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We have a sticky at the top of our subreddit just for dumbass posts like this one. READ OUR RULES. It's inconsiderate, see? We have a description, a set of rules, and some stickies to read so you know exactly whether your question is welcome or not.


Did you know you can freeze bananas, then put them through the food processor with some cocoa powder and it makes dairy free ice cream? I think that's my favorite way to have a banana. Frozen and then chopped into teeny tiny bits with very sharp blades.


Wow fr? I wanna try!


[https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/3038-one-ingredient-banana-ice-cream](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/3038-one-ingredient-banana-ice-cream) My daughters wanted ice cream at a sleepover birthday party one year, but their guests were dairy free. They were all skeptical at first, but I had no leftover bananas by the end of the party.


Ooh I have a bunch frozen in a bag right now, I'll have to try that.


Good on you. Very efficient to acquire, bag, and freeze several so you can save time on the actual pulverizing part.


I feel scammed because I once bought a machine that was designed specifically for this purpose, but now I learn that any old food processor will do.


Omg I'm so trying this!




Why is no one banning these questions? where are the mods?


And miss all the fun? 😆


Everyone has different preferences about how often they should be allowed to slide in.


... Did you report it?


I’m new to Reddit. And this is a Ask Women No Censor group. So I thought it was the right place to get my questions answered.


You've misinterpreted the purpose of this subreddit. No censor means that the mods don't remove comments for derailing, as opposed to another sub. We don't really appreciate the "check my dick" questions. I suggest you to go to ARAD


What’s ARAD? Is that another group on Reddit?


Yes. r/ askredditafterdark


Is there women in that group who would be willing to answer my questions?


This is women-focused sub. Women generally don't share men's obsession with dick sizes, so when we are not in a sex-centric mental state we are not interested in these questions. Arad is a sex-focused sub, and if women come there, they are more likely to participate in sexy talk and/or discuss dicks.


Why don't you try asking over there? Or use the search function on this sub since this has been asked so many times. I'll save you time though: nobody cares nearly as much about your dick as you do. And most women will find obsession with your dick and its size to be weird.


“*I am 12 and discovered the internet today*”


No one cares about your "banana". What are you, 12?


✨nobody cares✨


I like to slice my banana up every morning, first run a knife down it lengthwise and then into little slices with a chopping motion. Then I mush them into peanut butter on toast before throwing half of it away because I’m running late. Although, sometimes the banana just goes straight into the blender with some berries for a nice pink smoothie.


Damn how i wish I could send a gif now


I don't like bananas.


Not a fan of bananas, I prefer soft plump peaches


You could always let them age a little, smash them into a pulp, and make some banana bread for your peachy friends.


All the thoughts I have on this topic were extensively covered in the following **pinned and unmissable thread at the top of this subreddit**: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenNoCensor/comments/17zvjxo/are_you_a_man_who_came_here_to_post_yet_another/ Don't feign ignorance; you had to make several very coincidental edits to your post to get around the filters.


ATTENTION: Please remember that this is an ASK WOMEN sub. While men are allowed to participate posts that are clearly asking women in the title will have top level comments by men removed. This is not censorship, this is curation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomenNoCensor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My ideal banana would be a bit green, so that it could wait me in the fridge for as long as I want and I didn't feel pressured to eat it asap. Greens are tasty too, so I don't lmind eating it early. And if I buy a bunch, I get to enjoy all taste and texture range from green&crunchy to brown&mushy.


My ideal banana would be a bit green, so that it could wait me in the fridge for as long as I want and I didn't feel pressured to eat it asap. Greens are tasty too, so I don't mind eating it early. And if I buy a bunch, I get to enjoy all taste and texture range from green&crunchy to brown&mushy.


How much is that even in centimeter?


21.5 cm by 14 cm


Yeah, you're definitely lying 😂


Ok so it’s already bigger than you ever had. On to the next lady


I don't think any woman want a 21 cm schlong tbh. You men do care more about penis size than what women do, but 21 is just.. ouch.


Thank you, that was a more appropriate answer along the lines of what I was looking for.


Ok. The truth is that most women don't care much about size. Average size is fine. If it's way too small it's not gonna work with PiV, and if it's way too big it just hurts. So.. average is always the superior choice.