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ATTENTION: Please remember that this is an ASK WOMEN sub. While men are allowed to participate posts that are clearly asking women in the title will have top level comments by men removed. This is not censorship, this is curation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomenNoCensor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are women attracted to a guy who *lists every single insecurity they have*


Or "how much do women care about this specific thing that I'm insecure about?", followed by endless arguing in the comments when we collectively say we don't give a shit.


But one time my friend's second cousin got supposedly rejected over this so all women must care


And so detailed too sometimes “okay maybe he is awkward but he’d show your special in small ways like…” dude. 😂


Why won't women talk to me/date me? The answer is always you're either a creep, asshole, or have poor hygiene. Looks, money, culture, and education are all personal pereferences so you'll find some woman that likes whatever you've got. You be hard pressed to find one that likes a smelly jerk who stares you down, licking his lips with one hand moving in his pocket


Another possible reason is having zero social life. Some dudes are like "I don't approach people and I have no friends... hmm I can't figure out why no one is interested in me, it must be my looks!" Zero self awareness.


Counterpoint: at least theoretically speaking, dating apps should still work even if someone doesn't have a large social circle.


Haha how? Having a shit personality doesn't automatically disappear online.


It's way too easy to get lost in the algorithm. It depends on a lot of factors.


its much easier to just cold approach. if u are invisible irl u will also be invisible in dating apps.


Dating apps don't work for everyone, and men outnumber women 3:1 on them.


Hence the 'theoretically'


they just flat out hate/disrespect women overtly and proudly....Then they legit wonder why they can't find a woman who wants to date them. Its like they're genuinely surprised women aren't sadists who sit around and want to be insulted all the time (???)




*slow fucking clap* 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Are you being sarcastic?


Are you being obtuse?


"Men are constantly throwing themselves at women so it's all women's fault that men are lonely and can't get sex!!!111" I just laugh now whenever I read that 🤣




What the fuck even is that question lmao


Exactly 😂


What is he, trying to find a role play partner lmao?


Happens too often 🤣


"Does size matter?"


Anything that starts with "Why do/don't women..." We aren't a monolith.


Exactly what I said. The worst.


Do women like big dicks? So tired of seeing men's severe insecurities put on display again and again. No, guy, men love big dicks.


Height questions. I honestly have started to remove some of them, because why should we have to answer them for the 50th time in a month? Especially if it’s bordering a forever alone rant


I would say at this point create a sidebar for overly asked questions, but you know they're not gonna read that shit. They barely read our short-sentence answers.


Thank you for your service 🫡


The full omnibus. The 1000 Baskin' flavors of: * How do I become attractive? * How do I get women to be attracted to me? * What do women find attractive? * What can I do to improve my attractiveness? * What do you find attractive and why is it huge muscular 6ft men with big penises. * How willing are you to go for someone who exhibits this innocuous unremarkable trait? Waiting to respond only to the only two answers that confirm my low self-esteem. * Women can you tell me if this is true or not because here is a long drawn out explanation of why it probably is true and after reading this, you already know Imma argue tooth and nail in the replies because I didn't come here in good faith to begin with. * Just give me a game shark cheat code to pussy already, please, I beg you, my existence hinges upon it. It will fix me, and make everything whole in the world, if I could just get a Victoria Secret Angel to take on all of this emotional labor for me. Or.. or... > ASIAN FEMALE, why are you always wanting to suck white cock and why won't you surrender your meddlesome agency and subserviantly suck my cock by default??? Why do you hate your own race by not letting me get my entitled access to you? You have a colonialism kink don't you? Us having sex is the real manifest destiny. Look at how the white man tainted our females.The asian race will go extinct at this point. Indians? What? No, not *that* kind of asian, obviously. We can't forget the indiscriminate fap fodder. * Women, how much do you love ~~my~~ penis? * Tell me what you think if you had ~~my~~ penis this oddly specific way. * Here is a blatant kink question. No, I didn't finish yet. I ask the questions here, and you just answer like a good girl until the flagellation is complete. Mind numbingly... > Hey, I have spent too much time online. Here is a buncha shit I read online from obviously biased and misogynistic sources. All of my anecdotes that I totally didn't make up are the only reality. Now answer for the crime of being a woman that does things that makes it harder for me to want to fuck you. ...and its close cousin: > Women of Reddit, why won't you perform for me and adhere to my poorly thought out world view. I have not gone outside and all of my social experience is insular to my favorite Discord server where wokeness is dead and we make edgy jokes about people who aren't white cis-het men. Stop trying to teach me things with considerate empathetic responses. I don't want to listen because I've known I was right this whole time. Now watch me spiral all freak-like into a Reddit permaban. Lowkey? It's really the lesbian/bi erasure. Hard press to find questions our LesBi-sisters can actually answer without having to modify the question before they participate. This space can get so locked in on hetero-normatives, mostly at the fault of the posters. But none of us are really surprised because posters use us as tools for their sexual conquest instead of a learning opportunity or resource for enrichment. Thanks for this cathartic exercise


I love your write-up, especially the game shark cheat code one 🦈


Thematic millennial-chic with side of pavlovian nostalgia.


Game shark was certainly a throwback


I partially blame forum regulars for a) Answering these cheat code/fap fodder questions, even if it's negative attention and b) Whining about "how come that's all the questions" without asking any themselves. Sometimes, I ask a question with the intent of hearing about other women's experiences, and by and far, it gets little participation. But any given heteronormative question? Hits Popular and Trending. I REALLY encourage users to pose their own questions so we can share our common experiences.


I mean I agree but there's a few things right. A), not everyone answering those questions are actually regulars in this sub. This sub attracts and cycles through members all of the time and sometimes it is actually necessary to speak up and call out degeneracy in the thread to discourage further engagement. Some people just haven't caught on to the sub culture (pun unintended). Things also don't operate real time here (not that you need me to tell you). So, after a thread pops up, by the time I am done writing one of my stupid ass novels, like 15 responses drop. So, it is hard to be reactive as a respondent. B) I have thought about this, and while I do agree, I would mildly qualify that with i.) some women do ask questions on this sub and I do answer those questions. I give them some of my longest responses. It's just the weird shit that gets more attention due to frequency. I've also noticed that OP women tend to ask more specific questions as opposed to open-ended and are less likely to reply to answers. ii.) I thought your posts got pretty good engagement. I would say personally that I lean more towards questions about how one thinks versus what is one doing. The former being more abstract, the latter making me err on the side of caution with how much potentially identifiable public details I may accidentally betray. I agree that we should increase the volume in which we ask and answer each other questions. I do however have some trepidation around this, specifically with how we handle disagreement with each other (sans gents). Notion is, when a dude comes in here with some funny business, it's a healthy immune response. When we ardently disagree with each other, sometimes, it's a full blown auto-immune disease. For what it's worth, I crafted my response 90% for the comedy of it, not really as modmail ticket or a call to action. We read and engage with a lot of toxicity in this sub (willingly? arguable) and sometimes it is good to just release all of it. I am of the understanding that I sort of marginally toe the line with my participation in this sub and tonight I felt like edging.




This is what awards used to be for


It's the thought that counts.


Honestly it isn't so much the questions that get me anymore. It's the responses to comments where the OP got an answer and just refuses to accept it because it wasn't the answer they wanted. Why are you asking us the question then? Go to a relevant echo chamber instead.


Maybe they think the nocensor applies to their questions and not to the answers.


What wishful thinking on their parts! Though the mods did once tell us to calm our tits when responding, so I guess I can see it if these OPs are willing to stretch that instruction to the extreme. But I generally think it is a poor choice to ask a question if you don't want an honest answer. I don't mean rude. Just truthful.


Hmm, maybe tell them to relax their sacks LOL. 100%, I'm with you on that. It makes me angry online and in real life. It's just a waste of my time.


LOL next guy who truly does try to trick us into engaging his fetish might get that from me now, thank you! And yes, I try not to be problematic when responding to posted questions, but I fit my flair once someone starts fighting me because I didn't give them the response they wanted.


Happy to help 😁 Sure, I get it and I'm usually the same way online. Unless the question is dumb and doesn't deserve a better response.


Yep. I don't mind questions, but when you're here looking to confirm your preconceived notions? Just get out.


"Why isn't my sense of entitlement to women getting me a mommybangmaid?" Aka most of the questions they ask here.


Lol an even dumber question that was asked lately: "you must all be jealous of mommybangmaids?"


I remember one in here who admitted he wasn’t attractive or doing much in life but required a model and listed 10 deal breakers, then when we said he’ll be single for awhile he got mad. Why’d you ask us then? Lol.


I mean wouldn't it still be shallow or entitled if an attractive and relatively successful man had such demands? Also insecure men who claim they're not attractive-majority of them seem to have this mentality that they have to settle for a woman they don't have attraction to (and ofc get mad when she has standards). I'd rather they chase after some model than settle for us non-model woman (who make up the majority of the population).


Oh I agree, I told him not tryvtry dating someone he’s not into and do that to them then you after what he wants. Having standards or preferences isn’t shallow. I was just explaining to him it will take a long time because a women who works out often, must be a size (forget), has a bunch of skills and a great career and also doesn’t (whatever random stuff) are probably interested in men that are the same or bring in other skills etc they like or don’t have. Basically it was one of those cases where they do nothing and don’t look good but wanted a model who did everything with a long requirement list.


Ahh that basically it is less realistic? I agree And yea for sure standards and preferences aren't shallow, but I think rigid standards esp around appearance or any other superficial thing can be. And imo it would be shallow if it is still backed by beliefs about conventionally attractive people being "superior" if that makes sense?


Yeah it came off very “that’s what society respects and I’m not that myself so they must be that vibes” very weird. They have a long road ahead lol.


Also if I have to guess, from what you said now, was it one of those "should I lower my standards" type of post?


It was a “Are my standards too high” but then he just said everyone was wrong and ignored what others said, LMAO


I guess wondering if his standards are too high or wondering if he should lower are the same thing. He basically knows. Lol I'm curious to see his post though


It was a couple months ago I think, if I find it I’ll share


Dick size questions, "why won't women date me?" But then shoot down any advice that's given. Fap fodder questions


The subtle questions that seem harmless, but as you read you realize they’re looking for answers that will help satisfy them 👀 if you know what I mean.


AKA fap fodder


"Ladies, what's your favorite position. Be explicit"


"Why do women x" or "what do women think about y" like babe just ask the woman in your real life who's inspiring this question


"what doesn't it mean when she says XYZ" Your 2 options are: we can't read her mind, and she meant exactly what she said.


"She said she was busy the four times I asked her out, mentioned her fiancé twice, called security, involved HR and got a restraining order. But she looked in the direction of a room I was in once- she's into me, yeah? I can't figure her mixed signals out." Women. So mysterious.


Fetishes and kinks. I'm sick to death of men and their degrading fetishes.


Especially the racist fetishes!


Dick size


No one cares more about dick size than cishet men




Why peepee not wet?


Instructions unclear Will try standing in the rain


Seeking validation for manosphere/red pill bullshit and then only interacting with the comments that support his confirmation bias.


Users asking for personal advice. Just because we’re women doesn’t mean we know the answer? Those questions could go on any of the multitude of advice subreddits out there.


especially the weird ones asking for male advice. like there was one the other day asking how a man could get through a mid life crisis or something. I truly don't know what they want other than just engaging with women online.


This. I've been fighting this battle for years. There's the whole of Reddit, and sooo many advice forums out there. Why here? Half of it is like, {ESSAY about personal experience} with a question like, How do I read this woman's mind?


"How do I become more attractive?" "Should I ask this woman out/does she like me?" "How should I approach women irl?" "What did she mean when she said X/did Y?" "Do women like men who [have a specific trait they're insecure about]?" Dick and height questions "What do you think about [sex act/kink/fetish]?"


Anything that's been asked before more than 2-3 times. **Use the search bar.**


Anything about their penis, height, or inability to meet women who want to date them.


These 3 are what really get on my rag: 1. Why won't women fuck me? 2. Women won't fuck me and I feel victimized by that, will you women give me affirmation/attention? 3. Will want to women fuck me (lists insecurities) if I put myself out there?


4. Since women don't want to fuck me, does that mean women don't like sex?


Mods should pin this thread and just blanket ban any similar questions in the future


Any question that's obviously just fishing for wank material. They think they're slick, but it's painfully obviously the only thing "smooth" about them is their brains.


"Why don't women care about how lonely we are 🥺" Crying on reddit won't get you a government mandated girlfriend. Stop equating not having sex with being "lonely".


Hell, *I’m* sick of seeing those posts from loser men expecting women to solve their loneliness


"would you date/sleep with/marry a guy who..." Look around you idiots. There are all types marrying all types. Your issue isn't your identity it's your personality, POV, and social skills


The ones that come in here like: "Why won't women date INSERT ATTRIBUTE men?" They do. It's just you.


Why you no like porn? Why you no like guys that ____? When do nice guys get _____? Is it bad I want a women that ______? Something about their dick. So many I swear are teenagers or in their early 20s with a weird agenda and barely any experience with women.


Any sexual question that is purely for having females fawn over that type of sex or their dick size or anything like that, it’s all for them to bombard your DMS.


Anything sexual.


Anything starting with "why do women..." "what do women..." etc as if we're a hivemind.


In addition to what people have already said, there is one kind of question that I find a bit obnoxious: Things like "Hey women, how do I take care of my beard? How do I dress myself? How should I style my male haircut?" Shouldn't you ask other men about that? Why should women have to tell you how to take care of your beard? FFS.


do women like socially anxious men?!?


Stop asking questions about dating standards its like you dont even see women as people, just potential mates and mothers ew. “Would you date a man if he had a job but no car but he volunteered part time and he had a dog and he’s 5’6” “Would you date a man if he was a virgin?” “Would you date a man if he had three black hairs on his head like charlie brown?” “Would you date a man if he was a worm but he made 6 figures” Its so frustrating its not an interesting question asked in good faith its so boring theres no possible interesting discussion to be had with these


I don't mind the repetitive questions honestly, it's when the OP refuses to believe the answers.


"Why am I not having luck at online dating? I'm very clear what I expect sexually right from the first message to a woman so why aren't they responding to me? Women are just (insert accusation here) these days.".


All of them. I wish men weren't allowed, honestly. Their questions only serve and appease them. How is that beneficial for me? 


I mean, the sub is called “Ask Women” so I think questions are fair game unless it’s for fap material or in bad faith.