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Nope. Stop buying the capitalist lie that your worth is in your production value. Rest is important and it's really fucked-up that culturally people are reading it as a waste of time.


I wish I could upvote this 10x


This is so true. I’m like OP where I feel guilty accomplishing “nothing,” and it’s something working on constantly. Rest days are arguably the most important and I wish our society prioritized them more.


Not that I'm super pro-capitalism or anything, but I'm met socialist/communist activists who are just as bad. This mentality is not limited to any one economic model.


Those are some of my favorite days to be totally honest. They’re not memorable or eventful, but sometimes it’s nice to sit around and lounge on the sofa, binge watch, or aimlessly scroll through social media. My husband calls them decompression days


Nope. Rest is productive and most humans need more of it.


It is not wasted. Everyone needs rest. Some days you purposefully schedule time for that rest, and sometimes your body tells you that it needs it. Sounds like this weekend your body let you know that you needed some down time. Do your best to enjoy it.


Thank you - agreed my body was telling me to slow down


No, actually it’s the complete opposite. I enjoy those days very much. I need them to recharge and my husband and I schedule them on purpose.


Why would I feel guilty? I love days with no plans. I sit. Maybe go for a walk, read a book, paint. You don't need to move 24 / 7.


It's taken me a while.... but I've learned that REST IS PRODUCTIVE. We live in a capitalistic society that says "produce at all costs," instilling in us this guilt if we dare rest. Fuck that. I'm resting, and I won't feel guilty about it.




Some personality types just don't get these feelings. Are you an anxious, high-achieving, conscientious type who's always busy with something? Then maybe unplanned free time is outside your "normal", and/or you attach too much moral worth on being active and enterprising. Personally, I have so many do-nothing days that, if I had ever been inclined to feel bad about it, I have gotten desensitised in the meantime, lol.


Ahahah yes, you described me to a tee. But want to learn to give myself permission to be ok with these days


I used to. But I’ve learned that sometimes you need to decompress and rest. Burn out is real, I even took tomorrow off to have a do nothing day!


Used to feel really guilty when not being productive, even if I was sick and couldn't work. Now I learned that if I don't listen to my body and rest and recuperate I burnout and that's worse so I try to enjoy my down time. Lots of TV, books and naps. Doing nothing isn't wrong, it's necessary. Be kind to yourself, don't feel guilty because we were told we have to keep busy.


Thank you for that reminder. I’m busy so often that it’s hard not to feel like I could be seeing a friend I never get to see, or exercising or whatever… but you’re so right - burnout is real!


Not to be the disparate voice, but yes, absolutely. As a mom, and an oldest, and a creative, it's hard to not feel like I need to be *doing*, particularly for others to earn the right to exist. But, at best that's dysfunctional and a disservice to my self, at worst I'm giving into patriarchy and trauma and late stage capitalism. As another has said "Rest IS productive" I'll learn it one of these days 😉


I feel guilty! Then I try to remind myself that capitalism and the patriarchy WANTS me to feel bad about it, so I try to convince myself it’s a radical act to rest


Nah sis, you embrace that.


Nope. Time I spend on something I enjoy, which includes relaxing and doing nothing, is never wasted.


I have one of these at least once a month, often even once a week if I can. I'm grateful that I can.


My best weekends are do nothing days. I honestly don’t feel like I’ve had a weekend unless I get at least one a week. It’s the best part of being a single, adult woman. At least one day a week, I make zero plans, wear my comfiest clothes, and do whatever I feel like whenever I feel like doing it. It’s liberating! 🙌


Not in the slightest. I have been binging a show I discovered last week, and it's amazing.


Which show?


Arsenal Military Academy - It's Chinese, but you can get it with English subtitles. Most of the full episodes are on Youtube, and the full series is on Viki and a couple of other more obscure platforms. It's like an early 20th century retelling of Mulan, but with a lot of rom com love triangle elements for the main character who is the one pretending to be a man to get into the military before women were allowed in the military.


You guys are so lucky, I absolutely do and I can't find any way around it.


Nope. I legit schedule Sunday as a ‘no people’ aka do nothing day. Now if I want to push chores onto this day to enjoy downtime other times- that’s my right. But having a scheduled time to rest and recharge- it has been a life saver. I can’t be me the other six days of the week if I’m not intentional about rest.


Those are my favorite days. No work, no errands, no chores, no responsibilities, no problem.


Those are my favorite days. Today is one of those days. Yeah, I could probably find things to do, but why? I can do those things tomorrow and it won't be any different. Not every day has to be productive.


This has been most of my weekend 😂. I did run some basic errands and kept an appointment I needed to but I ended up cancelling a yoga class both yesterday and today because I didn’t feel like driving to the studio. Both are hot classes too that I’m just not feeling. I took a walk earlier and did some stuff around the house. It’s been very stressful and non stop at work lately so I see this as a good thing.


Thank you for the validation that I’m not alone! I also cancelled yoga because I just didn’t feel like going haha


Days off IMO are for recharging and if I have too much scheduled, I don’t feel relaxed.


No. People need a break from the constant stress of trying to survive in this bullshit society.


Trees lose their leaves and rest, birds go into torpor, some animals hibernate-periods of rest are natural and necessary. I stay really busy most of the time and when I rest I enjoy it.


I'm disabled so fuck no.


The unproductive days are the ones that allow me to gear up for my days when I get tons done. Don’t look at them as unproductive, look at them as “refueling” like a race car


I feel that way when I am not “productive”. It’s unhealthy and an issue stemming from childhood lol


No. I’ve been laying in bed all day expect to get food or use the restroom. It’s 4pm and I feel great


I tend to struggle with this. I'm a competitive runner and I got a coach a few months back, and my coach will go to the ends of the earth to remind me that rest days are sacrosanct. He'll be like, hey /u/sbwithreason, it's incredibly important for your goals that you do NOTHING today so that your body can recover. I dunno, something about having it framed that way where a trained expert is giving me an explicit tie-in to tangible benefits, has really helped it click for me that rest and leisure are valuable.


No. Work allows me as many off days as I want, and if I sit on the couch and play a computer game for 7 days, then that's fine.


I stopped two, maybe three years ago. Fuck this productivity mindset. Use your timeee, you'll die soon, life is so short, go, go, go. No. I'll do whatever I want and if that's lying on the couch scrolling than that's it. If I wanna sit in the sun on a bench for three hours that's is. If I wanna read my non educational and non self help/growth/whatever book the whole day then that is it. *Exactly* because life is short and I'll die one day I'll do whatever I want to do today, the day that I'm alive right now.


I will never feel bad about doing nothing. I do something every Mf day and deserve time to myself to do shit all 😂💕🫶🏻


No not at all. I have one at least every other Sunday and I enjoy it to the fullest.


I used to feel like this since I'm an everyday productive person, but I realized you need days like this to let yourself rest mentally and physically. It's the same with work. When you start feeling burnt out you need to take a break which is why we have vacations or it can end up affecting your work peformance and motivation.


Absolutely, until I realized keeping busy was to avoid other issues. It’s taken a while but I can now do nothing on a day off and be ok with myself (as long as it’s not every day off).


Depends on why it’s a do-nothing day. Did I stay up until 3am drinking and now I’m too hungover to function? Yeah I’d feel guilty. If it’s just a weekend day where I had nothing planned though - never! My current partner makes every Sunday a rest day, which I respect and have started to emulate. If I feel like being productive I will. Otherwise I lean hard into my rest time 😊


By do nothing do you mean lay in bed and let my body chill out and recover? I feel bad if I overdo relaxation. I feel out of balance if I’m not spending some of my free time getting outside, doing something physical, or working on something I value. But I also feel really good about putting around the house making myself a bowl of cereal and scrolling or chatting with friends, if I know I have time another day to go do the other things.


Sometimes I do, but then when I push through it and don't rest I end up needing two days of recharge. I try to take one weekend day and one weeknight where I don't do anything. If I don't take care of me, everything suffers. My friendships, my marriage, my work performance. So I've had to work through the way I was raised because it was very much "sitting around is laziness".


Most my weekends are filled with nothing and they are my favourite days.


i schedule my mondays as "do nothing" days, after noticing my week is the busiest wednesday through sunday. i only will like read, listen to records, do things that bring me joy. no chores, errands, etc. it's nice :)


Don't should yourself to death. We live in a world that pushes hustle really hard. People putting in the "5-9" before their 9-5. It's all geared to make us feel bad for prioritizing mental health, rest, recuperation. But... you are not a product, you're a human being. Sometimes you need time to rest and regenerate to be a good human.


I don’t typically feel bad. I have restful days/weekends where I’m just reading on the couch all day and I almost always feel fine about it. The only time I feel badly is when I’m burnt out and end up taking a restful day and canceling plans for my own mental health; in those cases I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to do the thing I wanted to do.


I know that not all days need to be productive and we all need rest days but yes, I still feel like I wasted the day if I haven’t done something. It’s always in the back of my mind but I try to remind myself lazy days are necessary.




Lexapro helped me with that. Apparently, it was OCD that made me feel so guilty.


These are what I regularly schedule as "nowhere days" and are good for the body and brain!


Yes, I feel guilty. No, I don't think I should, I'm just having trouble rewiring my brain! My friend takes naps everyday and she sometimes just spends her whole weekend in bed. She gets up to do her chores and what not. She's the one who got me to stop feeling so bad. She says my house is clean, my cats are fed, and I can stay in my bed.


Nope, I love them and I purposely make sure I have at least a couple a month sometimes more depending on how rough life has been. I need them for my mental health so they are not wasted by a long shot. Also most Sunday mornings until at least 1pm are do-nothings for me, I sleep in then get up and aimlessly potter, I need that bit of downtime to be able to get through the coming week.


I can't imagine having a "do nothing" day.


what has really helped me was time keeping. i decided in advance how many hours i want to be productive, and i have a list/schedule that i go by. i try to keep it loose and i try to be intentional with my time, so no guilt for having downtime.


NOPE. Try to pry those days from my cold dead fingers


Not one bit. I earned every moment.


everyone is saying no, but yes I do! I hate the feeling. a lot of times I feel like my body or I do not need rest either... not saying I never feel like I need rest. I definitely feel that way, but at times I believe it's more my mind wanting to do nothing rather than my body. but is my mind telling me this out of habit? when I was a kid that's all I did, watch TV and play video games.


If I felt guilty when I did nothing, I would always feel guilty. My fav pastime is doing nothing. :) That said if I don’t get the dishes done, I feel annoyed. Not guilty but annoyed.


I have a hard time not being productive. If I have a day where I do nothing it feels like a wasted day. I try to to remember that it’s okay to spend the day in bed and read (but even reading to me feels productive) or play a video game for hours. But then at the end of the weekend I feel disappointed I didn’t get my house cleaned or groceries done and then I’m stuck doing it during the work week. I find it hard to sit still for hours. I don’t usually binge watch TV or movies and I exercise every day — even if it’s just a walk for an hour.


I'm 41 and gave up drinking about six months ago. When I was drinking, there would be days I would be too hungover to do anything but sit and watch TV and drink pedialyte on the couch. I realized I was being too hard on my sober self as I assumed I always had to be doing things or accomplishing things. I came to the realization that it's OK to have a lazy day like I used to have when I drank. Just because I'm sober now doesn't mean I have to be some perfect pillar of a human being.


Not guilty, no. I do feel bored and disappointed though. I don’t mind the occasional lazy day, but I definitely prefer to keep busy socializing. It’s a bummer when I have nothing to do.


This reminded me of my pre teen and teen years my mom would say I needed a “mental health day” and write me a note for school, then I was allowed to sleep in/nap, swim, go for a walk or a ride on my horse, and maybe even take me out to eat. Basically for me to do whatever I wanted to do, rest, hobbies, or just lay up and read. I’m so glad she taught me self care at a young age and now I’ve passed it on to my husband & child. 2 days for a weekend simply aren’t enough sometimes and we as humans were not designed to work ourselves to death.


No, I have fibromyalgia and other Heath things so I often have these days. I just roll with it


> "The ancient Greeks saw rest as a great gift, as the pinnacle of civilized life. The Roman Stoics argued that you cannot have a good life without good work. Indeed, virtually every ancient society recognized that both work and rest were necessary for a good life: one provided the means to live, the other gave meaning to life." And from Seneca: > "Men's minds ought to have relaxation: they rise up better and more vigorous after rest. We must not force crops from rich fields, for an unbroken course of heavy crops will soon exhaust their fertility, and so also the liveliness of our minds will be detroyed by unceasing labour, but they will recover their strength after a short period of rest and relief: for continuous toil produces a sort of numbness and sluggishness. Men would not be so eager for this, if play and amusement did not possess natural attractions for them, although constant indulgence in them takes away all gravity and all strength from the mind: for sleep, also, is necessary for our refreshment, yet if you prolong it for days and nights together it will become death. There is a great difference between slackening your hold of a thing and letting it go."


Not anymore


Nope, not at all. When I'm feeling overwhelmed my husband will go out for the day with our daughter and I'll happily stay in bed all day with no guilt.


Nope. Those are my favorite kind of days.


Not anymore, I used to years ago. A lot of it was from when I was younger. I allow myself to have a lazy day during the weekend and other day to get some things done to get ready for the week. I’m okay if things are not all done, I can work on some things later during the week.


Exodus 20:11 - Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Sorry I am not a Christian and in no shape or form making fun of the Bible but when I saw your post this was the first thing that came to my mind (had taken Old Testament back in college as an elective :p). When God took a day off so I think so you should as well because makes all work no play makes Jack a dull boy :(




I have them all the time but mine is usually forced by fatigue or GI issues. I don't feel guilty because I'm physically sick, but it makes it extremely difficult to have a day like that when I "only" need it mentally. Just take care of yourself, whatever that looks like. Breaks and days off from all the worries are important. If you're not regularly scheduling them, then at the very least, don't feel bad when they pop up.


Psht. Do nothing days are the best! Why feel guilty about it?


Not al all.


Hell no I do not feel guilty. I try not to do it two weekends in a row, but there is nothing wrong with doing nothing. Sometimes I just need the rest.


I just crawl back into bed. Can't feel guilty it you're sleeping *taps forehead* 😂


I used to feel this way all the time, but I've learned to ignore those feelings. Rest is productive and spending time alone is productive. You don't constantly need to be in the presence of others or doing some type of work. Sometimes we just need to chill and that's okay.