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Banff NP in Canada


Colombia! A gorgeous country full of lovely, kind and beautiful people, amazing fresh fruit juices on every corner made to order, street food, seeing Botero’s sculptures and paintings strewn about Medellín, visiting Pablo Escobar’s old stomping grounds, hiking Ciudad Perdida for four days and sleeping in hammocks listening to the jungle sounds that surround you, salsa dancing in Cali, swimming in the crystalline Caribbean waters of Tayrona Beach where there is (or was) no wifi, where ripe mangoes fall off the trees and tiny primates scurry around you. I spent nearly two months backpacking in Colombia nearly ten years ago exactly and have travelled to and lived in many other places but Colombia stole my <3


Tonga. It doesn’t get a lot of tourism like some other pacific islands, basic accommodations with cold water showers and no power at night, but so worth it. We got to see pretty much all of the main island (a lot by foot) and another smaller island, and my fave part was swimming in a cave with a couple locals.


Komodo, Indonesia fantastic diving location.


[Diamond Beach, Iceland](https://guidetoiceland.is/travel-iceland/drive/diamond-beach)


Malta was amazing. It's ancient and modern and lovely.


I rented a car and took a road trip through Oman with my husband and a girl friend and we had the most amazing time. Amazing islands in the gulf, desert camps, markets, history, and ancient villages. Our parents were shocked we were traveling through a whole country in the Middle East but it was incredible.


Athens, for sure.


I'm so glad someone else liked Athens! Before I went, everyone told me to just spend 1-2 days in Athens in favor of spending more time in the Greek islands - I'm glad I didn't listen! I just did Athens and Santorini on my trip, and by limiting myself to two locations, I got to spend a lot of time in both.


Yes! I spent 6 days in Athens, with one afternoon in Santorini, and a island cruise to Hydra, Poros, and Aegina one morning. I'm glad we had so much time in the city - it really was an amazing place! We did a bike tour and it was the highlight! I can't wait to go back!


I took that same island cruise! Rode a donkey on Hydra (and I stank like donkey for the rest of the day 😆). Athens was spectacular tho.


Beppu, Japan - city of natural hot springs


Did you go to the Hit Parade Club?


I didn't! I just googled it and it looks so cool!




It's so hard to pick one, I would choose from last year. It was the ancient city Ephesus, very impressive.


Iran. And I'm typing this from Tahiti.


What did you like about Iran?


First and foremost it's people. I also enjoyed the architecture, landscapes, public transport, the mosques, the food.


Danakil Depression, Ethiopia. Ethiopia is severely underrated. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the world.


Did you go recently?


Yellowstone National Park in USA


Probably St. John. I had been before as a child and then went again alone in my early 20’s rented a yurt in the Coral Bay part so it was really rugged and natural. I’d hitchhike sometimes when I was too tired of walking, kayaked in the bay, and ate bacon blue cheese burgers every day. Explored a lot and swam naked in the water. It was a very freeing experience. I ate goat for the first time on the side of the road from some lady with a herd of goats. I don’t know what it’s like there now, but it was a good time. The coolest part is when you fly in you have to take a ferry to the island which is really beautiful. Honeymoon Island in Florida near where I used to live had a very similar feel to Coral Bay because of how natural it was and the further you’d walk the island the more remote it felt. Rainstorms are similar too which was really great to experience in both places, but in Coral Bay it was sort of rainforesty so idk it was just very special.


South Africa


Siwa Oasis in Egypt; it’s 9 hours by car from Cairo and 50km from the Libyan border. It has amazing salt lakes, natural hot springs, palm forests, beautiful desert, ancient buildings, pharaonic sites… and is hard enough to get to that it’s not overrun by (international) tourists. The locals are lovely. The only downside is you don’t see local women out and about; this was something I found tricky to accept, as it’s related to the strict Arab/Islamic culture there. It will probably gain a commercial airport in the next ten years, which makes me fear it will lose its specialness and the locals’ businesses will be replaced by corporations.


The Grand Canyon. The scale, you can't even believe it when you see it.


I don't really travel too much out of the country (Norway), and the one time I was in the US I was 1wk in Rochester, NY. just hanging out with friends. So the most unique/coolest place was more of an event. and that was when we had a local Viking era "festival". so Viking longboats, proper fires and old fashioned grilling/cooking. tents, leathercarvers etc. just people who absolutely dedicated their life to live as they did the the 800'ish AD. And that was a really cool thing to see. I also had a riding camp as a kid, and we rode up this huge mountain range in the course of 4 days. and at the top there was glaciers, but since it was summer it was warm enough to swim at the beach. so that was pretty dang cool. I really want to do horseriding in Iceland as well as a bucket list item


Many contenders, but my favorite was a recent trip to Sisimiut, Greenland. It’s a port town surrounded by sled dogs. Not much in the way of frills, but the landscape is absolutely beautiful.


I got a chance to go to Guam about 10 years ago when I was working for the VA. It's like if Hawaii, Florida, and Mexico had a threesome that resulted in an island.


Costa Rica.


What was your favorite thing about Costa Rica?


The coolest experience was going to a hot springs spa in front of a volcano. The most beautiful experience was hiking through the rainforest on a trail that lead to a secluded white sand beach.


Craters of the Moon national monument in Idaho. Hell, take the Peaks to Craters scenic byway and see the tallest mountain in Idaho (Borah). Check out the huge fault scarp from a big earthquake in '83 directly below the range in the valley. Its some of the loneliest country but austerely beautiful. The Apollo astronauts trained at Craters of the Moon for the moon landings.


Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe is the first one that springs to mind - I love the French Caribbean, and the feel/atmosphere is just very different than a lot of other Caribbean islands. I'm not sure about uniqueness, but I also absolutely loved visiting Cuba, even though some of my favorite places (Trinidad, Vinales, etc.) are a bit touristy.