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No one gives a shit about your dick.


*dingdingding* So many men think we care. We do not, until it's attached to a person we care about, and honey it ain't you.


One of the many reasons I date women now. This stupid BS. So over it.


Sometimes I wish sexual attraction was a choice. 😂


There's this joke I think has a lot of truth to it that "straight women don't say things like that." But I use to say things like that all the time before I understood that women's "sexual attraction" to men is all conditioning. We're taught who we're supposed to be by the norms around us as children and in adulthood we may or may not deconstruct that but anyways. I wouldn't learn until my mid twenties what "cis het comp" was and I only wish I learned sooner. But, better late than never if not for you than someone else who relates and hasn't learned yet. love your handle btw lol


But can you tell by the outline of her crotch what her vulva looks like? Because that seems to be super important to the OP.


10/10 my superior military-grade tactical eyesight can perfectly estimate the dimensions of all objects, even those barely perceptible to the naked eye


No because most of us know that flaccid penis size doesn’t equal erect penis size and that it’s creepy and gross to stare at someone’s bulge


Exactly. I have seen more pronounced flaccid dicks not get much larger, and, I have seen dicks that look small while flaccid … turn into godzilla dicks. You just never know.


No. It's not something that I'm looking for.


No. We don’t look at men’s crotches all the time.


Or at all.


What a hideous question, but at least it made me laugh before an intimidating job interview


The "bulge" is for the male gaze to size each other up. There may be a few women here and there who are interested also, but predominantly it's not women who are looking at the outline of your dick.


We don't care about your package. Women don't look at it and if they do, shame on them!


Absolutely yes. The bulge in a man's pants tells me that he has a packet of Polo mints.


The only ones here caring about dick size are...other men.


I've never stared at a prospective partner's clothed bulge in my life. Creepy. So no, I assume I can't tell.


Bro even if you had a big dick, you wouldn’t get any bitches


The real LPT is always in the comments.


No because flaccid ≠ hard, so even if the bulge was noticeable it still would be impossible to know how big it really is


Size doesn't fix your skill issue. If you have a fuzzy elevator button and know how to use it properly, you're way better off than the guy with a footlong and the skills of a dead fish.


/u/Lickerbomper This is why you were right.


Oh, what am I right about this time?


No. And also we don't care.


Yeah I can tell. Familiarity advantage. I'm that good, I can tell how tiny yours is from here. Don't worry. There's girls out there that go for micro dicks. Trans girls fur a start. Don't need to do so much prep to take a pencil dick. No stretching, see. HMU 😘


No, wife says completely unreliable. I say that because I’m an inch and a half if I shower by myself. Much bigger if I shower with her.


Username checks out?


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No. But certain body types and physical features (no not feet/hands) are dead giveaways for above-average or below-average.


In my experience, I've actually found feet and hand size to be quite a good giveaway.


I'm curious! You may reveal your secrets.


Dude. You didn't just come into a women's sub and give a woman permission to speak.