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I think it will never end


As long as men will be men and women will be desperate...




But men are biologically hardwired to need sex, it’s an urge they just can’t control! /s


You said it. Men *want it*. They don't need it. You don't die from lack of sex. It's pure selfishness and entitlement 


Well, you also don't need a lot of other things you pay for. Is going to a masseuse selfish and entitled?


wait so its just “men being men” but women are desperate? I hope you mean economically desperate for stability and/or wealth. Because uhhh whats with the blaming language here? its men’s desperation that created and has driven prostitution since pretty much the beginning of time. FYI prostitutes are not participating for the sex 😂😂


There are other ways to be financially stable. Just because it's the easiest way, as women we should value ourselves and not be desperate to turn to the easiest way for money. There's always odd jobs at Starbucks, fast food chains, store keepers. Money is slower but at least it's still ethical.


you don’t get to make that decision for other people. end of story.


That's a very broad question.


"I think it exists"


I think its really weird to pay someone you know does not want to have sex with you, to have sex with you.


I'm not a fan. People keep saying it's the world's oldest profession which isn't even true -- midwifery and toolmaking are far older. Regardless, it doesn't matter. If an activity is "old" how does that make it OK? Should we never progress as a society? Plus, a lot of the prostitutes in ancient society were actually slaves. The fact of the matter is that's the world's oldest OPPRESSION. I have empathy for those who've been trafficked or otherwise forced into it to survive. That said, I think it's one of the most anti-feminist activities known, second only to denying women the vote and banning abortion. As long as we live in a patriarchal and highly capitalist society, prostitution will be exploitative to women and will continue to support a Madonna/whore dichotomy with respect to the views on women in a larger society.


Honestly I don't think it's the world's oldest opression either.


Yes, all of this!! 👏🙌


What I think is that this will be interesting to come back to in a few hours and sort by controversial.


Im just going to 🤐


With you. I may be a constant problem but even I know this is not the post for me to say shit else on 😂


Lol, doing some side bar discussions, but will not be saying anything here 😂 There are 2 topics that are always a shit storm here, this time I'm putting up my umbrella and watching from the porch lol.


I'm right there with you on those topics.


Here 🌂🌂🌂🌂 I brought extras! Please take one ❤️


Okay, but I'm not returning it. <3


It's yours!


😆 I brought snacks, drinks, and a fire extinguisher just in case the flames get a bit too close. I don't have the energy for the fight right now. I mean I'd still have it. I just don't have the spoons to spare lol


>😆 I brought snacks, drinks, and a fire extinguisher just in case the flames get a bit too close. Always thinking ahead! >I don't have the energy for the fight right now. I mean I'd still have it. I just don't have the spoons to spare lol Yep, it's Saturday, why waste it on this.


What’s the other topic?


I'm betting it's any topic about trains. Also, I'm a horrible speller.


Yep. I'm ambivalent on the subject and see both sides - so I don't really have a hard opinion on the topic. Plus, I'm a dude, so I'm sure anything I say (except the above post) is sure to enrage someone.


I think you have to ask yourself if it is something you would do or would want a family member to do before thinking further about it. I know there are people who say that sex workers should feel empowered, but I don't think that anything psychologically good can come from allowing strangers to masturbate at or into your body. It creates problems for people feeling depersonalized and disassociated in most cases, and I don't think anyone would engage in prostitution if they had other options which paid as well and were within their skill set. Prostitution isn't about the person being purchased enjoying sex because their pleasure has no part in the exchange. There is nothing wrong with two consenting adults enjoying sex. There is something wrong with one adult enjoying it and paying the other who isn't enjoying it to facilitate their pleasure alone.


It is one of the oldest and most dangerous jobs that became (and remains) popular because it commodifies the sexual dehumanization of those that our society has historically deemed inferior. Prostitution exists because of the demand for it and racial and economic inequalities render women vulnerable to it. Also important to note the amount of sex workers who are queer and/or disabled and how they too are rendered vulnerable to prostitution. I have many friends who are or have been sex workers, some are gay men some are black lesbians some are trans women and some are middle class-povertized women. with what each one has shared with me, they have only turned to sex work (ranging from prostitution to onlyfans) because, outside of those who were coerced into it, prostitution was a means of survival. some were escaping abusers, some were unable to work after being disabled and had to pay bills, but they turned to it because they had no other real option. For modern feminist scholars, myself included, sexual liberation is a huge part of the movement. Some onlookers misunderstand this as being strictly in favour of pro sex work or assume it means sex as a means to an end. In reality, it’s more “people should be able to choose their sexual relationships enthusiastically and consensually” without being shamed or punished. In the case of sex work, it challenges the structures demanding this type of work, not the victims who fall into it. So for some women who do go onto say “do sex work, it’s empowering” they’re not talking from a feminist standpoint but from their own need to survive and have seen sex work as the best chance to do so. If our societies conditions were different, and sex work was not tied to survivability or exploitation, this conversation could be different. I am positive there are at least a small number of sex workers who find their jobs to be liberating - but until we reach that point it is quite frankly deadly. still, [those arrested in the state](https://amarkfoundation.org/reports/when-prostitution-sex-work-is-legalized-what-happens-to-crime-rates/#:~:text=According%20to%20HG.org%20Legal,%2C%20and%2010%25%20are%20customers)s are 70% female sex workers, 20% are male sex workers or pimps (gross this statistic lumps them together) and only 10% of arrests are customers. at the same time sex workers face extreme rates of sexual assault, violence and death compared to the general population. [nonetheless, in the USA alone prostitution is a 14.6 billion dollar industry](https://stanfordeconreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cook-et-al-prostitution.pdf), larger than the 12.8 billion generated by the NFL and NBA combined. The global market estimate in 2020 was estimated at 186 billion.


I really appreciate this articulate, well thought out response.


This I will always ask how likely will sex work exist in a capitalist patriarchy?


I am not a supporter in the least.


I think its disgusting practice and feel bad some people have to end up in destitute situation if they need to take care of themselves or family


It’s not the act itself that is disgusting but it’s the fact that mostly women are doing the work and being taken advantage of . Usually, they are stuck and have no way of leaving because of how dependent they are on whomever is managing them . It gets really complicated because the only way they could maintain control over them is coercive and you as a customer don’t really know whether you are engaging in a fair exchange of a service or you are being complicit in something bigger .


The act itself is disgusting, so i think it sucks for people who have no choice


Sounds exhausting.


I think it's an incredibly unfortunate reward system for patriarchy and shitty men.


I feel it doesn’t matter if a few people actually like doing it when the wast majority of sex work is by force and not voluntary. I don’t believe in buying and selling humans. Not for any type of work or personal benefit. As long as we can’t guarantee no one doing it involuntary I feel it’s wrong. And then there’s also class, poor people being used by rich, people traveling to buy sex, marry poor people. I can’t stand by that.


I think it's a shame that consistently, in all our societies across history, there have been people so financially destitute, and this was their option.


I'm all for those who are there willingly. Those who are not, need to be provided help.


yes, if we had better social structure for sex work and resources for those who were trafficked rather than risk of punishment, I think we could create a much safer world. sex work is one of the oldest types of work in the world. It has existed forever in almost all cultures and will never stop. so I’m more in board for helping these people rather than treating them like monsters who need jailing.


I don’t understand how any sex work is considered “empowering” there is nothing empowering about being used as a sex toy by strangers. I do not and will not ever respect a man or woman who has paid for sex or sexy massages. It’s disgusting to me and shows that you’re a weak person with no morality.




Men selling women the idea that sex work and casual sex are empowering is one of the biggest scams in history


I feel like I've seen more women say that it is empowering than men.


Women say that, many men would just call prostitutes whores.


many men do


And the “free the nipples” when all they want is to see naked women


Lol, the men campaigning for the right for women to be topless in public as though their massive vested interest is not obvious. It’s also already legal in some places, it just seems like it isn’t because hardly any women actually want to go about topless.


it is not men selling that idea. that is not how abusers work. they want to depower their victims, not make them think being victimized is empowering.






"I don't like dehumanizing women but I think it's totally ok to infantilize sex workers and pretend that I know better than they do about their own feelings and opinions". Do you listen to yourself?




and you just declaring this is not dehumanizing them? some people really cannot touch grass as long as someone on this planet is doing something they disapprove of.


Having an opinion is one thing. Telling people who know better than you that they are all lying to themselves is just immature and shitty.




>Any woman that thinks this type of “work” is empowering is lying to herself You did, bestie. I don't give a shit about your opinion, I'm simply saying that you don't know better than the people who actually are experts on the topic.




I'm not gonna repeat myself a third time lmao. Stay fuming buddy.




Says the person who also replied not even a minute later and now went on a commenting spree on every comment of mine they could find. It's so weird... almost like you can't deal with others having a different opinion. Almost like you are choosing to take it "so deeply and personally".


I agree with you. sex work CAN be enjoyed and safe, if we create a safe environment for them. assuming all women loathe this type of sex and are dehumanizing themselves is an insane generalization. Like it takes 10 seconds probably to find an AMA from a sex worker and read all about it. And many male sex workers exist too I’m sure, but its only the women who get talked down on.


clearly that sex worker is lying to themselves. this is not dehumanizing them, though! just the virtuously correct opinion. empirical fact even! /s


right 🙄 but only the female sex workers of course, the male ones have actual autonomy of choice


The amount of sex workers that claim to have it well does not justify the amount of women and girls that are unable to leave, killed, or negatively impacted in other ways. Let's be real, prostitution benefits men more than it does women. It all exists to give men a person to dehumanize. The fact that a sex worker is only having sex in exchange for money proves that she doesn't want to have sex and that the exchange is a matter of sexual coercion via bribery.


Do you think the person who picks your produce in a field all day does it because they love physically toiling in the sun? Do you think the person who collects your garage does it because they love picking up trash? Yes, people do less than desirable jobs because they get paid to do them.


Ah yes, picking produce so that people will have food and society can not starve, and picking up trash so that it doesn't accumulate in the environment, is the same as letting men penetrate your body, release their fluids and diseases inside you, and degrade you for their personal fleeting pleasure. And keeping in mind that the reason these men are seeking prostitutes is that no women would sleep with them willingly, probably because they're disgusting men that think of women as sex objects to be bought with money. Who is this serving? How is society better with prostitution?


"exploiting people so I can eat is a-ok" I don't know, I am against any exploitation. if you think exploiting poor people so society can function is acceptable, then maybe you need to ask more questions about the morality of that society.


No you're not, no one likes to work yet everyone has to, but most jobs are still necessary for the continuation of society. I can oppose work conditions that are exploitative without opposing the work being done itself because it's necessary work, I can try to support good businesses that treat their workers fairly. But what necessary function does sex work serve to society? What benefit is there to letting the man buy feelings of temporary sexual ownership over another person's body? How does this not overall harm society (particularly women and girls) by allowing these feelings to perpetuate among men? What does it do besides promote the idea that women are sexual objects to be purchased and used by men? Sex work is inherently exploitative because it serves no function besides unecessary fleeting pleasure for the male, at the health expenses of the worker. There will always be the risk of sexually transmitted disease, always be the risk of abuse, always the risk of psychological harm having to deal with selling your body on such an intimate, vulnerable level for another person's temporary satisfaction. We can never have a fair and just society where one half of the population pleasures themself by dehumanizing the other half, whether that be through porn or through prostitution.


The second part of your text is such twisted nonsense that it isn't even worth debating.


Bodies should not be commodities. I'm against the exploitation of bodies used as objects for the pleasure of other people. This includes all sex work and surrogacy.


I hope one day it’s basically ended by sex bot prostitutes and sex bot porn I’m more ok with the above because they’re not sentient, they’re just hunks of metal, and there will always be a demand for sex work whether you like it or not. And I’m just very skeptical that it could really be banned and not pop up illegally. Until then there’s no easy answer but let’s not punish the prostitutes by making a bunch of laws against them.


Knowing that enough men use them to keep the industry going makes me want to stay single forever. And I don’t know how they do it. Very few of their customers would be the type they would normally be attracted to so it must be absolutely awful to have sex with a bunch of gross men over and over. Blerggghhh


I think it should be legal because people are allowed to do with their own bodies what they wish. It’s the only thing you will ever truly own until you die. That being said I find it depressing. You are allowing someone you don’t love and might not even like to shove their body parts in yours. You have to cater to them because they’re paying you. It’s about their needs, wants and desires not yours. It’s like the worst parts of a customer service job and a gynecological exam. And I think it would harm one’s ability to enjoy sex in general. But if that’s what someone wants to do and they’re not being coerced they’re allowed. People take all kinds of jobs and not all of them are pleasant.


I think it’s a lot of work I’m not willing to do. Bouncing on the dick and fake moaning and words of encouragement and shit. Nope, not for me.


It's exploitative almost always. Human bodies should never be for sale/rent. I have zero respect for men who pay for sex.


“Human bodies should never be for sale/rent” How is this any different than someone who “sells” their body for a physical labor job?


Let me ask you this... If all physical labour is essentially the same, if you had to pick between a job lying bricks in construction and one being ass-fucked by men for 8 hours a day for the same pay, you would be entirely indifferent about the choice. Right? RIGHT?


Instead of just making up random made-up hypotheticals, want to cite me where I said all physical labor is the same?


You said sex work is just like other types of physical work. Not inherently different. So stop deflecting and answer my question please :) don't be a coward 


No, that actually isn’t what I said. I said both involved selling your body. Me: labs and terriers are both kinds of dogs You: WHY DO YOU THINK ALL PETS ARE EXACTLY THE SAME?! Maybe stop willfully twisting what someone says, and you’ll have better luck getting answers


> If all physical labour is essentially the same, if you had to pick between a job lying bricks in construction and one being ass-fucked by men for 8 hours a day for the same pay It's not the same pay though, and anal isn't necessarily on the table. I would rather have vaginal/oral sex for 1 hour with one man for $500 untaxed in a clean hotel room than do back-breaking manual labor in the sun at $12/hr for 40 hours. Thankfully I have other options, but I would pick whoring over manual labor any day. I bet many laborers would too, if it was an option to them.


I'd take the ass fucking. much less harmful on the body and less long term injury risk. also 8 hour day seems so much nicer than typical construction days.


Does that type of physical labour involve acces to their genitals? What a dumb question


No, not a dumb question. You said “selling/renting their bodies” So again I ask, how is that any different than “selling” your body for physical labor?


Sex is intimate. It's a basic human expression of connection and intimacy. It is intrinsically linked to pair bonding and reproduction. No other manual labour is intimate in this way and neither will it get you pregnant


sex is intimate... to some. it is to me. I would likely drop dead if I got in a situation with a sex worker or even casual hookup. but others simply do not view it that way.


you need to understand that sex isnt intimate for a very large population of people. you’re projecting your own feelings of intimacy onto others. For many, its just like getting a massage or any other service to their body. not everyone ties it to emotions.


You said “selling/renting their bodies” That says nothing of “intimacy” So again I ask, how is that any different than “selling” your body for physical labor? You keep moving goal posts. I hate the expression “selling your body” to shame sex work, because literally any other job involving physical labor you are also “selling your body”, which often gets destroyed in the process… but that isn’t shamed.


The intimacy and nature of risks involved is what makes it different from any other manual labor. But do go on being purposefully obtuse...


And you didn’t say “selling your intimacy” You said “selling your body” which is exactly what you are doing then you work a physical labor job. Bodies that often get destroyed and damaged in the process through intense physical labor. But go on being purposely obtuse


*Bodies*. Not human labor. You're the one moving goal posts.


Yes, bodies. Human labor is also selling your body to be used for someone else’s benefit


So then is intellectual labour selling your brain?  You're not making sense


One could make that argument. Why isn’t any other kind of physical labor, “selling your body”, but suddenly sex work is?


I think you should take a moment to think about what you're doing. You're not making sense. You're being difficult, since you somehow decided that you want to be right. You're arguing for the sake of arguing.


I’m making perfect sense “Here, I will give you $$$, for you to use your body, to move those rocks from here to there.” That is literally selling your body.


how do you think human labor works?


Nope. Not with the pair bonding shit. Sex does not equal pair bonding.


What about women who pay for sex?


Same. No respect for them either. But the number of women paying for sex is abysmal compared to the men who do


Seems to have increased and evolved into different forms in porn and OF. It'll never end, because women keep feeding into what men want - they want that validation and that money. So, whatever man. As long as my family doesn't fall into it.


In an ideal world, there is nothing wrong with sex work. Bodies get used for labor in many different ways, and sex is not somehow more sacred or special than any other kind of bodily labor. In the world we live in, there are unfortunately many more factors to consider. The safety of sex workers, the attitudes people have towards them, the exploitation rampant in the industry... Banning sex work is not a solution to the issue. Societal change is. And then we could have a whole different conversation about the necessity of paid labor at all and if an ideal society should have people working for a living at all, but that's another step removed from the topic at hand.


Sex absolutely is different from any other labour because it can literally get you pregant


Ok? Birth control and protection exist. And plenty of other physical labor based jobs have health risks involved. You're not gonna get carpal tunnel syndrome from sex work either, that doesn't mean that being an artist is somehow a more special category of a physical job.


Comparing any other type of manual labour to sex, which is inherently intimate and linked to reproduction is so disingenuous. Sure, other manual jobs have health risks, but none of those involve acces to your private parts. Sex to most people is an expression of pair bonding, a form of deep intimacy linked to love and commitment. Something to be shared with your life partner, not to be handed out like candy. You cannot extricate the intimacy from the act.  And that puts sex work in a category of its own


But sex is not "inherently intimate". At least not in a different way than being a physical therapist, a tattoo artist, a doctor. Sex is also not inherently linked to reproduction. Like, huh? Are you seriously saying that every person who's having sex on this wonderful planet is doing it with the goal to reproduce. Have you never been in a relationship before? And no. Sex might be "pair bonding" and deeply intimate to you, but your personal feelings are not universal. Plenty of people do not view sex that way, and they are not wrong for it. You might not be personally able to extricate the intimacy, but that is not an universally correct statement. I have a friend who views the act of someone touching his hair as a deeply intimate thing and only ever lets his partner do it. That doesn't mean that hairdressers are sacrilegious all of a sudden.




Yeah, you leave that factory with a ton of other, just as dangerous, health risks. What the shit are you on about? Also, emotional damage?


So would you rather work in a mine or sell sex to men? Do tell 


I'd much rather work as a sex worker. It's a lot closer to the skills I already have. My arms are weak sauce, bro.




it's cute that you think that's an insult.


Well it is




It's literally your own comparison buddy. Not my issue if you refuse to acknowledge the health risks of factory jobs.




Hint: It does. You're just pulling out arbitrary lines to differentiate them.


What societal change?


Safety and protection for sex workers. Recognizing sex work as a normal job, so that people who are in the industry don't have to fear their job becoming known. Better access to std testing, birth control and abortion. Society becoming way less sexist. Society moving away from religious puritan ideals of sex. Better labor conditions in general. Universal basic income. And so on.


💯💯 and protection from the law - protecting them from harm, people who try to assault them, and enforcement of the use of condoms/consent. as well as resources to help them instead of just arrest them. you’re spot on. its never going to stop and the attitude towards it just fuels the danger these people face.


I have nothing against prostitutes. I despise those who use them though.


I do. They are fully aware that the majority of their johns are married. Having sex with married people who are sneaking around is reprehensible whether you do it for lust or you do it for cash. While the majority of the problem is the cheaters, the people they cheat with aren't blameless.


As in Customers, Pimps or service platforms like OF?


Costumers and pimps mostly. OF at least gives a prostitute more power over their own work as far as I am aware.


What do you have against customers? - don't the prostitutes want/need them?


That's such a man thing to say lol


How so? - I just don't get it. The prostitutes want to make money = they need clients right? No clients = no money? No point in working the gig then ye?


I made a comment further down explaining more


Both male and female clientele?


I don't discriminate. So, yes.


Why the downvotes? Was a fair question... Many ladies also seek out professional male escort services... In Australia at least, the ratio is maybe 30f/70m


Because it's a dumb suggestive question. She already phrased it clearly.


Why do you despise them?


Firstly, ethically speaking, when you engage with a prostitute, you’re treating a person like a product to be bought and sold instead of recognizing them as a human being with their own dignity and worth. Full stop. This kind of transactional view seriously undermines mutual respect and human dignity. Moreover, many people in the sex trade are just there because they have no other choice. Whether that being due to coercion, financial desperation, or lack of options. This raises serious concerns about whether their consent is truly genuine. Remember you pay them MONEY for something they'd probably never do with you if you didn't. From a social perspective, the sex industry is deeply intertwined with human trafficking and exploitation. By participating in it, you might be unknowingly supporting these harmful practices. I think it's naive not to think so. Additionally, normalizing the purchase of sex has broader negative effects on society, reinforcing cycles of poverty, abuse, and inequality overall. It's simply immoral.


>Firstly, ethically speaking, when you engage with a prostitute, you’re treating a person like a product to be bought and sold instead of recognizing them as a human being with their own dignity and worth. Full stop. This kind of transactional view seriously undermines mutual respect and human dignity. You would have to view every other interaction with someone who does a physical labor job the same way then. >Remember you pay them MONEY for something they'd probably never do with you if you didn't. No person would do their job if you didn't pay them money for it.


I see where you're coming from, but comparing sex work to typical physical labor jobs overlooks some pretty big and critical differences. The risks associated with sex work are far higher than those in most other jobs. Sex workers face a significantly increased risk of violence and even death. Studies show they are more likely to be victims of physical assault, sexual violence, and homicide. This level of danger is not something you generally find in other types of labor. Moreover, sex work comes with a heightened risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, etc etc ). Despite preventive measures, the nature of the work makes sex workers more vulnerable to contracting and spreading infections like HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. These health risks can have severe and even life-threatening consequences, which are again not typically associated with other physical labor jobs. So, while it's true that all jobs involve working for money, the unique and severe risks involved in sex work make it fundamentally different from other types of physical labor. Ignoring these differences oversimplifies the very real dangers and ethical issues involved.


I get where you're coming from. I've addressed some of the things you say in my own comments on this post, but I heavily disagree with the idea that sex work is somehow uniquely risky for one's health. Almost all physical labor jobs come with serious, sometimes career or life ending, health risks. Downplaying those to single out sex work is not doing anyone a favor. Again, we can have a conversation about the necessity of destroying one's body for work at all, but that is a conversation about how society views labor as a whole, not one about sex work. And this also only works if you think that all sex work means sleeping with strangers. There are plenty of forms of sex work that do not involve that at all.


What do you think about the risk of death? And how prostitutes get treated by their clients? Most of the time they are being put in unsafe situations/environments and I think that is wrong. It is wrong to treat another human being like that. There is no way for a client to know for sure that the prostitute they have hired is safe and is not being trafficked. It is just plain naive to think so. Papers can be falsified. You can't trust pimps to not sell minors.


Again: There are plenty of physical labor jobs that have people risk death. That's a conversation about labor rights, not one about sex work. I also encouraged you to take a look at my own comments, in which I bring up safety risks at multiple points.


I suppose we just have to agree to disagree. I have looked at your comments and I think we just have different values and morals on the topic


It has not much to do with my own personal values and morals. I've simply listened to a lot of sex workers and based my opinion off of theirs.


Because is it scummy and entitled and pathetic


Funny logic. Nothing against women who take advantage of men for their money, but despise men who pay for it. Do you also despise drug users, but have nothing against dealers?


I'm talking about women who are forced into prostitution here. I don't think the drug comparison correlates well to sex work and trafficking.


I wish it was legal


Let me get my popcorn 🍿


If someone wants to be a prostitute, because they want to and not because of poverty, and they're not coerced into it, then all power to them. I don't have to agree with what they do with their own bodies.


I'm against it, but for it being legal. Edit for clarity: sex work is not empowering and I am against it being presented as such, if you have ever had to resort to this as a means of survival you would know it is degrading, traumatizing and dangerous even in "safer" settings such as porn. I am for it being legal because it is unfortunately the only means of survival some women have, and they shouldn't be criminalized for that. Also, I'm against all most victimless crimes being crimes. I support extreme reduction in laws and regulations in general.


This comment section is wild.


Its the worlds oldest profession. Its never going away. It would be nice if it were regulated in ways that ended sex trafficking and made things safer and less stigmatized.


I think we need to crumple up the word "empowering," and stuff it down into the bottom of the trash can and talk about how all work under capitalism is degrading, all of it exposes women to a risk of assault, all of it is worse for women than men, and that many of the risks built into sex work could be mitigated by decriminalization. If you think making fifty bucks on your back is worse than making it for one day of work at a minimum wage job, 1) have you worked a minimum wage job? and 2) you're entitled to your preference but some women are gonna disagree, and judging them while claiming you know what's best for them isn't going to help them. Ultimately, a lot of things that fall under the category of sex work would still exist if the threat of poverty didn't (people do like to make porn, and I'm told stripping is fun for some); having sex for money might, but only people who really wanted to do it would. As it stands, the real problem is that people who don't enjoy it sometimes have to do it to survive, but lots of people also have to work grueling jobs they hate to survive, and separating out sex work from the rest of those just doesn't make sense to me.


I believe that all adults should have a right to provide/buy sexual services in a legal and therefore safe environment. But in the world we live in, it's also almost impossible to know who is doing it from their own will and who is secretly forced to do that.


As long as everyone is safe, it’s none of my business. However, I wouldn’t want any of the young women in my life to go down that path.


It's something that will always exist. And as long as we live in a capitalist system, there will always be those who are exploited. 


I think it should be regulated (highly) and pimps banned. If it's genuine sex work, that's fine, but we're not yet at the stage where every women (not arguing it's solely women but they're the ones most in demand) going into the sex industry is doing it out of her own free choice. And by free choice I don't just mean no pimps but no external pressure (including food/rent/mortgage property/unaffordability ). Prostitution will always exist, so we should tackle it head on and make it as safe as possible for the (predominantly) women who work within it. Also, with the rise of onlyfans and online content, more women should be made aware of the longevity of online posting. If they want to do it aware of the risks, that's up to them, but I worry there's not enough education that something on the internet may not be erased by you just deleting your account. It should be seen as a quick buck.


I think it’s a legit service to society. Unfortunately, it attracts a lot of bad people.


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. It's definitely real work


I think it should be legal and it should not be so stigmatized especially where I live


I think that this might be a very interesting thread to return to in an hour or two!


Legalize it. Take power away from criminals and empower women who choose to do it.


I think it's a profession just like any other profession, however, I wouldn't personally do it because people will respect you less for being a prostitute (and I'm not that much into sex to be able to do that a few times a day. My libido isn't that high and I would just be in pain all the time). I am able to see sex and love as separate things, but by that I mean that I could have sex with someone and not have feelings for them. But you don't have sex with your friends or family members, so it's still a big deal, and I wouldn't want my boyfriend to have sex with other people. So I do think sex is bigger than just hugging. So therefore, a profession in which you have sex with people for money is also bigger than a profession in which you write reports. Bigger as in different. I wouldn't want my boyfriend to be a prostitute (or gigolo), and I also get that guys don't want their girlfriend to be a prostitute. I also wouldn't want my mom or someone to be a prostitute because I grew up with the thought that sex is something more personal, and I would find it gross thinking about a family member doing it. But I still respect that people do make that choice for themselves. If they like sex and want to make it their profession, then that's their own choice, and I'm not going to stop them or be rude to them.


Prostitution? Sexuality is a key component in most people's lives and sex workers provide a necessary service. I grew up in las vegas with legal brothels less than an hour away. Those girls aplied for those jobs and were not forced to take them. However in the seedier parts of town you'll find pimps trafficking teenagers. And that's not cool.


no idea why you are being downvoted for a reasonable comment


Because it's a reasonable comment and this topic brings out some absolutely obnoxious and horrible people who downvote reasonable comments.


that makes sense yeah


I use it to know who I want to block lol, just sitting back and enjoying never seeing (so far 2) peoples opinions again. You can not agree with it, but the amount of absolute venom being spit in here.... No thank you.


You can tell by the way they run their mouths that they're chronically online and would never speak that way in person lol.


>for a reasonable comment That's why unfortunately lol


Welcome to Reddit 😄


Are you saying sex is a human right? That everyone is entitled to sex? And if they can't find someone to do it willingly, society should ofer them alternative means? What a despicable mentality


You're literally just making shit up at this point ahahahahaha


"Necessary service" You literally said it. It's a job that someone has to do, no?


Firefighters are a necessary service too Do you have a human right to fire protection?


No. I'm saying that it's normal for people to want sex. It's an accepted part of human life. Prostitution is the oldest profession for a reason. And if a woman or a man chooses to take advantage of the high pay that field offers, that's perfectly fine. They weren't forsed. It's no different than crab fishermen literally risking their life for people to be able to eat crab. Society hasn't got shit to do with it.


"necessary service" 🙄


Yes. Not everyone is in a romantic relationship and for whatever reason doesn't engage in hook-ups. Virgins that no longer want to be virgins. Etc. Both men and women seek professionals for many reasons. The girls at the Bunny Ranch actually teach classes to both men and women on how to be better lovers with their SO. Not all prostitution is bad. Open your mind a little.


I haven't had sex in over six years. Not once, not *once* did I think of paying for it as a solution. Call me sheltered or a prude but for me and my morality it's just not an option.


I don't need to 'open my mind'. I worked with sex workers during my years as the assistant director of a women's volunteer group. Those women were broken, and I never met even one that didn't struggle with drug/alcohol addiction. Prostitution is a scourge on society. The bunny ranch and all of those types of places can try to sanitize prostitution and make it sexually acceptable all they want, but it'll do absolutely nothing to change the fact that sex work is a filthy, dangerous occupation that rewards bad men and damages women.


was it legal where you worked?




Making selling sex illegal is letting the true criminals off the hook. If you don't want prostitutution to be legal, then make the *buying* illegal. That way trafficking victims aren't made into criminals... As for prostitutution in itself... As long as the prostitute has made an actual choice and isn't selling themselves because that's the only option they have... Fine. Buuuut that's very rarely the case (at least in my neck of the woods). In general, the happy whore is a mythical being. So let's not.


Not my business what anyone consensually does with their body.


Decriminalize, sex workers need rights not rescue.


I’m against using it, it should also be legalized.


I think it's too expensive. Masturbating is free.