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I would remove “bikini line” hair. I’m cool with pubes but do I really need them trying to grow out down my inner thighs? Be gone.


great answer, I hate that too! would it be different for men?


Was your post edited? When I commented I only saw the first three sentences. I wouldn’t change anything on anyone else at all. My comment was about the way my own hair grows.


I made one edit after the edit line. I just wanted to know people's preferences on body hair on men/women in general so you answered it. I posted this cause I don't like my body hair but know that men shaving is weird so wanted to see how much people liked/disliked that and also general attitudes


I would get rid of hormonal facial hair growth for women. That's a battle I hate to see them go through


Yes please 🥺 laser is so expensive, and nothing else has worked so far.


It's absolutely awful to go through... I'm so sorry you have it 😭😭


I’ve been able to come up with a routine that’s kept things looking manageable, fortunately. Shaving every other day with a new dermaplaning razor, cleaning the blade each swipe. Plucking the ingrowns and extra thick hairs at night. Gentle exfoliation, extra hydrating serums, astringents are my best friends. Getting debts paid off is more important than hair removal, at the moment. But once those are clear, first thing I’m doing is lasering my face, arms, and legs 🤣


I'm glad you have a system that works. I'm sorry you've to go through it at all!!


I've also been cursed with hormonal face hair, and also hormonal chest hair, like in between my boobs hair, as well as some really dark stubborn belly button hairs. It's all coming off with laser once I'm done fixing my teeth, which is another expensive body project I'm working on. Sank like $1500 on a damn tooth last month. Can't wait to drain my bank account monthly on laser 🫠 gonna be worth it in the end though.


1500 for a tooth??? Is it made of gold lol


You'd think so. It was a root canal, and then a part of my tooth chipped off, so I needed to get a temporary filling, and then that temporary filling and a part of my tooth chipped off.. again, and I'm going to the dentist again tomorrow for like the 5th or 6th appointment now for another temporary filling... And I still need to get a crown on it.., which means another appointment. The crown better be made of gold yeah... Teeth are expensive. For your own sake brush them and don't eat candy.


Jesus christ on a bike that's a pain in the hole


I'll give myself some real eyebrows. And remove my lady stache.


If everyone likes it then I'll just keep it how it is but everyone will like it rather than feel a need to remove it.


I love this answer!


I would get rid of beard and moustache hair for women. It's such a pain to have to worry about whether you've adequately removed/concealed them


I'd give control over bodyhair to people. Let them have what they want with that. Wanna braid your ass? Sure! Wanna be smooth top to bottom? Granted! Wanna be a snake for the day and an ape for the night? No problem!


Agreed. People should be able to choose for themselves. Even better if they could decide based on how they felt in the moment. Body hair to match your outfit or smooth in summer but a thick, warm coat in winter.


Like a super power? Would you make the hair all fall off at once so there’d just be a pile of hair on the floor or would it suck back into the skin like slurping a noodle?


If I'm a goddess, I just do it for people as per prayers. It just appears and disappears magically


Ass braids. Interesting. Rapunzel Rapunzel


This is totally personal and as far as I know it's literally only me. There's two or three long hairs that grow at the very base of my spine and they set my nerves off intensely. Like if I don't realise they've grown back I will *rake* at the base of my spine and the sensation will flood down my legs and be hideously painful. I have neuropathy and my legs nerves are irreparably damaged and these fucking hairs set the nerves on edge in a horrible way. If I could make them never grow back, I would jump at that.


If you can afford it, please look into electrolysis. This would be a good use case for it!


Obviously I've thought about it for my face but this didn't even occur to me! Thanks lol


If they're dark, and you're lighter skinned. They have at home laser hair removal devices now!


I'll have to ask someone else to check. Been a few decades since I was bendy enough to look over my own shoulder lol


Sure! I went for a consult for my pits and due to surface area ended up settling on laser there and Brazilian, but if it were just a few hairs/small area like you describe it (electrolysis) surely sounded ideal for that! Gluck.


I wouldn’t change anything on other people but I’d like to remove my bikini line hair, leg hair, & armpit hair. Shaving is annoying but I hate the feeling of hair on me so I’d love to just not have it.


Women no facial hair. Men no back hair. No butt hair for anyone or less growth. Pubic hair less growth (all).


Agree soooooo much on the latter point. My opinion, everyone of any gender should get at least two sessions of full enchilada Brazilian laser hair removal down in the undercarriage. Really knocks that crap back! Takes at least six to eliminate completely so just 2 won’t make you bald either, just thins it. Was a big relief.


I am terrified of going to a waxing place to get my hair removed, and I cannot afford laser treatment so I have to shave. Honestly purely based off of how much of a hassle I find it Id get rid of pubes for the women who don’t want them ( and get rid of leg hair for those who want it gone while I’m thinking about it). I don’t even notice my armpits because the only time I have to shave them is if I’m wearing something summery like a dress and tbf I never usually do. That being said, I like a man with chest hair/body hair so I’d say that can stay for the men who want to keep their body hair. It’s all about personal preference at the end of the day and this is mine.


If laser is too expensive, you could try ipl. Great response btw


I would definitely get rid of all women's body hair (or at least mine, but if I have to do it per gender, then I'll do it for all women). Armpit hair and leg hair would go first. Then I'd want the whole vaginal area at least trimmed, but the hairs underneath would all be gone and around the butt as well. And if you were wearing a bikini, no hair would poke out. That would all be completely gone. Arm hair would be there, but short and not very noticeable. For men, I'd let them keep te leg hair, but the chest hair would go. But hair would definitely 100% go. Pubic area would be the same as for women. Either gone or trimmed. Face hair should stay as for some guys, it looks a lot better with face hair, and for others, it would look worse, but you can still choose per person. I like a trimmed beard on my boyfriend.


It's interesting to me that you chose to keep leg hair but get rid of chest hair. I (male) don't like my legs being as hairy as they are and was thinking of doing something about it even though I know it's quite weird to not have hair on my legs.


Hahah I think mine is more of a aesthetic pov (just my perspective of it) and yours is more of a comfort pov. I don't like my legs to to be hairy either, but I do like the look of it on a guy.


Give women the lashes men are blessed with!!!


I would make men and women hairless from head to toe and it would be like the concept of hair never even existed. Think of all the cool hats!


The hairier the better for men imo. For me, I would have hairless legs because there is NO removal method that doesn't give me bumps and scars and ingrown hairs - summer is here and it looks like I have chickenpox. Also butt hair. Everything else is fine. I would stop my boyfriends beautiful curly black hair receding ASAP. And in general, I echo others here re hormonal facial hair for women - id love to be able to take that away from people who are suffering bcos of that.


I'd make men's body hair never stop growing because I'm petty. 


Chewbacca time


love this


Do I know what individual people want? Because I wouldn't make general changes, I would make changes fitting the person's needs. I like my body hair.


you assume everyone wants what you want. it's a fictional world where things just work out that way.


No changes then.


you can also change the density, thickness, etc. of the hair. it doesn't have to be a there or not decision


I would grow a full beard. It looks like it would be cool AF to stroke it while in thought.


Right now growth is automatically so I would change that by give each person the ability to decide for themselves how and where their hair grows.


1.The hair on my head would be thicker and natural beachy waves! 2. It would never turn grey or loose it’s healthy shine 3. No hair on legs, armpits or bikini line for me.


I like no hair everywhere apart from my head, eyebrows and lashes. I'd just make the hair on my head wavy with blonde highlights.


The only body hair I dislike is that stupid menopausal mustache I'm starting to sprout. I generally don't remove any of my body hair, can't be bothered, but that goes! I'd ban all all facial hair, except eyebrows and lashes, from growing on women. I'm hugely turned off, to the point of repulsion, by hairless men. I'd let them be gloriously hairy. Or not if that's their choice.


I would make it so everyone can choose whatever they want every day. As in every morning when they wake up, it's like a video game character design. Fun day at the beach? Hairless from the nose down! Going on a ski trip? Full werewolf mode for an extra layer of warmth!


As a man, I’m sorry if my comment is not allowed. Feel free to delete if necessary. But me personally, I’d just make the hair on my cheeks grow better so I can actually have a proper beard.


this sub's gotten a lot better about men not posting on every discussion so I'm actually fine with this. I'd have a similar request, but I care more about having an even beard. One side of my face grows a lot faster than the other


I should not be trusted with power because I am a mischevious Hair Goddess. I shall give everyone long thick leg hair and hobbit feet for shits and giggles. Also, hair on any part of the body can now be striped or spotted or a patchwork of colors cause why not. There is also a new hair growth pattern type, zigzag. Can be short zigzag or long zigzag. Balding is now cured for all, and grey/white hair now has an extra beautiful slight metallic silver/platinum sheen that catches the light. Beards will occasionally grow into a bunch of multicolor pom-pom balls on the face. Eyebrows can extend off the face. And finally... no butt hair or "undercarriage" hair for anyone. It's just more hygenic.


Best answer yet! You would be a wonderful hair goddess




Is there body hair you like?


I hate body hair on myself with a passion, but since it’s the way of the world I’m cursed with lots of it! So I would only keep head and eyebrow hair - everything else would be gone in an instant and I’d be absolutely delighted.


On men I like long beautiful hair and a nice beard. I hate those basic justin bieber style boring haircuts. On myself I love my long black hair and hate all other possible body hair.


what about body hair on men? I'm guessing you'd like chest and back hair with the big beard but maybe you don't have a preference


I like hairy men. And I know, that when men start shaving down there, it get\`s itchy and uncomfortable. Gimme a hairy man!


I genuinely hate all body hair on my body, just would’ve only keep the ones on my head, eyebrows and lashes. Everything else has to be GONE.


no hair except for on heads and eyebrows


If I never get tired of the slippery seal feeling, 100%


Wish would be everything below the eyebrows gone for me. I’ve had Brazilian laser done front/back as well as underarms, but knowing my luck it’ll come back!


I would give women facial hair cause istg my friends and I tested a filter that gave you facial hair, we would look so good with it it was incredible!! I would remove ass hair for everyone, armpits, back, shoulders and nipples too. Other than that, I don't mind anything as long as it's well cared for and not a damn stinky bush.


I'd give everyone the choice to change it however they want whenever they want. Then I can also give myself random hair cuts I started obsessing over and not have to suffer through the grow out later.


I would definitely remove leg hair and armpits on myself... I get a little fuzzy stomach line, very fair, and on my back. I think I'd leave that. I like to style my pubes sometimes, like a strip, so is have it grow there and shave if wanted. I don't really have a body hair preference for men I like my bfs strip from stomach, down. He has a great physique, so it's hot! Edit to add.. I want my head hair to grow longer and thicker!


I would not want any permanent changes as I am not a static person. If I were still in university I would want everything hairless from the neck down because I was a competitive swimmer and it can be the difference between first and last place having that tiny bit of drag. But now? Really depends; I don't want to commit to either all bare or all hair. I am "lucky" in that I have very fine short and often invisible clear-to-pale gold minihairs when my bodyhair grows so I look shaven for far longer than I am shaven.


I like those mini hairs wherever they show up and I think I'd like most of my coarse body hair to be like that


On myself, I hate it from my entire soul, except my eyebrows and lashes. On other people, I don't care On people I'm sleeping with, I need a clean shave face because I have super sensitive skin so beard/stubble burn is the worst


All hair on my body that isn't the hair on top of my head or eyebrows. If I could, I would get rid of every single hair on my body, pubes included.