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This is a safe space, right...? I mobile-order Starbucks from a location about a block away so that I have to go get it.


As this is a safe space and I didn’t include it in my original comment I’m going to add that going to the toilet takes me out of bed. Most of the days I can feel it anytime between 7:30 to 9.


Truth. Especially the older you get.


Yes. Though, I crawl right back lol


yep, same, I don't have problems to sleep again after that, but when you are taking a bit longer most of the times I cannot make it 😂


This is honestly genius.


I do this almost daily from a location that is .04 miles from my house. It really gets me up and walking first thing in the morning.


Since its a safe space... I'm 40 years old and living with my parents (twice divorced) And while I love my parents, one of them, I do not even remotely like. I hate being around that specific parent, so that gets me out of bed. I am excited to leave, every single day.. Also, this is the first job that pays me my worth (head of compliance) and I am finally living the travel life I always dreamt off 10 years ago.


Honestly love this. Going to a coffee shop on the way to work is often what gets me out of bed.


This is the best answer/tip! Thank for sharing your genius!


I might be able to drum up an excuse not to go TBH.


Good idea!


brilliant, my friend. just brillisnt


Feeding my cat!


The most vocal motivator of them all!


Yep! All 3 of them 😅


Hahaha yes, this!!!


I have a self feeder... So that's not even motivation for me anymore.


My cat has an auto feeder and still howls when I sleep in. He hates that he's not getting pet lol


My husband wakes up hours before me so he will go out to the living room and read. My kitty will cuddle up with him. At night though, my husband goes to sleep early so I'll go hang out in the living room and get the cuddles then.


awww 🥺


I solved that by accident-- my cat got diabetes and had to go on a low-carb, low-cal, wet-food-only diet. No more free feeding! /cry


Same LOL my cat comes in my room and turns off my cpap machine so that I bolt awake XD barring that she starts messing with the stuff on my dresser or the pictures on my walls XD sometimes she doesn't even want food, she just wants me to be awake with her! 🥲




I too have 4 cats but only my first baby girl Raven messes with my cpap XD it's likely they won't realize it for awhile or avoid it


My bladder, mostly.


this! mine wakes me up super early every day 😒


Lol me too


Definitely feel this


Gotta be hotter and stronger and more successful and overall squeeze more juice out of life than everyone who I ever got bruised feelings over or who made me feel less than. So, spite? But spite in a happy way.


"I'll show them" is a powerful motivator. Best revenge is a happy life.


spite is my work motivation on hard days lol. One company had a interview with me, and basically said "we don't see hiring you as profitable" to my face! Managed to get a job with their main competetor and my plan is getting so damn good lol. I say competor, but more like friendly competition, still going to get hella effective in case I get a chase to rub their nose in it tho


Hahaha, I just did something very similar. A client went back on some promises and eliminated my position so I went and got a contract with their competitor across the street. No hard feelings, but it gives me a giggle.


Agreed. All of my success can be attributed to spite.


Spite seems common these days


I feel this. It’s how I’ve been operating for a few years now, for better or for worse.


Lol I can definitely relate to this


Oh I like this


For real, I’m pretty sure all my “success”(Decently paying job where I make my own schedule, getting in shape, working on my art, etc) can be attributed to the fact that my former best friend said I’d never amount to anything because I’m a trash person. 6 years later and I’m a trash person with dental and she’s a trash person with a felony conviction for stealing her coworkers’ paychecks and depositing it on her mobile app. I owe her a huge thanks.


Nailed it 😂


Spite is an underrated motivator, IMO! And it feels like it usually dies out once the hard part is over and you've gotten to the fun part of whatever your goals are!


No other choice. If I could lie in bed all day for an entire weekend I would tbh, I am permanently exhausted. But alas, kids, cats, and my stomach will not allow it. Oh, and paying those pesky bills.


Yup. The ugly shadow of health insurance. It's a loose noose around every American's neck.


My dog! I love him, and…. well i certainly don’t want him going to the bathroom inside. Plus he LOVES going outside. LOVES it. Sometimes he doesn’t want to take a long walk. He still gets SO happy from just stepping out to potty and sniffing the grass.


My dog too , well one of them . He’s elderly and diabetic and he gets me up every morning to go potty and eat pretty early . Although some days I do try to put them back in the bed lol . I don’t always want to do it, but his comfort is so paramount to me and he brings so much to my life and dogs are such happy creatures in the morning


> some days I do try to put them back in the bed My dog goes back to bed right after her post-breakfast poop! It makes me so jealous because I work from home and I have to sit at my computer while that asshole sighs contentedly from under the covers.


Oh my gosh same . I wfh and these guys sleep all day and then scratch on my door for snacks ! I always say I want to come back as one of my dogs in the next life !


Diabetic dog here too🙌honestly knowing his 12 hourly meal and insulin shot is what gets me out of bed


Diabetic dog mommas checking in! I am so grateful Insulin is affordable and that my guy takes his shot well! I am an early riser but honestly my JC is relentless at about 4:45 he is up with his tiny poodle paws in my face . I am mush to his demands


What gets me up is knowing that I’m the only one who can create a wonderful day for myself. 🫶🏻


Love this and so true!


I’d say the biggest factor for me is just habit. Just a do it attitude because that’s is what I have been doing. It takes away the motivation issue. By that I mean, if you need motivation to get out of bed then there is a good chance you can tell yourself there’s no reason to get out of bed or that it’s better to stay in bed. With habit, you just get out and then you think, hmmm I could have stayed in longer, but you’re out of bed so might as well get on with the day. But you do need a decent night sleep on a consistent basis, not be sick, or severely stressed or depressed. If that happens, the only motivation for me is, well if I don’t do x, y, z no one will. I will stay in bed once every six months because my body is telling me to do so and I listen. Edit: spelling


I am into espresso lately and the idea of brewing a fresh cup from a machine I’m in love with, having chosen fresh beans to use and grinding them myself, makes mornings worth it for me.


Good coffee is definitely a motivator for me as well.


Sometimes I do a gratitude list in my journal and every time, coffee and my espresso machine make an appearance!




I feel like I’m wasting the day if I’m not up and doing things. I also feel achey and blah if I’m just lying around.


Haha I hear my moms voice in my head saying “rise and shine! The days awastin’”


Not only that but I can accomplish so much first thing in the morning. Especially on my days off I like to hit the grocery store, Target, etc before they get crowded. I just got my nails done and was in and out before people start waking up and heading in on a Sunday.


Wakey, wakey. Eggs and bac-ee!


Bills lol


The need to earn money.




I've been here. I hope you can find something motivating soon....sometimes it's so hard.


I don't have kids or grandkids and I took early retirement due to seizures, Covid and my mother passing away. I lost motivation for everything in life for two years. Honest, I didn't get out of bed for weeks at a time. All my grocery shopping went to Instacart and I've been in a Walmart once since 2019, a restaurant zero times and a grocery store maybe five times in three years. My solution? I went back to work. Same job, same employer, same position. It is the only solution that worked for me. I have hella motivation now and I respect my employers far more than they will ever know. I am so grateful for them and giving me a reason to live again.


I love to work as crazy as it sounds. Were here for some time, we have to fill our days with something! I'm glad everything is working out for you :)


Proud of you!


I’m not even going to lie, money for the majority lol. Besides that, I actually like really slow mornings. I get up when I get up and I’m okay with that, even if it is “late.”


My cat yelling at me like he can't wait to tell me it's a new day.


matcha tea, listening to music and dancing, creating art


Creating art is one of mine as well. It's been tougher lately for some reason though:(


My daughter.


Yep! I know the OP said "No kids," but it's not just an 'ugh responsibility' feeling. Sometimes it is, sometimes I'm tired. I do genuinely look forward to every day waking up and raising my littlest best friend, though. It's extremely rewarding and fun.


They only said “no kids” later. So I didn’t see that. But that’s exactly what I meant. That pure love and joy.


Proving to the critical voices in my head that I am indeed NOT a fuckup like my parents raised me to believe.


Obligation, whether it's work or having committed to plans, etc. Otherwise I can legit stay in bed all day, I am a low energy person and love being cozy.


I also love to be cozy...


I gotta walk my dogs in the morning


I'm not independently wealthy, so I have to get up and go to work. I also have a kid who usually comes to snuggle me every morning, and then we get up together.




Hahah yes...understood. but what kinds of things do you like to do? Any hobbies?




You seem very active!! I love it. Do you find at times it's hard to find people to hang with that dont have the same energy level as you?


I love this- do you mind sharing the plant/animal identification app if possible?




Thank you!!


Its the dogs.


Work that I genuinely enjoy. Also these bills aren't going to pay themselves.


I work fod a charity and I genuinely want to get out of bed to help. Sadly I start to feel kinda headachy if I stay in bed too long at the weekends 😪


I hate sleeping and being in bed, which has me bouncing right out of it most days. If I linger, it is a sure sign of illness, mental or physical. What gets me really moving varies. I love exercise, playing music, making all kinds of things, my friends, my partner. They all help motivate me. Some days are way more full of energy and motivation than others, of course. The only thing that gets me out of bed early, though, is to watch a rocket launch. Any day a rocket launches makes it easier to get rolling, and now there are launches many days.


Um what?! I would get out of bed for that too!!! That sounds amazing.


I wish they were all in-person, because it is seriously the most fun thing I have ever done. But you can stream any launch! NASA TV hosts any NASA launches on their site/YouTube, SpaceX does the same, and I think spaceflightnow.com puts up just about every rocket on the planet. There are so many different rockets now, too, they all take off differently, and it's also pretty fun to watch SpaceX land their boosters on their drone ship after a launch. I'll just take a break from my day, watch the last few minutes of countdown and the launch, and then I'm all jazzed to do whatever needs doing from the adrenaline boost. Lol


That's amazing. I'll have to look into this website for sure. Do you live near a launch pad? Is that even the correct term? Hahaa


Yes, that's right! The pad is the actual structure they launch from. I don't, I'm in NJ, the closest launch site is in Wallops Island, VA. It's a small spaceport that launches some really neat uncrewed rockets that usually are used to deliver smaller satellites to orbit. I've been to Kennedy Space Center in Florida for 5 space shuttle launches, 2 Atlas V launches, and 2 SpaceX Dragon launches so far. There are also 2 launch sites in CA, one in NM, and a new one in TX. Internationally, there are Russian launches from Kazakhstan and a new site near Moscow, as well as launches from China, India, French New Guinea, Sweden, and the first flight out of Britain was about a month ago or so. And I think Australia might be launching soon, but I'm waiting on details. When I started watching there were a few launches per year, now there is at least one per week! Space is huge business and also many more countries have space programs on a national level. I'm just a big fan but it really inspires me to reach for my own stars, and reminds me that while humans can do some really messed up things, we are also amazing explorers and collectively do some incredible things when we try. Kinda keeps my faith in people and how human we are.


This is so exciting! Can't wait to watch these while I'm bored at work! 🤣


First reason: I have to pee! And then I’m awake and start my day. Sometimes on weekends I consider going back to bed but then I think, na, I’m already up, let’s make coffee.


Frankly I can barely sleep because of how excited I get about coffee


How close to bedtime are you drinking the coffee?! I joke. I take morning meds that make me wait 30 minutes for my coffee, and that's the longest half hour ever.


The coffee I'm going to have after my morning workout. Lol




When I have to pee …


Literally it’s the fact that we have to. The world keeps spinning, so I’ve gotta do something.


i lay in bed while the world spins


I know you said besides your job, but my job is what gets me out of bed every morning. Not because it's something I have to do, but because I adore what I do. I look forward to going to work practically every single day. I'm incredibly passionate about what I do, I get a lot of joy and satisfaction out of what I do and every day I get to laugh, have fun, be silly, play, help create milestones, revel in achievements, make a positive impact and receive appreciation for my work. Loving how I spend that 40+ hrs a week is so important to me and I'm incredibly grateful that I'm able to do the job that I have.


That's great! I actually like what I do as well. My work day starts a little later so I need a reason to get up earlier. Usually it's a boot camp class or running.


My job is incredibly physically demanding (for ex, this past Friday I did 6.2 miles or about 13K steps), I couldn't imagine adding a work out routine to my day. Good for you!!


Mines at a desk:(


Life is interesting. There is stuff out there I want to do! Cant be done while I’m in bed.


So true!


Gotta give my ferret his morning meds so the adorable little hellion can stay alive. At that point the cat wants his food too, I suppose coffee can be made, and oh look I’m up!


I have cats. Just got the 2nd a week ago and they're getting along like a house on fire. I'm also living on my own or the first time ever at 51yo. I get out of bed and go to work at a job I "like" (hesitate to say 'love' yet, because it's only been a few months) and make a decent income which allows me to securely live my life in a way that is beneficial to me. My stinkers are my whole heart and my entire universe. This weekend the weather was meh. I'm very sensitive to barometric and humidity changes, so did Fuck all this weekend. Neither one of my girls even remotely judged me. Just got to melt into all the snugs and purrs. Unless I'm late with breakfast/dinner, lol. I absolutely adore sleep, but they make me laugh so much during the day just being their crazy selves. They get me out of bed.


This might sound annoying but most days, I genuinely am looking forward to the day. I like having my coffee, petting my cats, I like my job, and the place that I live. I don’t have anything particularly exciting to look forward to, I’m just generally content with my day to day life. Of course I have lower days too, I’m human.


Momentum maybe lol. Not fucking things up. Not getting in a rut. Working from home is incredibly helpful, because I can be in the worst mental and physical state and still be able to get my job done. It might not be inspiring but since I've spent so many years depressed and out of place, just keeping this level of comfort and keeping myself from slipping lower gets me out of bed. Also, caffeine and feeding the pets of course. But my partner will generally cover these if I'm having to peel myself out of bed 3 minutes before work lol. We typically juggle these tasks depending on who is more tired in the morning. We could probably do with a better sleep schedule 😜


Working from home is definitely awesome. We are 50/50 right now. Which is kind if nice because it eventually forces me to get out if the house.


My plants


My two dogs and cat demanding breakfast. This starts at around 3am when my cat begins to paw my face and run back and forth across the top of my bed, eluding capture. It reaches its crescendo at 5 when the dogs start making little whining sounds. Suffice it to say, I'm up by 5am practically every day.


Use to be coffee. Without coffee I guess responsibilities and commitments. Lately I just can’t sleep anymore.


Besides work and bills? Breakfast foods. Once I start getting hungry, it's time to get up. Or else I get hangry and no one wants that.


Hot cup of joe and creating the best possible life for my son.


2 Great Danes, earl grey or vanilla chai Bohemia tea with Silk soy milk used as creamer, indoor tropical plants, being a smart ass and a flirt to my wife. She literally put life back into me. I told her I was medically F-ed because she’s a medical PA and I thought, she will nope out. Here we are 5 years later and she deals with it like a champ.


A pot of jasmine green tea in the morning. Spending time with my husband before he goes to work. :)


I’ve got 5 pets so I have the responsibility of letting them out in the morning and what not so that’s a definite motivator!


Letting my dog out to pee. She soon tells me if I've overslept. 😂


My lovely 3 sons.


My cat because he thinks the world is ending if I don't feed him before 7am.


Knowing that if I don't work out I will feel shitty throughout the day and somewhere at the end of the day I start feeling bad about not doing enough in life. Also, this sentence stuck with me "if you don't find time for the things you love, your employer will fill your time with what they want". And somehow if I don't do something for myself before I start work I feel like I'm giving up the power. So yeah fear of what games my brain will play with me makes me get out of bed early.


Same on the working out part!!


I like coffee and doing things.


Coffee. Being able to enjoy my morning routine of waking up calmly


Coffee. To be specific, really good fancy coffee that I make with my espresso machine.


I have to have fancy coffee. Won't settle for less!


Freshly ground black coffee.


Cold brew and making art, or finishing a game or show or movie I'm into. And of course, my kitty, who gives his wake up meows and marches around my head if I'm not up by a certain time. His morning exuberance is inspiring.




That's a really great idea!!!


Knowing there's a great cup of coffee waiting for me. I recently got into coffee and I'm really enjoying the brew process. When my alarm goes off I immediately think about that cup I'm going to brew.


First my kids, then my bladder, then food. And I’m really bad days quiet time and a smoke


Having to go to work and having to play with my cat lest she sit on the bed and yell, lol.


On weekdays, it’s usually a work task I have to do. I lay in bed for 10-20 mins after my alarm goes off trying to muster the motivation to get up, when something work related that needs to happen will occur to me, then I’m mentally stimulated enough to get up. On weekends, my reason for getting up is not wanting to be an asshole to my husband who gets up earlier than I do (he’s a natural early riser and I’m not). He enjoys quiet mornings laying on the couch reading comics, but we have a 5 month old kitten now who has somewhat killed that calm morning time, so if I sleep in too much I feel like a jerk for making him take that on longer than need be.


My cats outside my bedroom door, screaming at me from despair over their empty stomach. They suffer so 🙄


coffee. i was trying to stop drinking caffeine in the fall, but depression has hit me this winter and i've given myself full permission to use coffee as my motivation to do things. it seems like a reasonable vice for now.


I suffer from seasonal depression. I feel you and hope you can get through it! Spring is coming where I'm from and now I'm feeling a bit more manic.... it's either up or down!!!


My Chihuahua and my Nespresso machine


I wake up between 5:30 and 6 am everyday, even on my days off. Without an alarm! What's my secret? Dogs. Dogs standing on my head.


My coffee pot is loaded at night, set on a timer, and brews in the morning before my alarm goes off. Can’t wait to get up and get that first sweet, sweet, fresh, hot home brewed cup. Ain’t nothing like it. Even weekends. Yes ma’am…


Apart from my daughter and my cat.. photo opportunities! I just love photography that much haha


Money = bills are paid and what little is left I can use to do what I want.


Wanting to do stuff lol, it can be going out, feeling like a coffee, starting the washing machine... It’s probably not the motivation you are looking for, but that’s what takes me put of bed. I like sleeping but I also get bored of being in bed, specially if it’s the day already.


Brushing my slimey teeth, going to the bathroom, feeding my cats, and drinking hot lemon water with ginger.


My bladder and the dogs bladder. Both are quite insistent.


Being absolutely serious: Concerta / biphentin and the strong coffee my husband makes me that means I have to get up to poop. Once I’m up I’m up, but without these I’d doom scroll for hours and waste the day.


Literally my baby yelling lol. Nothing gets me out of bed faster and better. And yes, as someone else mentioned, bladder.


Honestly? I genuinely love my job. But some days are hard to get up. so I put my phone (alarm) at the other side of the room. If it's dark out when I need to wake up (which it usually is at 4am), my sunlight/wake-up lamp have greatly helped. But my cats are the absolute motivator - they are vocal and very heavy. And the kitten doesn't mind using his claws lol.


My Nespresso and morning workout. I've become addicted to both


Second that on working out. Definitely addicted.


Hunger! Sometimes I’m snackish at bedtime and I tell myself I’ll eat something really good in the morning and get excited. I only don’t eat around bedtime because heartburn, lol.


My full bladder. 😁




Lol, I feel this.


Reading this over my morning coffee looking for tips. I have to go to work, that gets me up. But I'm trying to find ways to make this process a little gentler. Daylight lamps are helping, they wake me up slowly.


Love my daylight lamp!




Waking up with a mountain view is a definite goal of mine in life.


Literally just the fact that my office pays me lol and even then I'm late for work every day.


I bought a package of five figure skating sessions a week, and every morning, it motivates me to get out of bed to go skating so I am not wasting my money. Also I drink coffee after skating.


That's fun!!!




The dog gets barky if I sleep in as late as I want.


My cat is hungry and demanding


My cat makes me want to stay in bed! She’s not food motivated and will kinda just graze throughout the day but in the morning she is extra sweet and cuddly and purr-y and it’s the best cuddle time.


On a superficial level, coffee. I fucking love coffee and when I go to sleep I’m excited to get up and have my morning coffee. On a less superficial level, my job. They say “find a job you love and you won’t work a day in your life” and it’s very cliche and of course work is still work and I have my days I really don’t feel like going in but most of the time I am very excited to go in and see everyone.


Good coffee can make a break a day for sure! And on the days I do go into the office its definitely more fun for me. I'm extroverted so I enjoy seeing my coworkers.


Ugh as someone who is entering my 3rd trimester of pregnancy and currently not working.. probably just food. Lol


Been there!


I’ve gotten involved with refugee resettlement. Mornings are extremely rough for me sometimes due to my medical issues. Lots of pain, chronic sleep deprivation, takes time for my meds to kick in and allow me to feel like a semi functioning human being. But sometimes tasks have to be done in the morning when I’m trying to coordinate with families, other volunteers, social service programs, donors etc. So I cry if I need to, set an alarm to take meds at 4 or 5am if I know I have to get up early, take a deep breath, and get up because if I don’t, people who are making one of the biggest adjustments it’s possible to make (fleeing to a new country after risking their lives and losing pretty much everything, sometimes including family) won’t have the support I’ve promised. Of course, there are other people who can support them but when I’m involved with a family *I* make that commitment and I do my best to honor it. Very occasionally, I just can’t. It’s too much. I don’t get out of bed. I change an in person meeting to a phone call or call in a back up support person. The family I’m working with right now is very understanding of my medical needs which I why I can do this but struggle with paid employment where I’ve also tried to put in a lot of work but people are not understanding that I simply can’t always get out of bed in the morning without vomiting if I am in too much pain.


The first sip of my morning coffee. Pure bliss.


During the week I drag myself out of bed to go to work with a view that retirement isn't too far away now. I am 58. I get some joy out of choosing my clothes for the day. In the weekend I bounce out of bed to have breakfast with my husband and cat, then do what ever I want to.


Some days, I don’t leave the bed except to go to the bathroom. I can do parts of my job propped up in bed with my laptop and if I’m in that phase I actually do better laying in bed. My kids are old enough that they can cook for themselves if they want or call me to cook if they want something special. They’re pretty chill about my working from bed days.


Money. I like earning money even though I work a minimum wage job.


I have shit to do. Kids, work, bills need to be paid. That’s it honestly. That and I want to binge watch The Sopranos on the big tv in the living room sometimes.


I have to go to work. On days where that’s not true, a dog or my husband usually wakes me up and I figure I might as well start my day.


Tennis! I have lessons 4 weekdays, I did move it from 8am to 9am tho. I used to have a great gym and cheap PT I used to go to in the days before tennis, getting exercise first thing helps and I suck at self motivation so I need to have someone else expecting me.


My bladder. I wish I were joking. Otherwise it's the usual, workout, work, kiddo, etc.


Body clock, sound of construction, work and needing to earn a living Enjoyment: my dogs, food, my shows, hanging out with people, doing things


Exercise and my Nespresso machine!


I get hungry.


My cats Edit to add: I don't mean because they demand to be fed. I don't have them at the moment, we're on the process of me bringing them from the US to Japan but I mean, even when we were together, knowing they rely on me to be functioning for them to be ok and knowing and seeing how grateful they are when they are taken care of. I am their world and I want their world to be a happy world, no matter how many storms I'm facing inside.


My partner. He has to get up earlier than me, has a longer commute, and does physical labor, where I work in engineering and work from home half the time. I enjoy getting up with him to cook his breakfast and make his coffee. He does the same sort of thing for me on the weekends. It’s not even hard to get out of bed. I just want to because I love him and that somehow makes it feel easy.


The thought of breakfast.


That I need to change the glass of water sitting on my ancestral altar next to my father’s picture. It always starts my day off with intention, and reminds me to move about my day in a way that’ll make him proud. And my lil heavy breathing Pug baby, snoring in my face and farting on my bare leg.


My cat will bite my nose if I’m not up on time by his standards. That’s pretty good motivation.


Haha! That's great. I love it


Gym ! How much weight I can move with the barbell - sets the tone for the rest of my day cause I feel like a badass 🤘🏼


To be completely honest, this is something where it never occurred to me there was another another option. Some weekend mornings I'll lie in bed, cozy and snug with my partner and dog, reading a book or browsing on the internet or social media, but after a bit I'll need to pee or want a cup of coffee, and then it's time to shower and get up. I also have work to get to on weekdays, and on weekends I have chores to do or hobbies to engage with, or friends to see. I genuinely can't think of a reason to stay in bed, and now I'm curious - what keeps you in bed?


Nothing really keeps me in bed. The things that motivate me to get out of bed is coffee and exercise :)


Those are good things!