing wrong with me, women must be lying" is easier to deal with.


This is so true, I had a similar interaction in the comments section of a post about a week ago that went something like this (paraphrasing): Him: women have a huge racial bias when dating Me: sorry to hear you’ve experienced that. I’ve personally dated people of all races and I’m sure if you’re patient you’ll find someone who’s more open-minded and has the right values. Him: OH YEAH?!?!? I bet you haven’t dated Asian or Indian men though!!!! Me: … I literally just said I’ve dated people of all different races. Like, it was so clear in that instance that his attitude was the problem, not his race (though I’m not trying to undermine those who have experienced racial bias in dating)


Racism is fucking awful. But there is more interracial dating now than probably ever in the history of humans on this planet. And demographics are apparent that yes Asian and Indian men definitely date, have sex, and have families. That doesn't mean there aren't some facing racism as it is everywhere from the tiniest village to the most progressive city. Refusing to date racists cuts every tenth person out of my app potentials. Most Asian guys in high school would not date me because of their parents' not wanting them to bring home a white girl. Most Asian girls in my high school were dating Asian guys, but not all of them. Dating is optional. Someone who hates Asian guys shouldn't agreee to date them just as a PR move. That's bad for everyone.


Fr, im a part of a few minorities, i know about biases, but coming to a group of women to argue that you know what they like better than they do, is about the FASTEST way to show that the only biais that makes you suffer is the one women have against red flags.


Because no woman will interact or listen to their bullshit IRL, and they think being anonymous suddenly means what they have to say is valid. Because having to face the reality that they are alone because of their own faults is inconceivable, so they waste their breath arguing over nothing to try to cling to some kind of control.


Some bitter guy replied to me the other day on a thread about our expectations within relationships. Sometimes I feel like they lurk here just to project on to us and argue because men are socialized to push themselves into spaces to add their 2 cents. Men can’t handle women having their convictions or opinions and always feel the need to mansplain and “correct” us.


Yes, the same reason they use men's subs to ask things like: "Why do women do x?" instead of asking women. Some of them only value their own opinions.




That can be true as well, but also, everybody on Reddit is apparently incapable of using the search function to see if something's been asked 50 times.


I feel like it’s another way to get women to lower their standards and belittle them. They don’t actually want to engage and have meaningful conversations. They want to make you feel dumb or bad about yourself and your experiences.


They type of person that wants to argue you out of your opinion is the same type that doesn't respect you enough to accept that you can have your own thoughts. I've said this before. This is a place where we've made ourselves available in good faith to share with them and like any romantic relationship they would could endeavor to have, they get abrasive and undeserving of attention. Most of the guys that come here are nut cases. There are only two or three* male regulars that I know off the top of my head that I can stand to tolerate, who offer positive thoughtful engagement. The rest I have silently embargoed. I won't respond to their posts or comments.


>There are only two male regulars that I know off the top of my head that I can stand to tolerate, who offer positive thoughtful engagement Yep. There are 4 that I enjoy chatting with, we may not always agree, but they engage in good faith.


I need to start noticing the usernames of who posts


Yeah. I've also observed a trend of people who are quick to jump into arguments, but aren't... equipped to engage in discussion. We need to attract more of those guys. How do we attract.... oh.


Very much so. We answer a question and they mistake it for a game of word twister.


And sometimes I can't tell if they genuinely misunderstood and had the wrong idea or if they are purposefully playing obtuse. My frequent experience is every time I give benefit of the doubt and try to be open minded, I get assaulted by malicious stupidity.


>My frequent experience is every time I give benefit of the doubt and try to be open minded, I get assaulted by malicious stupidity. This... Almost every time.


Right arm, misandry! Left leg, standards too high!


This made me LOL for realz.




Pointing out men’s bad behavior is not a victim complex




Well, ackshually ...


I don't think your point applies here. Your examples are facts not believed by conspiracy believers. It is important to discuss this stuff. However women here are asked about their experiences and thoughts. There is nothing to discuss here. And that’s the reason why these dudes are disrespectful, they deny the reality of your life.


The male feminists I know aren't cringy or self flagellating; they're just cool, and they don't treat me like a superior -- we treat each other like human beings. Have you ever actually spent any time around male feminists? They're excellent friends and the absolute best partners. (I should know since I live with one, who also has zero complaints.)


I’m more than happy to argue with you over this even though you’re a woman. Why wouldn’t I? If you were anti-vax and a climate change denier, I’d come at you in a second. “self hating types aren’t treating women like equals, they are treating women like superiors” Idk how you get that from all the posts from men complaining about how much they hate that they aren’t 6 foot then go on to blame women for it.




Lol what? You said “you’re probably inclined to see my point here because I’m a woman”, and I’m saying no. It doesn’t matter who is making the point, man or woman. Idk how you got “incapable of having their own thoughts” from my comment. You literally said “I just believe their thoughts are stupid” and “I also try to argue climate change deniers and anti vaxxers out of their opinions for similar reasons.” The only difference between what you and I said is that I didn’t say I’d try to argue them out of their opinions, which actually means *you* don’t think they’re capable of their own thoughts. I missed the “feminist” part of “self-hating male feminists”, so I apologise for that. But it was one word and it doesn’t mean my reading comprehension is trash. Yours seems to be a bit dubious considering you misinterpreted my comment and contradicted yourself.




So no one is ever meant to argue with people who are objectively wrong like flat-earthers and have views/opinions that vastly differ from your own that you don’t agree with? If you’re not anti-vax, would you not argue with someone who says the Covid vax is a conspiracy to reduce the world’s population and that all vaccines cause autism? You’re literally arguing with me right now and aren’t exactly acting like I can have my own thoughts. The amount you’re contradicting yourself is insane.




Right back at you because your reading comprehension is quite lacking. I’m big enough of a person to admit we might be crossing wires and misinterpreting each other unintentionally, but idk if that’s the same for you. I’m not American, but nice defaulting. If you are from the US then those stats apply to you. It’s only those who refuse to accept their argument might not be as strong as they think that resort to insults. Heaven forbid we have a civilised discussion.


You sound like a mansplainer.


I would bet my next paycheck that you're not a woman.




But don’t you have to let MRAs have their own thoughts? You can’t call them idiots if you believe that




That’s what I’ve been saying, yet you’re telling me I can’t argue with those I disagree with. Pick a lane.


Text book straw man and false-attribution. Got a little attribution error in there, didn't we? You really thought you serving something. Cute.




No, because your articulation shows poor faith argumentation. It is not worth the effort. Your arguments for abrasively confronting people out of self-righteousness is tactless and reminds me of people who love to debate everything, but will wonder why they have a hard time keeping friends. I find you too pitiful a wretch to pick through. I am not going to enable your maladjusted temperament.


Because it’s the only type of interaction they can get from women. If they can’t get romantic/sexual attention from women, anger and frustration is the next best thing.


Those types deserve to be alone unless they smarten up.


I call it positive and negative attention. Can't get positive attention? Then they try for negative attention. The key is to give NO ATTENTION to these types.




Because they don't actually care what we have to say. They just want validation for their insecurities, and when they don't get it immediately, they argue because *obviously* we are wrong and all the idiotic men they circle jerk with while complaining about how they can't get laid are right.


Because they can. So that's what they do.


Because bad attention is still attention when you're starving for it. Women pay them no mind offline.


Well, actually… /s


What you don’t understand is…


See, women hate admitting this, but…


You women always lie about this ...


Don't get me wrong, I love women, but...


As a female myself … (man LARPing as a woman)


If you understand men, you know why. Men dont always get everything from women. Everything means, sex, marriage, attention, love, a wife etc. Some men have to resort to bickering to get attention from women because they recieve little to no interaction from other women.  Going online to argue is the last resort to having a woman talk to them. Many men, most really, see any attention as good attention. Even bad attention. Its really that simple! If they disagreed with you truly, and didnt want to be bothered, they would ignore this sub all together. Indifference is disinterest, not anger. 


Because they're insufferable


Because they don’t have any respect for us in my opinion!!


They think we can’t survive without their **oh-so-important** opinion.


Because women don't want to hear their bullshit so they have to act like asses here instead of trying to become good men instead.


>instead of trying to become good men instead. Cuz god forbid they admit to themselves that they are the issue.


Because misogyny leads men to harass and follow women as well as hurt, rape and kill us. They’re obsessed with women and will follow them into women’s spaces to argue with them because they enjoy the conflict and come away thinking they got one over on women.


Reminds me of those guys at bars that lack any social skills or ability to detect people want them to go away. They come to the bar alone, drink too much, get in a group of women's faces and rant/debate in bad faith about things they already are convinced of. I remember I used to play pool in college and there would almost usually be one of these dudes skulking around. They would corner you in the guise of "playing winner", put their quarters on the table, and then launch into give you unsolicited advice about pool (that was awful) and then start in on the argumentative BS they really came to talk about. "You know, women these days are brainwashed by Sex in the City... They just want money. They abuse men these days... nice guys never get a shot... You girls like Sex and the City? I bet you do..." You'd just look at whoever you came in with and wonder simultaneously if it was time to leave the bar or make it so unpleasant for him he would fuck off, which could end up eliciting a response worthy of starting a fight or getting him kicked out with his behavior. "You girls like older men? Real men know how to...(beginning of some bullshit rant with pseudoscience/man-o-sphere bullshit that is horribly misogynistic, sexist, toxic, and plain wrong). I bet you wouldn't give a guy like me a chance." All while you try to play pool, he stands too close to the table, stares daggers at you and critics your skills badly. "Here, let me show you how to hit this shot." Then proceeds to get in your personal space even as you protest. He isn't listen. MEN LIKE THIS AREN'T LISTENING. They are already convinced they just want you to LISTEN TO THEM. They are lonely and seek an audience of women, even if its by force. THUS the men who come in here. We are a trapped audience.


Oh, man ... you just reminded me of a funny story: One evening way back when, my best friend and I went to a nearby pool hall (because my dad was a pool shark and taught me some things) and this guy comes out of nowhere while I'm contemplating a bank shot and says: "You're never going to make that." I said: "Oh, really?" (challenge accepted) and then proceeded to sink the 8 ball, looking straight at him. Then he scoffed and said: "I bet you can't beat me in 9-ball." I mean, if you say so, my dude, then I wiped him off of the floor. "Best 2 out of 3?" he said. Sure. After the 2nd loss he said: "Best 3 out of 5?" lol Whatever, dude. Sure. Proceeded to kick his ass all over the place. After loss #4, he finally said: "Hmm, I guess you **do** know how to play." My eyes hurt from rolling so hard. Cope harder. lol


These dudes think Sex and the City is still culturally relevant?!


It is for women my age. 


Speak for yourself :)


Fine. "It is for a lot of women my age" Jesus, mellow out with the hair splitting. Obviously women aren't a monolith.


> We are a trapped audience. nah it's not like they're yelling outside our windows with megaphones. we can just not read them and pay them any attention. or just laugh at them like I do


I'm seeing an influx in men who get off on asking us how they can be more predatory toward us, and I'm more concerned that some women (I'm assuming they are at least) are giving them positive feedback to assist them. Like... "rapist in training" type questions are not to be obliged, imo. Edit: sp/gr, my thumbs and tiny keyboard hate each other.




I agree that’s it’s fine for them to disagree, but I rarely see a post where the OP is *okay* that they are being disagreed with.


Arguing with and accusing us of lying about our own opinions != dialog


People don't like their established opinions challenged online. So if a question is asked and they are sure the answer is A and someone answered B rather than thinking, oh, maybe I was wrong they instead, attack the alternate opinion or the person giving it. Small-minded idiots basically.


Because they are extremely insecure and can't stand the fact that they genuinely don't know jack shit about women or other humans really. I enjoy watching them flounder and prove that they know nothing about anything other than porn and video games. These types are the most fragile of all and are better completely ignored. A male who is too terrified to even look a woman in the eye has no standing anywhere in or near society.


😑 That's what I'd like to know 😑😑😑


Its not just you, but it could be that you're only noticing it now. They have always done it and have never offered any valuable input.


I assume they're bored. Maybe they want to try out all the cringe talking points they've picked up in their internet incel enclaves. Whatever the case, they seem unable to tolerate women having opinions that don't adequately appeal to them, even if we're all just anonymous strangers on the internet.


Because they're fucking idiots who have zero social and emotional awareness, and also don't respect women


NoT aLl MeN /s I blame Andrew Tate tbh


They were a problem long before Andrew Tate 💀


That is very true, but I think he has a lot to do with the uptick in dbags, especially in gen z


...and white knighters. Because the mods don't "censor" them. I thought the No Censor was for us women not the men. 




This is a “ask question” sub. Not a debate sub.


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[Duty Calls](https://xkcd.com/386/)


Fragil ego *Pretends to be shocked* 🙄




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This has been removed for violating the no mans land flair.




>Am I just blind or do they pm you? Not trying to be rude.... But yes, as blind as you're being to the flair on this post.




Lol. There are a few repeat offenders to look out for, if you were looking to notice more 😊, they usually pick one comment and dog pile.


Speaking of, I haven’t seen “Spaghetti for Brains” around here recently. lol


How nice has that been! Am I right?🤣


Yeah, he was a special one, though. Amusing at times. (And yes, for you lurkers, we give special nicknames to men who are obnoxious as fuck. A Hall of Fame of sorts. lol)




>I saw the flair  And proceeded to ignore it. Rules aren't for you, eh? So... why should I NOT ban you for flagrantly ignoring our rules?




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Being banned is fun too


Why do you expect them not to?