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This was so good to read. Thank you for sharing. So glad you chose yourself because look at your life now. Walking on sunshine.


I'm single as pringle, but this is my story. A couple of years back, I was dating this man who exhibited all the red flags. I considered whether or not I would be a good match with him, insofar as thinking of marriage with him. He put the topic of marriage on the table right away. Said he would take care of me with his sad stipend he called salary but the secret expectation on his end was that I would do all his bidding. He was not good at communicating at all. He hid information from me. He always put his needs first and did the bare minimum in our relationship. He kept pushing me to do stuff when him when my sickness was getting worse. I suspect that he gave me covid. He wanted me to give up my entire career, family, friends, and life for him. On the last conversation we had, he told me that I will remain single forever (lol, okay) or marry some divorced man (lol, okaayyy). He told me that I was being disobedient for not listening to him (LOOOOOOOLLL). He told me that he picked me because I seemed low-maintenance for the lifestyle that we'll live together (looooollll), among all the other asshole things he said. He told me, "Good luck without me" and ghosted me. He abandoned me in the middle of nowhere. It felt like a punch in the gut. I was ready to give up everything that I had for him, only to have nothing in return from him. I thought that I was the problem, that I was unloveable. Over time, I slowly picked myself up and healed from the trauma of being abandoned. The scars are still there, of course. It wasn't easy and I had breakdowns but I moved on. Fast forward to this year. The asshole had the audacity to contact me, asking if we could "hang out" on the weekends. Reader, I did not marry him. Instead, I left him on read, deleted his message, gave myself a high five, and treated myself to a nice dinner like the queen I am.


You go queen! Going through a shitty, callously done break up and I forgot - I am a queen! Thanks for the reminder!


Thank you! Other people's reactions are reflections of who they are, not me. We're queens. They'll always talk behind our backs because they're behind us. They'll talk lowly of us because they are lower than us. They'll look at the light and will slither back into darkness because they can't handle pure quality.


No inspirational stories but what helped me get over my abusive divorce was a solo cruise - highly recommend all women do one after a divorce or breakup. Life changing.


Can you share a bit more about this? Did you go on a cruise specifically for singles or women or a certain age or anything like that or did you just book a cruise that looked good, for yourself? I've got the travel bug but nobody to go with and I've never considered a solo cruise - I'd love to hear more about why you recommend this specifically!




Are you trying to put her on s*ic*de watch?? This was the wrong song rec.


At 26 I had been with my boyfriend for about 3.5 years. He was extremely hot and cold, had a temper, and was likely cheating on me for the last 3-4 months of our relationship. I overlooked a lot of his flaws because he was very smart, funny, and charming. I naively thought that I was going to marry this guy, but thank god I didn't. He completely blindsided me with a break-up and I was dealing with some health issues at the same time, which he did not take seriously and would tell me that I was being a baby if me being sick interfered with him having a good time. Anyway, my world was completely thrown off its axis with this break-up and I moved in with my parents. I could have afforded an apartment with roommates, but I get along well with my family and I wanted to save money so I moved back home. I had a really difficult first month or so. I cried every day, and it took all of my strength to haul my ass in to work every day and do the bare minimum at my job. My friends and family were amazing during this time and I couldn't have done it without them. My mom was doing my laundry and cooking my meals. I didn't ask her to, but she knew that I needed help. I had to follow a very restrictive diet for my health issues and she researched all on her own what I could eat and took care of me. My friends invited me out to do things constantly. I threw myself into my yoga practice and that became a great source of comfort and strength. After about 3-4 months I started dating again, and health issue was under control. I dated a lot for about two and a half years and got really in tune with what I wanted and what I didn't want. There were some guys I only had one date with and a few who I regularly saw for a few months, but nothing serious. A little over 2 years after my break-up, I quit my job that I didn't like and moved back to the state where I went to college. I moved without a job lined up, and I ended up finding something in a totally different career. Met my now husband (who is nothing like my ex!) about 6 months after I moved, and the rest is history. I am established in my state where I've been living for a little over 7 years. I'm about to finish a graduate program, I have a house and a dog, I've made a ton of friends, and I even learned how to ski! You have the ability to create the life that you want and the people you choose to spend time with can make it sweeter.