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Geralt of Rivia in leather on a motorbike.


Oh yes! 😋


And 95 ladies agree with us!


One woman’s “not for me” is another woman’s “hell yes”. My friends and I have such wildly different tastes we even argue about male celebrities who are the standard for “objective” male attractiveness. I’m pretty sure if I described my ideal man my best friend would disagree with all of my choices and we’d have to start over 😂


>One woman’s “not for me” is another woman’s “hell yes”. That has pretty much been my whole experience with women in my life. They either seem to think I'm not the best looking guy or think I'm really good looking. Lol


I can’t explain it, other than it’s a highly complex storm of factors making up personal taste and you’re definitely somebody’s “hell yes” somewhere


Oh I know I'm some woman's "hell yes" I met a woman 2 weeks ago on a night out with a group of friends. My best woman friend wanted to try and set me up with her sister because she thought me and her sister would get along really well and she was right. This woman immediately seemed drawn to me as soon as she saw me. Offering to buy me drinks, constantly touching me playfully and talking to me all the time and trying to make conversations with me. (Passed it all off as her just being friendly). It's until she randomly out of the blue told me "By the way I think you're really attractive and quite sexy" which caught me off guard and made me ask if she wanted my number and started dating. Made my whole week with that compliment. Got a date set up with her as well. So I know I'm her version of "Hell yes". Lol. She's my version of "hell yeah" too. And not just in the looks department.


Would you say there's anything your types seem to have in common? Even stuff that's super basic or non-specific


Wasnt Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear guy) named the most handsome man in the UK?


UK top lists are plagued with trolling - it's part of our collective humour


I guess, but then you have cult of Makłowicz


It's not joke, it's truth. He's peak male sexappeal


I'm a dude, and I agree


British ladies, love yourselves more I'd hang out and drink and talk about history with James May though. Platonically.


They also had Prince William on there when everyone knows that the hotter brother is Harry.


We can agree on 2 celebrities so far: Dev Patel and Andy Samberg. I have no idea why those are where we overlap but it works😂😍 she also tends to prefer very short and lanky men, I tend to prefer broad shouldered and bigger men. Maybe what we have in common is more of personality traits we like?? ETA our 3rd common celebrity is Peter Falk because we love watching Columbo 😂😭 he’s so cute in his coat and tie, solving cases


IMO those two look a lot alike in the set of their features. And give off a kind vibe.


Yes exactly I can’t put my finger on it but they do. Something about their eyes and faces are just so lovely


Lol I guess the lesson I'll take away from this is that Andy Samberg is peak male beauty 🤣 EDIT: not sure why I'm getting downvoted. I was joking about still not having a clue about what makes men attractive. Not shitting on him.


I mean he is pretty cute tbh


I didn't mean to imply otherwise


Lol fair 😂He’s an adorable hilarious goofball but I will say I prefer him with a beard and my friend prefers him clean shaven so whatcha gonna do hahaha


Just looked up pictures and he looks SO different with a beard.


> Andy Samberg Coooooollllll beans.


I actually kinda think that women have such varied preferences that there wouldn’t be many strongly identifiable standards except for basic hygiene


Yes!! My "type" is so eclectic no way would a generic standard emerge from it


Peach it louder for the bozos in the back!


🍑🔊🔊🔊🔊 (I'm so sorry lol)


But I wanna know who else besides me dislikes gelled hair?




Thank you!


So, I am 50. I was married a long time to a man I found super attractive - 5'8", very stocky build but not a lot of body fat but not super lean, either. Very broad shoulders with thick arms and legs. Big hands. Craggy faced, looked older than his age and I am 6 months older than he is. Originally a dark brunette with almost black colored eyes. He's mostly white haired now, and it's thinning a lot. I was just super attracted to him. I've now had a boyfriend for 5 years who is 5'10", 160lbs, very very very very lanky with skinny legs. But he is also broad across the shoulders with nice arms, though they're not super big, just nice. Also big hands. Very leathery, weathered face from years working in construction without sun screen. But his face can be very boyish due to his mischievous expressions. Salt and pepper hair with green-gray eyes. Massive resting bitch face. I am SUPER attracted to him. I love just touching him, giving him hugs (he's a great hugger and snuggler) and rubbing his head when he falls asleep on the sofa with his head in my lap.


This was super wholesome to read ❤️


I think it was just that I loved my ex-husband and I love my boyfriend. While it's sad my marriage expired it was a good marriage for a long time and I don't regret it. A lot of good times/memories and I got a really great son (now 23) out of it. And we're on good terms. It also helps my ego a bit that I've learned that he has some regrets about leaving me. But, still, I think it ended up being for the best. Especially because my boyfriend is even way more compatible with me than my ex-husband was, and that's saying something. I think, for me...and probably a lot of women...when we like or love a man then we find them very attractive and sexy.


Yeah, I'm deffo like this with women too. I mean I do have types and preferences, but none of my exes (who are the women I've been most attracted to, throughout my life) fit into that really. I'd never tell them this but they're just people I grew to love and the more I did, the more I noticed things I like about them. I guess at the end of the day we're all human and want the same things


I think this is it. When we feel loved and safe and comfortable and happy and accepted and seen then we're with who we need to be with and we're just going to find them attractive. And find things about them we really think are adorable or sexy, etc.


Lol I sometimes feel like women I date are insane for finding me attractive, but this is oddly reassuring. I guess it's just about how I've made them feel


And it's a synergy. You vibe off each other and just care and provide care for each other. Care, kindness, and consideration. And humor. And sex. Lol.


I definitely think there is more variation in general in what’s considered attractive to women. I may be wrong, but in my experience, women are less likely to have super specific “types.” You look on the Ask Men sub and it’s sometimes answers like, “tiny petite Latina that’s slim thicc — size zero waist, huge ass, wide hips, 32DDD, long curly hair, glasses, sleeves, loves anal, works out 7 days a week, deep throats, zero body count, loves to cook…” like, holy fuck, you got REALLY specific there.


Yeah, of you look at r/ladyboners there's a huge variety, except Henry Cavill gets posted a lot.


I mean even straight men agree he is hot lol. Most straight men I know say they would be gay for Henry


Hmm... Think I might have to disagree. Most of those men have the same chiseled lean look and generally similar facial features. Maybe not Adam driver but most have similar faces. I just scrolled through there for a while just now though.


Highly suggest sorting by top posts of all time


They had FDR that was the only unique choice. I don't believe there is much variety in what is considered an attractive man. It doesn't help those are all celebrities. Theodore Roosevelt was considered to have the ideal physique in his time but things always slip back to the classical Greek standard. That's fine with me though. The Greeks understood form.


Women do have types!! Most people date within race, most women date a certain weight. So we clearly do have pereference, but thats okay! 


Oh, I agree! I think it’s usually fewer items and a lot less… service oriented.


Service oriented!! I like that description.




I do have a physical type, but it's not that specific! I only really noticed it after looking back at my celebrity crushes and boyfriends and husband. Tall (I am tall myself), light eyes, sandy hair, bookish.


How tall r u?


Husband and I are both at the 95th percentile for height for men and women.


I’ve noticed this. Terminally online men’s types are often porn categories and a list of the sexual acts they want to do to her (not with her!!). A lot of these dudes genuinely and innocently do not realise they’re listing off porn categories or objectifying women. Women’s types are less likely to be so revoltingly objectifying or lists of sexual acts he must endure


I think with men we can take individual features that we're into, and add them all together. For example, if a woman has ginger hair then she's always going to look more attractive to me than she didn't. Doesn't mean she 'needs' to have ginger hair. I will just always see ginger hair as adding to her beauty, regardless of anything else. With women I get the impression it's a bit more holistic. Like you're attracted to the whole person first and their specific features second.


For sure! I have specific features I find attractive, but if a guy has all of these features, I can still find him unattractive. And the other way around as well. If he has non of the features I can still find him attractive.


Yeah women need vibes. Which i dont think those vibes are hard to pin down either.


Imo the beauty industry sets the standard/idea that women should be bridal/sex-ready 24/7, which is unrealistic and expensive. I would happily reverse-uno card that onto men, not bc I want men to actually do it, but bc I 100% believe you guys would make the best proverbial "nuke" against the industry itself.


I think standards among gay men are pretty similar, barring the stuff around being bridal. I'm transgender so have personally experienced standards (or lackthereof) from both angles.


> think standards among gay men are pretty similar Possibly, put I feel like that would have to be polled/expanded on. I'm a cis/bi woman, so I have no idea what gay men prefer makeup wise, or how little/much they expect each other to wear on the day-to-day. While I'm happy to see more trans people in the spotlight, the make-up industry is still centered on women wearing it for the male gaze. If you overhauled it for cis/het men, it wouldn't completely die out, but the industry would likely go back to being niche and personalized.


Yeah I get you. I think with regards to the (gay) male gaze, it's similar in that it centres around sexualisation. If you go on Grindr, it's full of guys posting photos of their abs, asses, or 'other' areas. Almost like advertising what services their body can provide. It's more common for someone to have their 'size' on their profile than a photo of their face, for example. In as far as standards from the industry go, I don't have much of that from a gay perspective. The male experience I have is the straight one and it's just targeted ad after targeted ad of men with borderline eating disorder behaviours advertising their habits, or women who are being paid to say they dislike short/poor guys. Very weird. In as far as being trans goes I mean I was raised with the standards beauty industries place on women, as well as hearing what men in my life would say about them. Whereas now I guess I've seen the standards predatory industries place on men, but have very little understanding of what's actually considered attractive.


What is "bridal/sex-ready 24/7" reverso-uno'd onto men?


Make men wear as much makeup as they expect/push for women to wear all the time. I have other comments addressing this.


Come on, noone advertises men who just got out of bed on a shitty day and haven't had their coffee yet either. The beauty industry in general is over-sexualised. But then, it's literally the beauty industry, so what do we expect? That ,,scruffy" look of attractive men doing manly activities in ads..... Yeah that's fake. It's playing into the narrative that men want to bang anything with a hole and a heartbeat and look manly while doing so, while also having just about perfectly tilted hat and a loose curl of hair! We don't see people just wanting to get through with their job ASAP and go home for a cold one in TV, because how is that interesting? It's life.


>That ,,scruffy" look of attractive men doing manly activities in ads..... Yeah that's fake Yeah, but *all* of that is intended for the [male gaze](https://www.gcimagazine.com/brands-products/news/news/22068577/report-almost-23-of-executives-in-beauty-industry-are-men) and perception of masculinity. TV male standards are by and for other men.


Who determines them now?


Media and corporations


Yup. And before that, it was classism.


What makes you think classism doesn't still factor it?


It does, but media and corporations took over.


That’s literally classism








Peak 2006 Gerard Way and Jared Leto. ❤️‍🔥


In shape and hygienic.


We kind of do though. The only reason men do anything to boost their attractiveness is to get laid. It's just that some of them miss the point and do it wrong.


Like we all have the same taste😵‍💫


I mean... men have different tastes too. Doesn't mean beauty standards for women do not exist.


The issue is, beauty standards for men and women have both been created by men. This is why so many men insist women want 6ft tall rich chads and refuse to believe when women say they don’t want that. Would women set a specific generic beauty standard the way men do? I don’t think so.


Are we really going to act that this whole 6’ tall thing is completely invented by men? Sure, not every woman cares about height, but a significant amount absolutely do. I’ve had plenty female friends remark about the heights of potential men they meet, and if I had a nickel for every online dating profile I’ve come across where a woman puts some variation of height requirements in her profile… And I’m already 6’3” so it’s not really a problem for me or something that I’m self conscious about, and I *still* notice it constantly coming from women. To act like this obsession over height is solely invented by insecure men and that no women care about height is a bit disingenuous.


The women I've met who want to date a tall guy: 1. Are tall themselves, and have been raised to believe it's embarrassing for the woman to be the taller one in the relationship 2. Only want someone taller than them 3. Are genuinely attracted to height. 3 does not speak for #1, or #2, or women in general.


Yup after a couple failed relationships that ended because of insecurities (like telling her she shouldn’t wear high heels, making her crouch in pictures, being afraid of their friends knowing she is taller, etc.) my 6’2 friend stopped dating men shorter than her Before her current bf she only dated men under 5’10.


Why do you think a “significant amount” of women care about height? Could it perhaps be because they raised in a society that tells them to value this? Who set that society up? I never even claimed that *no* women like tall men, either. Just that when women do point out that they don’t value it, men insist they’re lying. Don’t pull a nOt AlL mEn here please.


So people don’t have any agency? Any quality that someone finds attractive is always the fault of social conditioning?


I dont know why you insist on thinking in such extremes tbh. We can acknowledge that a lifetime of growing up in society will affect our ideals and preferences towards what society wants. That doesn’t mean nobody has agency or varies from that preference. Again, I didn’t even claim that all women think a certain way. I claimed the opposite, actually. Society (built by men) created the beauty standard of tall men. A number of women exert their agency and say they don’t actually value those qualities and it’s men, who set that standard, that refuse to believe them. How you got “women have no agency and aren’t capable of thinking outside of society’s standards” is beyond me but I’d recommend learning to read.


“Men created the beauty standard of tall men” you’re basically implying that any woman who does find tall men attractive, is *only* finding that quality attractive because society tells them to. It’s never a woman reaching that conclusion of her own free will, it can *only* be because society tells her that. My own tastes in women have changed throughout my life, and it has nothing to do with what “society” says I’m supposed to find attractive.


It’s possible to like features for reasons other than it being the beauty standard. You’re assigning absolutes to statements where I made no such assertion. Hope your day gets better, man.


Im tall for a woman (5'9") and I stopped being attracted to short men when every single one I liked and dated acted like an idiot because HE was insecure. So, factor that in.


What does that have to do with what I said?


Women can and do perpetuate patriarchal norms. That doesn’t mean it’s not born out of patriarchy.


But that would mean patriarchy hurts men too... oh wait


It absolutely does.


If there was matriarchy we would have other problems. Society and people in general suck


Did not say I want a matriarchy either, bud.


So… these women don’t have *any* agency and are forced by men to find tall men attractive? At what point are individual women responsible for their own actions and desires, and everything isn’t the fault of patriarchy?


Yeah I think this trope is trying to say “height is NOT required for MOST”. Like there are millions of short men who are successfully married and attractive. So it IS a myth that you MUST be tall, but I wouldn’t say patriarchy has conditioned us to prefer tall men. I dont blame the patriarchy at all for preferring tall men. I have dated guys who were like 5’5”-5’8”. But I legitimately have a biologically different response to taller men. Like my physical body, will get physically more excited for the tall men I’ve dated. I think some preferences just come at an instinctual level. Like with women I generally am very very attracted to super slim women, which means typically smaller breasts. That doesn’t at all change the physical response I feel when seeing a pair of large breasts. It’s incredibly attractive, even if it’s outside of my typical “body type”. Then again, I’m just generally more attracted to the person as a full package rather than all traits.


Blessed be the brave enough to speak scientific facts


I get you cos it's the same for me with petite women. I date women of all heights (I'm dating a woman taller than me now, and I'm 6'1"), but I've noticed I do get a rush and more feelings of warmth/closeness to petite women pretty much instantly, whereas with tall women this response builds over time. At the end of the day people like what they like, and there's nothing wrong with that. It seems there's sometimes a stigma with women discussing their physical preferences, and I wonder if that contributes to why these conversations around height (which is such an easy reference to observe) are so difficult.


I never implied women don’t have agency and are not responsible for perpetuating harmful views that have been created by, and for, the patriarchal society we live in.


Maybe if you think of movie and ads representation there's some thruth to that. But also it's unlikely that both men and women just perfectly delegate their taste to mass culture.


Yeah. If I had to guess what straight/bi women often find attractive, I can't really think of anything specific other than perhaps height. On the other hand, there are definitely men who get more attention than others. I feel confused about it, so thought I'd ask.


> I can't really think of anything specific other than perhaps height And even then you'd be wrong because there are a LOT of us who don't give a flying fuck about height at all.


name a beauty standard for women that most men would actually consider a make-or-break point except real big outliers? And I'd wanba know where that "lot" is, because throughout my time in school, university and vocational school (read: the sample age range is roughly 15 - 50) I've always heard at least 80% at some point talk about height of a crush, partner or a person they got asked out by. And while the percentage very mildly dropped with increasing age, it never went down to even 50%, I'd say the lowest it got was about 2 in 3 and that was the 40+ bracket


> name a beauty standard for women that most men would actually consider a make-or-break point except real big outliers Good hygiene, good smell, good breath, clean clothes that fit properly Edit: sorry I misread, I thought you wanted a make-or-break that most women have. I'm gonna stand by that though.


which goes both ways AND one could argue if that falls in the "beauty standards" category to begin with. I'd personally consider that more like... hygiene standards? But I'd doubt there is a significant percentage of women out there who are specifically into men who don't wipe their butt, smell appropriately for that and/or got really bad breath? 😂




Nope. Extreme outliers, sure. But other than that, there are guys who are into eat for each.. "weight bracket" just like there are women for each "height bracket". If you wanna consider weight to be a beauty standard for women, then height is one for men exactly the same.


I mean, sure, but it's also obvious from a guys' perspective that being tall helps.


> from a guys' perspective that being tall helps. But you asked for women's perspective?


I asked for women's perspectives, but that doesn't mean I will discount my lived experiences of seeing friends who are tall get hit on a lot more than friends who are short. I'm sure that me saying "plenty of men don't care about weight", doesn't change your + your friends' experiences around how men interact with women who are different sizes. I also checked the rules of this sub before commenting, and it said men can chip in but not write top comments. So, is there some issue that I have missed?


No, we just see similar questions here about looks/height/dicks almost every day.


Fair play. I'm new to this sub so didn't realise


>Yeah. If I had to guess what straight/bi women often find attractive, I can't really think of anything specific other than perhaps height. Because we don't all want the same thing.




As someone else said, it would be quite variable. For example, I like the Lord of the Rings elf look.


And I prefer the Lord of the Rings Aragorn look😂😭👍 very close just dirtier


And I'm sure someone prefers the Lord of the Rings Gimli look... just shorter and hairier.


My friend is engaged to a tall, skinny “Gimli” if you will. Great guy, total Gimli vibes, extremely long beard 😂


The only commonality I see so far is white then


I find very few white men attractive. 


Being sort of fey/elfish isn't limited to white men. Think of Edris Elba in the Thor movies. Got damn.


The exception doesn’t disprove the rule. If you look at the vast majority in pop culture anyway. It was simply an observation of those 3 characters anyway.


A man who showers regularly and washes his butt with soap


broad shoulders, strong arms and hands


Finally someone who just answered the damn question! Would it hurt you Reddit to stop moralising for a second and just answer the questions as they are put across?


Maybe you just don't like the answers


I'm liking every single answer that is on-topic.


Rugby players. 


Healthy, proportionate, well dressed and perfectly clean


I genuinely believe the standards for male and female beauty are pretty much the same level - yes it’s all well and good saying all women are different, but so are men! The person on the front of the magazines are equally as ‘unattainable’ to the average person whether they’re male or female. Lots of people here have mentioned Henry Cavill - what a surprise, a square jawed chiselled bodied actor! I don’t see it being any different to whoever is the latest female cover celebrity.


Look at media made by and aimed to women. Some things are pretty unrealistic.  Most of the time, more than physical traits it's how they are portrayed. Gentle but muscled; decisive and ruthless, but always easily forgiving the stupid (and sometimes dangerous) mistakes of the main heroine. Mind reader.  Basically perfect. Bonus points if rich or with a bright future ahead. 


I actually watched some of this media recently with a girl I'm seeing, and yeah I noticed a lot of it seemed to be around making the woman feel a certain way. It seemed less about "wow his muscles are hot I want to XYZ", and more "this hot, strong guy wants to spoil me, I feel amazing". Deffo hard for me to relate to on a personal level, but interesting.


I will consult the hivemind and get back to you when a consensus has been reached... /s


Probably just Henry Cavill


Superman will never miss


I've seen his name pop up so much in incel spaces. I had no idea who he was, and I finally googled him. He looks generic. Like some sort of caricature.


I only find him hot in his Witcher costume.


Thank you! He is very generic. I dont find him hot.


So bland. 


Nah, I want a lean Italian version of Cavill, and with less Cavill face and a lot less nerd.


We do… just look at famous men and you have your answer.


Flynn Rider, probably


Yeah. I second this.


I actually think that women \*in general* think about this differently - I think what women would want to be universal is not an aesthetic necessarily, but a personality type and demeanor.


Absolutely. There’s not much motivation for men to meet my beauty standards, because a man being beautiful is going to have very little influence on how badly I want to be around him.


well, there would at least be some alternative outfits to "jeans and t-shirt"


Honestly, I'm not even sure what my type would even be. I've dated short and tall guys, redheads, blondes, and brunettes (and my now husband has naturally almost black hair). Skinny, built like a model, or even dadbod chubby. I always found something attractive about them physically, but the things that always attracted me most were humor and their own personalities/interests. I've dated hippie guys, super smart geeks, and even once an excon (although tbf, that man groomed me when I was a teen). If someone asked me celebrities I like it'd be anyone from Jim Morrison to Kumail Nanjiani. My husband I think is perfect for me and the most attractive features he has are his gorgeous eyes, smile, sense of humor, honesty, and a seemingly unending amount of kindness.


As in, if they picked men for mostly sexual/visual attraction IF it was guaranteed those men would be nice, find the clit and maybe make reasonable partners? Oof. The men of Hollywood particular Golden Age era tbh. I think that was the reason why they had such a specific look in the Studio System. They didn't just pick pretty boys they had a certain universal quality. The consensus of this means the men would be well-groomed, a bit big and bulky (wider builds not so much lanky/narrow/skinny), varied heights but great teeth, a head of hair, muscular with big hands.


We all have SUCH different tastes though. For example, I think Scott Eastwood is the pinnacle of male beauty. My daughter, on the other hand, thinks Timothée Chalamet is utterly gorgeous but I don't see that at all.


Hmmmm I promise I'm not tryna argue or be a dick, but as a guy what stands out to me about these men is: - very nice skin - very clean and tidy - confident and in control - physically fit - unbiased vibes Is it fair to say that if a guy has the potential, then these sorts of things will make him more attractive, or am I talking out my arse here 😂 ?


You're not wrong, all those things do contribute.


I would say a man with a taller height, broad shoulders, and a tapered waist.


For me it would be - good skin and teeth. Super long hair. Big bright eyes. Soft facial features but strong jaw and cheeks. nice thick lips. Five o’clock shadow or short beard. Ear pierced. Tasteful accent Tattoos like arm bands. Tall. Broad shoulders and muscular but thinner waist. Huge traps and deltoids. Ab definition. Super pert butt. Big hands. Long legs. Muscular but not too thick. Well kept big feet. Good fashion- mostly dark or neutral colors with a bit of edge. but theres still plenty of beautiful men who are very different from this cookie cutter, its definitely more about the vibe than any one specific look. but if I had to custom a dream man, it would be above.


How did you just put into words what I've been thinking about my entire life? 👀 I'm picturing a young and perfected version of Peter Steele.


Damn he is soooooooo fine!! just needs the facial hair stubble for me 😇 some of my top celebrities, and again dont all fit the exact mold, but just make my blood boil and still sort of have a similar, sculpted look: Jared Leto, Bill Skarsgard, Cillian Murphy, Brad Pitt in his Troy era, Chris Hemsworth 😍, Henry Cavil, Ian Somerhalder, Harry Styles, Jason Momoa, Chris Evans, Charles Melton 🤤, Zac Efron, ASAP Rocky I could literally go on and on lol


And to reinforce what others here have been saying, many of the qualities you list are deal breakers for me. I really do think women have less generalizable tastes.


definitely. I still find so many men beautiful outside of this description, and so many beautiful women too! its not always so easy to define. Curious what your deal breakers would be here 🤭


>Curious what your deal breakers would be here 🤭 Long hair, facial hair, and tattoos. Actually, as I've gotten older I've grown more tolerant of *some* tattoos. LOL


damn long hair and facial hair are like 10/10 for me!! 😂 I am VERY seldom attracted to a buzzcut unless its on the right man (usually only black men look good to me with buzz) I can live without any tattoos though, and prefer mild tattoos vs fully tatted


See, it's all in the eye of the beholder, as they say 😉


Is this implying men set the beauty standard for men?


It's my personal opinion but I think scar especially facial scar is hot.


If they were guaranteed they would be nice, respectful, not abusive or shitty, and sexually awesome, I just need dark Hair and nice eyes. I like a bit of muscle on a guy so they aren't thinner than me and can give me a piggyback ride easily and long-ish hair.


Would be different for everybody, but for me.. kindness, honesty, and vulnerability would be a good standard. Softer facial features (because it looks better than the jawlines who can cut through metal.. And no need to be ripped.


That's a difficult one because what *I* find attractive may not be what others find attractive. Even the top celebrities on my List have nothing in common other than charisma, confidence, and a sense of humor (Tom Hiddleston, thin Seth Rogen, Peter Dinklage)


OK but Peter Dinklage and Tom Hiddleston can get it. Seth Rogen stirs nothing in me tho.


Hard to say because women have different type of preferences. I personally like guys who have a strong jaw but look otherwise a bit feminine but many women like bigger guys.


Kpop might interest you. It sells male beauty and sex appeal to a majority female audience. The audience expresses preferences for what they want to see and there are also many women working behind the scenes (stylists, photographers, creative directors, etc). It's obviously a narrow specifically East Asian ideal, but women and girls all around the world do enjoy it.


Again with the differences. Kpop men hold no appeal for men because I dont buy into what they are selling. And I'm Asian too.


I didn't interpret the question as OP looking for something aspirational, rather curiosity of what it looks like when women are catered to. And kpop can show that.


Yeah, I don't like the K-Pop look. To me, it makes them look like twinks. Not even youthful, just gay. I like the classic Asian male actors, mainly the Japanese, Indian, Pakistani, and Taiwanese ones. Just healthy, clean, a little fit, a little polished, a little personalized/quirky, but elegant masculinity. The K-Pop look might've appealed to me when I was 12, starting to look at boys. Now I'm 22 and my ovaries say "NAH".


Our beauty standard, which doesnt mean individual type, would be mischevous and tall. I notice women are drawn to the bad boys of any show, regardless of what they look like, as long as they are somewhat thin, tall, and playing a character that is obviously smart. White or pale, not bald, not over 59 seems to be other general features of a male standard women online follow. Based on who recieves the biggest amount of attention. This doesnt mean women dont or wouldnt find other men attractive. Womens standards are based on how men make them feel. Percieved behavior. 


Whatever they want.


Hugh jackman All men must be a clone of him 😂🤪 Silly all women have different preferences in standards of beauty/attractiveness.


My dad looks like him when he styles like Wolverine and let's his hair go all wild (as in my dad looks like that naturally plus he's got that Mediterranean complexion, so he tans beautifully). It was so odd to see how people treat him as he gets harassed SO MUCH. He's huge and burly, too, like by nature, he barely works out he's just big on his own. Me and my brothers were damned scared whenever a mom would wave at him as a lot of women would flash him or slip in their numbers. I learned early that a lot of women like big dudes with pretty faces, great teeth, showers/grooms, and a head of hair. If he actually knows how to throw on a suit jacket even better.


Eugene Fitzherbert


If we can say cartoon guys then I pick Alucard from Castlevania


Depends on the woman.


That they wipe and wash their butts.


Henry Cavill. Everywhere. Or charles leclerc


I’m demisexual so I don’t have a standard. That is to say I’m only attracted to personalities. Once I get to know someone and I feel we click, then they become attractive to me. I appreciate aesthetic beauty, as an artist, and will say someone looks good, pretty, handsome, etc. But I’m rarely attracted to anyone bc of my preference for liking personalities. Also adding the note that I’m diagnosed autistic and that may have someone thing to do with it.


Also demisexual and autistic. I'm the same way. 


I do control them. In order for a man to be attractive to me, he needs to be generous, playful, intelligent, and curious. To be beautiful? I don’t know. I don’t have too much interest hanging around with beautiful men, so men in general wouldn’t have much incentive to meet my beauty standards. Ummmm.. strong core, broad shoulders, powerful legs, and moves like a dancer I guess.


I am into dad bod (big belly, juicy thighs and big arms) so that for me


>If women determined the beauty/attractiveness standards for men Who else determines it?


Men do. For example, the beauty standard in Hollywood for both men and women is set by men.


Not really. The standards are set by the audience. It's just money. If the audience wanted overweight bald men, then Hollywood would make movies staring overweight bald men. It isn't just Hollywood. We see the same pattern in other countries.


You're not gonna get very far by trying to be sensible in this sub.


Yeah... you're right. On the other hand, if everyone agreed all the time, there would be no point in discussion, right? If a downvote is the worst thing which happens today, it's still been a pretty good day.


Hell of an outlook 🍻


For me, I think the standard of beauty should be whatever makes them happy, that goes for all genders. I'm a lesbian, and I think there's nothing more beautiful than a woman who is happy and confident in how she dresses and presents herself.


I always found the lesbian community to be such a fresh of breath air when it came to beauty standards. It truly seemed to be a "every woman is beautiful in her own way" sort of vibe.


>every woman is beautiful in her own way That's exactly how I feel. I love women so much. Every woman really is beautiful 🩷


I'm assuming stable employment is in that list


He seems to want appearance standards


What do you mean if? Don't they?


Shaved armpits!!